HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-10Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, March 10, 2022 Members Present: Don Rickard Henry Zekveld Brenda Metcalf John Cartwright Tom Barrie Jordan McKay Ryan Cullen Mitch Morawetz Councillor Zwart Regrets: Ben Eastman, Eric Bowman, Jennifer Knox Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid - Planning & Development Services Guests: Resi Walt, Karen Yellowlees, Resi Walt and Deborah Vanberkel Observers: Sheila Hall, Clarington Board of Trade; Stacey Jibb and Allison Brown, Planning & Economic Development, Region of Durham Due to COVID 19 restrictions and to ensure social distancing, participation in the meeting was electronic (using Microsoft Teams) and by conference call. Henry welcomed all to the meeting and introduced incoming Durham Region Federation of Agriculture Committee member, Mitch Morawetz. Declarations of Interest None Adoption of Agenda 022-008 Moved by Ryan Cullen, seconded by Don Rickard That the Agenda for March 10, 2022 be adopted. Carried Approval of Minutes 022-009 Moved by Jordan McKay, seconded by Ryan Cullen That the minutes of the February 10, 2022 meeting be approved. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 10, 2022 Presentation Farmer Wellness Program: Karen Yellowlees, Durham Region Federation of Agriculture, introduced Resi Walt and Deb Vanberkel to present an overview of the Farmer Wellness Program. Resi and Deb were key players in the original establishment of the Farmer Wellness Program in 2019. The Program provides farmers within partnered Ontario Federation of Agriculture areas with access to counselling and mental health services tailored to the unique needs and aspects of farming. The establishment of the partnership arrangement within the DRFA membership region was announced at the end of 2022. Durham is the sixth Federation area offering the program in Ontario. Within Durham Region, two mental health practitioners are available to provide support and counselling. DRFA members can access four counselling sessions free of charge through the program. All sessions are strictly confidential and offered with flexible hours and via multiple format (in -person, phone, virtual), recognizing the unique schedules that are inherent to farming. DRFA administers the program locally and provides the financial support to cover the cost of the complimentary sessions. Information on the program and how to access services is found at www.farmerwel I nessprog ram. ca. In response to questions from the Committee, Deb explained that the uptake of the program to date across Ontario has been significant, across a range of age groups, with stress and anxiety being the most common factor affecting mental health that is being seen. Many users of the program have worked with their practitioner to continue beyond the initial four sessions with an appropriate local mental health service provider, at the farmers cost. Durham Agri -food Growth Plan: Stacey Jibb and Allison Brown, representatives of Agriculture and Rural Economic Development at the Region of Durham, presented an overview of the draft Durham Agri -Food Growth Plan (February 2022). The Plan is a 5- year action focused document that will serve to guide the Agricultural and Rural Ec. Dev. Team in actions that will benefit and support Durham Region's agri-food industry. Stacey and Allison provided an overview of the 11 goal areas outlined in the draft Plan and their associated actions. Stacey and Allison explained that they are consulting with local stakeholders prior to presenting a final draft plan to the Regional Planning and Economic Development Committee for endorsement. The AACC was asked for feedback on the draft Plan, including whether the 11 goal areas appropriately align with the direction that is needed for the agri-food industry in Durham, potential gaps in actions and/or roles the Region's team has a role in fulfilling, and whether any of the actions listed should not be deemed a priority at this time. Potential considerations provided by Committee members included: • Strengthened actions to support local food systems and decrease reliance on agri-food imports; and • Taking action to protect agricultural lands and minimize opposition to agriculture in agricultural areas. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 10, 2022 The AACC will gather and discuss comments on the Durham Agri -food Growth Plan at its next meeting. Delegations None Business Arising from Minutes Event Barn Position Paper (Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance) Final Report: Staff updated the Committee that the GHFFA has released a final Event Barns Position Paper. The final report generally mirrors the draft presented to and commented on by the AACC. This position paper will help inform staff's understanding of the establishment of on -farm event barns in Ontario and some of the opportunities and challenges being realized by proponents and will assist in discussions with the AACC on matters relating to policy, regulation, and guidance for Proponents. Vertical Farming: 101 Webinar Series: Notice of posting of the presentation materials and recordings of the Vertical Farming: 101 Webinar Series, referenced by Brandon Hebor, Boreal Greens Co. at the AACC's February meeting, was circulated to all prior to the meeting. Region of Durham Response to National Farmers Union letter: A copy of the Region of Durham response to the National Farmers Union — Ontario letter regarding the proposed anaerobic digestion facility was circulated to all as part of the meeting agenda. Correspondence. Council Items and Referrals 2022 Farmland Forum: Notice of the 2022 Farmland Forum was circulated to all prior to the meeting. The forum will be held virtually on March 24, 2022. The year's forum will explore the harmony of agricultural production, ecosystem services and climate change action. Envision Durham — Draft Regional Natural Heritage System: Staff informed the Committee that mapping identifying a draft Regional Natural Heritage System (NHS) has been released by the Region of Durham for comment. The Regional NHS is a key component of the Region's comprehensive review of the Regional Official Plan — Envision Durham. The Regional Staff Report (#2022-P-7) describing how the draft NHS was developed and an interactive map viewer are available on the Envision Durham webpage — www.durham.ca/Envision Durham. The deadline to submit comments to the Region of Durham is May 2, 2022. Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Planning continues for the 2022 Annual Farm Tour, which will be hosted by Sargent Family Dairy in Enniskillen (September 2022 - date to be confirmed). This year's event will return to an in -person format, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 10, 2022 subject to public health guidelines and restrictions. The next DAAC meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2022. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: No updates in addition to the kick-off of the Farmer Wellness Program in Durham Region discussed earlier in the meeting. Durham Farm Connections: On April 6, DFC is hosting a workshop on the Barn Quilt Trail project in Durham Region at Blackstock United Church; email info(a-_)durhamfarmconnections.ca for information on the project and/or workshop. The 2022 Celebrate Agriculture Gala will take place on October 27, 2022 and will be an in - person event subject to public health guidelines and restrictions. The all about... Farming mobile exhibit is already booking up for the 2022 event season. Clarington Board of Trade: The Shop Where you Live campaign will soon be relaunched as an all year around promotion. CBOT's COVID rapid antigen rapid test kit program continues. Since May 2021, CBOT has distributed nearly 100,000 tests to nearly 700 businesses. Test kits are still available; place orders at www.cbot.ca/rapidscreening. Durham Workforce Authority is developing profiles of key economic sectors in Durham Region. The first data set recently released by DWA provides an overview of Durham Region's Agricultural Sector. CBOT will circulate the Durham Region agricultural overview to the Committee and offered to assist in coordinating a future presentation to the AACC, with a Clarington focus. The Committee was interested to pursue this opportunity. On -Farm Diversified Uses (OFDUs) Sub -Committee: The OFDU Sub -Committee met on March 3, 2022. The meeting focused on proposed zoning regulations for OFDUs and other emerging approaches. The discussion was informed and guided by a comparison of uses and regulations between Clarington's draft zoning by-law (November 2021), and zoning by-laws of the County of Brant and the City of Ottawa. These emerging approaches were cited as leading municipal examples by recent AACC meeting guests, Pam Duesling and Emily Sousa (University of Guelph). Comments received from the Sub -Committee are being consolidated by staff and will be circulated for additional input and will inform the Municipality's Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review Project, Zone Clarington. The next meeting date is to be determined. New Business 2022 Trees for Rural Roads Program: Applications are now being accepted for the 2022 Trees for Rural Roads program. Since the program began in 2012, residents have planted approximately 7,400 trees along municipal roadways in Clarington. To learn more about the program and to apply, visit www.clarington.net/treesforruralroads. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2022. Provincial Re -Opening and Future AACC Meetings: It was questioned when AACC meetings could return to an in -person format. Staff informed the Committee that Council will consider the matter of returning to Council Chambers for Council and Standing Committee meetings in March. The outcome of these discussions will inform whether Advisory Committees of Council can return to an in -person format this spring. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 10, 2022 Rural Area Ash Tree Removal: A request was made for an update on the timelines and progress being made with Emerald Ash Borer infected ash tree removal across Clarington's rural area. Staff will seek an update from Public Works on behalf of the Committee. John Cartwright moved to adjourn. Next Meeting Thursday, April 14, 2022 @ 7:30 pm (Virtual Meeting) Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 10, 2022