HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-06Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes for the meeting of April 6, 2022 6:30 p.m. Via Microsoft Teams If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford, Chair Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Vice -Chair Pinder DaSilva Marina Ross- joined later Sarah Taylor Also Present: Laila Shafi, Temporary Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Tim Van Leeuwen Deb Kalogris Councilor Janice Jones Catherine McConaghy Sarah McConaghy 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. 2. Declaration of Interest None 3. Land Acknowledgement Agreement 4. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes Deferred to the next meeting as we do not have quorum. 5. Abilities Center Survey Results: Presentation also deferred to next month ad the Abilities Center could not send a representative from their research team to present the results from the National Disability Survey. Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — March 2, 2022 6. Business Arising from Previous Meeting Minutes 6.1 National AccessAbility Week 2022: (a) Coloring Pages - Update from Sarah Taylor: Sarah presented the picture for the coloring page competition. The Committee requests that the Clarington logo be added to the bottom of the picture, as well as a space so contestants can add their names and ages. An age range can be set up for the coloring competition; children up to 12 years of age. Winners can be decided by the committee, in two age groups: up to 6 years, and 7 -12 years old. The pages can be displayed in the library or facilities and the Clarington website. Laila will speak to appropriate departments to see the process for this. (b) Flag Raising Update — Laila: Laila has spoken to the mayor's office, will issue a proclamation order for a flag raising and members will be permitted to attend the ceremony. More details will be provided closer to the time. (c) Red Shirt Day — Laila: Red Shirt Day is a single day to pledge our commitment a fully accessible and inclusive society and honor individuals with disabilities. This year it takes place on June 1st, 2022. The Committee is asked to take pictures in their red shirts. Staff is also being requested to do the same, after which the pictures will be put into a collage and posted on social media for Red Shirt Day. (d) Durham Region Accessibility Conference — Laila: Durham Region is hosting a conference on May 31st, 2022, called, "Build Back Better After the Pandemic: Accessibility and Inclusion" which will include keynote speaker Maayan Ziv, Founder of AccessNow, in addition to a panel discussion comprised of accessibility champions and community members. This free conference will focus on breaking down barriers in Durham Region and providing equitable access to services, working towards creating a more accessible and inclusive Region for all. Laila will send out a link to the conference to the Committee members. 6.2 Digital Labels in Metro: Shea -Lea showed the pictures of the labels at Metro. They now have color contrast and bolded prices. They are working on improving their labels. It was discussed that it would be convenient for them to have magnifying glasses like other grocery stores can sometimes have, as they have so many labels, but it is a work in progress. 6.3 Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Track for Mobility Devices An update from the last meeting to see if the hours for the Clarington Walks program would be expanded. Laila has checked with Recreation Services who said the timings would not be changed, but there is potential for that in the fall. Page 2 of 4 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — March 2, 2022 7. New Business 7.1 Accessibility Award Nomination 2022 The Accessibility Awards are usually held in the fall but they are not sure what it's going to look like because of the Pandemic. The award is given to an individual or a business. Nominations due August 2nd, 2022, to the Region. The Committee is asked to think about some options and then bring them to the June meeting before we break for the summer. Sarah Taylor suggested there was an organization in Orono that we were thinking of nominating but perhaps that business had folded. Laila is going to look into it. 7.2 Street festivals: The Municipality may be going back to having street festivals for e.g., Apple Fest, and the Committee has participated in these festivals in the past in collaboration with other committees. Laila will investigate what the plans are for those and let the Committee know about those opportunities. 7.3 Dewey's Cafe and the Library: Marina updated the committee from her meeting with the Library Board that they will no longer be operating Dewey's Cafe because of costs to keep it open. Marina also highlighted that the library is looking into accessible reading collections and services, that could be something this committee can become involved in. Laila will reach out the library for more details and bring something back to the committee. 7.4 Prizes for the Coloring Contest for National AccessAbility Week: Laila asked the committee what they would think about prizes for the National AccessAbility Week coloring contest. There is Clarington and Access Clarington "swag" like cups, notebooks and such, but the committee suggested that there should be something more "kid" friendly, as children may not be interested in those kind of items. The Committee is asked to think of ideas and let Laila know so she can look into obtaining those. 7.5 Continuation of Meetings- Online, In Person, or Hybrid? Laila asked the committee how they would like to continue meetings for the remainder of the Term as things are opening again and there is the option for in person meetings. Though there is no quorum so it cannot be voted on at this time, the committee is encouraged to think about it and it will be voted on during the next meeting. The committee members were interested to explore hybrid meeting options, perhaps alternating months of virtual and in -person. Some like the hybrid as it provides more Page 3 of 4 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — March 2, 2022 flexibility and ease in terms of travel. Laila would need to inquire with the IT department and bring it back to the committee for the next meeting. 7.6 National Plan on Combatting Hate Survey: Laila will send the link to the committee on the National Plan on Combatting Hate Survey, in which the Federal Government is aiming to ensure that people across Canada, particularly those with lived experience of hate, have their say in defining how this action plan will deliver tangible change. 8. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:13 P.M. Next meeting: Wednesday May 4, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams Page 4 of 4