HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-17Tyrone Community Centre Minutes of Meetine — November 17t". 2021. 7:30om Attendees: Danielle Carroll Kyle Young Corinna Traill Brian Glaspell Marlene Raby Joy Vaneyk Larry Quinney Greg Carroll Marlene Craig Cecile Bowers Dianne Woodley Lyndsay Luckhardt Regrets: Paul Rowan Justin Vachon Alvina Hare Danielle McCarthy Dave Taylor 1. Motion to accept agenda. Moved by Greg. 2nd by Dianne. Carried. 2. Motion to approve the minutes. Moved by 3. Chair Report: Danielle Carroll Snow plowing has been confirmed for the upcoming winter through the Municipality. 4. Maintenance / Janitor: Kyle Young & Larry Quin ney Nothing to add from last month. Nothing to update as window still has not been repaired. 5. Booking Report: Joy Vaneyk Discussed upcoming rentals and need for volunteers for various duties. Updated us on capacity limit and revisions done to the rental contract due to the changes. 6. Treasurer Report — Brian Glaspell. Balance on hand is approximately $37,000 between all accounts including savings for A/C unit Old Business: 1. Discussion was had about having a New Years Eve celebration/dance. Marlene will look into if there is any interest. 2. Ice Rink application has been submitted and just waiting on approval from Municipality. New Business: Nothing discussed due to internet issues. Motion to Adjourn at 8:30pm, Marlene, 2nd Lyndsay Page 1 Next Meeting: TBD Page 2