HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-37-87 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ` ; t REPORT File # - ' Res. # By-Law # MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: MAY 19, 1987 REPORT #: WD-37-87 FILE #: SUBJECT: ROAD NAME SIGNS/TOURIST PROMOTION I RECOMMENDATIONS: i It is respectfully recommended: That this report be received for information. REPORT: I I Resolutions C-874-86 and C-877-86 referred correspondence from the Orono Exotic Cat World and Ontario Hydro respectively (attached), to Public Works j for consideration and report back to G.P.A.C. I . . .2 Page 2 Report No. WD-37-87 Funding was approved in the 1987 Public Works Budget to complete the signing of road names in the rural area of Newcastle and a program has been initiated to install the required signing. As mentioned in the budget documents, traffic signing is being upgraded in conjunction with the road name signing program. The concerns raised in the corespondence from the Orono Exotic Cat World and Ontario Hydro with respect to tourist promotion are being considered as part of the tourist promotion strategy which is currently under review. Attached are letters that have been sent to the Orono Exotic Cat World and Ontario Hydro as an update with respect to the concerns raised. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, M Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng. , — rence %,, Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief mfdistrative Officer. JO.jco Attachments 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 May 12, 1987. Ontario Hydro, Darlington Generating Station, P.O. Box 1000, Bowmanville, Ontario. U C 3W2 Attention: Suzanne Stickley, Community Relations Officer. Dear Ms. Stickley: On October 9, 1986, you wrote Mayor Winters regarding concerns with respect to the lack of adequate road name and tourist promotional signing in the Town of Newcastle. You will be pleased to know that Council included funding in the 1987 Public Works Budget to complete road name signing in the rural area of the Town of Newcastle. With reference to the suggestions that signing be implemented to promote and advertise the local tourist attractions, I would advise that discussions are currently ongoing with respect to tourist promotion in the Town of Newcastle and the question of signing as it relates to tourist attraction identification is one of the aspects being investigated. I trust that this update will be of interest to you and you can count on substantial upgrading on the road name signing in the Town of Newcastle this summer. Yours truly, / Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. GJO:jco cc: Mayor J. Winters L.E. Kotseff, C.A.O. �h Communications Direction D yd� �7- :�. i�,s-. -y O Box 1000, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3W2 .1 October 9, 1986 Mayor John Winters The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 i Re : Signs in the Town of Newcastle Dear Mayor Winters, The subject of signs, both marking roads and welcoming people to the Town of Newcastle, has crime to my attention many times in the past months- During tourist season for visitors , we display brochures for many local attractions at the .Darlington Information r_ Centre. People often ask us for directions .to shopping, _ dining etc. and without road signs- marking -corners it is very hard to direct them. An organized g nized system of road i-,tame signs with, perhaps, Et" , additional promotional .sicjq-is for attractions would create w a unique identity for the Town of' Newcastle. 'I am sure that every public business would- be .happy to pay for -J an arrow or strip .sign added beneath a street sign to direct people to their location. Design control over these signs could enchance the appearance and therefore the public image of the Town. =i Signs announcing a traveller's arrival in the Town of Newcastle would also improve the image of the Town to 5 . its own citizens as well as visitors. Tourist attractions would be pleased to have their names mentioned on this sign as well. For example: you might say "Welcome to r the Town of Newcastle, Home of the Orono Exotic Cat World, Mosport, .Tyrone Mill, Bowmanville Zoo, etc. " on your entry signs . — continued continued �t y 1 k 1 i i Mayor John Winters - 2 - October 9/86 �Y ,j These suggestions came up at a group meeting of tourist attraction operators in the Town of Newcastle. We would appreciate Council's consideration of these suggestions. Yours truly, F Suzanne Stickley Community Relations Officer s Darlington Generating Station j C.C. J. McCredie d 1 i i I 'I CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 May 12, 1987. Wolfram H. Klose, Orono Exotic Cat World, R.R. # 1, Orono, Ontario. LOB 1MO Dear Mr. Klose: RE: Road Name & Directional Signing - Town of Newcastle On October 15, 1986, you wrote Mayor Winters regarding your concerns with respect to the lack of adequate road name and directional signing in the Town of Newcastle. You will be pleased to know that Council approved funding in the 1987 Public Works Budget to install road name signs on the intersections in rural Newcastle. With reference to your thoughts that a Tourist attraction sign on Highway 35/115 at Highway 401, aI can tell you that discussions have been going on with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding tourist related - signing on highways such as 401 and 35/115. The Ministry's signing policy does not allow us to erect a sign as you suggested. . ..2 Page 2 Orono Exotic Cat World - Road Name Signing Discussions are currently ongoing with respect to tourism promotion in the Town of Newcastle and the question of billboard advertising is one aspect being investigated. I trust that this update will be of interest to you and you can count on the road name signs in your area being installed in early 1987. Yours truly, G.J. Ough, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. GJO:jco cc: Mayor J. Winters L.E. Kotseff, C.A.O. j ORONn, ONTARIO -. CANAL , Loe j X10, Phone= 416-983-5ot4 � � �'Cct•�t�c 15 October. 1986 Communications Di rectionjq® D_6 �- . ' }fAYOR Town of Newcastle JOHN WINTERS 4 # .�•: i0 Temperance Street `'�'�•` C 3A5 MILLL, ONTARIO L1 Dear Mayor Winters , f - ' `` At the recent Breakfast Meeting with you and several Business .k Owners from this area, the topic of poor or non existent Street and Directional Signs came up. Everybody agreed, that it is a disgrace, the way we are practically trying to "hide" our Tourist Attractions in this area, instead of being proud of 4 them and giving them every support needed. Bringing in Tourists would surely benefit all the other stores, attractions and businesses in our township also . Our road seems not even worth mentioning on .a directional sign. There is only one sign Taunton Road and the arrow pointing to the left (we are located at the right turn road) . We have spent great amounts of money to have brochures printed and to advertise our new Tourist Attraction - how then would your average Tourist s , find our place - how could the directions be easily explained? (Turn at the road with No Name?) This years , things were made much worse, with the great delay in Road Construction. We had put up signs at our intersection with ZOO and an arrow to the right - but we received a letter from the Dept-of Transport , ordering us to remove these signs . Now what? Because of the Construction and also due to the non existent directional signs to our Cat World, we have lost about at least S000 visitors to our place. Although we have erected Advertiisement Signs on Highway 35/115, once people get to the turn-off road they miss it and once passed this little road, they would not know how to get into our place. Who knows that there is a secret back exit from the Dutch Oven Restaurant? I ` Ys 'y I ' Would it not make sense to place a sign right at the turn off on Hwy 401 - and list the Tourist Attractions that can be reached ;G by driving along HWY 35/115, like Mosport , Tyrone Mill, Kirby Museum ,j , and so on? If these Attraction Signs would be of a certain colour and made. of a uniform design, they would not be offending to the eye, but could make this area actual?.y more inviting and friendlier . II� If you drive north, there are directional signs to all the Marinas Attractions and Hotels - why not here? Lets hope, we can come out of the dark ages and support our beautiful area and the business eo le ! ' trying to make a home here . p p I� I a` Y.o s v e y t u tI , L � 4 � hNK/c.r CE M 11. KL0 n 4 A