HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-28-87 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 REPORT File #4 z t Res. # By-Law # THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE hEETING: APRIL 6, 1987. DATE: REPORT #: WD-28-87 FILE #: SUB.ECT: BOWMANVILLE B. I .A. - SHARING RESPONSIBILITY FOR DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE I RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . That Report WD-28-87 be received; and, 2. That the concerns of the Bowmanville B. I .A. regarding downtown maintenance be acknowledged; and, 3. That the Bowmanville B. I .A. be informed of Council 's action with respect to Recommendation # 2 of Report WD-27-87; and, 4. That the current level of service being provided with respect to the maintenance of parking meters and number signs, the mechanized street sweeping and the use of special equipment to remove planters, benches, waste receptacles etc. , and the sidewalk snow removal in the downtown, be maintained; and, 5. That Recommendations # 1 , 3, 4, & 5 of Report WD-21-87, be approved. . . .2 i Page 2 Report No. WD-28-87 REPORT I On March 16, 1987, Resolution GPA-274-87 referred Report WD-21-87 back to staff for review and subsequent report on the points raised. I There were two main points of clarification requested and they included the issue of garbage and taxation as addressed in Report WD-7-87 on Refuse Collection and a reaction of the B. I .A. to the Recommendations of Report WD-21-87. Report WD-21-87 is attached hereto. i i It was confirmed that the February 23, 1987, letter, attached, to Report WD-21-87 from the Secretary-Treasurer and Business Manager of the B. I .A. outlines the B. I .A.' s position on maintenance in the downtown area. It was suggested that if some movement could be seen on the garbage issue i .e. , to provide twice per week garbage collection and emptying of streetscape containers that the heat would be taken out of the other maintenance concerns at least for the time being. It was also explained that to a certain degree the requests were as a result of not knowing what the existing intended level of service was in some of the areas and they were looking for clarification. The B. I .A. feels that they are doing their fair share trying to keep downtown Bowmanville a pleasant place to shop and they are essentially asking for the Town to support their effort. . . . .3 Page 3 Report No. WD-28-87 It was felt that if Council would see fit to increase the frequency of garbage collection and the emptying of streetscape containers in downtown Bowmanville, (these are the two items of highest priority at this time) that it would go a long way toward encouraging the B. I .A. to keep up their efforts. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, x � IGordon J. Ough, P. Eng. , Lawrence, otseff, Director of Public Works. Chief A m njstrative Officer. GJO:jco March 31 , 1987. I i C7p KO./ i� = R L.P OR.T File , � '/ �;_ �Y, . . .• # ' Res_ # --- _�_ 'By--:Law # h ETI1 THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION C01A1A I TTEE DATE: MARCH 16, 1987. REPORT #: WD-21-87 FILE #: CT' BOWMANVILLE B. I .A. - SHARING RESPONSIBILITY FOR DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE i RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . That Report WD-21-87 be received; and, 2. That the current level of service being provided with respect to garbage pickup, the emptying of street scape waste receptacles, the maintenance of parking meters and number signs, the mechanized street sweeping and the use of special equipment to remove planters, benches, waste receptacles etc. , and the sidewalk snow removal in the downtown, be maintained; and, 2 .: - . .. . :P ago:•2' , -.:. - . . ' . . . ._.. . .. . - .. . . . . .. - Report No WD-21-87 3. a) That staff be directed to assume responsibility for and budget for grass cutting next to the Silver Street parking lot, the clean up of waste paper in the B. I .A. parking lots and the maintenance of the B. I .A. downtown decorative lighting; and, OR b) That the B. I .A. be informed that the responsibility of grass cutting next to Silver Street parking lot, the clean up of waste paper in the B. I .A. parking lots and the maintenance of the-B. I .A. downtown decorative lighting is that of the B. I .A.; and, i 4. That the B. I .A. be informed that the maintenance of the grassed area at the north west corner of George Street and King Street should be looked after by the B. I .A.; and, 5. That a copy of this report and subsequent resolutions be forwarded to the Bowmanville B. I .A. for their information. . . . .3 6. ,:.:.•p:age .3 Report No.. W0-21-87 . . REPORT: Attached are two letters received from the Bowmanville B. I .A. with respect to the level of service ofi the various maintenance activities in the downtown area. The following are comments with respect to current practice related to the items as listed .as "suggested responsibilities for the Town of Newcastle" in the letter of March, 1987: 1 . Increased garbage pick-ups in the downtown area (at least three times per week to remove it as both a fire hazard and as an obnoxious nuisance); ( Comment: The current garbage collection bylaw provides for once per week collection in the downtown area. The question of increasing the frequency of collection in this area is addressed as part of Report WD-7-87 on today's agenda. It is recommended that the Bowmanville B. I .A. be advised of Council ' s decision with respect to this issue as part of Report WD-7-87. 2. Regular emptying of streetscape waste receptacles (three times per week, at the same time as the garbage pickups); Comment: Current practice provides for the street scape waste receptacles to be emptied Monday with the regular commercial pickup and one other time near the end of the week if required to prevent overflowing. 4 r Page* 4` Report No. WD'-21-87 . 3. Regular cuttinca of the grass next to the Silver Street Parking Lot and at the entrance to the downtown at the corner of King and George Streets; Comment: Current practice provides for grass cutting next to the Silver Street Parking Lot on an as required basis, depending on the weather and growth rate. The majority of the area referred to at the entrance to the downtown, at King and George Streets, is the lawn area of the property on the north west corner of King and George Street (formerly a service station) . Arrangements were made to install the B. I .A. sign on this lawn area some years ago and this area had been maintained and flowers planted, etc., by the proprietor of the business at that location until its closure prior to the summer of 1986. Individual members of the B. I .A. did cut and trim the grass in 1986 after it became unruly and the B. I .A. are now requesting that the maintenance activity be assumed by the Municipality, at least until the business reopens. 4. Regular maintenance checks of decorative street lighting (to replace burned out bulbs); Comment: Currently, burn outs are replaced when noticed or reported. After hours checking is currently not being performed. 5. Regular checking of parking meters and the numbered signs on the Church Street Parking Lot (to ensure they are complete and erect); Comment: Currently the Parking Enforcement Officer reports the damaged numbered signs to the Bylaw Officer who, in turn, requests Public Works personnel to repair the signs. The Parking Enforcement Officer also checks the parking meters on a regular basis. 5 page.5 Report No. 'WD-21'-87. : .. . 6. Regular cleanups of waste paper in each of the parking lots; Comments: Currently waste paper is cleaned up periodically when staff are cutting the grass and periodically by way of mechanized sweeping of the parking lots. 7. More frequent use of the mechanized street sweeper in the downton area; Comment: Street sweeping in the downtown area is presently a number one priority and is performed two or three times per week on an as required basis as well as prior to and after special events like sidewalk sales, parades and street dances. 8. Use of special equipment to move or remove such items as the planters, benches, waste receptacles, etc., or to supply barriers, street closing signs, etc.; Comment: Current practice provides special equipment at the B. I .A.'s disposal and at the Town's convenience for moving or removing such items as planters, benches and waste receptacles and staff does supply barriers, street closing signs, etc. , at no cost as requested. Item # 4 of the letter of April 1986, relating to sidewalk snow removal requested "more frequent snow removal from the sidewalk area"; Comment: The removal of snow from the downtown curbline/boulevard is a recognized subsidizeable activity if the removal is necessary to provide storage room for snow from the next storm. Snow removal after each storm to clean up the appearance of the downtown and improve walking conditions is not appropriate as a subsidized activity and should be budgeted separately. The approximate cost per snow removal in the Bowmanville downtown area is $2,000.00 to $2, 500.00. y j t Page� b ; Report No. WD-2.1-87 The responsibility for the maintenance items mentioned in Nos. 3,4, &- 6 above has never been clearly defined and there has been some doubt as to whether the B. I .A. was supposed to be looking after these items or whether the Town's Public Works Department should be budget for and look after the two "B. I .A. Parking Lots" and the maintenance of the decorative lighting. If staff are formally directed to assume the responsibility for these items, a higher level of attention will be paid to the level of service provided. The levels of service currently being provided have been outlined above for Council ' s information with respect to Council ' s consideration of the B. I .A. requests and for the information of the Bowmanville B. I .A. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng., Lawrence E. Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Administrative Officer. GJO:jco March 3, 1987. -MA 130,W CENTRE BOWMANVILLE P.O. B6X 365 BUSINESS CENTRE BOWMANVIL LE, ONT. LIC 3Lt 1987 02 23 MA oc PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 4' Mr. Gordon Ough Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle Hampton, Ontario LOB UO Dear Mr. Ough As the result of a lengthy discussion at the April 1986 meeting of the Board of Management, a letter was sent to Council outlining a proposal for a sharing of the responsibility for maintaining the Downtown area. At the most recent Board meeting, which was held on Wednesday, Febru- ary, 18, 1987, this same topic was again the subject of a somewhat lengthy debate. As a result, we would ask that this matter again be brought to Council ' s attention, and that they be requested to act on the suggestions listed below. For your convenience and information, I have also outlined our annual involvement, in what we see is primar- ily the responsibility of the municipality . Bowmanville B. I. A. Suggested responsibilities responsibilities for the Town of Newcastle 1 ) Planting and maintenance of the 1 ) Increased garbage pick-ups hanging flower baskets . ( $3, 500) in the Downtown area ( at least three times per week 2 ) Pruning of the trees on an annual to remove it as both a fire basis . ( $625 ) hazard and as an obnoxious nuisance ) . 3 ) Planting and maintenance of the streetscape planters . ( $800 ) 2 ) Regular emptying of street- scape waste receptacles 4 ) Replacement of trees which have ( three times per week, at died. ( $450 ) the same time as the garbage pick-ups ) . 5 ) Restoration 'and painting of 3) Regular cutting of the tree guards . ( 5300) Or�.ss r ext to the Si 1 v(:,,r Street parking lot, and at 6) Weeding and maintenance of tree the entrance to the Down- base areas. ( $275) town, at the corner of King and George Streets. 7) Rubbish clean-up and sidewalk sweeping. ( $500) 4) Regular maintenance checks of decorative street lighting 8) Maintenance of benches and (to replace burned out bulbs ) . waste receptacles. ( $100) 5) Regular checking of parking meters and the numbered signs on the Church Street parking lot ( to ensure they are com- plete and erect ) . 6) Regular clean-ups of waste paper in each of the parking lots . I %) More frequent use of the mechanized street sweeper in the Downtown area. 8) Use of special equipment to move or remove such items as the planters , benches , waste receptacles , etc. , or to supply barriers , street closing signs , etc. It is our belief that the municipality can only benefit from a clean, attractive, Downtown area, which will help to attract new housing and new business. To date, most of the responsibility for maintaining the Downtown has been bourne by the members of the Downtown Bowmanville Bus- iness Improvement Area through their self-imposed extra tax levy, with the support, from time-to-time, of the Town ' s Administration. However, we believe that, in the future, this should be a more regular_ co-oper- ative effort, in which the responsibilities of each are clearly deliniat-- ed. V. 3 we would be pleased to participate in any discussions- with Council and/ or Lire loan ' s Administration, about this proposal . In addition , pl e sse keep us i nformcd of the progress in this watter. Yours very truly 1 Garth Gilpin Secretary-Treasurer and Business Manager . .'yv�ru�,iuit�cc.'u;(,•L(7•I�J 1�1.11UI`NIE(L1;Ufl: j- — �� BUSINESS — .�1VMANVILLE: P.O. 'BOX-365 uus[Nesti CENTRE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. L1 C 3L1 1986 04 18 Mr. David.--Oakes Town Clerk- 1wr . W K�l;.6 1-7�1, Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Mr. Oakes At the April Meeting of our Board of Management much discuss- ion ensued on the topic of the perceived sharing of respons- ibilities for the Downtown area. To date, the Bowmanville Downtown Business Improvement Area = a j as s wne s I 1) Planting a nd. maintenance of the hanging flower baskets 2) - Pruning of the trees on an annual basis $ 625. 00 t 3) Planting and maintenance of the street- scape planters $ 800 . 00 4) Replacement of trees which have died $ 300. 00 - -, 5) Restoration and. painting of tree guards $ 300.00 6) weeding and maintenance of tree base areas $ 275. 00 7) Rubbish clean-up and sidewalk sweeping $ 500. 00 8) Maintenance of benches and waste recep- tacles $ 100. 00 In recognition of this shared responsibility for our Downtown, we would be pleased if the Town of Newcastle , in its next Budget, would give conside r_ati.on to : 1) More frequent use of the mechanized street sweeper.. 2) I.4ore frequent garbage pick-up from the waste recep- tacles . " _ > jb') i 3) More frequent garbage pick-ups from the merchants ' businesses. 4 ) More frequent snow removal from the sidewalk area. S) Regular grass cutting and weed removal. If Council wishes us to meet with them to further detail this request, we would be pleased to do so. In the meantime, would you be kind enough to please keep us informed of the progress in this matter.* Yours very truly f George Webster Chairman Board of Management DO _. CO I JS_ - -1 tJ i� 1