HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-18-87 rs� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: REPORT #: WD-18-87 FILE #: SUB,JECT: BUDGET REVIEW - AGRICULTURAL ROAD MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: That this report be received for information. Resolution GPA-1167-86 of the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of December 15, 1986, supported the idea of carrying out improvements to Agricultural Roads and directed staff to present some dollars in the 1987 Budget proposal for Council ' s consideration. A total figure of $60,000 ($30,000.00 in Division 1 and $30,000.00 in Division 3) is included in the 1987 Budget proposal . The budget figure was set at $60,000.00 to address the majority of the improvements required to upgrade the agricultural roads to a reasonable level . . . .2 Page 2 Report No. WD-18-87 The main concern being received about agricultural roads is that the tree limbs and brush are encroaching to the point that the modern equipment cannot travel the roads without being scraped. The funds proposed are intended to brush those areas which have been drawn to our attention in recent years. The estimate of $30,000.00 per division for upgrading agricultural roads is broken down as follows: Brushing (highest priority) $10,000.00 Spot drainage improvements $ 5,000.00 Grading $ 5,000.00 Gravel $10,000.00 TOTAL $30,000.00 A comprehensive survey and engineered cost estimating was not possible due to time and weather considerations, however, the proposed budget was arrived at through discussions with staff and our estimate of material and labour required. A review of the accessibility of agricultural roads late in 1987 will be carried out to establish appropriate funding to be included in the 1988 Budget. Resolution GPA-79-87 requested staff to review the possibility of funding agricultural road improvements with Industrial Development Reserve funds. . . .3 Page 3 Report No. WD-18-87 Attached is a copy of By-law 81-187, being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund for the Promotion and Development of " Industrial Lands" acquired before December 31 , 1973. In the first paragraph, it would appear evident that the intention was that the funds in this reserve fund would be used to promote the development of "Municipality" owned " Industrial" lands. This would then suggest that the use of these funds would not appropriately be used to fund improvements to "privately" owned agricultural lands unless it were done under the wide open interpretation of Section 3. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for consideration of the Committee, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng. , Lawrence. Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Administrative Officer. GJO:jco February 19, 1987. Attachment . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW No. 81-187 being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund for the Promotion and Development of "Industrial Lands" acquired before December 31, 1973 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle considers it desirable to establish a reserve for the purpose of providing funds for the Promotion and Development of Municipally owned "Industrial" lands; AND WHEREAS Section 308 (1) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, as amended, provides, that "every Municipality and every board, commission, body or local authority established or exercising any power or authority with respect to municipal affairs under any general or special Act in an unorganized township or unsurveyed territory may in each year provide in the estimates for the establishment or maintenance of a Reserve Fund for any purpose for which it has authority to spend funds: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Treasurer is authorized to establish a reserve fund entitled Reserve Fund for Industrial Promotion. 2 . That the Council may b resolution y y passed by a majority of members present direct the use of the funds for specific projects relating to sale, promotion or development of industrial lands presently held within the Town. 3. That Council may by By-Law direct the use of the funds for any other purpose for which it has the authority to spend monies. BY-LAW READ a first and second time this 30th day of November 1981 BY-LAW READ a third and final time this 30th day of November 1981 Garnet B. Rickard `� Mayor David W. Oakes Clerk