HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-2-87 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # t Res. # v Z' r d ' ` __--- -�1. By-Law # MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 19, 1987. REPORT #: WD-2-87 FILE #: SUB,ECT: NEWTONVILLE SPEED LIMIT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . That Report WD-2-87 be received for information; and, 2. That Mr. Herman Valckx, spokesman for the petitioning residents, be provided with a copy of Report WD-2-87 and advised of Council 's decision. REPORT: Resolution GPA-579-86 asked that the Public Works Department request the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to address the concerns of the residents of the Hamlet of Newtonville, concerning the speed limit on Highway 2, through the Hamlet, with reference to the attached petition, and report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. . . . .2 I ' I i Page 2 Report No. WD-2-87 Attached is the response received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with respect to this issue. Essentially, the letter from M.T.C. indicates that, based on their investigations, they are not in a position to accommodate any of the wishes of the residents as expressed in the petition and that M.T.C. is satisfied with the present traffic control situation on Highway # 2, through the Hamlet of Newtonville. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng. , Lawrence jKotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Ad i �strative Officer . GJO:jco January 12, 1987. Attachments . 4f UV Ontario r ''!�J Ministry of Transportation and (416 ) I���7��3 Y�YC.�S' .� Communications PUS ':"?RKS DEPT. Cent Reg ion,---- Traffic Section, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale , Ontario, M2N 6E9 December 15 , 1986 Mr. Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng . , Director of Public Works , The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Hampton, Ontario, — LOB 1J0 Dear Mr . Ough: We have recently completed our investigation of traffic control through the urban area of Newtonville on Highway 2. I will address each item as it appears on the petition submitted to us Our study has shown that the present speed limit of 60 km/h in Newtonville is currently being adhered to by the majority of motorists . Therefore , we must respectfully decline your request to lower the current speed limit to 50 km/h. Please keep in mind that our prime consideration in speed zoning is the prevailing travel speeds. Any successful speed zone must be virtually self enforcing, in that motorists must obey the speed limit even in the absence of police enforcement. The addition of "Radar Enforced" tabs on speed limit signs is reserved specifically for construction zones or areas where police enforcement is occurring on a daily basis . Since this is not the case in Newtonville , we prefer not to erect these tabs . Motorists are correct to assume that all speed limits on provincial highways are subject to radar enforcement on a random basis , therefore radar enforced signs are generally not used. Actual radar enforcement is the responsibility of the Ontario Provincial Police; however , since no definite speed problem was identified from our study, select radar enforcement in Newtonville would not be necessary. Obviously the limitation of manpower restrict the Ontario Provincial Police to providing random radar enforcement of provincial highways unless a specific speed problem is evident. 1 Current zone painting of the yellow centre line in Newtonville is correct. Since zone painting has no legal implication, it is provided to advise motorists of existing geometric conditions as well as indicating the availability of passing and non passing areas. Signs indicating "Watch for Children" are not erected at the entrances to urban areas . Signing for children's playgrounds is erected at specific play- ground locations within a built up area where the presence of children would represent a unexpected hazard to the unsuspecting motorist. However , on Highway 2 in the area of Newtonville, there are no designated playgrounds or parks. Currently, school crossing signs are provided at and in advance of Durham Road 18. This would seem to provide adequate warning of children crossing Highway 2 at this location. During a recent field investigation, it was noted that the school crossing signs have become faded and are in need of refurbishing. I have instructed the District Sign Shop to have these signs replaced as soon as possible. You will be pleased to note that my investigation into accident statistics in the built up area of Newtonville revealed that only minor accidents have occurred over the past four years. This would indicate the present traffic control on this section of Highway 2 is functioning quite adequately. I trust this will explain our position for changes to existing traffic control through this area. Your interest in traffic safety is appreciated . Yours truly, P.J. Coghill , Area Traffic Analyst . 2 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CORDON J. OUCH, P.ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1JO 987-5039 September 5, 1986. Ministry of Transportation & Communications, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. M2N 6E9 Attention: H.J . Doyle, Area Traffic Analyst. Dear Sir: RE: Traffic Control - Highway # 2 - Newtonville Urban Area Town of Newcastle Attached, please find a copy of a petition from the citizens of Newtonville requesting various traffic control improvements on Highway # 2 through Newtonville. Also, attached is a copy of Resolution # GPA-579-86 requesting our department to liaise with M.T.C. regarding these requests. Please review these requested improvements at your earliest opportunity and advise me of the Ministry' s position so that I may report back- to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. Yours truly, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. GJO:jco Resolution #GPA-579-86 Speed Limit Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor McKnight Highway #2 Newtonville THAT the Public Works Department request the Ministry of 77.2. 102. Transportation and Communications to address the concerns of the residents of the Hamlet of Newtonville, concerning the speed limit on Highway #2, through the Hamlet, with reference to the attached petition, and report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" Vr -p N.Iwll- Ajj OK r JIJL 6 i N �T1ZtniS � C � cw 0 pnlG- ;; `IORKS p 2 V/ 0v�V � ttCt NF L0LYIP (r C!1/iN6 FS M lhoi $ IMG P 7- S��ee7 �li �� t VF t70K . o 5DK/k, MAQ �r1[�An ENfvKCL ACC0, 01#6CTC.Y , PELVW hiE SpeED Lie-%%T S%( 1 +{ AVE ,� cTuAt- RGhR IV F0tzc Nr c rl AvF VOV;JLE t eLL-ow L lA/C� T 11R T �'(7 1 0 ROTH lvEwTbNVia�F J NAur JIGYPS P(,ACCG /Qj y '7GH CNle-A/N�Lt To ' eWTONViLLE TMitT AEy�O �� W �tc�( �o✓Z C M��uf2rN P � � hn' i l � / j t ' ZZ g 76 C-Q�gzl :1"V� -a r f� 6 -62-