HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-9-85 14 t 4 CORPORATION F THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB 1 J 0 987-5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 1985. REPORT NO. : WD-9-85 SUBJECT: ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 2 & 3, CONCESSION 10, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON (MURPHY ROAD) I i RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That the status of the unimproved road between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 10, Darlington (Murphy Road) , remain unchanged; and, 3. That a copy of this report be forwarded to Scugog Township for information; and, 4. That Mrs. Lynda Mitchell be so advised. . . . .2 c �` Page 2 REPORT NO. WD-9-85 BACKGROUND: Over the last few years, the Public Works Department has received several enquiries into the status of the northern portion of Murphy Road, the road allowance between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 10, in the geographic Township of Darlington. In general , enquiries relate to standard procedures required to have the road reclassified to "improved" and subsequently satisfy the requirements to obtain year round access and building permits. The most recent enquiry came from Mrs. Lynda Mitchell in her letter to the Mayor and Members of Council . The Public Works Department has consistently advised all enquirers of the Town ' s Policy for the Reconstruction of Unimproved Roads. In 1979, By-law 79-35, a by-law to amend the restricted area by-law reclassified the subject road from Concession Road 9 to the old Murphy Farm, approximately 8900 feet northerly, to improved. This portion of the road had received full maintenance for many years. In 1981 , the recommendations of Report WD-107-81, were approved, in that the request by Mrs. Pauline Hill for redesignation of the road allowance from the Murphy Farm northerly to the boundary in Lots 2 and 3, Concession 10, Darlington, from unmaintained to Class A, Public Street , be denied. . . .3 �61 Page 3 REPORT NO. WD-9-85 REPORT: In reviewing the request, it is noted that the change in classification is sought in order to obtain access to lands outside of the Town of Newcastle. Increased tax revenue derived from development of such lands would be directed to Scugog Township, however, road maintenance costs, etc. , would remain with Newcastle. In additon, the municipal boundary forms the division between school boards. Consideration should be given to children living in any proposed Scugog development, the schools attended, and bus routes required. Reconstruction and improving this road does not provide an integral transportation link in the Town 's road system, as required in the Town' s Policy for reconstruction of unimproved roads. Increased traffic and road improvements at the Canadian Pacific Railroad crossing would have to be considered. It is, therefore, recommended that the request of Mrs. Lynda Mitchell , be denied. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. DTG:jco (C << TOWN OF NEWCASTLE h WMORANDLIM TO: Mr. D. S. Johnston, C.A.O. FROM: G. B. Rickard DATE: January 21st, 1985 SLUECT; Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3, Conc. 10, Darlington Mrs. Lynda Mitchell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I enclose herewith a letter which was directed to me. I believe that this letter should be placed on the next Council agenda. Garnet B. Rickard Mayor GBR/mr Enc. (1 ) cc: Mr. Ron Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works ! --- 6 Watson St HiPndla Creek Ont s' *TYPED AS WRITTEN* C IN (416) 282-2683 Jan 17/85 To: Honourable Mayor & Council Members I would like to ask Council to grant me permission to improve approximately 1200' of Township roadway, at the end of oen of your year- round roads. The road in question is the Murphy Rd. (Rd. allowance between Lots 2 & 3: Conc 10 -former Twnp. of Darlington) in the north-eastern corner of the Township. The majority of the road is in the form of a year-round, services, gravel road, except for the end 1200'. Bringing this road up to standard is my only way of obtaining a building permit. My problem lies in the fact that, where I plan to build my home is on a parcel of land that lies in Scugog Township (on the north side of the Darlington-Cartwright town line). Scugog has agreed to issue a permit if Murphy Road is re-constructed up to this town line rd, and, if I build at the end of Murphy Rod. There is no other practical access to this property. I realize that your Township will not benefit from my taxes, but with the road improvement, I'm sure the landowners on either side of Murphy Rd. would build, as they have indicated to me, for years, that they were waiting for the road upgrading. I also realize that snow clearing may take an extra few minutes to go that extra 1200' , but with the turning circle at the end of the road, it may be easier than they presently do it. The Township would be getting the road constructed at no expense to them, and this must be a plus in our favour. The rowdyism in the large vacant areas in this part of the township, due mostly to the motorcycles and 4 wheelers, would be curbed by the presence of a permanent home and the fencing off of their play area. Our plans to re-forestate the land will undoubtedly employ workers from iyour township, as would the road construction and our home construction. I hope you can see that the advantages to my proposal, outweigh any disadvantages. Since you are our last hope of getting our home built, I hope you will look favourable on our request. Thanking you in advance, I remain, Yours truly Lynda Mitchell I P.S. I would like to be notified when council is able to discuss this matter, so I could answer any questions and hear any suggestions you may have V `Y CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB 1 J 0 987.5039 October 18, 1984. Mrs. L. Mitchell , 6 Watson Street, Highland Creek; Scarborough , Ontario. M1C 1El Dear Mrs. Mitchell : RE : Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3, Concession 10, former Township of Darlington (Murphy Road) Our File: D-3-10 Further to your recent telephone request and my letter of December 18, 1981, we have again reviewed the status of the road allowance leading to your property in Scugog Township. The status of the northerly portion of the road is unchanged, i .e. "unimproved" , therefore any improvements must be in accordance with By-law 84-27 for Unimproved Roads. The attached, Section 4, governing reconstruction of unimproved roads is included for your information. An approximate cost of complete construction for this type of road is in the range of $50.00/ft. and the design criteria forwarded in 1981 remains essentially the same. As stated in our telephone conversation , Public Works staff would hesitate recommending to Council that the Town should assume an additional section of road for maintenance when that section of road is only to serve residents outside the municipality. We trust this further explains the Town' s position in this matter. However, if you wish more information, plea e advise. Y4dT. y, D ray, E. , Deputy Director of Public Works. DTG:jco Vic. 4 .0 RECONSTRUCTION OF UNIMPROVED ROADS 4 .1 The Town shall not perform construction on private or unopened roads. 4.2 The Town shall not reconstruct an unimproved road transportation proven that said road is necessary as an integral link in the Town' s improved road system and is recognizdhe Ministry of Transportation and Communications as being eligible for reconstruction subsidy. 4.3 Where it is proven that the construction of an unopened or 4.3 unimproved road is necessary, such construction will be p only at the expense of others either under a Subdivision Agreement, the Local Improvement Act or through private enterprise, provided that the road so constru d o as said tle, onstruction approved by the Council of the Town meets the Design Criteria and Standards' of the Town and is in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate Zoning By-law and official Plan. to Co CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 Mrs. L. Mitchell , 6 Watson Street, Highland Creek, SCARBOROUGH. Ontario. M1C lEl . December 18, 1981 . Dear Mrs. Mitchell : Re: Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3, Concession 10, former Township of Darlington. (Murphy Road) In response to your letter of November 17, 1981 , regarding the upgrading and reclassification of the subject road allowance, we have had several previous requests relative to this section of the right of way but, to this point in time, none of the enquirers have furthered their interest to the point of form- ally requesting Council to permit road construction. Council has an established Policy in relation to the Const- ruction of Unmaintained Roads, a copy of which is attached for your reference. Also attached are the relevant section of the Town of Newcastle' s Design Criteria and Standard Drawing for a Rural Roadway. It is estimated that, to improve the road to a standard accept- able to the Town, as per the enclosures, it would be necessary to apply prime and double surface treatment, the costs for which would be approximately as follows: 1 ,250 ft. @ $25. 00 (min. ) per ft. $31 ,250. 00 Prior to proceeding with construction, the initial requirement is that Council approve any proposal for the upgrading and reclassification of an unmaintained road allowance, and you would have, therefore, to make a formal request to the Town, outlining your proposal ; it would also be necessary that you advise the Canadian National Railway, Canadian Transport Commission and the Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education, and receive their approval also. 40(0 Mrs. L. Mitchell . December 18, 1981 . If, after consideration of this matter, you wish to instigate the formal procedure necessary, it is suggested you retain the services of a competent Professional Engineer to design the road in accordance with Town of Newcastle Design Criteria and Standard Drawings. Should you have any further queries on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Yours very truly, 1 David T. Gray, C.E.T. , Deputy Director. i cc: T.T. Edwards, M.C. I.P. , Planning Department. G. Smith, Foreman, Division 1 . DTG:vh November 17, 1981, _ � C') Mr. Dunham: I am making a formal request to you, in hopes of receiving a written reply to my proposal. I am purchasing the Harris land, which sits on the northern boundary of Darlington/Scugog Township Line. The shortest access to my property (which is actually in Scugog) is to go up the road shown in the diagram. I do not know the name of this road, it has been told to me that it is the Long Sault Road, or Murphy's Farm Road. However, if you locate it, you will see it stops at it's northern end, at my Lot 23. I understand there have been other inquiries about about completing this road for the distance of 1248 ft. , past the Murphy's farm, especially from Mrs. Pauline Hill who owns the property on each side of this roadway. I am interested in finding out if this stretch of road could be brought up to year-round road status. Could you let me know if this would meet with the townships plans. To find out whether I could afford this undertaking, I would need to know exactly what type of roadwork would be required, and whether or not any land along the allowance would have to be bought. I would appreciate exact specifications and also any knowledge you could give me about materials, etc. , so that I could get accurate estimates from construction firms. Would the township be willing to advise, supervise, or give help in the construction? Could you suggest any local firms both in the con- struction end and in the gravel business. When would the best time be for the work, in the spring, or is there time before winter sets in. I realize your township will derive no tax benefits from my property, but if the road were completed, building would most probably take place on Mrs. Hill 's land. You already service the road as far as Murphy's farm, so an additional ploughing of 1248 ft. would be -more than offset by the savings the township would receive if I did the road myself. I am hoping for a speedy reply, as this matter is � `U D quite important to my family and myself. Signed: Mrs. L. Mitchell, 6 Watson Street, NOV 30 1981 Highland Creek, Ontario. (416) 282-2683. WORKS 'DEPT. � '+'N OF NEWCASTLE Typed as written: vh. Y 1 • 1 - �.:" ' "• tom'' � � ��; _��)� �� � - ` O � .gyp a A� 03 TOWN OF_NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of September 15, 1.981. Item: WD-107-81. Date: September. 1 , 1981. Subject: Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3, Concession 10, former Darlington. Recommendation: THAT the request for the redesignation of the road allowance in Lots 2 & 3, Concession 10, former Township of Darlington, from unmaintained to Class 'A' Public Street, be denied. .Report: A request was received that the Town redesignate the subject road allowance which, for approximately seven-tenths of a kilometre north of the Tenth Concession is maintained but north of that point to the Boundary with the Township of Scugog it is unimproved and, thus, receives no maintenance. Prior to consideration being given to a redesignation, improvements to the road allowance would be necessary and would include work being done at the railway crossing. Town Policy applLcable to this request :Ls that the municipality will not undertake the construction of any unmaintained road but, if approved, roads can be constructed by others subject to meeting Town Design Criteria and Standards; following construction and approval by the Town, such roads are then assumed by the Munic- ipality for maintenance purposes. The Boundary Road east and west of the road allowance between Lots 2 & 3 is an unmaintained road and, therefore, only one access to the property is practical for this single lot; it would seem that to undertake the expense involved in improving the road to provide access would be impractical. 705 - 55 Yarmouth St . , Guelph, Ont. N1H 7R4 July 13, 1981 Attention: J. W. Dunham, Director, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1J0 Re: 98.38 Acres Part Lot 3, Concession 10, Formerly Darlington Township, County of Durham Dear Sir: Further to our conversation of Thursday, July 9th, 1981, at which time you attended, in your office, Mrs. Ruth Emslie and myself; I hereby request that the municipality consider an ammendment to the By-Law concerning the above mentioned property. I would ask that the road allowance between Lots 2 and 3 be redesignated to a "Class A Public Street". Thank you for consideration regarding this request . Yours very truly, -v VAI-%__ 7 ` 1 Pauline A. Hill PAH/gb