HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-39-85 VT- File P�a.=—z- CORPORATION / �� OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1JO 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 3, 1985. REPORT NO. : WD-39-85 SUBJECT: TRANSFER TO M.T.C. OF A PORTION OF THE ORIGINAL HUNT STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY IN LOT 11 OF THE BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That it be resolved as follows: "That the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle approve of the transfer to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Parts 1 to 4 on Plan P-2695-140 and Parts 5 and 6 on Plan P-2695-127"; and, 3. That a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Bert Torini of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. . . . .2 f w W 3 1 J C 0 N C E S S 1 0 N OF BO W M A N V I L L E 1 P_ 2695-SI FORMER TOW N 3 8 32 GEED YAlLCO ' LAND Puv ExPnES R3-R-Y � 4 7 P-2 6 95- 8 P-2695-R3 w urD PLAN D-2695-135 0 � 6 ROAD ALLOWANCE BASE - _ - BETWEEN CONCESSIONS LTO.INT ACUrfQD [awes 9i•¢-v w+o vuN P-2695-i21 8 65 92 121 150- 1 P-2693-131 A 0 T I2 P-2695-105 I 3 T 3 _ L >•+ ]�=L0C. ATE 1� +'t F CERT OF mPROML ' P-2695-137 I tERr n'mPR�.AL p_2695-123 61 Be 117 146 3 E��..CC.. C.4J Cl r_ELIED ^r1 p-2E95-I33 C R I V REFER�h'E►LlN - P-269S'19,� R[FE PE•i-E P_lN P•2695-125 � ': 3 REFERENCE PLAN p-2695'125 < STREET °p ♦,a•S - ' O 57 84 113 i` t4 e 90 llllllllllllllw V ¢ / S" ZTt • z - l0•~ �.I' REFERENCEPVlI P-2695-127 2 < F 53 - 9 P-2695-104 ` 3 ♦12 _ N 'F 1 _ 4^✓ SOP' p g.KF+^",y '7.•`C.(1171�'f:'y'F'sr,'.l Y.,.v-uy l ��• i "'� -,�, 1 �" h t y � ff�� Y :� . - y VIE � �• .. JA r •,r . .k 4 .vt t r :_�;rrv�R� �`'-am'"". .. ' I d� yas p yll��y ,•�l3 SERVICE _ _c,d.*q PLAN I .1i{ RCAp RERERENCE 26.E 47 P•2695-116 REFE ENCE PLAN MTDp• - ELE Tp,C1 6" P-2695-118 d - '9,8w;:: 27 = P- 2695-5 wER T///� /� J AA- V S�� es.:iz•ssu g .«.-"' ^f 'a [Z YIILEo p I�r ISSION E - REFERENCE"JN ., Eqg p-2695'�26 IZ o6215 EAtE REFERENCE PL 9 66 y _ y W REFERE•.Z ` Ap,5.4 98560,C / op2A W P-26 95-132 13Z m - �R�LWAY I ` j COMPANY P-. 2 6 9.5 I - S 7q 7-1 pN 3 3 1 P -2695-21 pyy.T'a 4.AL c"OO� u P- 2693-21 FLAN OF SUBDIVISION 8Y ADAM WILSON,R06ERT ARMOUR S7R FE7 c a P- 2695-25 _ p-2695-25 AND GEORGE MEARNS z P- 2695-40 ROAD CLOS"'626 3 " 0 RoAO cLOSiNC e« P-2695-126B P-2693-40 REGISTERED MAY 28, REFERENCE PLAN CEA:OF 1oPRDVAI 1857 p_ 2695-5 llNO PLAN P-2695-95 _ P -26931266 J P2695^t2a P-2693-137 _ < F P PLAN p-2595-t34 P:An INST P- 2695-21 p_ nai -34A PLf:C9'r)22 P-2695-25 urD otAN H p-2695-66 UNp P-LA13N -26 9 5-2 A-6 —31 Sr L A -2695 4 p-26 8 2P P693-13 LOT I p-2695-21 L O I P- 2695-42 'I P-2695'34 SEE ALSO PAGE J ¢ LAhD PLAN [REFERENCE p- 2695-91 ]P-2695 PLAN -140 J A6T65 REFE RE VSE PLAN P-2E9 -14 C O N C E S S 10 N BRO KE N FRONT L€GEND: 9W LANDS awNEO �y MTC 4Rtir05 vESis-•ice s AS cc LAUDS DISPOSED OP- By M';'r-- p�-g' 2TS /-4i O.3 P - 269S'-/y0 01 UI - LCc> -2- for the Registry Division of Newcastle as Plan 10R-1259. SECONDLY: THAT PORTION OF HUNT STREET, according to a plan of subdivision by Thomas Wallis Herrick P.L.S. for: Adam Wilson, Robert Armour and George Mearns, for the Township of Darlington, designated as PARTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 on a Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan of Survey P-2695-140 being a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle as Plan 10R-1785. THIRDLY: THAT PORTION OF A LANE BETWEEN HUNT STREET AND DUKE STREET, according to a plan of subdivision by Thomas Wallis Herrick P.L.S. for: Adam Wilson, Robert Armour and George Mearns, for the Township of Darlington, designated as PART 5 on a Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan of Survey P-2695-140 ro u..at�t%ol+ being a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office lind Sufx/a for the Registry Division of Newcastle as Plan 1OR-1785. (C) 19—Quit 19—Quit Claim Decd P.pe R—Dy L Durhun 3 r mogether tuid) the appurtenances.thereunto belonging or appertaining TO HAVE and TO HOLD the aforesaid lands and premises with All and Sfii�;ular the vp— purtenances thereto belonging or appertaining unto and to the use of the said party of the second part Her succeSMTssand assigns forever, subject nevertheless to the reservations, limitations, provisoes and conditions expressed in the original Grant thereof from the Crown. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Party of the First Part has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal under the hands of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. r r, 11�1it�:�lltihlt��G ArvH ev..D }j�ttytl,? }:ttt2itk9tlEtil}cYPb`C Au T onM /1 �%• 1Ti{}IXIfXlJi 61i1\QCtXX�X CANADIAN NATION�k ' A' '(A,?Ax COMPANY ��. GFneCal tinages i Ttc+ Eatatc ; Jj c,;rma'\L•:na�cr (llcal CslalC t--•'�'= ...._..;„_�,f F�. QoptltY Secleta _,'.�', ' Ury �•, u l - iLiI ."loalI instructions Reverse side Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act Np.see ra„nv„hN n,r 1.rv.rlr AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCE AND OF VALUE OF THE CONSIDERATION IN THE MATTER F THE CONVEYANCE OF(insert brie l description olland)..,,,PART OF BUNT STREET, according to a Plan by Thomas Wallis Herrick, P.L.S. for? Adam Wilsonl Robert Armour & George IfefiYrSs';'3'ri'Ylie”TbWh'-6f'Newca9f1-6;-Regional”I�i'ti Iii'cip'a'Ii'ty'ofl3u'r2iam,.des'ignatedm Fr 6 George Plan•10R-125'9'aiW''PARTST,''2';'3';-4;'AND"5"on'l'1a'ri'Y'OR-1785:"""""""""'•"•'• •. BY(print names of all iransterois in full).. .......................... CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY. TO(see instruction 7 and print names of all transferees in full)...HER.MAJ E STY..-HE.Q.0 E EN,..i n..r i gh t..o f..t he.Pr o.v i n c e..o f..0 n.t a r i o r.epxeS.eol.ed..by..the.Minister,nf..Tra.nsp.or.tat.ion.and.Conununica.ticns..for..the..Province..of, Ontario. I,(see instruction 2 and print names)in lull/......................................................................................... .................................................................................. ................................... MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. am(place a clear mark within the square opposite that one of the following paragraphs that describes the capacity of the deponent(s)).'(seeinslructien2) [] (a)A person intrust for whom the land conveyed In the above-described conveyance Is being conveyed; I_J (b)A trustee named In the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; f7 (c)A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; [] (d)The authorized agent orsolici lot acting inthist ransacI ion for(insert name(s)otprincipal(s)) ......................................... .....................................................................................................I.......... ... described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above;(strikeout references to inapplicable paragraphs) [] (e)The President,Vice-President,Manager,Secrelary,Director,or Treasurer authorized to act for(insert name(s)of ccorporation(s)).............. .•.•••..................... described in paragraph(s) (a) (b),( cj above;(strike out ralerenc`s to inapplicablr pa.agraphs) [_] (f)A transferee described in paragraph( )(insert onlyoneofparagraph(a),(b)or(c)above,as applicable)and am r�akiiigihis affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of(insert narne of spouse)....................................... who is my spouse described in paragraph( ).(inserfonfyoneolparagraph(a),(b)or(c)above,as plicablei 1 and as such,I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed lo. 2. 1 have read and considered the definitions of"non-resident corporation"and"non-reside person"set out„(especji ely clauses 1 (1)(1) and(g)of the Act(see Instruction 9). �+ 3. The following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-descri Ibed conyeyanc e`is being conveyed are non-resident persons within the meaning of the Act.(see instruction 4) ........................ /// ......................................I..................... .� .`....... ...................... 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATE AS FOCL'OWS, (a)Monies paid or to be paid in cash............................ ` $ `•''`: Mortgages O Assumed(showprincipalandlnleresf lobe credited agai sl pmchese p ce) �� $';, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, (If)Given back tovendor.................... ... .. ,,,,,,,,, ....... (c) Properly transferred in exchange(defailbelow) ...,. J+� $ ,,,,,,,, , (d)Securities transferred to the value of(delall below),.. $,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ALL BLANKS �`..... (e)Liens,legacies,annuities and maintenance cha es to wMch�ransler Is subi .., $,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nusr BE (1) Other valuable consideration subject to land Ilahsfer,tb ( apGeTpr•),,,, ,.,,,,, $ FILLED IN. ,1 \ J (g)VALUE OF LAND,BUILDING,FIXTURES AND OODWIrL SUBJE TO INSERT"NIL" d 1;... WHERE LAND TRANSFER TAX(TOTAL OF fa to(f))...:: ..Y.... .............. $................ $................ APPLICABLE, (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS-Ilerps i tanglbieperson�a�pro ly tRelall Salos Tex Is peyeble on the vel of all cA tlels Unless e—pt endo/ the provisions of the"Retail Sales Ty' Acf;R4 0:4980,c.5!,as amen of.....•................................. $•..•............ (i) Other consideration fort(,-# sact' n\n,olincl fin(g r(h)above .................................. $ Q) TOTAL CONSIDERATION .. � .. $ — / 5. It consideration Is nominal,describe alions i4etween t(ansferorandtransfereeandstatepurposeof conveyance.(seeinsvuchon5) ........ ................................ ...........................,,..,...............,................................ 6. If the consideration Is nominal,is the land subject to any encumbrance? ........................................................ 7. Other remarks and explanations,if necessary........................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................I........ .................................................................................................................................... SWOR14 before meal the in the this dayof tg ................................................. A Commissioner for taking Affidavits,etc. ' signatures) PROPERTY INFORMATION RECORD A. Describe nature of instrument:...Quit••C•laim•Deed"••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••................................. S. (i),Address of property being conveyed p lavat lable)..Not.ava.i1ab1e.......................................................... .................................................................................................................... (ii)Assessrnent Roll No.(il available)•.............NA.t.avai l ah l e............................................... .... C. Mailing address(es)for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property beirg conveyed(see insftuction6)......... ........ ...........................See.bql.QW................................,................................. .... ............................................................................................................. ........ D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of properly being conveyed(ilavailable) ..7603..................................... .... (ii)Leg.,i description of property conveyed: Same as inD.I)above. Yes[I No❑ Not Known❑ IN PART I. N;,me(s)and address(es)of each transferee's solicitor For Land Registry Office use only Eric. G..T0J10ant,..Solicitor................ -- ---- nl Officer Central.RegiRri............. REGISTRATION NO. tfin1,Lry of,Transportation """"' Land Registry Office No. 3501 Dufferin"StrLe't­'­......""""" Registration Date North York.,• Ontario-.--MK"1N6•.......'••"