HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-10Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, February 10, 2022 Members Present: Eric Bowman Don Rickard Henry Zekveld Brenda Metcalf John Cartwright Jennifer Knox Tom Barrie Jordan McKay Ryan Cullen Councillor Zwart Regrets: Ben Eastman Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid - Planning & Development Services Guests: Tracey Webster, Planning & Development Services; Brandon Hebor, Boreal Greens Co.; Heide Kraus Observers: Sarah Parish, Planning & Development Services; Carolyn Puterbough, OMAFRA Due to COVID 19 restrictions and to ensure social distancing, participation in the meeting was electronic (using Microsoft Teams) and by conference call. Eric welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions of Committee members. Declarations of Interest None Adoption of Agenda 022-006 Moved by Don Rickard, seconded by Tom Barrie That the Agenda for February 10, 2022 be adopted. Carried Approval of Minutes 022-007 Moved by Henry Zekveld, seconded by Brenda Metcalf That the minutes of the January 13, 2022 meeting be approved. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 10, 2022 Presentation Vertical Farming: Brandon Hebor, Founder and CEO of Boreal Greens Co., presented an overview of the vertical farming. Brandon explained that vertical farming is the integration and use of multi -layered or `tower' equipment to cultivate plants in high densities using either hydroponic or aquaponic approaches. It can range in scale from tabletop gardens to converted shipping containers to an industrial scale. Highlights of the presentation included: • Brandon's journey into vertical farming and urban agriculture; • Food and agricultural awareness and education opportunities that vertical farming can provide; • Fundamentals of vertical farming operations (infrastructure, environment, equipment); • Common products grown and emerging research and technology to diversify the industry; and • Key considerations (finance, planning, market, design, regulatory). Brandon explained that vertical farming is not unlike greenhouse operations in terms of susceptibility to disease/pest and the importance of disease/pest management. Brandon also advised that this emerging field of agriculture is experiencing uptake in Ontario and nationally. OMAFRA has dedicated efforts to build the industry, supporting education and data aggregation efforts. Funding support for the industry typically stems from agri-innovation, agri-research and development, agri-business opportunities. Zone Clarington Second Draft Zoning By-law: Amy Burke and Tracey Webster, Planning and Development Services, presented an update on the Municipality's comprehensive zoning by-law review project. Staff reviewed current status of the project, including the introduction of a proposed second draft zoning by-law to Council it November 2021, the resulting direction of Council, and initial next steps for public consultation. Staff also provided a focused outline of agricultural and agriculture -related zoning proposed in the second draft zoning by-law: • Terms and definitions; • Minimum Distance Separation; • Agricultural Zone Category permitted uses; and • Updated provisions relating to farm related commercial and industrial establishments, home industries and home businesses, farm worker accommodations, and shipping/cargo containers. Additional agriculture -related considerations identified by the project team were reviewed with the Committee; these related to farm worker accommodations, private airfields, farm product sales and farm related commercial uses. The Committee was invited to provide feedback on the second draft zoning by-law and topics identified for further review. Delegations Heide Kraus regarding On -Farm Diversified Uses: Heide Kraus indicated her concern that the storage of recreational vehicles is being overlooked, in her opinion, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 10, 2022 during discussions of on -farm diversified uses. Ms. Kraus provided a presentation reviewing Council direction in response to the Recreation Vehicle and Trailer Storage Study (Resolution #PD-207-21) and recommendation 3 from the RV and Trailer Parking and Storage Study Final Report (D.M. Wills, June 2021). Ms. Kraus also reviewed components of the Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario's Prime Agricultural Areas (OMAFRA, 2016) Ms. Kraus expressed the concern that while the Municipality has recognized the broader Provincial definition of OFDU, it has limited OFDUs to those directly related to the farm operation based on the current policy direction of the Durham Region Official Plan. The delegation raised concern about a perceived lack of conformity with Provincial direction, which she hopes the AACC's OFDU Sub -committee will address. Business Arisina from Minutes AACC 2021 Accomplishments Update: AACC Chair, Eric Bowman, presented the 2021 annual update to the Municipality's Planning and Development Committee on January 17, 2022. Eric provided an overview of the Committee's 2021 activities and accomplishments. Committee extended gratitude to the Committee for their time and efforts and invited AACC input on how Council can provide help to ensure the efficient and safe arrival of Temporary Foreign Workers for the upcoming season. The presentation was received with thanks. Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals DAAC 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Work Plan (#2022-P-2): A copy of the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee's 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Work Plan was circulated to all prior to the meeting. National Farmers Union — Proposed Anaerobic Digestion Facility: A copy of the National Farmers Union — Ontario letter, dated February 7, 2022, was circulated to all prior to the meeting. Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Planning is underway for the 2022 Annual Farm Tour. This year's event is seeking to return to an in -person format, subject to public health guidelines and restrictions. The next DAAC meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2022. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: None. DRFA is in the process of determining their new DRFA representative to the AACC. Durham Farm Connections: Barn Quilt Trail project in Durham Region is on -going. To learn more about the project and/or to participate, email info@durhamfarmconnections.ca. Planning is set to begin for the 2022 Celebrate Agriculture Gala. This year's Gala is seeking to return to an in -person format, subject to public health guidelines and restrictions. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 10, 2022 Clarington Board of Trade: Staff shared an update provided by CBOT. The first round of the Shop Where you Live campaign was a great success. CBOT, in partnership with the Durham Boards/Chambers, are looking at ways to continue with this promotion. CBOT's COVID rapid antigen rapid test kit program continues. To date, CBOT has distributed approximately 60,000 tests to over 500 businesses. A recent shipment of 20,000 test kits has been used to fill outstanding orders, while another 20,000 test kits will be on -hand soon. To participate in the program, place orders at www.cbot.ca/rapidscreening. On -Farm Diversified Uses (OFDUs) Sub -Committee: None. The next OFDU Sub - Committee meeting is scheduled for March 3, 2022. New Business Durham Region Agriculture & Rural Economic Development Workshops: Staff shared a list of upcoming agriculture sector webinars and video series provided by Durham Region. Contact Stacey Jibb, Manager — Agriculture and Rural Economic Development, Region of Durham, for more information (Stacey.jibb@durham.ca; 905- 668-7711). Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame: Eric Bowman shared this week's announcement of the 2022 inductees to the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame. The inductees include James Rickard of Clarington. Eric extended congratulations to James, to his brother and AACC member, Don Rickard, and the Rickard family for this outstanding achievement and the significant contributions James has made to agriculture, locally and beyond. John Cartwright moved to adjourn. Next Meeting Thursday, March 10, 2022 @ 7:30 pm (Virtual Meeting) Karen Yellowlees, Durham Region Federation of Agriculture to introduce the Farmer Wellness Program Stacey Jibb and Allison Brown, Region of Durham Agriculture and Rural Economic Development with an update on the Durham Agri -Food Action Plan Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 10, 2022