HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-75-85 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �} =' REPORT File # /0 Res. # Lpl By-Law # MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: November 18, 1985. REPORT #: WD-75-85 FILE #: SUBJECT: TRAFFIC CONTROL AT THE CONCESSION STREET/ ELGIN STREET INTERSECTION, BOWMANVILLE. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That the Traffic Division of the Durham Region Works Department be requested to provide technical input into actions which can be taken to improve safety at the intersection of Concession Street and Elgin Street in Bowmanville. 3. That Edwin G. Mann, D.C. be advised accordingly and provided a copy of this report. . . . .2 yj,- Page 2 Report No. WD-75-85 REPORT: Attached is a letter from Edwin G. Mann of 15 Elgin Street , Bowmanville, providing details of an accident which recently occurred on Elgin Street, south of Concession Street. There is also mention of a similar incident which occurred during the last two years , of which we are also aware. After the previous accident it was felt that the intersection could be reviewed during update of the Through Highway By-law, however, it has been impossible to schedule a thorough review of that by-law. Thus, as was done recently, serious problems at specific locations are being considered as they arise. IIII A review of the intersection indicates that it is substandard with respect to horizontal and vertical alignment on Elgin Street and has visibility problems on the west side of the north approach from Elgin Street. Three solutions come readily to mind, including that posed by Dr. Mann, namely: 1. Reconstruct the intersection; 2. Reverse the stop signs so that Elgin Street becomes the stop condition; 3. Install 4-Way stop control . Option 1 would require a major realignment to -the west which would damage private property and would be very costly to construct. Owing to the fact that the accidents which have occurred are related to speeding or ignoring the rules of the road, it is doubtful whether improvements made would be substantial enough to solve the problem. Option 2, in staff's opinion, provides the most logical remedy, however, the north approach on Elgin Street is on a grade, and could provide problems for stopping. It does, however, recognize Concession Street as predominant, being a through street from Prospect to Liberty Street. This option also eliminates another 4-Way stop, which is envisaged by many to be a cure-all for traffic problems. . . . .3 Page 3 Report No. WD-75-85 Option 3, the 4-Way stop option would deal with the problem, but would create an unnecessary stop for one direction of traffic. The grade problem on Elgin Street would exist similar to that described in Option 2, and there would still be those who ignore the law. From our review, staff feel confident that reversal of the stop signs to make Elgin Street the stop street and Concession Street the through street would help solve the problem, especially if there is complementary signing and a proper education period, which would include a temporary 4-Way stop. Our experience is, however, limited, and some input from the Region ' s traffic experts would be desirable. Upon completion of such a review, which could be achieved in a short time the necessary by-law could be presented for Council 's consideration. II Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis , P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. RGD:jco November 13, 1985. Attachment i I i TELEPHONE 623-5509 15 ELGIN STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3C7 November 1 , 1985 . Mr. Ivan Hobbs , Local Councillor Town of Newcastle. Dear Ivan: My writing to you has been initiated by an auto- accident which occurred last evening (October 31) . A vehicle which was coming south on Elgin Street at an apparent high rate of speed, lost control as it rounded the bend at Concession St . It crossed the driveway (culvert- ditch) between 27 and 23 Elgin St . , onto the lawn of 21 Elgin St . where two trees were removed. From here it went through our hedge and came to a stop when it: hit three birch trees on our front lawn. Fortunately the property damage, although cosmetically disfiguring, was relatively light. What concerns me however is that only a few minutes earlier I had observed a group of young people gathered at exactly the spot where this car crossed the sidewalk. What might have happened defies description. Futhermore this is not an isolated incident . At least twice 'within the last two years there has been a similar occurrence in front of 27 Elgin. In one accident the vehicle belonging to Gerrit Vandemeent and which was parked in his driveway was completely destroyed. I strongly feel that before an unnecessary tragedy occurs , Four-Way Stop Signs should be installed at the corners of Elgin and Concession Streets . This would be a particularly appropri- ate time to do this in view of the increased traffic Elgin St . is going to experience with the completion of the new subdivision off High St. I know Mr. Vandemeent requested that this be done two years ago . I do urge you to take whatever steps are needed to have this done immediately. Yours sincierely, G. Edwin Mann D.C. TELEPHONE 9 3-5548 15 ELGIN STREET l' BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3C7 November 1, 1985. Mrs . Marie Hubbard, Regional Councillor Town of Newcastle. Dear Marie : My writing to you has been initiated by an auto- accident which occurred last evening (October 31 ) . A vehicle which was coming south on Elgin Street at an apparent high rate of speed, lost control as it rounded the bend at Concession St. It crossed the driveway (culvert- ditch) between 27 and 23 Elgin St. , onto the lawn of 21 Elgin St . where two trees were removed. From here it went through our hedge and came to a stop when it hit three birch trees on our front lawn. Fortunately the property damage, although cosmetically disfiguring, was relativley light . What concerns me however is that only a few minutes earlier I had observed a group of young people gathered at exactly the spot where this car crossed the sidewalk. What might have happended defies description. Futhermore this is not an isolated incident . At least twice within the last two years there has been a similar occurrence in front of 27 Elgin. In one accident the vehicle belonging to Gerrit Vandemeent and which was parked in his driveway was completely destroyed. I strongly feel that before an unnecessary tragedy occurs , Four-Way Stop Signs should be installed at the corners of Elgin and Concession Streets . This would be a particularly appropri- ate time to do this in view of the increased traffic Elgin St . is going to experience with the completion of the new subdivision off High St. I know Mr. Vandemeent requested that this be done two years ago. I do urge you to take whatever steps are needed to have this done immediately. Yours sincerely, f G. Edwin- �D.C.