HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-267-87 (2) Diff AttachmentsDN : 267-87 ~ ~~'~ ~ .~ ,f / TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Fi1e# .~3~~.3~.~° Res . #~~``~~'-' -~~ "' -~~f~ By-Law # (YE~TING: General Purpose and Administration Committee ~~~ Monday, October 19, 1987 REPORT #: p„_~ti~_R~ FILE #: ~~~~b- SUB.~CT: REZONING APPLICATION - JEAN HALL AND BERNICE MILLIGAN PART OF LOT 7, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TWP. OF CLARKE (NEWTONVILLE) FILE: DEV 87-66 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-267-87 be received; and 2. THAT the Rezoning Application submitted by Jean Hall and Bernice Milligan, being premature be table until such time that the issue of water supply and quality for the Hamlet of Newtonville is resolved and furthermore, pending the submission of an Engineering Report as required pursuant to the provisions of the Town of Newcastle Official Plant' and 3. THAT a copy of said Report be forwarded to the applicants. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On August 25, 1987, the Town of Newcastle Planning Department received an application to rezone a parcel of land in Part of Lot 7, Concession 2, in the former Township of Clarke, Hamlet of Newtonville, to extend the limits of the "Residential Hamlet (RH)" zone to permit the development of an additional residential lot. ...2 ~c~~ REPORT NO.: PD-267-87 PAGE 2 The subject lands are currently zoned "Residential Hamlet (RH)" and "Agricultural Exception Zone (A-1)" in the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. Staff would note that lots to be created within this zoning category must have a minimum lot area of 3000 square metres and a minimum frontage of 30 metres. Staff would note that the "Residential Hamlet" zone limits, extends b0 metres in depth from Highway No. 2 in the vicinity of the subject lands. In order to meet the lot area requirements, the lots as proposed would exceed the northern limits of the "Residential Hamlet" zone. Staff would note that within the limits of the Residential Hamlet zone, a lot could be created to conform with the appropriate provisions thereby meeting the lot area requirements of 3000 square metres. The subject lands are designated "Hamlet" within the Durham Regional Official Plan and "Existing Residential" and "Residential Expansion" in the Newtonville Hamlet Plan (see attached). In addition to the above comments, Staff would note that stated within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, residential development within a Hamlet may proceed on the basis of a 0.~ hectare lot. Council may further approve a reduction only sofar as the minimum lot size is not below the 0.3 hectares. Any reduction from the 0.4 hectare lot is based on the submission of an Engineering Report based on test drilling which confirms the following: - soil conditions satisfactory for the effective operation of a private waste disposal system - no adverse effects upon existing water supplies and an adequate supply of potable water to service the proposed development; and - an adequate separation between water table and septic the fields. Staff would additionally note, for Committee's consideration that the issue of water supply and quality of same within the Newtonville area has yet to be resolved. In addition to the above comments, Staff would note that the Rezoning Application as circulated to the various outside agencies for comments, has not been responded to by the Region of Durham Works Department or Planning Department. ...3 ~~~> REPORT NO.: PD-267-87 PAGE 3 Accordingly and in consideration of the above-noted comments, until such time that the servicing aspects have been clarified and Staff is in receipt of an Engineering Report in consideration of the application, Staff are not in a position to support the Rezoning Application as filed. Recommended for presentation to the Committee f~ /~- - `-~ ~ /J~ -,.~w+® L wrenc ~ Kotseff Chief 'i~istrative Officer LDT~TTE~jip Attach. October 8, 1987 APPLICANTS: J. Hall and B. Milligan P.O. Box 25 NEWTONVILLE, Ontario LOA 1JOo ,~ SUBJECT SITE LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 ~NN~N~.~~~MN ~ ~ ~. ~MN1N~N~MNNNNN~ ~• ~ ~~N1M~NN~N N~NI~~NN~1N~.~.~N.~NNN ~ ~11~NNNN~NINN.NI~N ~N N 1 z I ' i ~ ~-° ~ A- I / ~ # N I ~I a a ~"~ Z J "' K o ~ ~ O ~ i w U/~ ~ ' ~I ~ W 4 ~° W U q- ~ A-1 o RN U ~ ~ ~ ~~• ~ C3-2 ~ ; 1 ~~'''~ ~ RH ~ ~ aI w P~ NO 2 W RH N1GN RH HILL STREET ~ PAYNES CRES. 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