HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-08Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee (SWNAMAC) Minutes If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Date: February 8, 2022 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Held Virtually via Microsoft Teams Present: Tom Hossie, Leo Blindenbach, Kate Potter, Patrick Bothwell, Rod McArthur, Leah Bourgeois, Kristin Brent, Ken Mercer ( Staff ), Meg Vanden brink,Carmen Aeillo,Brian Reid Regrets: Corinna Traill 1. Call to Order 2. Additions to the Agenda - Leo requested that we have some discussion re the Butterfly Rangers initiative of the David SuzukiFoundation 3. Adoption of the Agenda - moved by Leo Blindenbach, seconded by Meg Vandenbrink that the agenda, with the above addition, be adopted. Carried. 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) Moved by Kate Potter Seconded by Tom Hossie That the minutes of the meeting of January 11, 2022 be approved. Carried 5. Status Reports/Updates 5.1 Winter Trail Maintenance — Ken - ongoing based on weather 5.2 Silt Fencing along Waterfront Trail — Ken 5.3 Mowing of Wildflower Area along Waterfront/Lakeshore Drive — Ken 5.2 and 5.3 cannot be undertaken until the level of snow in theaffected areas has gone down considerably SWNAMAC Minutes February 8, 2022 5.4 Signage re Bridge Surfaces and Re Cyclists/Hikers Ken reported that the various signs in question have been received and willbe installed by staff as soon as possible. 5.5 Trail Markers through old growth forest Additional 4' marker signs have been ordered. Ken will advise Brian whenthey have been received. He and Carmen have agreed to install them thereafter. 5.6 Treatment Plant Study Brian reported that the submission to the Region had been acknowledged. The regional staff person said that the project team was working on responses to our questions. Further, they are also looking at possible datesfor a virtual meeting with the committee to discuss the project. 5.7 Traffic/Usage Survey Considerable discussion took place on this topic. Kate has been in contact with GRCA who will send information on how it has conducted such surveys in the past. Brian reported that he has reviewed the survey format that was used by SWNA in 2012 . He and Kate will work together to develop an up to date format and bring it back to the whole committee at our March meeting. Itwas noted that such surveys can be very labour intensive. It was suggested that our manual survey could run parallel to an on-line survey. It was also noted that it would probably be best to conduct the survey in each of the four seasons to establish a broader data base and to identify seasonal patterns. 5.8 Calendar/Chart of Activities Kate presented the chart ( previously sent out to members ) as a guideline for keeping our various activities etc organized... Some changes were made andKate will send out a revised copy to members. It was noted that changes can be made at any time. 5.9 Interpretative Signage/QR Codes Project Tom reviewed the details of this project on behalf of the subcommittee struck at our last meeting ( Brian, Kristin, Tom and Meg ) In simplest terms, QR codes willbe posted at various locations throughout the SWNA allowing persons with smart phones to access information pertaining to various subjects relating to the nature area. Several subjects have been chosen as a starting point for this initiative. Preparation of a narrative relating to each of these will be done by committee members and circulated for comment and review.. Thereafter, Tom will set upthe QR codes for each . Additional subjects may be added going forward. SWNAMAC Minutes February 8, 2022 At present, the subjects and committee members assigned to each are as follows: Salmon ecology/life history - Brian The wonderful word of moths - Tom Emerald Ash Borer - Tom Monarch Butterfly/Conservation./ Life History - Meg Native Pollinators - Kristin Living Alongside Wildlife - Kate Cultural Heritage - Kate 6. Items on Hold: 6.1 Storm Drainage Pond 6.2 Butternut Tree Planting 6.3 Scouting Bird House Project 7. Other Business Leo noted that the David Suzuki Foundation has a programme called Butterfly Rangers which aims to engage people in doing much of what we have been doing at SWNA for the past several years in protecting and enhancing monarch habitat, planting native plants etc. Leo has circulated information about the programme on the Port of Newcastle /Friends of Samuel Wilmot Facebook pages. This is seen as an excellent way to complement our own activities. Ken reported that he had ordered this year's monarch tags. Ken reported that the municipality hopes to have a compost giveaway day onMay 14th, 202. SWNAMAC Minutes February 8, 2022 8. Round table Leo reported that a coy wolf has been seen on a regular basisin and around the east end of the Port. Brian reported having seen a coyote only a couple blocks from his home in northeast Bowmanville . Tom has noticed a number of social media comments about coyote sighting and was pleasantly surprised that they were not negative. This highlights the need to coexist with wildlife. Meg and Kate continue to walk in the SWNA almost daily. Leah has spent time walking in the nature area since our last meeting. Carmencommented on how much he enjoyed the virtual presentation on owls put onrecently by the Durham Region Field Naturalists. 9. Next Meeting -Tuesday March 8,2022 ( Virtual or in person TBD) 10.Adjournment Moved by Kate Potter Seconded by Patrick Bothwell That themeeting be adjourned. Carried.