HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-233-87~~"~'"°'~~`~~~ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~''~tyh~S' Y~tc/`J u'~. 4<; ,,~~~ REPORT ''~.~~ ,r C~; h~7I~: General Purpose and Administration Comr~ittee ~~~ t+tonday, September 21, 19£i7 T #: Po_~:~~_~7 FII~ #: CT: REZONING EAST AND WEST BEACH COVE ROAD TO SIMPSON AVENUE ~ «~ File # ~~% '. P Res. #,~ ~ ;i~~~. f By-Law # RECOPgNIENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-233-87 be received for information. BACKGROUND Af'dD CU(u1MENT: At the General Purpose and Administration Committee P+leeting of July 6, 1987 the Committee approved Resolution #GPA-607-87 to request the Director of Planning to revieva the implications of rezoning the area east of the West Beach Area betvaeen Cove Road and Simpson Avenue and report back. * The attached map illustrates the present zoning of the area. Most of the lands are presently zoned "Shoreline Residential Special Exception One (RS-1)" with the balance of the lands zoned "Environr~ental Protection (EP)". These zoning categories were put in place with the approval of By-law 84-63 in September of 1984 following extensive public involvement of the area residents. The previous zoning, contained in 6y-law 1587 o~f the former Town of Bowmanville, was "Rural" (A) which limited uses to those existing at the .,,2 ~~~~ REPORT NO.: PD-233-87 Page 2 date of passing of said By-law (August 2, 1955). The present zoning has the same effect but perr;iits conversions of cottages subject to satisfying the numerous requirements of the by-law. In addition, a portion of the area was rezoned to "Environmental Protection (EP)" thus further restricting activities and land uses in the area. As noted, there was considerable public involvement in the zoning of this area. This was due to the fact that the first draft of the Zoning By-law proposed to place the entire area in an "Environmental Protection" zone due to the comments of both the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the f~linistry of Natural Resources. The present zoning, therefore represents a compromise and was intended to permit upgrading of this area but at the same tir,~e address concerns related to flooding and lake erosion due to vvave uprush. The area in question has also been identified for public acquisition by Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority as part of the long term development of the Bowmanville Barbour Conservation Area (extract of map * attached). The Town supported this plan and assigned a priority to it by Resolution #GPA-152-83 on February 21, 1983. The implications of rezoning this area must be reviewed in the context of the Town's present position, bdhile the Town supports the development of a Waterfront Conservation Area it has further entrenched existing uses through the zoning compromise reached in 1984. This may affect the implementation of the waterfront plan inasmuch as the zoning can have a positive effect on property values. Staff have assumed that we were to review the implications of rezoning the area to "Environmental Protection (EP)". In that regard, there is a basis for doing so given the Harbour Master Plan and the flooding concerns. However, if rezoned, the existing residents would continue to ...3 ~~~~ REPORT NO.: PD-233-87 Page 3 enjoy a legal non-conforming status until such time as the use was discontinued or the properties acquired by a public agency in order to implement the Harbour Plan. The most significant impacts, therefore, would be the impact, if any, on property values and the legislated requirement to seek Committee of Adjustment approvals for any changes to existing uses and structures. If Council wishes to pursue a change to the zoning of this area, appropriate public notices avill have to be published and a public meeting scheduled. TTE*jip *Attach. September 8, 1987 Recommended for presentation to the Committee ~ ~ , ____ G. rence Kotseff Chief A i~'strative Officer V Z O U Z O_ N W V Z O V ~- Z O LL. Z W Y O m REVISIONS 0 M.B., JULY 19, 1985 BY-LAW 84-141,Passed DEC.10,1984 BY-LAW 85- 12 ,PassedFE6.ll,1985 .~ BY-LAW85-36,Passed APRIL 9, 1985 BY-LAW 85- 47, Passed APRIL 22,1985 BY-LAW 85-51 , Passed APRIL 22,1985 BY-LAW85-52, Passed APRIL22,1985 BY-LAW 85-76, Passed JUNE 10, 1985 BY-LAW85-94, Passed JULY 22, 1985 BY-LAW.85-108,Passed SEPT.23, 1985 BY-LAW86-12, PassedJWNUARY27,1986 BY-LAW 86- 33, Passed M-ARCH 10, 1986 BY LAW 86-56, Passed MAY 12 1986 BY-LAW 86-4 I ,Passed MARCH ~L4,1986 BY-LAW 86.123 Passed SEPT. 8 1986 BY tAW86-62,b.M.B.approvedJA}~.2, 1987 BY-LAW 87- I9, Passed JAN.26 1987 BY-LAW 87-20, Passed JANUARY 26,1987 BY LAW 87- 13, Passed JANUARY 26,1987 BY-LAW87-89, Passed MAY 11, 1987 BY-LAW 87-121, Passed JUNE 22 , 1987 CHEDULE o m m z -~i m v ~I~~' ~~os~=~ Z Z '~ m Z ro a y Z; O fl D -~i -~1 ?I ~ D ~ Z i i F ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ m m ¢ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~' o a~~~~ ~, x d c~ ~q ~~~~~ U ~ ~ g ~~~~ r ~ z a _ ~ g ~ n ^ o n N ~ g m > O N v ~ m ` i ° S z ~ a 0. ~ ~ ~~ m ~ ~ L ~l D m 1~ m z v A ~~~~D o LL ~ m N~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ r-\ ~ ~ ~~ ' -~ ~~ .~ ~~ ~~ o~/ O ~ C '---;~ .n . 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