HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-02Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes for the meeting of February 2, 2022 6:30 p.m. Via Microsoft Teams If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford, Chair Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Vice -Chair Tim Van Leeuwen Pinder DaSilva Sarah Taylor Deb Kalogris Marina Ross Councillor Janice Jones Also Present: Erica Mittag, Community Development Coordinator — Diversity and Inclusion Jeannette Whynot, Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Sarah McConaghy Catherine McConaghy 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Declaration of Interest None 3. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes Moved by Deb Kalogris; seconded by Sarah Taylor That the minutes of the meeting of January 12, 2022 be approved. Carried Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — February 2, 2022 4. Guest Speaker: Erica Mittag, Community Development Coordinator — Diversity and Inclusion Re: Creation of Municipal Civic Awards Erica presented information about the Municipality's intention to create a Civic Awards Program. Over the years, the Municipality has received numerous requests over the years to recognize people in community doing great work and having a positive impact on the community. Currently there are recognition programs in place, but nothing as formal as a Civic Awards Program. As staff are developing a framework for the program, it became clear that the AAC needed to be consulted. Currently the Committee nominates a business/person/organization for the Durham Accessibility Award and then holds a separate event to recognize everyone who was nominated but did not win. With the creation of the Civic Awards Program there is an opportunity to include "Accessibility" as a category, which would overlap with the current Accessibility Award and nominations being recognized. A brief discussion of potential options going forward were discussed. Staff suggested that knowing the Committee is supportive of including Accessibility as an award category in the Civic Awards Program is a great first step. From here, staff will come back to the Committee with additional recommendations for their consideration and approval. Moved by Pinder DaSilva, Seconded by Sarah Taylor, That the Accessibility Advisory Committee supports the establishment of the Civic Awards Program and the inclusion of an Accessibility Award as part of that program. Carried 5. Business Arising from Previous Meeting Minutes 5.1 2021 Annual Status Update Moved by Deb Kalogris, seconded by Sarah Taylor That the Accessibility Advisory Committee accept the 2021 Annual Status Update Carried 5.2 National AccessAbility Week 2022: Brainstorming Committee is encouraged to continue brainstorming ideas and determining what they would like to help organize. Page 2 of 5 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — February 2, 2022 To interview with the newspaper, a staff member will need to be part of the interview. The Client Services Manager is aware and will help ensure a staff member is able to support this initiative while Jeannette is on parental leave. With it being budget approval season, Jeannette advised that this can be done in the early spring. Staff are supportive of the contest ideas. Sarah Taylor volunteered to help develop the contests, both the art and scavenger hunt. 6. New Business 6.1 Inclusive Community Grant Once again the Inclusive Community Grant is open for applications. Last time we applied we received just under $60,000 to install the mobility device charging stations. Jeannette requested the Committee share ideas for projects we could apply for. Ideally, projects would benefit both seniors and people with disabilities. The Committee came up with the following suggestions: • Installation of automatic sliding doors • Tactile plates at road crossings • Installation of more accessible swings in parks • Installation of picture communication signage in parks • Creation of a sensory garden o Sensory gardens have features that touch on all five senses through a variety of mediums. • Raised community garden beds • Sensory additions to our pools Given the short window for applications, Jeannette advised that she would take these ideas back to staff and determine the best one to move forward with. Once an idea was secured, Jeannette advised she would work with the Committee Chair to create a letter of support from the Committee. Additionally, she would work with Councillor Jones to gain Council's support for the project and application. The Committee mutually agreed this was an appropriate course of action given the short timelines. 6.2 Re -applying for the Accessibility Advisory Committee post -election. Reminder it's an election year. After the October election there may not be any meetings from Oct -Dec. Towards the end of the year there will be calls committee members. Per the Terms of Reference, Committee members can only serve 2 terms in a row; can still apply but Council would have to give approval for additional terms. Page 3 of 5 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — February 2, 2022 6.3 Mobility charging stations moving forward To date, there are 6 installed in parks and public spaces. The Municipality intended to install a solar powered option in a more remote area that does not have electricity available, however this has proven to be a large challenge. The technology to support the batter size we need does not exist. Therefore, we are shifting our approach and will re -allocate the money to add 6-8 more hard -wired stations at indoor and outdoor locations. Staff have identified the following locations: • Rickard Arena • Allan Strike Centre • Orono Library (currently not accessible but a major accessibility upgrade is scheduled for later this year) • Newcastle Area • Bowmanville Mall • Newcastle Community Hall • Memorial Park (if appropriate infrastructure is available, staff to double check) • Clarington Fields Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer requested that the site plan sub committee include requesting charging stations in their site plan comments. Additionally, the Committee asked why locations in North Bowmanville weren't on this list right now. Staff explained that charging stations can be incorporated into park development, but right now there's not enough infrastructure to support them. Moved by Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Seconded by Deb Kalogris Whereas mobility device charging stations have proven to be a successful addition to the Clarington community and local neighborhoods ; And whereas accessibility considerations should be brought forward as early in the planning stages as possible and; And whereas Clarington has the opportunity to be a leader in offering mobility device charging stations throughout its community; Now therefore be is resolved that the Accessibility Advisory Committee shall recommend the inclusion of mobility device charging stations in new commercial builds, where appropriate and that the Municipality of Clarington includes mobility device charging stations in new municipal facilities and outdoor spaces, where appropriate. Carried Page 4 of 5 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — February 2, 2022 7. New Business Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer spoke about the new electronic price tags on shelves at Metro — signs appear to be different sizes & not very accessible. Other Committee members agreed to check out the signs and also provide feedback at the next meeting. Sarah Taylor will be meeting with Jennifer from the newspaper tomorrow morning to talk about accessibility Pinder DaSilva invited everyone to the Abilities Centre lunch and learn on February 22. Information on the latest information from the National Disability Survey will be presented. Jeannette advised she would send everyone information about it through email. 8. Adjournment Moved by Sarah Taylor, Seconded by Deb Kalogris That the meeting be adjourned Carried Meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm Next meeting: Wednesday March 2, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams Page 5 of 5