HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-300-87~"y"'""'~~`~~~~- TOWN OF NEWCASTEE ~ `1 r~~,~:, ,~~'~ R E P O R T ~~ ~ (~, ' ' ~~ti ("EFTIN~: General Purpose and Administration Committee SATE: Monday, December 7, 1987 REPORT #: PD-300-87 FILF #:18T-75362 SUB.~CT: EXTENSION OF DRAFT APPROVAL - BURKETON HILLS PART LOTS 18/19, CONCESSION 10, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON OUR FILE: 18T-75362 RECOMMENDATIONS: DN: 300-87 ~JC~) File #~~. ~~„ / Res. # By-Law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-300-87 be received; and 2. THAT Council adopt the following resolution: "THAT Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-75362 for a further one (1) year period to January 23, 1989"; and 3. THAT the request in Recommendation No. 2 above, be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and that the Owner be so advised. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On November 16, 1987 Staff received a copy of a letter addressed to the applicant (attached) from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs noting that the draft approval would lapse in January, 1988. Staff would note for the Committee's information that the subdivision has been developed in phases and accordingly would require an extension for that portion which has not been included in present phase development. ...2 ~C~~ REPORT NO.: PD-300-87 PAGE 2 To that end, Staff would note that a clearance letter has been forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs in respect of the last phase of registration, acknowledging that the Town would have no objections to the registration of the proposed lOM Plan. Staff would acknowledge that the proposed lOM Plan could be registered prior to the lapsing date of January 23, 1988. Staff, however, would have no objection to the approval of the recommendation as contained within this Report thereby providing the applicant with an extended time period should the registration not be completed prior to the lapsing date of January 23, 1988. Accordingly and in consideration of the above, Staff would have no objections to the approval of a further one (1) year extension in draft approval for Plan of Subdivision 18T-75362. Respectfully submitted, ~' T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence otseff Chief Ad n'~trative Officer LDT*TTE*jip *Attach. November 18, 1987 CC: G.M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. Consulting Engineers 185 Brock Street North Suite 207 WHITBY, Ontario L1N 4H3 CC: Veltri and Sons Limited 68 King Street East BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3X2 Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 /j/~ ~C u1~ ii/~~t ''~,~~'~ ~ ~~ ~ ( 1 ~UVE:ZU~tE:I' `^ r ~~ '~ ~~~~ ~~~ Mr. J.h. Ke::n~dy, M.C.I.p ~~~t~~llN~ ~L=!-~ • - S e n i u r F :. a r. n u: `•"`~ 1~0~ ~~ 8~ Planning D': vi~ior, r ,A~•,'~,~3LE Marsha) 1 , h,~-.ciilin, Monaghan Ltd. SD rr. '' a•~w--J ~~ = ^~ 275 Dur,~ar, h: i : ; Faad C~E~,, ,;_.i'ARTiYiENT Dan ~: ' ~ _ ^:, t: r ~ c ' ~• , M?,~ ~V1 Ducar Sir. Sub~;c:c:t : :..au::~::g of D~ aft Appruv~:l Mu::ic,p~lit}'. low,: of Nuwc~::tle Dr~:,ft a~pr~'va~ of the above subdiv:..ion wi._1. lap:;c o:. 3~:nu.~ry ..~, _9G£;. If you are ~ntu:'e:c,tc,ci .~:-, pursuit',y fir:a~ :approval pleau•e send us a ~~euuE:~'t fur i,f:t~::,...ur: ~~.` cl::aft approv,,l ..~..t.r,c ..ua~;on~~, _:: advance or '-.!':.. _ ping date, with cop::; to the _..cal z,rr;:, .,_....:.~~:~a_it.y ~,r:d rc>.gior:s'. F=•1~.:.._rc; department.. ~n orde.r to ~dE:nt:i; y <~;r,y potential Z~robl.erus .. _ er•o^.::aF'.:c th.:t }'r)u alr'r.1 ;..:",1.:...~ t'-:e e.:tc:isior: wtY; t},e loC::li planning :lepartrnent. 3y a ca~,y cf t`:i.; = et,tcr we ar. e ~.:;s.ir.g betL; local a: ea anc .eg~.or,al n,un:~cip;~lit:es to ::idv_o~rj us of their )ca; ~_c;n on the e•r.tension r~:ques-i.. If we du :-,ct ,r::.~r _ om ,eri, we wi a uric hr~,~ ,a no c,.;ject:.o:-.~. '_F t`,ere arr•: ,any ccr,~err:~ with the rer:uccted e::tension we will contact yo'.i i,: adv~,:7ce of t:e _ _ :..~.:c .:a'~e . Please re.^.,eri;bc~ tL:at once draft aZ~prova'_ has lapsed, it oa::not be re~notatcd and ~ new aural leaf. or. will rave to be submitted to the kec;,on ef~Dur•ham. S~,oul:l vc'~ `:~~>~ a:-:y c:ue~tior., plea~~ cal 5E;5-6067. 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