HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-304-87DN: 304-87 ,,,,r ..,*.~i uc~,,, ,~, ~~:'? ~" r , , '. TOWN OF NE~'CAST~LC''I~~~ ~'I~.'_~ ,.~_~ ~!; j~;~~?,il. REPORT F i 1 e # ~,5 °~~ `7 Res. # ~I~~COUNCIL DATE: Monday, December 14, 1987 T #nD-3o4-s7 FIIF #2.2(5) _. ~~CT:COURTICE URBAN AREA HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDY OUR FILE: 2.2(5) By-Law # RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THA'N' Report PD-304-87 be received; and 2. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to immediately amend its Lot Levies to incorporate a~ awe.- e levy for the provision of municipal wat~~ and sewer services to existing privately serviced residential areas within designated ~~~~ C~cxr-F e e~_ urban area e~a~s impacted by urban development. 3. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to undertake detailed hydrogeological investigations in accordance with Recommendation No. 2 of the Gartner Lee Courtice Hydrogeology Study as part of their pre-construction engineering design process for all Regional works within or adjacent to the Courtice Urban Area. 4. THAT the implementation of the recommendations and mitigative measures suggested by the 1981 Courtice Environmental Assessment and Recommendation No. 4 of the Gartner Lee Courtice Hydrogeology Study conducted by Gartner Lee be extended to all areas of the Courtice Urban Area. ...2 I!! `?' ~ ~; REPORT NO.: PD-304-87 PAGE 2 _®_.~.~m_.~®-_._-.~~®____v-_____--_®_~.®_-~._®~-r-®_®--__®-®__-®.~-~.-~.~.~.-~.®-_-.~_.~.~-a~.~.- ect ~ ~ c~ r~ 5 c%,~ # e~T,,; c~ 5. THAT the Town retain a qualified Hydrogeologis~ to prepare terms of reference for a comprehensive groundwater monitoring program for the entire Courtice Urban Area including placement of necessary monitoring devices, an ongoing maintenance and recording process and including amendments, if any, to the Town's current Subdivision Agreement groundwater monitoring requirements with an appropriate budget allocation for 1988. 6. THAT the Town continue to require subdividers to fund groundwater investigation and monitoring programs in accordance with the comprehensive monitoring plan suggested above. 7. THAT the Town continue to provide stringent inspection of subdivision or development servicing activities. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: As the Members of Council will recall, at a Special Meeting of Council held on August 14, 1987, Resolution ~#C-700-87 was approved directing Staff to immediately retain a Hydrogeologist to review existing well monitoring data and provide an assessment of complaints and to establish a base line for the water table and potential impact due to development. .Accordingly, on August 31, 1987, Staff retained the services of Gartner Lee Limited to undertake preparation of a Report in respect of the Council directive. The Consultant's final report has now been completed and copies of same forwarded to the Members of Council under cover of previous memorandum. The consultant's conclusions are found in Section 5.1 on Pages 26 and 27 of the Report. In general, Staff feel that the Report provides us with an adequate basis for properly evaluating and assessing impact complaints and implementing corrective measures. However, due to the long term implications of development to the Courtice groundwater regime, we believe that it is essential that proper construction techniques be adhered to by the Region of Durham, Developers and the Town to minimize impacts on the groundwater. In addition, all available ...3 i, REPORT NO.: PD-304-87 PAGE 3 techniques should be utilized to permit groundwater recharge to occur to ensure adequate baseflow to the watercourses within this area and a protection of the associated environment. As an immediate objective, municipal services should be provided to all properties presently utilizing private well and septic systems. Planning Staff do not believe that the provision of water service alone will correct the problem since, in the long term, it has been proven that the availability of municipal water increases usage, placing a strain upon private waste disposal systems, the replacement of which may be prevented due to small lot areas. The consultant's recommendations are found in Section 5.2 of the Report commencing on Page 28. These are summarized as follows: 1. Institute a well complaint screening process. 2. Prior to undertaking construction of trunk services all proponents should carry out a detailed hydrogeologic investigation with groundwater monitoring prior to, during and for at least one year following construction. This should also include an assessment of groundwater quality. 3. Carry out a detailed field investigation of the Highway No. 2 alignment of buried services or alternatively, install a municipal supply to affected residents. 4. Continue to require hydrogeologic studies for all subdivision activity in Courtice including ongoing monitoring of groundwater with reports reviewed by a qualified Hydrogeologist on behalf of the Town. 5. Further review existing developments to locate and correct any specific dewatering impacts. 6. Continue to utilize their 1981 Study and its recommendations be extended to all areas of Courtice. Staff concur with and support these recommendations and offer the following comments in respect of same. 1. The well complaint screening process will require an allocation of staff time. This, however, has already been done by Council and is presently carried out by Public Works Staff, but additional time will be necessary in view of the increased level of detail and information required. 2. This relates primarily to Regional and Provincial activities and in some cases subdividers. The latter group is presently required to carry out site investigations and monitoring. ...4 i REPORT NO.: PD-304-87 PAGE 4 3. The decision has been made to make municipal water available to affected residents. However, the continued drawdown of the water table could have long term environmental impacts related to base flows to the watercourses in this area and water quality in those streams. 4. This recommendation is presently a Town requirement but has cost implications for consulting services. Staff suggest these costs are recoverable and should be added to the engineering inspection fees collected by the Town's Works Department through the Subdivision Agreement process. 5. Staff continue to monitor and inspect subdivision construction and identify potential impacts and require corrective actions. 6. The recommendations of the 1981 Study have, to some degree, been implemented. There have been instances where compromises have been made to facilitate implementation of the Official Plans. These recommendations included: a) develop a planning concept reflecting the environmental sensitivity of the area. (Most of the landuse designations for Courtice were predetermined through prior Official Plan and Secondary Plan approvals. The one exception being the Courtice North neighbourhoods where secondary plans reflect the intent of the 1981 Study). b) Develop an integrated drainage plan which respects the natural drainage pattern. (With the exception of certain prior approvals, the Courtice Storm Water Management Plan has been re-evaluated and certain changes in objectives initiated to reflect this suggestion). c) Stage development to permit monitoring of impacts. (Earlier attempts to emplace staging policies were met with resistance at the Regional level due to implications to capital investments in Courtice trunk services). d) Pre-development monitoring should be established. (This has been partially instituted through subdivision agreements, however, a co-ordinated program is lacking for the whole of the area). e) The Adelaide Avenue extension should be reviewed and the alignment re-evaluated. (This was carried out and resulted in an amendment to the Official Plan to delete this proposed major arterial road). ...5 REPORT NO.: PD-304-87 PAGE 5 In addition to the foregoing, a number of mitigative measures were recommended that have only been implemented in the 1981 Study area. The present study suggests extending these to all of Courtice. Staff note that to do so may delay processing of new developments in Courtice and may result in deviations from the Town's normal development standards in some instances. It is Planning Staff's opinion that the urbanization of Courtice, as originally conceived by the Darlington Official Plan, in 1960, and re-affirmed by the Durham Regional Official Plan will have long term environmental impacts. One such impact is manifesting itself in the current groundwater supply and quality problems. The rapid rate and multiplicity of development has compounded the problems and certainly will have a longer and more general impact on the area's groundwater and private wells drawing from same. We would recommend the following actions to Council: 1. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to immediately amend its Lot Levies to incorporate an area wide levy for the provision of municipal water and sewer services to existing privately serviced residential areas within designated urban areas or hamlets impacted by urban development. 2. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to undertake detailed hydrogeological investigations in accordance with Recommendation No. 2 of the Gartner Lee Courtice Hydrogeology Study as part of their pre-construction engineering design process for all Regional works within or adjacent to the Courtice Urban Area. 3. THAT the implementation of the recommendations and mitigative measures suggested by the 1981 Courtice Environmental Assessment and Recommendation No. 4 of the Gartner Lee Courtice Hydrogeology Study conducted by Gartner Lee be extended to all areas of the Courtice Urban Area. 4. THAT the Town retain a qualified Hydrogeologist to prepare terms of reference for a comprehensive groundwater monitoring program for the entire Courtice Urban Area including placement of necessary monitoring devices, an ongoing maintenance and recording process and including amendments, if any, to the Town's current Subdivision Agreement groundwater monitoring requirements with an appropriate budget allocation for 1988. 5. THAT the Town continue to require subdividers to fund groundwater investigation and monitoring programs in accordance with the comprehensive monitoring plan suggested above. ...6 REPORT N0.: PD-304-87 ~ ~' ~'~ ~~ ,,'~ ~~GR' g~ 6. THAT the Town continue to provide stringent inspection of subdivision or development servicing activities. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee r-- ~ `~, wrence .` otseff Chief Ad i a.strative Officer