HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-13Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, January 13, 2022 Members Present: Eric Bowman Don Rickard Henry Zekveld Brenda Metcalf John Cartwright Jennifer Knox Richard Rekker Tom Barrie Jordan McKay Councillor Zwart Regrets: Ryan Cullen, Ben Eastman Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid, Ryan Windle - Planning & Development Services Guests: Pam Duesling and Emily Sousa, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph; Jason Moore, Clarington Heritage Committee Observers: Mayor Foster; Councillor Jones; Stacey Jibb, Colleen Goodchild, Mike Scott, Planning & Economic Development, Region of Durham Due to COVID 19 restrictions and to ensure social distancing, participation in the meeting was electronic (using Microsoft Teams) and by conference call. Eric welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions of Committee members. Eric advised the Committee that Durham Region Federation of Agriculture representative, Richard Rekker, has stepped down from the DRFA Board resulting in a temporary vacancy of this position on the AACC. The Committee extended gratitude to Richard for the experience, expertise and time he dedicated to the AACC for many years. Richard's knowledge of wholesale/retail sales, temporary foreign workers and the greenhouse industry were substantial assets to the AACC. Declarations of Interest None Adoption of Agenda 022-001 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Don Rickard That the Agenda for January 13, 2022 be adopted. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 13, 2022 Approval of Minutes 022-002 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Brenda Metcalf That the minutes of the December 9, 2021 meeting be approved. Carried Presentation OMAFRA Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario's Prime Agricultural Areas — Assessment of Effectiveness and Implementation of Best Practices: Pam Duesling and Emily Sousa from the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University of Guelph presented an overview of their research project, sharing key results from their study work. OMAFRA's Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Prime Agricultural Areas provide guidance to support implementation of the Provincial Policy Statement with regards to agricultural, agricultural -related and on -farm diversified uses (OFDUs). The objectives of their research included evaluating the effectiveness of the guidelines, identifying existing policies and strategies that are used to encourage agriculture related and OFDUs, evaluating the effect of policy on farms, and identifying best practices for policy and strategies. The research set out to ensure the policy framework for OFDUs, in particular, is supportive in balancing the goals of farmland protection, agricultural viability, and economic development. A sample of results from surveys and interviews with famers and provincial and municipal planners was shared. Key research findings included a need for more outreach, education, training and sharing of best practices; opportunities for updating the OMAFRA guidelines to add clarity, strengthen the direction of "farm first" and provide additional guidance on uses such as event venues; and the identification of municipal strategies to further support Proponents, such as as -of -right zoning for OFDUs, simplified approvals processes, consideration of reduced fees, and design guidelines. The complete data set gathered through the research and full assessment and analysis of the results is being compiled into a final report, to be released in early 2022. The final report will be published at www.waynecaldwell.ca. The Committee discussed where Clarington was relative to other municipalities and opportunities for improvement / additional progress. The work already completed by the Municipality to implement the On -Farm Special Events By-law was cited as a recognizable accomplishment, and the on -going work to update zoning was also noted as a step in the right direction. It was suggested that Clarington could look at Brant County, Oxford County, the Township of Wellesley and the City of Ottawa for recent examples of approaches to as -of -right zoning for OFDUs. Giving consideration to how farms are defined in municipal policy and regulation and how scale and size is managed was also suggested. Clarington Heritage Committee Heritage Barns Project Update: Jason Moore from the Clarington Heritage Committee (CHC) informed the Committee of the planned re - initiation of the Heritage Barns Project. On overview of the Heritage Barn Project was provided, including background on previous outreach efforts, the barn data/photos gathered to date, and how the data and photos have been compiled to date. The CHC is reviewing and updating the original list of Heritage Barns and preparing a letter to Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 13, 2022 send out to property owners with heritage barns that have not yet been photographed. The Committee was asked for support to get the word out about the project and to encourage participation. Updates will be provided via Staff, as available. The Committee commented on the importance of encouraging adaptive reuse as a means of supporting heritage barn conservation. Delegations None Business Arisina from Minutes Event Barn Position Paper: 022-003 Moved by Henry Zekveld, seconded by Jennifer Knox That the comments as outlined in the attached letter be submitted as the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington's comments on the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance Draft Event Barn Position Paper Carried Additional Dwelling Units: On December 13, 2021, Council passed the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments to increase permission allowing additional dwellings units (ADUs) on properties, including within Clarington's rural area. Information on where and how many ADUs are permitted and the procedure for developing and registering ADUs is outlined on the ADU webpage. Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals Zone Clarington Update — Second Draft (Rural) Zoning By-law: Notice dated December 17, 2021, advising interested parties of Council's consideration of Staff Report PDS-062-21 Zone Clarington — Second Draft (Rural) Zoning By-law and the resulting Resolution #C-398-21, was circulated to all prior to the meeting. Council has requested the Province to stop all updates of the natural heritage system designations in Official Plans and Zoning By-laws, pending a full provincial review of the natural heritage system and corresponding mapping from numerous sources, which is considered overlapping between the different authorities. Clarington will continue work on all other aspects of the Rural Phase of the Municipality's Comprehensive Zoning By- law Review Project. This will include consultation with the AACC and the On -Farm Diversified Uses Sub -Committee. AACC 2021 Accomplishments Update: A copy of the AACC 2021 Accomplishments summary report was circulated to all prior to the meeting. Eric will present the AACC's annual update to the Planning and Development Committee on January 17, 2021. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 13, 2022 Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: None. January 11, 2022 meeting cancelled. The next DAAC meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2022. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: None. Staff have reached out to the DRFA regarding the appointment of a new DRFA representative to the Committee. Durham Farm Connections: None. Clarington Board of Trade: None. On -Farm Diversified Uses (OFDUs) Sub -Committee: First meeting held on January 6, 2022. In addition to gathering comments on the GHFFA Event Barns position paper, the Sub -Committee reviewed the background of AACC input on agri-tourism and OFDUs, and current policy and regulation. The Sub -Committee was also provided an overview of draft regulations and corresponding definitions for OFDUs in the second draft zoning by-law. The information provides a foundation for future Committee discussion. Meeting notes were circulated to all prior to the meeting. The next OFDU Sub -Committee meeting is being coordinated for late -February (date not yet confirmed). New Business AACC Chair and Vice -Chair Elections: Amy Burke facilitated the meeting during the Election of the Chair and Vice -Chair positions Nominations for the AACC Chair position were held first. Eric Bowman was nominated and willing to stand for a one-year term. No other nominations were received. 022-004 That Eric Bowman be declared as AAAC Chair for a one-year term. Carried Nominations for the AACC Vice -Chair position followed. Henry Zekveld was nominated and was willing to stand for a one-year term. No other nominations were received. 022-005 That Henry Zekveld be declared as AACC Vice -Chair for a one-year term. Carried Regulation of On -Farm Worker Accommodations: Staff were asked for clarification on the current Zoning By-law regulations applicable to farm worker accommodations. In Zoning By-law 84-63 (south of the Oak Ridges Moraine) temporary, seasonal accommodations for farm workers (e.g. bunkhouses) are considered a building accessory to a farm and part of normal farming operations. Thus, they are not subject to the zoning regulations for a residential dwelling, rather they must meet be temporary, meet all Building Code, Fire Code and public health requirements. Where a farm worker accommodation is being considered within the Oak Ridges Moraine, Proponents Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 13, 2022 should contact the Planning & Development Services Department to discuss the proposal and applicable regulations. All temporary farm worker accommodations are inspected on an annual basis by the Health Department and Fire. The Municipality's Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review Project has considered how to improve clarity and consistency in relation to the regulation of on -farm worker accommodations. Staff will consult with the Committee on the proposed regulations set out in the Second Draft Zoning By-law released in November 2021 at a future meeting. GRCA Clean Water -Healthy Land Funding Guideline Update: In November 2021, the GRCA Board approved revisions to the Clean Water Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program guidelines to improve program delivery and ensure that project types are addressing environmental needs. A review of the guidelines had been undertaken to ensure consistency across the GRCA and add clarity. The changes and additions to the guidelines and communication products for the CWHLFAP include the following: • Farm GPS licences/subscriptions are ineligible for funding. This project type is considered the cost of doing business. • Autosteer and GPS components that are already part of a tractor (comes factory installed) are ineligible. • Existing equipment modifications are limited to planter/drill modifications that manages crop residue and application modifications that places fertilizers in a banding method. • Additions of chaff spreaders on combines are ineligible. This project type is considered the cost of doing business. • Well clean outs of sediment in isolation of an upgrade is ineligible. • Tree tending costs — once tree seedlings are planted (more than 500), the cost to tend the site during a time frame of seedling to the free to grow stage are eligible such as vegetation control (spraying of an herbicide and mowing). The rate is 50% up to $2500.00. • The purchase of equipment by a landowner to mow or spray a tree planting site is ineligible. Next Meeting Thursday, February 10, 2022 @ 7:30 pm (Virtual Meeting) Tom Barrie moved to adjourn. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 13, 2022