HomeMy WebLinkAboutESD-015-11 Clarington REPORT EMERGENCY AND FIRE VI Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 31, 2011 Resolution#: By-law#: f Report#: ESD-015-11 File#: Subject: NEWCASTLE FIRE HALL #2 — RELOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ESD-015-11 be received for information. d Submitted by: Reviewed by: Gordon Weir, AMCT, CMM111 ranklin Wu, Director Emergency & Fire Chief Administrative Officer Services GW/jm CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: ESD-015-11 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1 At the May 31, 2010 Council meeting, Resolution #GPA-318-10 was approved. This resolution approved the Rudell Road site for the Newcastle Fire Hall and also authorized staff to proceed with the Request for Proposal for an architect/design consultant to initiate the detailed design. 1.2 Subsequently, the design services contract was awarded to ZAS Architects Inc., Toronto. Meetings with the municipal project team and the Architects commenced and the hall design began to develop. ZAS was asked by the project team to attend the February 7, 2011 GPA meeting to provide an update to Committee on the project and present the proposed design of the building. In addition Report ESD-003-11 was provided for information. 1.3 At the March 7, 2011 Council meeting, Resolution #C-132-11 was approved. This resolution referred Report ESD-003-11 back to staff asking for a subsequent report addressing : a) The cost implications of constructing the fire station at #3333/#3355 Highway 2 versus 1780 Rudell Road; b) A traffic study on Rudell Road to determine the viability of locating a fire station at the 1780 Rudell Road site; and c) Possible construction timelines for both locations. Later at the same meeting Resolution #C-136-11 was passed approving the design of the building as proposed by ZAS Architects Ltd. 2.0 ANALYSIS 2.1 The project team identified the following items that would be necessary to provide the information as requested by Council: a) Legal Survey on #3333 and #3335 Highway 2 b) Building Fit Analysis — including discussions with Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority c) Geotechnical Investigation of the properties d) Phase I Environmental Assessment e) Traffic Study f) Phase II Environmental Assessment g) Cost implications summary 2.2 Legal Survey In order to proceed with the investigative work for the Highway 2 site, a topographical survey was completed for both # 3333 and # 3355 Highway 2. It was completed by Ivan B. Wallace Ontario Land Surveyors Ltd. REPORT NO.: ESD-015-11 PAGE 3 2.3 Building Fit Analysis The project team had ZAS Architects review the Highway 2 site to determine the feasibility of re-locating the proposed building on this property. After an analysis of the site including discussions with Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, the existing building footprint could fit onto the property at #3333 Highway 2. Please see Attachment #1 —Aerial photo of property #3333 Highway 2 and Attachment #2 — Building Fit Analysis. 2.4 Geotechnical Investigation Another component of the site analysis was a geotechnical report completed in August 2011 by McClymont & Rak Engineers Inc. This analysis included an investigation of native soils, groundwater and other site conditions that may affect the design and construction of the fire hall. The results of this analysis indicated the site would be suitable for construction. 2.5 Phase I Environmental Assessment McClymont & Rak also completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in August 2011. The scope of work included a visual examination of the site, a review of land use registry and a search of public records for the site and surrounding areas to determine activities that may have been a source of contamination to the site. Although the historic review could not find any indication the site had previously been developed, there is evidence on site of fill material that had been placed previously. The report identified three separate areas on site and this resulted in a recommendation to complete a further environmental investigation. Subsequent to receiving the report, municipal staff was made aware of the possibility that a gas station/garage was being operated on this property in the 1950's. Although the official search of records did not confirm this, the possibility of its existence supports the consultant's recommendation to complete further investigation on the site. REPORT NO.: ESD-015-11 PAGE 4 2.6 Traffic Study Dillon Consulting Ltd was retained to complete a traffic assessment and geometric review of the proposed fire hall location on Highway 2. The review included; site traffic estimates; background traffic estimates; site access review (including turn lane requirements); signage options for traffic safety; and traffic impact mitigation recommendation, where required. In addition, Engineering staff scheduled a traffic count to be completed for the intersection at Rudell Road and Highway 2. This study was completed on September 7, 2011 between the hours of 7:OOam and 6:OOpm. Dillon was asked to review and comment on the results of this traffic count. They observed the 2011 count indicated lower traffic volumes along Highway 2 in the A.M. and P.M. peak hours than was found in a similar study in May 2009. It should also be noted that although the traffic count numbers were down from the 2009 study, the consultant maintains that both sites are viable, noting that a number of enhancements are required with Option B. 2.7 Phase II Environmental Assessment As identified by McClymont & Rak in the Phase I assessment, additional investigation is required in order to proceed with development on this site. At this point no action has been taken on this item, however the cost estimates associated with the Phase II work as well as estimated soil remediation costs have been provided in the cost implications summary for the relocation of fire hall to the Highway 2 site. In order to maintain the proposed project schedule, staff is recommending approval to waive the Purchasing By-law in order to award a contract to complete this study. The estimate to complete this work exceeds the limit staff has to authorize an award and would require reporting back to Council prior to proceeding. REPORT NO.: ESD-015-11 PAGE 5 2.8 Cost Implications Summary The following chart identifies the estimated costs associated with the relocation of the fire hall to the Highway 2 site. Estimated Required items Cost 1 Water main extension to fire hall $63,000.00 2 Highway 2 lane reconfiguration $229,000.00 3 Geotechnical Survey/Phase I Assessment $11,000.00 4 Topographic Survey $6,000.00 5 Architectural Work— additional design work for $49,000.00 new site, added cost to prepare new application for site plan approval 6 Storm Water Pond $50,000.00 7 Utility relocation costs at entrance to fire hall $75,000.00 8 Septic System $50,000.00 9 Phase II Environmental Assessment $45,000.00 10 Site Mitigation (pending results of Phase II) $100,000.00 Sub-total $678,000.00 Net HST $11,932.80 Total required $689,932.80 Optional items 1 Future cost for permanent sewer connection to $40,000.00 replace septic system. 2 Future cost for Region of Durham Frontage Fees - $50,000.00 Sewer Service (will be required if permanent sewer connection is made) 3 Force main (net increase in cost in lieu of septic $25,000.00 bed) Sub-total $115,000.00 Net HST $2,024.00 Total optional $117,024.00 REPORT NO.: ESD-015-11 PAGE 6 2.9 Inflation Impact The original project schedule was based on issuing a tender for the construction of the fire hall in February 2011, with a construction start date of April 2011. The revisions to the schedule would see the project tendered in February 2012, with a construction start date of April 2012. The delay in the issuing of a tender for this project of one full year will have an impact on the construction pricing due to inflation. Data for the first and second quarters of 2011 indicates an average of 3.65% annual inflation. The information is referenced by Statistics Canada Non- Residential Building construction data. For the purposes of preparing revised costs for this project, a 6% factor for inflation on construction costs only has been calculated. 2.10 Construction Timelines Based on approval of this report, the project will be scheduled for tender in February 2012 and as indicated above, the project will commence in April with a projected completion of April/May 2013. 3.0 FINANCIAL 3.1 The current approved budget for this project is as follows: Construction 3,550,000 Consulting and Disbursements 330,000 Project Contingency 180,000 Furnishings and Equipment 440,000 TOTAL 4,500,000 3.2 The proposed budget for construction on Rudell Road (Option A) is as follows: Original Budget 4,500,000 Construction Inflation Factor (3,550,000 X 6%) 213,000 Highway 2 Option Investigation Costs 30,000 TOTAL 4,743,000 REPORT NO.: ESD-015-11 PAGE 7 3.3 The proposed budget for construction at #3333 Highway 2 (Option B) is as follows: Original Budget 4,500,000 Construction Inflation Factor (3,550,000 X 6%) 213,000 Highway 2 Relocation Costs (Required items) 689,932 TOTAL 5,402,932 3.4 In conducting the investigation regarding re-locating the fire station to the Highway 2 site costs of$30,000.00 were incurred. These costs included the topographical survey of the properties, geotechnical survey, Phase I assessment and associated consulting fees from ZAS Architects. 3.5 Additional funding assistance has been received in the form of Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) grants. Applications for funding assistance for the purchase of an emergency generator, communication tower as well as equipment for the Emergency Operations Centre were submitted and approved in 2010. It has been confirmed with Emergency Management Ontario that should these expenditures not occur in 2012, with purchases made, the funding will be cancelled. This would require staff to submit another round of funding applications. 3.6 As previously discussed a cost estimation of$100,000.00 for soils remediation for the Highway 2 site has been identified, pending the results of the Phase II Environmental Assessment. 3.7 Queries with respect to Department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Emergency and Fire Services. 4.0 COMMENTS 4.1 If the Highway 2 site is chosen, it would mean the expansion at the main fire station in Bowmanville slated for 2012 from the Updated Master Fire Plan would need to be deferred for at least one year. 4.2 It should be noted that the existing Newcastle fire hall is at or near the end of its useful life span and any further delay in the construction of the new fire hall may require building and equipment improvements to be made to the existing hall. The current station has reached call volumes that warrant full time, however the design of the station is not conducive to run as a full-time station 24/7. At this time, no funds have been planned for in the annual operating and capital budget. REPORT NO.: ESD-015-11 PAGE 8 4.3 Should the Highway 2 location be selected for the fire hall, it should be noted that the existing Outdoor Recreation Master Plan for the Newcastle Community Park as updated in September 2006 will be impacted. The current plan identifies future outdoor recreation space on the proposed alternate site for the fire hall. This will require revising the plan and will impact the full development of outdoor recreation for the community park. 5.0 INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES 5.1 In addition to members of the project team, staff members in Planning Services, Engineering and Finance have been consulted and/or provided input into this report. 6.0 CONCURRENCE Director of Finance 7.0 CONCLUSION 7.1 This report has been submitted for information purposes to address the resolution passed by Council on March 7, 2011. Should it be Council's wish to continue with the project at the Rudell Road site as previously approved by Council, the following resolution should be passed by the General Purpose and Administration Committee: THAT Report ESD-015-11 be received; THAT 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle be reconfirmed as the location of the new Fire Station; THAT a revised project budget of$4,743,000.00 be approved; THAT $243,000.00 in additional funds be provided from Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund ($162,148.83) and Emergency Services Development Charges Reserve Fund ($80,851.17); and THAT all interested parties listed in Report ESD-015-11 be advised of Council's decision. 7.2 Should Council determine that 3333 Highway 2 is the preferred site for the station, a reconsideration of the earlier decision of Council is required. In this case, it would be appropriate for the General Purpose and Administration Committee to pass a resolution to receive Report ESD-015-11 for information. Following the meeting, a Procedural Notice of Motion would be submitted to the Municipal Clerk to allow for the reconsideration to be dealt with at the next Council meeting (November 7, 2011). If the motion to reconsider the previous decision passes, a subsequent motion would be introduced to approve the Highway 2 location and to consider the additional funding requirements of the project. REPORT NO.: ESD-015-11 PAGE 9 CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: _ Promoting economic development x Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington x Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community _ Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Gord Weir, Fire Chief Attachments: Attachment 1 - Aerial Photo of property#3333 Highway 2 Attachment 2 - Building Fit Analysis List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Mr. Gord Lee �� ,. ti;�;sty •,,;. — .u� s «n, A 5bi � µ ^� i Jim A ATTACHMENT 2 TO REPORT ESD-015-11 MOd 1p E2 0 A— V) Fl E S ATI 0 1 0 c, 87.55 ISHED FLOOR 17� Li LJ N, dl it k Ln,. I y 1-1 o L 6.5 -----------— 7 :zz 01 ?oj 5-[", PAWING SP C P -A R T 1,\-,\ 1 0 R 3'-,- _1 -'s -1 0 n 0 3 Appro of Ao 0 5 (31 2.75 um AI?' 84.25 -fop &—BANK 8,7T 7� NEWCASTLE FIRE STATION #2 HIGHWAY #2 SITE FIT