HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-029-11 Clarington REPORT CLERK'S Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 31, 2011 Resolution#: ff By-law#: Report#: CLD-029-11 File#: Subject: APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-029-11 be received; and 2. THAT the Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy (Attachment 1 to Report CLD-029-11) be approved. Submitted by: � � Reviewed by: �`° ° Patti L. Barrie, CMO Franklin Wu, f Municipal Clerk Chief Administrative Officer P LB*CAG CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: CLD-029-11 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND On October 17, 2011 the General Purpose and Administration Committee considered a motion to establish a standardized, transparent and fair process for council appointments to boards and committees. This motion was referred to staff through Resolution #GPA-611-11 (Attachment 2 of this Report). 2. COMMENTS 2.1 Council has established approximately 18 boards and committees to which appointments are made at the beginning of each term. These appointments are to both standing Advisory committees and Project Specific committees. Additionally, Council often is required to appoint citizens to various committees either created by the Municipality or on which there is some level of municipal representation such as community committees (e.g. Durham Trail Coordinating Committee or Ganaraska Forest User committee) and Statutory Committees (e.g. Property Standards Committee). Details for each of the boards and committees (history, terms of reference, minutes) are located on the "Advisory Committees" section of the Clarington website. Additionally, throughout the Term Council is often required to appoint to fill vacancies on such committees and boards. 2.2 Customary Process It is customary practice that late in the last year of a Council term of office, the Municipal Clerk places an advertisement in the newspaper listing all the boards and committees to which Council will be making appointments, and inviting citizens to apply to sit on the committees. In addition, an advertisement is placed on the Clarington website (including a link to the application form). Interested citizens submit an application to the Municipal Clerk detailing their reasons for applying. The Municipal Clerk, or designate, then compiles the applications and provides Council with a list of applications for each committee and includes a copy of each application. The applications are discussed by the General Purpose and Administration Committee (GP&A) in a closed meeting. In open session, a resolution of the GP&A is passed with the respective appointments. This resolution is then ratified at the next scheduled Council Meeting. Throughout the term, where there is a vacancy on a committee, the Municipal Clerk determines if there are applications on file and if not, places an advertisement in the paper and on the website seeking applications. The Municipal Clerk assembles the applications and they are presented to the GP&A Committee for appointment. The appointment is made through a motion and resolution of Committee which is then ratified by Council. REPORT NO.: CLD-029-11 PAGE 3 This customary process has been in place for more than four terms of Council. The process requires minimal staff resources to administer, and appointments are most often made with little or no input from staff. Over the years, the existing process has occasionally been criticized for its apparent lack of transparency. In 2007, Council considered Report CLD-001-07 wherein an appointment policy was recommended. The policy was approved at Committee but the decision was over-turned at Council as a result of much negative feedback from concerned citizens. Thus, the customary process for appointments to boards and committees remains in place. 2.3 Methods followed by other Durham Region municipalities The following is a summary of the methods followed by area municipalities: Municipality Process Details City of Oshawa No documented procedure. Advertisement placed by Clerk seeking applicants for appointment. Clerk prepares report forwarding applications to Committee. Committee members are appointed through motions in the same manner as Clarington's customary process described in 2.2 above. Appointments of Members of Council to boards and committees are made through a process similar to that which was detailed in Clarington's motion referred to staff in Resolution #GPA-611-11. Town of Whitby Policies and procedures under review by staff. Current process allows for each member, in closed session, to speak to their preferred candidates. Once all members have spoken, the chair will accept a motion to nominate. Note, only one nominee is permitted at one time. The Clerk then reads the recommended nominees in open session for ratification. Town of Ajax Documented procedure approved by Clerk. Includes staff coordination of posting ads, coordinating applications, and reporting to committee. Applicants are interviewed by council liaison and staff representative. As well, the Clerk and Committee Chair may also attend (or delegates). The interview panel determines recommended applicant(s). Clerk prepares a report to Committee with appointment recommendation. City of Pickering No documented procedure. Advertisement placed by Clerk seeking applicants for appointment. Clerk forwards applications to Council indicating recommended appointments based on qualifications detailed in the application. Council deliberates applications in closed session. Appointment is made in open session by way of a motion. REPORT NO.: CLD-029-11 PAGE 4 Township of Brock No documented procedure. Traditionally, a sub-committee of Council attends a meet and greet session coordinated by the CAO/Clerk. The sub-committee would make recommendations to Council for appointment. Recently, a process similar to that which was detailed in Clarington's motion referred to staff in Resolution #GPA-611-11 was successfully used. Township of Scugog No documented procedure. Advertisement placed by Clerk seeking applicants for appointment. Clerk forwards applications to Council indicating recommended appointments based on qualifications detailed in the application. Council deliberates applications in closed session. Appointment is made in open session by way of a motion. Township of Uxbridge No documented procedure. Advertisement placed by Clerk seeking applicants for appointment. At the beginning of each term, the CAO, Mayor and Clerk review the applications and make recommendations to Council. To fill a vacancy, the Clerk will place an advertisement, forward applications to the committee chair and then the chair will make a recommendation to Council. For Library Board vacancies, both the CEO and the Chair would review the applications and make recommendation to Council. Region of Durham The process for making appointments of Members of Council to Standing Committees and the appointment of Regional Chair is detailed in the Procedural By-law. 2.4 Resolution Referred to Staff Resolution #GPA-611-11 referred to staff more or less laid out a proposed process for Council to follow when considering appointments to boards and committees. This proposed process is similar to that which was presented to Council in 2007, and is also similar to processes used in the City of Oshawa and the Region of Durham in its appointments of Members of Council to Standing Committees. As well, this proposed process is somewhat similar to that which is followed in the Town of Ajax, City of Pickering and Township of Uxbridge and Scugog wherein staff make recommendations for appointment. The proposed process would require additional staff resources to review applications, seek clarification and conduct interviews, if required, in order to put forth credible recommendations. To conduct the vote in a rotating alphabetical order, as recommended in both 2007 and in the proposed process, might be better undertaken through a random voting order as is used both in Oshawa and at the Region of Durham. REPORT NO.: CLD-029-11 PAGE 5 Attachment 1 to this Report is the recommended policy. It incorporates the recommended policy of 2007, the recommended policy referred to staff and the random voting order as used at the City of Oshawa and the Region of Durham. 3. CONCURRENCE - Not applicable 4. CONCLUSION To establish a standardized, transparent and openly fair process for Council appointments to Boards and Committees it is recommended that Council adopt the policy as detailed in Attachment 1 to this Report. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable Staff Contact: Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Attachments: Attachment 1 - Council Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy Attachment 2: - Resolution #GPA-611-11 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: None Report CLD-029-11 Attachment 1 Council Appointments to Boards and Committees 1. Purpose: a) To establish a standardized, transparent and fair process for Council appointments to Boards and Committees. 2. Policy: a) Council appointments to boards and committees will be made by Council in January of the first year of each Term of Council, unless otherwise required for a new committee, in which case the appointments shall be made as soon as reasonably practicable. b) The Term of the appointment shall be the same as the Term of Council unless otherwise stated. c) Persons wishing to sit on a board or committee shall submit an application, which may include a resume if desired by the applicant (or other reasonable facsimile) to the Municipal Clerk's Department. d) The Municipal Clerk's Department shall coordinate the application process. e) In the event of a vacancy, the same procedure shall be followed as contained herein, with a recommendation being made in accordance with Section 3.4 from the original applicants, and if there are none, the position shall be re- advertised. 3. Procedures: 3.1 Application a) In November of the last year of the Term of Council the Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall ensure that the opportunity for appointments to boards and committees is advertised (in the local newspapers as well as on the Municipal website). The advertisement shall advertise the application process. b) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall receive all applications for appointment. Page 1 of 5 Report CLD-029-11 Attachment 1 Council Appointments to Boards and Committees 3.2 Evaluation a) Generally speaking, each board or committee works closely with a department (e.g. Committee of Adjustment works closely with Planning Services, Property Standards Committee works closely with the Municipal Clerk's Department, etc.). b) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall assemble the applications according to board/committee and shall forward a copy of the application packages to the appropriate Department Head for consideration. c) Department Heads shall then evaluate the applications based on the following criteria: ✓ Education ✓ Knowledge of the focus of the committee/board ✓ Experience ✓ Ability ✓ Past community involvement ✓ Commitment d) The Department Head shall reserve the right to conduct interviews with applicants if deemed necessary. 3.3 Recommendation a) Each Department Head shall notify the Municipal Clerk of their appointment recommendations. b) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall prepare a report to General Purpose and Administration Committee (GP&A) recommending appointments to each board and committee, as recommended by the respective Department Head, 3.4 GP&A Consideration of Staff Recommendations a) The staff report to GP&A will be included on an agenda for a regularly scheduled GP&A meeting in January of the first year of the Term of Council. Page 2 of 5 Report CLD-029-11 Attachment 1 Council Appointments to Boards and Committees b) Copies of the complete applications shall be supplied to Members of Council in a confidential package under separate cover from the GP&A Agenda. c) The report shall be considered at the end of the GP&A meeting, in open session and shall be chaired by the Mayor. d) To consider the recommendations contained in the report, a mover and a seconder will be required. e) The appointments will be dispensed as a consent agenda item, similar to the method by which Council dispenses with correspondence Information items in a Council Meeting. The entire list of committees with the respective recommended appointments shall be moved and seconded. The Chair shall then offer the Members of Council the opportunity to pull any committees to which they wish to speak or to which they wish to nominate additional applicant(s). f) The GP&A shall then vote on the remainder, and any committees for which there were additional applicants moved and seconded shall be voted on in accordance with the procedure contained in Section 3.6. g) In the event the Report of GP&A is pulled at Council, the same procedure as set forth in Sections 3.5 and 3.6 shall be followed at Council for the committee which has been pulled from the GP&A report. 3.5 Nomination a) Where a Member of Council does not wish to make appointments to a board or committee as recommended by staff, a nomination for additional applicant(s) may be moved and seconded, and the voting process in Section 3.6 shall be followed for appointment to that board or committee. b) No nomination will be allowed to stand unless the candidate has filed their Application for Appointment with the Municipal Clerk on or before the advertised deadline. c) No Applicant who has been moved and seconded may be removed from consideration except in accordance with Section 3.6. Page 3of5 Report CLD-029-11 Attachment 1 Council Appointments to Boards and Committees 3.6 Voting a) A successful candidate must receive a majority of vote of all members of Council present at the meeting. As per the standard process for Committee decisions, the appointments must be ratified by Council. b) The Chair shall announce the number of positions to be filled for the board or committee. The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall record the nominees on the display in the Chambers. c) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall request each Member of Council to state the name(s) of the applicants for whom they are voting. The Member of Council may only vote for up to as many positions on the committee or board as are remaining to be filled in that round of voting. Over-votes are not permitted. d) The vote shall be taken by roll call vote. The Clerk shall maintain a selection of roll call sheets which include names of all members in random order. Each sheet shall be numbered. For each round of voting, the Clerk shall draw by lot the roll call sheet number, and the roll call shall be conducted in the order as listed on that sheet. Note, the Chair shall always vote last. e) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall record the votes as they are stated, and if the number of position(s) to be filled and the number of nominee(s) with a majority of votes are equal, those nominee(s) shall be declared elected to the committee. f) At the end of the first or any subsequent round of voting, where there are fewer number of nominees who received a majority of votes than positions remaining to be filled on the board or committee, those nominees receiving a majority of votes shall be deemed to have been appointed. The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall remove the names of the appointed nominees from the nominee slate. g) At the end of the first or any subsequent round of voting, where there are more nominees who received a majority of votes than positions remaining to be filled on the board or committee, beginning with the nominees with the highest number of votes for that round of voting, and moving down the list (from highest to lowest) the number of nominee(s) required to fill the positions shall be deemed to have been appointed. Page 4 of 5 Report CL.D-029-11 Attachment 1 Council Appointments to Boards and Committees h) In the event of a tie among nominees at the lowest end of the group of nominees receiving a majority of votes (as stated in g) above), only those candidates with the higher votes than the tied candidates are deemed to have been appointed, and only those tied nominees shall be included in the next round of voting. i) At the end of the first or any subsequent round of voting, where there are no nominees who received a majority of votes, the nominee who received the least number of votes is removed from the nominee slate. Where there is a tie for the least number of votes, all of those nominees tied shall be removed from the nominee slate. j) In the event of a tie among nominees who received the most votes, and the number of tied candidates exceeds the position(s) remaining to be filled; only those tied candidates shall be included in the next round of voting. k) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall record the appointment(s) at the end of each round of voting, on a display in the Chambers. 1) In the event of three successive rounds of voting with the same results, a deadlock shall be declared by the Chair and a draw by lot shall be conducted by the Municipal Clerk, or designate. m) Should the draw by lot be to fill a single vacancy when only two candidates remain, the candidate whose name is drawn shall be declared the successful appointee to the position. n) Should the draw by lot be to fill more than one vacancy, the Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall draw the number of names as there are vacancies. Each name drawn shall be declared a successful appointee to the position, and shall be announced prior to drawing the next name. 3.7 Appointments of Council Members to Boards and Committees a) The procedures outlined in Sections 3.5 and 3.6 shall be followed for any appointment of councillor(s) to a board or committee, and any reference to staff recommendations shall not form part of the nominating process for councillors. 4. Appendices: a) Appointment Application Templates Page 5 of 5 APPLICATION FORM FOR CITIZEN APPOINTMENT TO Leading the Way BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Note: Please complete this application form in its entirety. Should this application form not be fully completed, the Municipality reserves the right to reject the application. In addition, the provision of any false or misleading information on this application form will be sufficient reason for the Municipality to reject the application or to terminate an appointment. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING AND SUBMIT TO: The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Municipal Clerk's Department Tel: 905-623-3379 ext. 2109 40 Temperance Street Fax: 905-623-6506 Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Email: clerksdepartment clarin ton.net NAME OF BOARD OR COMMITTEE: If more than one, select one and indicate an alternate choice (see list on reverse side). FIRST CHOICE: ALTERNATE CHOICE (S): PERSONAL DATA: ❑ Mr. ❑ Mrs. ❑ Miss ❑ Ms. Name: Address: City/Town: Postal Code Telephone: (Home) Telephone: (Bus.) Email: ELIGIBILITY & AVAILABILITY: ❑ 18 Years of Age ❑ Ability to attend night meetings ❑ Ability to undertake special projects, as needed ❑ Ability to attend day meetings EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON EACH BOARD OR COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION IDENTIFIED ABOVE: Application Downloaded from Municipal Website Page 1 of 2 APPLICATION FORM FOR s gW RNA�' CITIZEN APPOINTMENT TO vl- 11 «rays BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF THE Leadiirg xlae CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Please attach (or provide in the space below) details regarding your qualifications including: • your understanding of the mandate or responsibilities of the committee or appointment; • your experience: work related, community service oriented, or other volunteer activities which illustrate the interest, skills or abilities you may contribute; • what interests you about the committee or appointment; and • how your experiences would enhance the work of the committee or appointment. ****NOTE: Accessibility Advisory Committee application forms are available through our Corporate website or at the Municipal Clerk's Department. Applicant's Signature: Date: Personal information collected on this form shall be used to determine suitability for appointments to Boards and Committees and is gathered under the authority of the Municipal Act. Questions about this collection of information shall be directed to the Municipal Clerk, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3A6 or 905-623-3379 ext. 413. Application Downloaded from Municipal Website Page 2 of 2 Leading the Way APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Please Print —Application is to be completed in its entirety I, ❑ Mr. ❑ Ms. ❑ Mrs. ❑ Miss Given Name (s) Surname Email Address Postal Code Telephone HEREBY MAKE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (Please note that the majority of Committee members must be disabled, as defined by the Ontario with Disabilities Act) I AM 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, I HAVE LIVED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FOR YEARS AND AM PRESENTLY A QUALIFIED ELECTOR UNDER THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, 2000 PLEASE OUT LINE THE REASONS WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THE ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE I HAVE PREVIOUSLY SERVED ON THE FOLLOWING BOARDS AND COMMITTEES NAME OF BOARD OR COMMITTEE: NO. OF YEARS MY RELATED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: (Please describe in detail your related experience) APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Page 2 ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE OTHER COMMUNITY INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: (Specify other community interests, activities, etc.) ACADEMIC HISTORY: (Please list your academic history in descending order) REFERENCES: Please supply three references, indicating your association with those people. By signing this application, you are hereby authorizing the Municipality of Clarington to contact your references, and authorize the release of any relevant information to the Municipality of Clarington. (Name) (Telephone) (Name) (Telephone) (Name) (Telephone) Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation and will be used for the purpose of responding to your request. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Co-ordinator, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6 (905) 623-3379 ext. 413. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE THANK ALL APPLICANTS FOR THEIR INTEREST IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. HOWEVER, ONLY THOSE APPLICANTS WHOSE QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS MOST CLOSELY RESEMBLE OUR REQUIREMENTS WILL BE APPOINTED TO THE COMMITTEE. SELECTION CRITERIA HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED IN CONJUNCTION WITH INPUT FROM THE DISABLED COMMUNITY AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Date of Application Applicant's Signature Report CLD-029-11 Attachment 2 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES APPOINTMENT PROCESS Resolution #GPA-611-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington wishes to establish a standardized, transparent and fair process for Council appointments to Boards and Committees; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. a) Council appointments to boards and committees will be made by Council in January of the first year of each Term of Council, unless otherwise required for a new committee, in which case the appointments shall be made as soon as reasonably practicable. b) The Term of the appointment shall be the same as the Term of Council unless otherwise stated. c) Persons wishing to sit on a board or committee shall submit an application, which may include a resume if desired by the applicant (or other reasonable facsimile) to the Municipal Clerk's Department. d) The Municipal Clerk's Department shall coordinate the application process. e) In the event of a vacancy, the same procedure shall be followed as contained herein, with a recommendation being made in accordance with Section 2.4 from the original applicants, and if there are none, the position shall be re-advertised. 2. Procedures: 2.1 Application a) In November of the last year of the Term of Council the Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall ensure that the opportunity for appointments to boards and committees is advertised (in the local newspapers as well as on the Municipal website). The advertisement shall advertise the application process. b) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall receive all applications for appointment. c) Generally speaking, each board or committee works closely with a department (e.g. Committee of Adjustment works closely with Planning Services, Property Standards Committee works closely with the Municipal Clerk's Department, etc.). Report CL.D-029-11 Attachment 2 2.2 Evaluation a) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall assemble the applications according to board/committee and shall forward a copy of the application packages to the appropriate Department Head for consideration. b) Department Heads shall then evaluate the applications based on the following criteria: ✓ Education ✓ Knowledge of the focus of the committee/board ✓ Experience ✓ Ability ✓ Past community involvement ✓ Commitment c) The Department Head shall reserve the right to conduct interviews with applicants if deemed necessary. 2.3 Recommendation a) Each Department Head shall notify the Municipal Clerk of their appointment recommendations. b) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall prepare a report to General Purpose and Administration Committee (GP&A) recommending appointments to each board and committee. 2.4 GP&A Consideration of Staff Recommendations a) The staff report to GP&A will be included on an agenda for a regularly scheduled GP&A meeting in January of the first year of the Term of Council. b) Copies of the complete applications shall be supplied to Members of Council in a confidential package under separate cover from the GPA Agenda. c) The report shall be considered at the end of the GPA meeting, in open session and shall be chaired by the Mayor. d) To consider the recommendations contained in the report, a mover and a seconder will be required. e) The appointments will be dispensed as a consent agenda item, similar to the method by which Council dispenses with correspondence Information items in a Council Meeting. The entire list of committees with the respective recommended appointments shall be moved and seconded. The Chair shall then offer the Members of Council the opportunity to pull any committees to which they wish to speak or to which they wish to nominate additional applicant(s). f) The GP&A shall then vote on the remainder, and any committees for which there were additional applicants moved and seconded shall be voted on in accordance with the procedure contained in Section 2.6. g) In the event the Report of GPA is pulled at council, the same procedure as set forth in sections 2.5 and Section 2.6 shall be followed at Council for the committee which has been pulled from the GPA report. Report CLD-029-11 Attachment 2 2.5 Nomination a) Where a Member of Council does not wish to make appointments to a board or committee as recommended by staff, a nomination for additional applicant(s) may be moved and seconded, and the voting process in Section 2.6 shall be followed for appointment to that board or committee. b) No nomination will be allowed to stand unless the candidate has filed their Application for Appointment with the Municipal Clerk on or before the advertised deadline. c) No Applicant who has been moved and seconded may be removed from consideration except in accordance with Section 2.6. 2.6 Voting a) A successful candidate must receive a majority of vote of all members of Council present at the meeting. All appointments will be formally confirmed by resolution and by-law at the next Council meeting. b) The Chair shall announce the number of positions to be filled for the board or committee. The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall record the applicant names on the display in the Chambers. c) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall request each Member of Council to state the name(s) of the applicants for whom they are voting. The Member of Council may only vote for up to as many positions on the committee or board as are remaining to be filled in that round of voting. Over-votes are not permitted. d) The order in which the Members of Council are to vote shall be alphabetical order beginning with the first round of voting in the meeting. Thereafter, the Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall ensure that the next round of votes begins with the next Councillor in alphabetical order. The Chair shall not be first to vote on any board or committee. Under no circumstance shall a Councillor be first to vote in two successive rounds of voting regardless of the committee or board for which they are voting. e) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall record the votes as they are stated, and if the number of position(s) to be filled and the number of candidate(s) with a majority of votes are equal, those candidate(s) shall be declared elected to the committee. f) At the end of the first or any subsequent round of voting, where there are fewer number of candidates who received a majority of votes than positions remaining to be filled on the board or committee, those candidates receiving a majority of votes shall be deemed to have been appointed. The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall remove the names of the appointed candidates from the list for the next round of voting. Report CLD-029-11 Attachment 2 g) At the end of the first or any subsequent round of voting, where there are more candidates who received a majority of votes than positions remaining to be filled on the board or committee, beginning with the candidates with the highest number of votes for that round of voting, and moving down the list (from highest to lowest) the number of candidate(s) required to fill the positions shall be deemed to have been appointed. h) In the event of a tie among candidates at the lowest end of the group of candidates receiving a majority of votes, only those candidates with the higher votes than the tied candidates are deemed to have been appointed, and only those tied candidates shall be included in the next round of voting. i) In the event of a tie among candidates who received the most votes, and the number of tied candidates exceeds the position(s) remaining to be filled; only those tied candidates shall be included in the next round of voting. j) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall record the appointment(s) at the end of each round of voting, on a display in the Chambers. k) In the event of three successive rounds of voting with the same results, a deadlock shall be declared by the Chair and a draw by lot will be conducted by the Municipal Clerk, or designate. 1) Should the draw by lot be to fill a single vacancy when only two candidates remain, the candidate whose name is drawn shall be declared the successful appointee to the position. m) Should the draw by lot be to fill more than one vacancy, the Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall draw the number of names as there are vacancies. Each name drawn shall be declared a successful appointee to the position, and shall be announced prior to drawing the next name. n) Once voting is complete, a resolution shall be passed to make the appointments as was determined by the vote prior to proceeding to the next committee appointments; and 2.7 The procedures outlined in Sections 2.5 and 2.6 shall be followed for any appointment of Councillor(s) to a board or committee, and any reference to staff recommendations shall not form part of the nominating process for Councillors.