HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-084-11 Claillisu"11 REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 31, 2011 Resolution#: 1 -11 By-law#: Report#: PSD-084-11 File#: S-C-201 1-0001 AND ZBA 2011-0024 Subject: APPLICATION FOR A PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TO PERMIT UP TO 66 SINGLE DETACHED RESIDENTIAL UNITS APPLICANT: 1825284 ONTARIO LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-084-11 be received; 2. THAT the applications for a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-C-201 1-0001) and to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 (ZBA 2011-0024) continue to be processed, including the preparation of a subsequent report considering all agency comments and comments received at the Public Meeting; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-084-11 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by:i%ector Reviewed b Y Y J. Cr e, MCIP, P Franklin Wu, of Planning Se ices Chief Administrative Officer ATS/CP/av/df October 24, 2011 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: PSD-084-11 Page 2 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 . Applicant/Owner: 1825284 Ontario Limited (City Homes) 1.2 Agent: D.G. Biddle &Associates Limited 1.3 Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision: To permit the development of up to 66 single detached dwelling lots, part lots for future development, roads, and 0.3 metre reserves. 1.4 Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment: To rezone the subject lands from Agriculture "A", to appropriate zones, to implement the proposed draft plan of subdivision. 1.5 Area: 4.38 ha (10.7 acres) 1.6 Location: Part Lot 12, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington (Extension of Courtney and Gimblett Streets, Knox Neighbourhood, Bowmanville) 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 The subject applications for a draft plan of subdivision and rezoning were deemed complete on September 21, 2011. 2.2 The subject lands are located within north Bowmanville and can be considered infill as the surrounding residential neighbourhood is mostly developed. 2.3 The proposed draft plan of subdivision contains roads that would assist in completing the network for the neighbourhood. The proposed plan differs from most plans of subdivision applications received in Clarington since the majority of the lots are not explicitly shown on the plan but are represented by blocks that accommodate a minimum and maximum number of units based on varied lot frontages subject to satisfying the zone requirements. The exact number of units and lot widths would be determined by market conditions prior to registration. 2.4 A number of studies have been submitted in support of the applications, including; • Geotechnical Investigation • Record of Site Condition • Noise Impact Study • Phase 1-3 Archaeological Assessment • Conceptual Servicing Report • On-street Parking Plan REPORT NO.: PSD-084-11 Page 3 3. LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The site is relatively flat with some vegetation, and vacant of structures. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Draft approved residential lots within a plan of subdivision (North Glen East S-C-2007-0005) South - Single detached residential units with a registered plan of subdivision East - Single detached residential units within a registered plan of subdivision West - Vacant lands designated for low and medium density residential development (previously subject to a draft approved plan of subdivision — conditions of approval have recently lapsed) 4. PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement identifies settlement areas as the focus of growth. Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on the efficient use of land, infrastructure and other public services, such as public transit. Opportunities for intensification and redevelopment shall be identified and promoted. A land use pattern, density and mix of uses should be promoted to minimize vehicle trips and support transportation choices. Natural features shall be protected for the long term. 4.2 Growth Plan The Growth Plan provides a framework for accommodating growth in existing built up areas, through intensification and redevelopment, and within greenfield areas. The subject Draft Plan of Subdivision is within a greenfield area. New development in greenfield areas are to be complete communities with access to a mix of jobs, services, housing, school recreation and open space that is easily accessed through various modes of transportation. The greenfield area of each upper-tier municipality will be planned to achieve a minimum density target that is not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare. Major growth is to be directed to areas serviced by existing or planned municipal infrastructure, such as water and sewer services. Natural heritage features that complement, link or enhance natural systems shall be identified and protected. REPORT NO.: PSD-084-11 Page 4 5. OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the lands are designated as Living Area, with an indication of Key Natural Heritage and Hydrologic Features. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure. The natural environment, including Key Natural Heritage and Hydrologic Features, shall be given paramount consideration in light of their ecological functions and scientific, educational and health values. In consideration of development applications in designated Living Areas, regard shall be had for the intent of this plan to achieve the following: • A compact urban form; • The use of good urban design principles; • The provision of convenient pedestrian access to public transit, educational facilities and parks; • A grid pattern of roads; • The provision and distribution of parks, trails, pathways and educational facilities; • The types and capacities of the existing municipal services, infrastructure and the feasibility of expansion; and • The balance between energy efficiency and cost. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject lands are designated Urban Residential. The use of land in the Urban Residential designation is predominantly for single and semi detached housing with a net density no greater than 30 units per net hectare. The lands are within the Knox Neighbourhood of the Bowmanville Urban Area, which has a population allocation of 5350 and a housing unit target of 1950. Map C1, Natural Heritage System indicates that a portion of the site falls within the Lake Iroquois Beach. No other significant natural heritage features occur on the property. An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) is required for development applications located on lands within or adjacent to the Lake Iroquois Beach and/or, any natural heritage feature identified on Map C1. Prior to municipal approval of any draft plan of subdivision, the Municipality will prepare a subwatershed plan. Where a master drainage plan (MDP) has been approved, the master drainage plan will substitute for the requirement of a subwatershed plan. The Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainage Study was prepared for the Bowmanville Creek and includes consideration of the subject lands. REPORT NO.: PSD-084-11 Page 5 6. ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands Agricultural (A). 7. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and three (3) public meeting signs were installed along Concession Road 3, Courtney Street, and Gimblett Street. 7.2 As of the date of writing this report, staff has received one telephone inquiry from an individual who had general questions relating to the development. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has no objections to the proposed development. Stormwater management techniques were considered for these lands through the preparation and approval of the Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainage Study. Detailed grading, erosion and sediment controls will be considered during the detailed design of the subdivision. CLOCA has provided appropriate conditions of approval. 8.2 The Region of Durham has highlighted that the lands are within a 'designated greenfield area' and the overall area should have a density target of not less than 50 residents and jobs per hectare. The Noise Impact Study must be implemented through the subdivision agreement. The Region's natural heritage mapping indicates a small key natural heritage feature on the lands therefore CLOCA should be circulated for comments. The lands can be suitably serviced with water and sanitary sewer however the Region highlights the capacity limitations at the Port Darlington Water Pollution Control Plant and notes the completion date at the end of 2013. The Region has provided appropriate conditions of approval. 8.3 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board requests that public sidewalks be included on all roads within the plan of subdivision. 8.4 Enbridge, Bell, Veridian, Rogers, Durham Regional Transit, Durham Regional Health offer no objections. 9. STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The subject lands are within the Bowmanville urban area and are designated for residential development. The lands can be serviced by the extension of water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer services from the south. Although currently there is a capacity constraint in the sanitary system. REPORT NO.: PSD-084-11 Page 6 9.2 The proposed plan of subdivision would be a logical extension of development and street patterns that exists to the east and to the south. Over time, the subject draft plan would be further connected to another vacant 10 acre parcel to the west to complete development in this corner of the neighbourhood. 9.3 While the design of the proposed draft plan is fixed from a transportation perspective, the unit mix could be further refined to provide a greater unit mix and to achieve densities in keeping with the Growth Plan and the provincial target of 50 residents and jobs per hectare across the broader greenfield area. This will be discussed in further detail with the applicant and their agents. 9.4 Clarington Engineering Services provided comments that must be satisfied prior to recommending approval of the proposed draft plan of subdivision. Comments will be summarized for the applicant and shall be resolved prior to any recommendation to approve the subject applications. The comments from Engineering Services relate to the following: • Traffic study and road improvements; parking and driveway locations • Grading and drainage to be reviewed in the context of the surrounding developments and the Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainage Study • Reimbursement with respect to existing front ending agreements for oversized storm sewer and stormwater management works • Cash-in-lieu of parkland required 9.5 Clarington Operations and Clarington Building have no objections. 10. CONCURRENCE — Not Applicable 11. CONCLUSION 11.1 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements under the Planning Act for Public Meetings and taking into consideration the outstanding agency comments; staff respectfully request that these applications continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent Report. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable Staff Contact: Anne Taylor Scott Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision REPORT NO.: PSD-084-11 Page 7 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: 1825284 Ontario Limited (City Homes) c/o Jamie Maclnnis Glenn Genge, D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd. Bill Creamer, D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd. 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