HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-19Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes Clarbgtoa October 19, 2021 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held via Microsoft Teams on October 19, 2021, at 7:00 PM. Members Present were: Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, David Reesor, Councillor Ron Hooper, Heather Graham, Bob Malone (NVDHS), Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS alternate), Jason Moore (ACO), Steve Conway, Ron Sproule Regrets: Noel Gamble, Katharine Warren (Museum), Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Andrew Payne, Planning and Development Services Guests: Jayne Salisbury, Christie Jacobs and Bernard Sanchez 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 21.42 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda be adopted. "Carried" 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 21.43 By Consensus That the minutes of the September 21, 2021 Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. "Carried" 5 Delegations/Presentations: 5.1 Christie Jacobs and Bernard Sanchez Re: Heritage Permit Application for 49 Division Street, Bowmanville (File HPA2021-05) C. Jacobs and B. Sanchez provided Committee members an overview of their heritage property, designated by By-law 84-65, noting they have recently moved into the dwelling, their commitment to maintaining the heritage attributes of the - 1 - Clar;wgtoa Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 home in good repair, and their heritage permit application to address repairs to the concrete block garage. Specifically, the property owners indicated they wish to replace the leaking roof, repair and/or replace eavestroughs and soffits to address the water issues (there is always water in garage). The concrete block garage is identified as a heritage attribute in the applicable designation By-law. The property owners identified possible replacement materials for the roofing, including a metal option. Committee members thanked the property owners for their delegation. Committee members discussed the history of the concrete blocks from which the garage is constructed, the heritage value of the Dutch gable on the garage, and the current state of the soffits and fascia. This delegation was is addressed under Item 10.5 in the minutes. 5.2 Jayne Salisbury Re: Heritage Barn Project Staff outlined the background of the 2013 Heritage Barn Project. J. Salisbury, K. Vaneyk and others worked on gathering a great deal of information and photographic documentation. A calendar has already been created from the work; and a display was provided during heritage week in the Library mezzanine space in 2014 or 2015. The intent was to create a book. In 2018 when new committee members were appointed, the project was put on hold. J. Salisbury is interested in completing the photographic work and has a list of barns that would be documented for posterity. Committee members inquired as what would be involved in completing the project, noting the heritage barns have little means of protection, as demolition does not require a demolition permit. There are very few members on the Committee today who are familiar with the project, however Committee members expressed general interest in reopening the project. This would enable J. Salisbury to continue the photographic work. The Committee discussed the importance of having member(s) to act as liaisons and champion the project. S. Conway and J. Moore indicated interest in filling this role. This matter should be added to the next Committee meeting agenda for further discussion. Staff were asked to facilitate a meeting so that committee members could be apprised of the background information that has been generated to date. 21.44 Moved by B. Malone, seconded by S. Conway That the Heritage Committee supports the reopening and completion of the Heritage Barn Project and accepts and appreciates the offer by J. Salisbury to complete the photographic work to document outstanding barns. "Carried" -2- Clar;wgtoa 6 Business Arising Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 6.1 4478 Highway 115/35 Request to Repeal Update In accordance with the Committee's July 20t' Motion 21.34, a letter from the Heritage Committee was sent out in August to Federal and Provincial authorities of cultural heritage and insurance, and local municipal heritage committees in Durham Region outlining the Committee's concern surrounding the matter of insuring heritage homes, and requesting action be taken to address the issues. Staff has received confirmation from staff liaisons for certain of Durham's municipal heritage committees that the information has been received and will be shared with the Committee. Staff advised the Committee that Council refused the property owner's request to repeal the designation at its meeting on September 20, 2021. Notice of Council's decision has been provided in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act. The applicable period for the owner's objection to the decision and appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal has not yet closed; the timeframe will expire at the end of October. Staff will continue to provide updates on this matter as information becomes available. This item will be included on the agenda for the November meeting. 6.2 81 Scugog Street, Bowmanville Staff advised the Committee that the matter regarding the deterioration of the designated heritage attribute of the property has been forwarded to Clarington's Municipal Law Enforcement, in accordance with the Committee's September Motion 21.37. 6.3 B/A Gas Station, Newtonville As per the discussion at the Committee's September 2021 meeting regarding the potential national designation of the B/A gas station in Newtonville (see September 21, 2021 Minutes; Item 9.1), Committee members will reach out to the property owners to discuss the proposal prior to the Committee's November meeting. This Item will be added to the November agenda. 6.4 Fletcher Tree (Standing Item): No update 7 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None 8 Reports from other Committees: 8.1 Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono CIPs — No Report. Meetings with CIP Groups take place this month. An update will be provided at the November meeting. 8.2 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch — Summer 2021 was another successful season; hosted many Camp 30 tours. Recently held the Annual General Meeting and executive remains the same for another year. -3- Clar;wgtoa Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 8.3 Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) — No report. 8.4 Museum —The repair and restoration work on the veranda has been completed. Museum staff working on replacement of plants (not live) in the Conservatory. 8.5 Heritage Conservation District Advisory Committee — No report. 8.6 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — Staff indicated Ontario government has announced a consultation period for its intention to add to the Greenbelt wetlands connected to the Bowmanville Creek, Soper Creek and Wilmot Creek. Public consultation is intended to be carried out this fall. Information is available at the following link https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/l 000876/ontario-proposing-to-extend- bowmanville-creek-soper-creek-and-wilmot-creek-urban-river-valleys. Once commenced, information on public consultation would be posted on the Environmental Reaistry of Ontario website. Staff corresponded with Clarington's Landscape Architect (Public Works) regarding the status of the heritage park. The park is currently in the planning stage. The developer's consultant has provided design plans. Public Works staff will involve Committee in the project. Committee members discussed enabling V. Suppan, B. Malone, and M. Van Dyke to represent the Committee's ideas/suggestions, given their historical involvement in the project. Committee members generally support this arrangement and appreciate the opportunity to continue to be involved. This item will be included on agenda for a report at next November meeting, when ready the concept plan should be brought before the full committee. 9 Project Reports 9.1 Municipal Inventory/Register: No reports. Sub -committee will bring forward property evaluation reports for November meeting. 9.2 Staff advised the annual report on the year's cultural heritage activity and grants will be prepared to be presented at a Planning and Development Committee meeting in either December or January. A report on the Municipal Register considerations will be moving forward in the new year. 9.3 Outreach/Education Sub -committee: Cultural Heritage Information Stations Initiative: The sub -committee has not met. A meeting is planned for November. 10 New Business: 10.1 Barn Project: See Item 5.2, above. 10.2 Budget: The Committee considered the budget for 2022. 21.45 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by B. Malone Clarftwn Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 That the Clarington Heritage Committee requests $1,500 from its account in the 2022 budget for the Municipality. "Carried 10.3 Information Item: 4511 Courtice Road has requested Demolition Permit, due to fire —The dwelling was damaged by fire in February 2021. The property is identified on Clarington's Cultural Heritage Resources List. Staff is reaching out to the demolition permit applicant to determine the intent of the permit, and whether the stone walls may be able be saved. 10.4 Environmental Screening Report: The Heritage Committee was sent a circulation of an Environmental Screening Report related to the York -Durham Energy Centre for information/comment. Committee members received the information. 10.5 49 Division Street, Bowmanville: Committee members discussed the Heritage Permit application (HPA-2021-05), outlined in Item 5.1, above. V. Suppan offered to provide further information regarding the concrete blocks and bargeboard, garage door, and photos that may help to ensure the repairs are undertaken in a manner that conserves and minimizes impacts on the identified features. The Committee would like to see the bargeboard, windows, and Dutch gable conserved, and passed the following motion regarding the proposed Heritage Permit Application. 21.46 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by B. Malone That the Heritage Committee supports Heritage Permit Application File No. HPA2022-05 for 49 Division Street, Bowmanville, as presented, to replace the roofing material, and undertake necessary repairs to the soffits, fascia, and eavestroughs, as a minor application to be approved by the Director of Planning and Development Services, subject to the following conditions: • That the moulding on the bargeboard and the bargeboard itself be conserved; • That the Dutch gable and window be conserved; and • Should it be determined the replacement of the soffits and fascia is required, that they be replaced with the same detailing in a similar manner." "Carried" 10.6 156 Church Street, Bowmanville: Staff advised the tender for the works at 156 Church Street (Shaw House) was issued. However, the bids were over budget and the project has been postponed. 10.7 Camp 30 OPA: The recommendation report on the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) for Camp 30 has been deferred to December 6t" Planning and Development Committee. Staff working with developer to resolve issue of density in the 16'2 Clar;wgtoa Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 19, 2021 northernmost parcel of developable lands (next to the railway corridor immediately south of it). 10.8 Liberty and Concession Road 4: D. Reesor brought to the Committee's attention a beautiful historic house located in the area of Liberty Street N. and Concession Road 4. The dwelling is a recognized and designated heritage resource. The Municipality has purchased this property for a future Works Yard. Staff will have further information to share at a future meeting. Adjournment: 9:45 p.m. Next Meeting: November 16, 2021, 7:00 p.m.