HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-16Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes February 16, 2021 *Subject to Advisory Committee Approval* If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held via Microsoft Teams on February 16, 2021, at 7:00 PM. Members Present were: Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, David Reesor, Ron Sproule, Noel Gamble, Steve Conway, Councillor Ron Hooper, Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS), Jason Moore (ACO) Regrets: Katharine Warren, Bob Malone (NVDHS) Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Ryan Windle, Sarah Allin, Planning and Development Services Guests: None 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 21.07 Moved by M. Van Dyke, seconded by C. Hooper That the Agenda be adopted be adopted, as amended, with the addition of a presentation on Central Newcastle Street Renaming. "Carried" 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 21.08 By Consensus That the minutes of the January 19, 2021 Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. "Carried" 5 Delegations/Presentations: 5.1 Introduction Ryan Windle, Clarington's new Director of Planning & Development Services, introduced himself to the Committee. 5.2 Newcastle Street Renaming M. Van Dyke provided a presentation about Dutch heritage in the Newcastle, post World War II immigration to the area and settlement along Mill Street North. A proposal was brought forward to consider the name "Nederland" for the Central Newcastle Street Renaming exercise being undertaken in honour of the contribution of the many Dutch immigrants who moved to Clarington. Committee members thanked M. Van Dyke for the presentation. - 1 - Pin • Clarington Heritage Committee fi Minutes UranflgmFebruary 16, 2021 *Subject to Advisory Committee Approval* 6 Business Arising 6.1 210 and 224 King Avenue W. Planning and Development Services staff confirmed 210 and 224 King Avenue W. are not within the Community Improvement Project Area for the downtown Newcastle Community Improvement Plan. Staff also confirmed the National Historic Site listing for the 210 King Avenue W. is not affected by the recent technical amendment to the legal description in the applicable designation by-law. 6.2 Belmont House (302 Given Road) Planning and Development Services staff reached out to the applicant with regards to the location of the artesian well. Staff will provide additional information as it becomes available. 6.3 Stanley Hill At its January meeting, the Committee discussed the significance of Stanley Hill as a landmark as it was known as the highest point in Bowmanville. F. Langmaid shared an etching of what most likely is Stanley Hill from 1882 for the interest of Committee members. Committee members asked to have the opportunity to see the etching again once in -person meetings are possible. 6.4 Central Newcastle Street Renaming Committee member discussed the significance of Dutch heritage to the Newcastle area as presented by M. Van Dyke in the context of the Central Newcastle Street Renaming exercise and the proposal to rename a street `Nederland' Street in honour of the contribution of Dutch immigrants who settled in Clarington. Staff advised there will be public consultation on the street renaming exercise. The Committee's suggestion will be provided to project staff for consideration. 21.09 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by D. Reesor That the Heritage Committee supports the renaming of the central street in Newcastle to honour the Dutch contributions in Clarington with the name "Nederland". "Carried" 6.5 Vacant Seat on the Heritage Committee Staff is preparing to advertise for the vacant seat and will provide updates as the process moves forward. K. Warren is going to assume the Museum seat on the Committee. The advertisement will be for a vacant seat at -large. 6.6 Fletcher Tree No update for this standing agenda item. 7 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None -2- Clarington Heritage Committee Clari, � Minutes February 16, 2021 *Subject to Advisory Committee Approval* 8 Reports from other Committees 8.1 Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono CIPs — None 8.2 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch — Commencing plans for possible Doors Open event. Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) — The NVDHS room remains closed, however the newsletter is still being sent. New material is being posted on Facebook and Instagram. 8.3 Museum — A Library Board meeting is scheduled for February. The Museum remains closed. The Heritage Committee `s Museum representative, M. Ross, has resigned from the Committee. Planning staff will connect with Library staff and report back to the Committee on this matter. 8.4 Heritage Conservation District Advisory Committee — Committee has been contacted regarding concerns about the red oak tree in front of 21 Beech Avenue. The tree is within the Beech Avenue Heritage Conservation District and is listed a significant landscape feature. Concerned residents have been asked to provide the Heritage Committee with information to support the request for consideration of individual (Part IV) designation of the tree. Heritage Committee members discussed the request, the health of the tree, referencing the failing of a large limb in summer 2020 causing damage to the home at 21 Beech, and the limbs overhanging Beech Avenue. Staff advised an arborist assessed the red oak tree at the request of the Municipality after the limb came down in 2020. The arborist report recommends the tree be taken down. Planning and Development Services staff has advised Public Works staff of the Committee's and residents' concerns. This item will be added to the March meeting agenda. 8.5 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — V. Suppan provided addition information relating to the Committee's November 2020 inquiry relating to the status of the Wilmot Crown Lands. Planning and Development Services staff will work with Public Works staff to enable the continued participation of Committee members in this initiative. 9 Project Reports 9.1 The sub -committee evaluated the following properties and recommended as follows: 2201 Courtice Road, Courtice: the sub -committee provided additional information to support Committee's recent recommendation to Council to consider the designation of the gates at Courtice Memorial Park under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. 236 King Avenue W., Newcastle: the property be considered for addition to the Municipal Register; significant to the cultural heritage of the community. -3- Clarington Heritage Committee Clari, � Minutes February 16, 2021 *Subject to Advisory Committee Approval* 21.10 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by M. Van Dyke That the Heritage Committee recommends to Council that the property at 236 King Avenue W. be considered for addition to the Municipal Register; significant to the cultural heritage of the community. "Carried" 9.2 Outreach/Education Sub -committee: Cultural Heritage Information Pole Project: Staff provided background information to sub -committee members outlining possible options for this project. QR Code option was noted as the method that may be the preferred option at this time. The sub -committee indicated it intends to meet to discuss further and develop a recommendation to the Committee. The Outreach/Education sub -committee needs additional members. S. Conway and J. Moore expressed interest. 10 New Business 10.1 Heritage Week Feb. 15-21: Staff is preparing a recommendation report for the March 15t" Planning and Development Committee meeting to propose the addition of properties to the Municipal Register. In recognition of Heritage Week, staff asked that members of the Heritage Committee attend the Planning and Development Committee meeting to provide a presentation. Staff will be in touch with Heritage Committee members to coordinate the presentation. 10.2 Red Oak Tree at 21 Beech Avenue: See Item 8.4. 10.3 Robert McLaughlin House in Oshawa: Committee members expressed concern over the potential loss of this heritage resource. Individuals may wish to sign the petition. The Committee as its focus is Clarington will not comment. 10.4 Title Search Training: Staff is working on developing material with ARA (Municipality's heritage consultant) and will be in touch with a session date. 10.5 81 Scugog Road: A letter was sent to the property owner encouraging participation in the Heritage Incentive Grant Program to assist with required maintenance and repair to designated heritage attributes. Staff will consider next steps should a response to the letter not be received. 10.6 Green Road South: Committee members inquired about activity along Green Road South. Staff advised By-law Enforcement staff is looking into this matter. Adjournment: S. Conway moved adjournment, 8:45 pm. Next Meeting: March 16, 2021, 7:00 p.m.