HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-16Clarington-Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes June 16, 2020 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held via Microsoft Teams on June 16, 2020, at 7:00 PM. Members Present via Teleconference were: Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, Katharine Warren, Ron Sproule, Marina Ross (Museum), David Reesor, Steve Conway, Jason Moore (ACO), Councillor Ron Hooper, Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS) Regrets: Noel Gamble Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Sarah Allin, Planning Services Guests (Teleconference): B. Humber, Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Advisory Committee; T. Needham, Heritage Permit Applicant 1 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement Planning Services staff read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 20.20 "Approved by Consensus" That the Agenda be adopted be adopted, as amended, with the addition of a presentation on Heritage Permit Application File HPA2020-003. 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 20.21 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by J. Moore That the minutes of the May 26, 2020 Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. "Carried" 5 Delegations/Presentations 5.1 Heritage Permit Application HPA2020-003 for 5 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville; Presentation by T. Needham T. Needham provided an overview of proposed works at 5 Beech Avenue in Bowmanville, including a one -storey addition to the rear of the dwelling, demolition and replacement the existing detached garage, and replacement of fencing along Beech Avenue. - 1 - Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes June 16, 2020 Committee members received the presentation and inquired about roof design of the replacement garage, the covered breezeway, location and style of fencing, and types of vegetation proposed along the fence lines. The applicant explained the rationale for the mansard style roof in the context of the architectural style of the home and the proposed zoning by-law height provisions. Roof materials are proposed to be cladded metal and will include a reflective membrane for full draining capabilities. Stained wood garage doors are proposed. Brick for project will be sourced to match original brick. Comments from the HCD Advisory Committee related to fencing, and the landscaping proposed along the Beech Avenue frontage. The applicant committed to having regard for the 1876 Hanning Plan, and to work with the neighbouring property to the north to address any concerns. Wrought iron style fencing is proposed along with vegetation that will provide an element of privacy and will align with the HCD Plan planting and landscaping guidelines. The Committee thanked T. Needham for the presentation. 6 Business Arising 6.1 Heritage Permit Application: 5 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville A Heritage Permit application has been received for 5 Beech Avenue to construct a one -storey addition, demolish and replace the existing detached garage, and replace existing wood fencing along the Beech Avenue frontage. The property is individually designated under Section IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) by By- law 96-073 and is within the Beech Avenue HCD designated under Part V of the OHA by By-law 2006-102. As such, a Heritage Permit is required for proposed alterations that may affect the heritage attributes of the property, and new construction/demolition within the Beech Avenue HCD. Based upon the information provided in support of the application, the Committee considered the proposal to be appropriate. Planning Services staff explained that the HCD Advisory Committee typically meets only when a Heritage Permit application is submitted for a property within the HCD. The HCD Advisory Committee has not met in a number of years. HCD Advisory Committee members present (B. Humber, V. Suppan) indicated they would like the opportunity to further discuss the proposed application with entire HCD Advisory Committee prior to making a recommendation in the context of the Part V designated HCD. 20.22 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by R.Sproule That the Heritage Committee supports Heritage Permit Application File No. HPA2020-003 as presented, contingent upon the Heritage Conservation District Advisory Committee's support for the same. "Carried" -2- Clarington- 6.2 Heritage Incentive Grant Applications: Three (3) Heritage Incentive Grant applications have provided an overview of each of the applications, and objections to the proposed works, which include: Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes June 16, 2020 been received for 2020. Staff Committee members had no 110 Wellington Street, Bowmanville: repair and replace spalling (crumbling) chimneys, and repair of three pillars supporting front veranda. It was noted that a heritage permit was previously approved for the repair of the front veranda pillars in 2018. The work has not yet been completed due to the availability of a qualified contractor. The applicant is planning to have the work completed this year; 182 Church Street, Bowmanville: Repair, prime and paint, repair, prime, and paint stone window brackets and hood -mouldings, porch, transom and sidelights; and 67 Ontario Street, Bowmanville: scrape, prepare and paint all soffits and window frames of first and second storey windows. 20.23 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by V. Suppan That the Clarington Heritage Committee has no objection to the Heritage Incentive Grant application for the above noted works at 110 Wellington Street or to the issuance of the required minor Heritage Permit for the repair/replacement of the spalling chimneys, subject to the replacement brick being in keeping with the existing brick, and in accordance with applicable designation By-law 95-029. "Carried" 20.24 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by V. Suppan That the Heritage Committee has no objections to the Heritage Incentive Grant applications for the above noted works at 182 Church Street and 67 Ontario Street in Bowmanville as presented. "Carried" 6.3 Veterans Avenue Heritage Committee members would like this item added to the Agenda for the September 2020 meeting. 6.4 Share your COVID-19 Story The Clarington Museum and Archives is undertaking a project focused on collecting stories from people during the COVID-19 pandemic to preserve people's experiences and help educate future historians. To participate in the survey at www.claringtonmuseums.com and submit photos, letters and other items to info(c)_claringtonmuseums.com. -3- Clarington 6.5 Election of Chair/Co-Chair Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes June 16, 2020 The Committee elected the current Chair/Co-Chair of the Committee in March 2019 for a one-year term. Elections for the next term are required. The Committee discussed the benefits of holding the election in -person and opted to defer the election of the Chair/Co-Chair for the next term until the next Committee meeting that can be held in -person. Until such time, V. Suppan and P. Vogel confirmed their willingness to remain as Chair and Co -Chair, respectively. 20.25 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by R. Hooper That the term of the Heritage Committee's Chair and Co -Chair positions currently held by V. Suppan and P. Vogel, respectively, be extended until the next in - person Heritage Committee meeting can be held, at which time the election for the positions will occur. "Carried" 7 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None. 8 Reports from other Committees 8.1 Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono CIPs —A joint CIP Liaison Group meeting is scheduled for June 18t". Updates will follow. 8.2 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch — The group met recently. They are hopeful Camp 30 tours are able to continue with appropriate social distancing measures. 8.3 Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) — A student has been hired to continue with the Digitization Project, which is currently operating out of an alternative location given the current COVID-19 measures in place. The Toll House plaque has been adjusted to sit up higher and is now more visible. 8.4 Museum — Museum buildings were closed to the public as of March 14. Staff has since been placed on Declared Emergency Leave (DELs) as a result of the COVID-19. The Library Board may hold a meeting in June. The Clarington Museum and Archives is undertaking a project focused on collecting stories from people during the COVID-19 pandemic to preserve people's experiences and help educate future historians. To participate, see Item 6.4 of the minutes. 8.5 Heritage Conservation District Advisory Committee — The members are looking forward to meeting as a group to discuss the Heritage Permit application for 5 Beech Avenue. 8.6 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — Nothing new to report. Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes June 16, 2020 9 Project Reports 9.1 The sub -committee evaluated three (3) properties for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register, and recommended as follows: 1697 Highway 2, Courtice: Group 1 Evaluation; the property be added to the Municipal Register; significant to the cultural heritage of the community; • 3136 Mearns Avenue, Bowmanville: Group 2 Evaluation; within the study are for the Soper Springs Secondary Plan; not of sufficient significant heritage value to the community; not recommended to be added to the Register; and • 3145 Mearns Avenue, Bowmanville: Group 2 Evaluation; within the study area for the Soper Spring Secondary Plan; not of sufficient significant heritage value to the community; not recommended to be added to the Register. 20.26 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by R. Sproule That the Heritage Committee recommends to Council that the property at 1697 Highway 2 in Courtice be added to the Municipal Register. "Carried" 9.2 Outreach/Education Committee: Members of this sub -committee will consider topics for the September meeting. 10 New Business 10.1 Addition of Properties to the Municipal Register: Eight properties recommended to be added to the Register (PSD-018-20) were accepted unanimously by Council and ratified at its June 15t" meeting. A recommendation report for three Centre Street properties recently recommended to be added to the Register by the Heritage Committee will be presented to Council at the June 29t" Planning & Development Committee meeting. 10.2 Neighbourhood Character Study: The Recommendation report for the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments resulting from the Neighbourhood Character Study was referred to Council's July 6, 2020 meeting. The deferral is to provide Planning Services staff an opportunity to meet with those who expressed concerns with the proposed zoning regulations at the May 25 Council meeting. 10.3 The Fletcher Tree: The Notice of Passing of the Fletcher Tree designation by-law is currently held in abeyance due to the Provincial COVID-19 Emergency Declaration and associated Orders. To date, the Ontario Heritage Act timelines have not been reinstated. 10.4 Camp 30 Official Plan Amendment: Council reintroduced the proposed Camp 30 Official Plan Amendment which was the subject of a report to Council tabled in fall 16'2 Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes June 16, 2020 2019. Council referred the matter to the June 29t" Planning & Development Committee meeting. Committee members discussed providing a submission on this matter in advance of the June 29t" meeting. 11 Adjournment K. Warren moved Adjournment, 9:10 pm. Next Meeting: September 15, 2020, 7:00 p.m. M