HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-26Clarington-Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 26, 2020 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held via Microsoft Teams on May 26, 2020, at 7:00 PM. Members Present via Teleconference were: Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, Katharine Warren, Ron Sproule, Noel Gamble, Marina Ross (Museum), David Reesor, Steve Conway, Jason Moore (ACO), Councillor Ron Hooper, Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS) Regrets: None Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Amy Burke, Sarah Allin, Planning Services Guests (Teleconference): None 1 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Adoption of Agenda 20.15 "Approved by Consensus" 3 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 20.16 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by N. Gamble That the minutes of the April 21, 2020 Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. "Carried" 4 Delegations/Presentations None 5 Business Arising 5.1 Heritage Permit Application: 34 Wellington Street A Heritage Permit application has been received to replace the front porch on the semi-detached dwelling units at 32 and 34 Wellington Street. 34 Wellington Street is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act by By-law 94-148. As such a Heritage Permit is required for any proposed alterations that may affect the cultural heritage attributes of the property, which in the case of the subject property includes the original brick fagade. The adjoining dwelling unit at 32 Wellington Street is identified on the Cultural Heritage Resources List as a Secondary resource. Planning Services staff provided an overview of the application. The condition of the porch has deteriorated and is in need of replacement, in - 1 - Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 26, 2020 accordance with an Order to Comply issued against the property. Members of the Committee discussed the merits of the application, and inquired about (i) whether the replacement porch will be painted a similar colour, (ii) the introduction of a slightly sloped roof to mitigate existing drainage issues, and (iii) details relating to how the porch will be tied into the brick fagade. Based upon the information provided in support of the application, the Committee considered the proposal to be appropriate. 20.17 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by R. Sproule That the Heritage Committee (i) considers Heritage Permit application File No. HPA 2020-002 proposing alterations to replace the front porch at 34 Wellington Street to be minor, and (ii) supports the approval of the works in accordance with Plan and Elevation Drawing Nos. S201, S202, and S301, prepared by Barry Bryan Associates, dated April 3, 2020 subject to ensuring impacts to the original brick fagade are minimized to the extent possible. "Carried" 5.2 Land Acknowledgement Statement Committee members considered incorporating the reading of Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement at the commencement of each Heritage Committee meeting. 20.18 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by V. Suppan That the Heritage Committee adopts the Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement to be read at the beginning of each Heritage Committee meeting. "Carried" 5.3 879 Regional Road 17 Council approved the name "Howard Allin" to be used as a street name in the North Village subdivision in Newcastle (Resolution #JC-051-20). 5.4 Veterans Avenue Committee Members discussed information required on cultural heritage landscapes and the manner in which the Committee can support the Neighbourhood Character Study recommendations. Committee members requested this item be added to the agenda for the June Heritage Committee meeting. -2- Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 26, 2020 5.5 Heritage Incentive Grant Application Update Planning Services staff noted the upcoming deadline for 2020 Heritage Incentive Grant applications on May 31St. To date, three applications had been submitted. Applications would be presented to the Heritage Committee at its June meeting. 6 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None. 7 Reports from other Committees 7.1 Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono CIPs — Updates were provided to the Committee in advance of the Heritage Committee meeting. 7.2 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch — The group has not met recently. Camp 30 tours may resume once restrictions have been lifted. 7.3 Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) — A student has been hired to continue with the Digitization Project, which is currently operating out of an alternative location given the current COVID-19 measures in place. 7.4 Museum — Museum buildings were closed to the public as of March 14. Staff has since been placed on Declared Emergency Leave (DELs) as a result of the COVID-19. The Clarington Museum and Archives is undertaking a project focused on collecting stories from people during the COVID-19 pandemic to preserve people's experiences, and help educate future historians. To participate in the survey at www.claringtonmuseums.com and submit photos, letters and other items to info claringtonmuseums.com. Committee members asked that the item be added to the agenda for the June meeting. 7.5 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — Nothing new to report. 8 Project Reports 8.1 The sub -committee evaluated four (4) properties for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register, and recommended as follows: • 58 Centre Street, Bowmanville: Group 1 Evaluation; the property be added to the Municipal Register; significant to the cultural heritage of the community and the fabric of the adjoining heritage conservation district; 64 Centre Street, Bowmanville: Group 2 Evaluation; the property be added to the Municipal Register; significant to the fabric of the adjoining heritage district; 72 Centre Street, Bowmanville: Group 2 Evaluation; significant to the fabric of the adjoining heritage district; and -3- Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 26, 2020 • 96 Ontario Street, Bowmanville: Group 3 Evaluation; the property is worthy of documentation in the event it was proposed to be demolished; not recommended to be added to the Register. 20.19 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway That the Heritage Committee recommends to Council that the properties at 58 Centre Street, 64 Centre Street, and 72 Centre Street in Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register. "Carried" 8.2 Outreach/Education Committee: Planning Services staff provided the historical walking tour brochures to the Architecture Conservancy of Ontario - Clarington Branch to be included in the ACO's news blasts. The brochures have also been provided to Tourism and Community Services who are promoting them during COVID. Pdfs will be provided to the Heritage Committee. 9 New Business 9.1 Soper Springs Secondary Plan: The cultural heritage consultant working on the Soper Springs Secondary Plan reached out to the Heritage Committee as part of the preparation for the cultural heritage resources assessment being undertaken for the review. Committee members are gathering relevant information and will provide through Planning Services staff. 9.2 Neighbourhood Character Study: The Recommendation report for the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments resulting from the Neighbourhood Character Study was referred to Council's July 6, 2020 meeting. The deferral is to provide Planning Services staff an opportunity to meet with those who expressed concerns with the proposed zoning regulations at the May 25 Council meeting. 9.3 Camp 30 Official Plan Amendment: The proposed Camp 30 Official Plan Amendment was the subject of a report to Council that was tabled in fall 2019. The report will be scheduled on the June 15 Council meeting to be considered. 9.4 Report re: Addition of Properties to the Municipal Register: A recommendation report is scheduled for the June 8 Planning & Development Committee meeting to add properties to the Municipal Register, as per the Heritage Committee's recommendations. 9.5 Works in Downtown Bowmanville: Committee members inquired about works that are underway on a building on the south side of King Street E. in downtown Bowmanville. Planning Services staff investigated and determined the roof is being replaced. Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 26, 2020 9.5 Heritage Committee Meetings & Video Conferencing: F. Langmaid thanked the Committee for its continued willingness to adapt and embrace new meeting formats during this time when in -person meetings are not possible. 10 Adjournment K. Warren moved Adjournment, 8:13 pm. Next Meeting: June 16, 2020, 7:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams Video/Teleconference 16'2