HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-04-21Clarington- Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes April 21, 2020 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held via Teleconference on April 21, 2020, at 7:00 PM. Members Present via Teleconference were: Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, Katharine Warren, Ron Sproule, Noel Gamble, Marina Ross (Museum), David Reesor, Steve Conway, Jason Moore (ACO), Councillor Ron Hooper Regrets: Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS) Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Sarah Allin, Planning Services Guests (Teleconference): Paula LaRocque, Tribute Communities (until 7:20pm) 1 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Adoption of Agenda 20.10 "Approved by Consensus" That the Agenda be adopted be adopted, as amended, with the addition of item "Goodyear Lands Update" under New Business. 3 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 20.11 "Approved by Consensus" That the minutes of the February 18, 2020 Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. 4 Delegations/Presentations None 5 Business Arising 5.1 1593 Bloor Street Members of the Committee noted appreciation for the opportunity extended by Tribute Communities to allow the sub -committee to attend a site visit to evaluate the property. The Municipal Inventory and Register sub -committee presented its evaluation to members of the Committee, recommending no objection to demolition. Members of the committee discussed opportunities for commemoration of the property and its historical inhabitants - 1 - Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes April 21, 2020 20.12 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by N. Gamble That the Heritage Committee (i) appreciates Tribute Communities extending the opportunity for the Committee to conduct a site visit and evaluation of the property, (ii) accepts the recommendations of the Heritage Impact Assessment, prepared by SRN Architects Inc., dated November 2019, and does not object to the demolition of the dwelling at 1593 Bloor Street, Courtice, and (iii) opportunities to commemorate the property be considered. "Carried" 5.2 879 Regional Road 17 Committee members considered the Documentation of 879 Regional Road 17 submitted by Brookfield Homes to document the farmhouse prior to demolition. J. Haslett of Brookfield Homes has submitted correspondence to Council in support of including the street name "Howard Allin" in the Brookfield development. The Region of Durham has accepted the name for consideration by Council. There will be a memo before Council at its meeting on April 27, 2020 to consider the proposed street name. 5.3 Fletcher Tree Planning Services staff provided an update on the status of the Notice of Intent to Designate the Fletcher Tree, which was issued February 26, 2020. Ontario Regulation 73/20 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act has the effect of suspending the objection period under the Ontario Heritage Act. Therefore, the Notice is held in abeyance until such time as the emergency legislation has been lifted. Staff will continue to monitor the situation as it pertains to this matter. 5.4 Delpark Homes Application At its February meeting, the Committee discussed Delpark Homes applications (COPA2018-0004; SC2018-0005 ZBA2018-0026) as they related to the adjacent designated heritage property located at 1467 Prestonvale Road. Planning Services staff advised Council had approved applications on March 2na Regulations passed under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act affecting Planning Act matters require that the notices of decision be re -issued in accordance with O. Reg. 189/20. Planning Services staff also condition of draft approval of the subdivision was incorporated requiring the architectural style and finishes of the townhouses (Block 68) take into consideration the designated heritage home directly across the street at 1467 Prestonvale Road. 5.5 27/29 Church Street and 24 Lovers Lane -2- Clarington- Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes April 21, 2020 Committee members requested confirmation that the properties known as 27 and 29 Church Street, and 24 Lovers Lane were identified on the Cultural Heritage Resources List. Planning Services staff confirmed this is the case. 5.6 Cultural Heritage Resources Property Inquiries Planning staff asked the Committee to consider evaluating 96 Ontario Street, Bowmanville in response to inquiries received on this property. 5.7 2020 Ontario Heritage Conference The 2020 Ontario Heritage Conference has been moved from May 28-30 to October 22-24 due to the situation surrounding COVID-19. 6 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None. 7 Reports from other Committees 7.1 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch: - Doors Open 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID. The Courtice area will be showcased at Doors Open 2021. 7.2 Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) — No Report. 7.3 Museum — Museum buildings were closed to the public as of March 14. Staff has since been placed on Emergency Declaration Leave as a result of the COVID-19 situation. The Canada Day celebrations typically held at the Museum, and those organized by Community Services have been cancelled. Alternative arrangements are being explored. It was noted that Maple Fest has also been cancelled. 7.4 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — Nothing new to report. 8 Project Reports 8.1 The sub -committee evaluated four (4) properties for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register, and recommended as follows: • 38 Centre Street, Bowmanville: Group 1 Evaluation; the property be added to the Municipal Register; significant to the cultural heritage of the community; • 42 Centre Street, Bowmanville: Group 2 Evaluation; the property be added to the Municipal Register; significant to the fabric of the adjoining heritage district; • 50 Centre Street, Bowmanville: Group 1 Evaluation; the property be added to the Municipal Register with further consideration for designation; significant heritage value to the community and to the fabric of the adjoining heritage district; and -3- Clarington- Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes April 21, 2020 • 54 Centre Street, Bowmanville: Group 2 Evaluation; the property be added to the Municipal Register; significant to the cultural heritage value of the community as one of the first constructed in the Registry as a property of significant heritage value to the community, as it is one of the first in this time period (1930s) and is significant to the fabric of the adjoining heritage district. 20.13 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by D. Reesor That the Heritage Committee recommends to Council that the properties at 38 Centre Street, 42 Centre Street, 50 Centre Street, and 54 Centre Street in Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register. "Carried" 8.2 Outreach/Education Committee: No report. 9 New Business 9.1 Goodyear Lands Update: Municipal staff is continuing to work with the owners of the former Goodyear site to complete the background studies needed to evaluate this property. This work is being coordinated as part of the ongoing work for Bowmanville East Secondary Plan. Part of the background work is to evaluate the heritage merit of the buildings and site. This work remains ongoing. 9.2 Heritage Plaques: Heritage plaques for newly designated Central Public School and Haydon Community Hall properties are ready. Timing of installation is currently being coordinated. Committee members inquired as to whether a plaque dedication ceremony could be planned/coordinated by the Education and Outreach sub -committee for Central Public School, as it may be an opportunity to speak to local youth about cultural history. The sub -committee will explore this opportunity once schools have reopened. 9.3 Former Bowmanville Post Office (41 Temperance Street): The Committee has evaluated this property and recommended it be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. The building is currently under Federal ownership and therefore, designation under a provincial act would not be recognized. The property is also currently for sale. Municipal staff has provided the relevant cultural heritage background information to the selling agent. 9.4 May Heritage Committee Meeting: The May Committee meeting conflicts with a Planning & Development Committee meeting scheduled for the same date and time. 20.14 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by S. Conway That the Heritage Committee Meeting scheduled May 19, 2020 at 7:OOp.m. be moved to May 26, 2020 at 7:OOp.m. Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes April 21, 2020 "Carried" 9.5 Future Heritage Committee Meetings & Video Conferencing: Planning Services staff inquired as to the familiarity and technological/broadband capabilities of Committee members to consider the use of a video conferencing platform for the May and future Committee meetings. There was consensus among Committee members to conduct the May meeting using Microsoft Teams. F. Langmaid thanked the Committee for its willingness to adapt and embrace new meeting formats during this time when in -person meetings are not possible. 10 Adjournment D. Reesor moved Adjournment, S. Conway seconded, 8:00 pm. Next Meeting: May 26, 2020, 7:00 p.m. via Video/Teleconference 16'2