HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/2011 Council Meeting Minutes SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 19, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Neal led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor J. Neal, attended until 10:19 p.m. Councillor M. Novak Councillor W. Partner Councillor C. Traill Councillor W. Woo Also Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Present: Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison Manager of Transportation and Design, L. Benson Manager of Internal Audit, C. Carr Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Operations, F. Horvath Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Neal indicated that he would be declaring an interest with respect to Item #28 of Report #1. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Novak announced the following:  She attended the Ontario Philharmonic Orchestra Fundraising event.  She participated in the Terry Fox Run with other Members of Council and Clarington staff. She expressed appreciation to all, particularly to Mary Tillcock, Event Organizer. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - September 19, 2011 Councillor Neal announced the following:  In August, he attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Energy-From- Waste Facility standing with protestors who were exercising their democratic rights to do so responsibly. Councillor Neal commended Durham Regional Police Service for handling the situation with professionalism and extended congratulations to those who took the time to exercise their rights.  He attended the Clarington Blooms Awards Ceremony where Councillor Woo won the prize for the best floral arrangement. Councillor Hooper announced the following:  He represented the Municipality at the Business Women's Professional Club Meeting.  He assisted with the Grand Openings of Dr. Sophia Awadia & Associates Optometrists and the Bowmanville Hypnosis Connection.  He extended congratulations to Mitchell Heard, a 19-year-old hockey player from Bowmanville who has been invited to join the Toronto Maple Leafs Rookie Camp, to Matt Caruana who is currently playing with the Toronto Marlies of the American Hockey League and to former Mayor, John Mutton, who achieved nd 2 place at the National Body Building Championships.  He attended the Euchre Extravaganza at the Clarington Older Adult Association which was a great success with 46 tables of euchre players.  On Tuesday, September 20, 2011, there will be a televised Provincial Election Debate at the Hope Fellowship Church from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Councillor Woo announced the following:  The Visual Arts Centre will be exhibiting “Maison de loup”, the work of Mary Anne Barkhouse from September 11 to October 4, 2011.  The work of Robert Fisher is on display on the Mezzanine level of the Clarington Public Library.  On Sunday, September 25, 2011, Trinity United Church will be holding a reception in honour of Reverend Joe Lefave who is retiring. Councillor Traill announced the following:  Last Wednesday, she attended the first “Tea in Tyrone”, in conjunction with the Clarington Older Adults Association and the Tyrone Hall Board.  On Tuesday, September 20, 2011, Bethesda House will host the “Take Back the Night” Walk in support of a safer community.  Family Safety Day will take place at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex on Saturday, September 24, 2011.  There will be a Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup on Saturday morning. Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - September 19, 2011 Councillor Partner announced the following:  Last Saturday the Orono Co-op held a “Customer Appreciation Day”.  On Thursday, she golfed to raise money for the Bowmanville hospital. th  She attended Clarington Blooms Awards Ceremony on September 14 and the th Terry Fox Run on September 18. st  On September 21 the Oddfellow & Rebekah Centre Roof Fundraiserwilltake place in Orono featuring a complete dinner with homemade pies. th  On Saturday, the Village of Orono will host the 13 Annual Chili Cook-Off and Pie Contest. Mayor Foster announced the following:  On August 18, 2011, representatives from Durham Regional Police Service, Fire and Emergency Services and By-law Enforcement set up a Mobile Command in Orono as a community outreach initiative. th  On Friday, September 16, Members of Council and staff were encouraged to dress in their favourite team jerseys. Mayor Foster thanked Councillor Hooper for dressing in his Clarington golf shirt and jacket.  On October 17, 2011, between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Durham Region will host a presentation on how to do business with government agencies.  There will be a meeting regarding the Port Hope Area Initiative at the Newcastle Town Hall on October 20, 2011, from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.  Thursday, September 22, 2011, Clarington will host a “Lunch-In” in support of Feed the Need Durham at the Cenotaph in Bowmanville starting at 11:30 a.m.  The Clarington Eagles Hockey Team home opener is on Sunday, th September 25 at 6:00 p.m. Resolution #C-391-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held July 18, 2011, the minutes of a special meeting of Council held July 28, 2011, and the minutes of a special meeting of Council held September 12, 2011, be approved. “CARRIED” PRESENTATIONS There were no Presentations scheduled for this meeting. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - September 19, 2011 DELEGATIONS Kem Majid, Bowmanville Tennis Club, addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 12 - Renewal of Lease Agreement. Mr. Majid indicated the Club has a four-year lease with the municipality that expires on December 31, 2011 and that without a valid renewal of the lease, the tennis club will not be able to operate. He advised that in conversation with staff, he was told that they are waiting for instructions from Council to renew the lease. Mr. Majid stated on August 25, 2011, the Club sent a letter to the Mayor and Members of Council respectfully requesting that the lease be renewed. He confirmed the Club did not put any conditions on the lease renewal as to the term, just a request to renew it. Lou DeVuono addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D – 14 - 2012 Heroes Highway Ride & Rally. Mr. DeVuono played a video clip of the 2011 Heroes Highway Ride where more than 3,000 riders from six Provinces took part in the ride which culminated in a rally held at the Oshawa Armories. Mr. DeVuono stated it is expected that participation will continue to grow and that he was here tonight to ask if Members of Council and the Bowmanville community would consider hosting the 2012 event. Mr. DeVuono displayed a photograph of the Heroes Highway Ride Flag that was flown at Canada House in Kandahar and also brought the flag with him this evening. Michael Sullivan addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D – 17 - “Support Our Troops” Banner. Mr. Sullivan stated he was informed that there was some confusion at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of September 12, 2011, with respect to a motion to have the banner installed outside his residence. Mr. Sullivan stated on September 9, 2011, he and his wife met with Mayor Foster, Councillors Neal and Novak and the Director of Operations regarding the th banner issue. He provided a chronology of events leading up to the September 9 meeting, indicating that the banner was a gift from former Mayor, Jim Abernethy, and in previous conversations with the Director of Operations, it was his understanding that the banner would be erected as soon as the proper hardware was received. In further discussions with the Director of Operations, Mr. Horvath advised that Mr. Sullivan’s idea to have Clarington residents who served in Afghanistan recognized for their service and support displayed would be adopted by Council and that he would contact the Department of National Defence to obtain the names of those serving from Clarington. Subsequent to this discussion, Mr. Sullivan was advised that the banner idea may not be the way the Municipality would recognize the troops. Mr. Sullivan noted that nothing was ever done and the banner presented to his family was never erected. He expressed concern that it has been one year since the request was made th to the Municipality resulting in the meeting of September 9. Mr. Sullivan clarified that at the meeting, he and his wife expressed their disappointment with the lack of progress and pointed out that there is clear policy with respect to the “Support Our Troops” Banner Program and that they made their position clear that they wanted the banner erected as promised. Further discussion took place at the meeting on how the Municipality would recognize those who served. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - September 19, 2011 Mr. Sullivan stated that regardless of how the Municipality would pay tribute to those persons, he did not think that decision would nullify their position and at no time did he or his wife rescind their position to have the banner erected. Mr. Sullivan requested Council to vote to have the banner erected as promised. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-392-11 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Correspondence Items I - 7, I - 10, I - 12, I - 14 and I - 16. “CARRIED” I - 1 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated June 23, 2011 and July 15, 2011 I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated August 25, 2011 I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated September 7, 2011 I - 4 Pam Lancaster, Stewardship Technician, Source Water Protection Technician/Communications, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, forwarding the April, May, June, July and August, 2011 meeting summaries for the Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee. (Copies attached) I - 5 Karen Bastas and Canada Day Committee, Newcastle Business Improvement Association, expressing appreciation to the Municipality for the grant of $1,000 which was put towards the Canada Day celebrations in Newcastle on July 1. The event was a great success with the day’s activities enjoyed by the local community. I - 6 Joe Comuzzi, P.C., Chair, Canadian Section, International Joint Commission, Canada and United States, advising of the negotiation of an update to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, an agreement that committed Canada and the United States to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem; indicating that the International Joint Commission is charged with making a full report to the federal, state and provincial governments; that the Fifteenth Biennial Report provides 32 recommendations for action at the federal, state, provincial and local levels of government and focuses on the need for the two countries to approve an updated Agreement Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - September 19, 2011 addressing threats to water quality to prevent or reduce impact on human and ecological health and to help legislatures ensure that resources are effectively directed to addressing the highest-priority challenges; and, advising that full copies of the report are available online at www.ijc.org or may be requested from a Commission office. I - 8 Durham Regional Police Service forwarding a copy of their 2010 Annual Report. I - 9 John R. O’Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Transportation, requesting the Province to reconsider the current plan to phase the Highway 407 eastward extension; indicating that terminating Phase One at Harmony Road will have an impact of approximately $81 million on Clarington roads alone in added costs to the municipality in addition to the pressures of traffic congestion and safety concerns for rural communities; and, advising that the timely completion of Highway 407 eastward to Hwy. 35/115 as planned and documented in the federal/provincial FLOW agreement remains of paramount importance. I - 11 Laurie Docimo, Fund Development Manager, Feed the Need in Durham, expressing appreciation for the grant in the amount of $2,000 which assists the agency in providing food to over 40 agencies and helping to improve conditions for families in Durham Region. I - 13 Louis Bertrand expressing concern that Clarington’s Regional Council representatives accepted the explanation that further delays to the incinerator project would increase the cost; suggesting that the public may never know how much the project really cost in terms of lost opportunities to bring new and genuinely clean technology businesses to Clarington, of lowered housing prices and assessments or in additional costs to infrastructure, or know the health and social effects of the incinerator; and, indicating that at some point, Clarington Council is going to have to face the fact that the Host Community Agreement is not a veto on responsibilities of the municipal government to attend to the economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality as well as the health, safety and well-being of persons, and that it is time that Clarington took a firm stand against vague threats and called the bluff. I - 15 Jim Richards, expressing his disappointment with Mayor Foster and Councillors Novak and Woo for supporting the incinerator in Clarington; hoping that Councillors Hooper and Partner will stand up and be accountable for the way they voted in favour of additional monitoring and to speak for their Ward electorate; and, thanking Councillors Traill and Neal for standing by their election promises and hoping that they keep up the good work. Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - September 19, 2011 I - 7 Dr. Paul André Larose forwarding a published article entitled “Metro Vancouver’s proposed incinerator might have a nanopollution problem”, indicating that the article provides a perspective that can help better appreciate the perils of incineration, references opinions of Dr. Vyvyan Howard, a nanoparticle expert and Professor of Bioimaging at the University of Ulster who writes that today’s incinerator filters typically let through five to 30% of smaller particles under 2.5 microns causing the worst health damage and allow the majority of the smallest nano-sized particulates to pass through into the air; that nanoparticulates are even more toxic than fine particles partly because they have far more surface area that can react with body tissues than bigger particles of the same weight; and, suggesting that Dr. Kyle give credence to the findings of Professor Howard and report accordingly to Regional Council. Resolution #C-393-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT Correspondence Item I - 7 from Dr. Paul André Larose, with respect to health implications of incineration, be received for information. “CARRIED” I - 10 Mayor Linda Thompson, Municipality of Port Hope, writing to Louise Levert, Secretariat, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, reiterating the Municipality’s support for the Port Granby Project and the Application for the Waste Nuclear Substance License to be considered by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission at its hearing on September 27, 2011. Resolution #C-394-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Correspondence Item I - 10 from Mayor Linda Thompson, Municipality of Port Hope, with respect to support for the Port Granby Project Waste Nuclear Substance Licence, be received for information. “CARRIED” I - 12 Dan Mathieson, Chair, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Board of Directors, announcing the appointment of Antoni Wisniowski as MPAC’s new President and Chief Administrative Officer. Effective September 1, 2011, Mr. Wisniowski will be MPAC’s President Designate working closing with Carl Isenberg who will be retiring at the end of the year after more than 38 years in property assessment. Mr. Wisniowski will officially assume his new role at MPAC on January 1, 2012. Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - September 19, 2011 Resolution #C-395-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Correspondence Item I – 12 from Dan Mathieson, Chair, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Board of Directors announcing MPAC’s new President and Chief Administrative Officer, be received for information. “CARRIED” I - 14 Thomas G. Gettinby, CAO & Municipal Clerk, Township of Brock, writing to Mayor Marolyn Morrison, Chair, Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors Alliance, Town of Caledon (GTCMA), advising that on August 8, 2011, the Township of Brock adopted a resolution to support the Ontario Stone, Sand and Gravel Association’s efforts to work with local and regional municipalities and the top ten aggregate producing municipalities and to advise all GTCMA municipalities. Resolution #C-396-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item I - 14 from Thomas G. Gettinby, CAO & Municipal Clerk, Township of Brock, with respect to the Ontario Stone, Sand and Gravel Association, be received for information. “CARRIED” I - 16 Lloyd Ayre expressing appreciation to Council for the award presented to him in recognition of his 50 years on the Orono Fair Board. Resolution #C-397-11 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Correspondence Item I – 16 from Lloyd Ayre expressing appreciation to Council for the award presented to him in recognition of his 50 years on the Orono Fair Board, be received for information. “CARRIED” CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Correspondence Item D – 18 was received as a Hand-out. Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - September 19, 2011 Resolution #C-398-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 10, be approved as per the Agenda, with the exception of Items D - 2, D - 6, D - 7, D - 8 and D - 9. “CARRIED” D - 1 Karen Bastas, Vice President BIA, Event Coordinator, Newcastle Business Improvement Area, requesting closure of King Avenue from Baldwin/North Street to Beaver Street from 6:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on October 1, 2011, for the Annual Fall Festival, indicating that the event will feature vendors, a car and tractor show, bands, a Jungle Cat World Show, midway and kids’ games; and, advising that liability insurance has been secured. (Approved provided the Organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department) D - 3 The Honourable Eric Hoskins, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, inviting nominations for the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism in Ontario, an award to recognize exceptional leadership, innovation and creativity in voluntarism and community service; advising nominees can include individuals, groups, business and organizations which have made outstanding contributions to their communities and the province; and, advising the deadline for nominations is December 5, 2011. Nomination forms and additional information are available at www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk to place information on the municipal website) D - 4 Beth Cullen Keidann, Public Health Nurse, Region of Durham, advising October is recognized as “International Walk to School Month” and th Wednesday, October 5 is known as “International Walk to School Day (IWALK)”; inviting residents to participate in IWALK events such as walking, cycling and wheeling as a means by which to get to and from school; highlighting the benefits of participating in active transportation; and, encouraging the Municipality to proclaim the month of October as th “Walk to School Month” and October 5 as “International Walk to School Day”. (Proclaimed) Council Meeting Minutes - 10 - September 19, 2011 D - 5 Fred Hahn, President, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario and Tracy Saarikoski, President, The Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC) requesting that Wednesday, October 26, 2011, be proclaimed as “Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day” in Clarington, in recognition of the education, dedication and commitment of child care workers to children, their families and quality of life of the community. (Proclaimed) D - 10 Greg Farrant, Manager, Government Affairs & Policy, Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters, providing a second letter of support with respect to ongoing discussions regarding local gun clubs and the proposed draft noise by-law; indicating that the Union Rod & Gun Club shares many of the same concerns over the proposed by-law as the Orono Fish & Hunt Club and have enjoyed a good relationship with neighbouring properties and have been aggressive in their attempts to mitigate sound from the ranges; advising that the Union Rod & Gun Club has hosted training for Ontario Power Generation security staff and are unaware of any complaints about their facility, are careful not to exceed the 70 decibel range and acknowledge that on occasion the frequency and duration of noise could be bothersome to some living in the vicinity, but note that an excessive amount of use of the ranges by either Club is not the norm; reminding Council that clubs such as the Union Rod & Gun Club and the Orono Fish & Hunt Club provide a safe, regulated environment for recreational sport shooting where the facilities are regularly inspected by the Chief Firearms Office; and, urging Council to balance the concerns raised by new residents to the area, with the long-standing traditions and history of both the Union and Orono clubs, who have been a presence and good neighbours in the community for decades. (Advised of actions taken with respect to Report CLD-024-11) D - 2 Don Head, Commissioner, Correctional Service Canada, requesting Council to proclaim November 13 to 20, 2011, as “Restorative Justice Week 2011”, in recognition of the concrete learning and results that have come from the experience of practitioners and stakeholders in the application of a restorative justice approach encouraging accountability, reparation and a movement towards understanding, feelings of satisfaction, healing and a sense of closure for those affected by crime and conflict. Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - September 19, 2011 Resolution #C-399-11 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the week of November 13 to 20, 2011, be proclaimed as “Restorative Justice Week 2011” in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy. “CARRIED” D - 6 Rob Messervey, Chief Administrative Officer, Kawartha Conservation, forwarding a copy of their response to a resolution from the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority which states, in part, “that large-scale commercial operations are beyond the resource capacity and scope of CA regulations”; indicating that Kawartha Conservation takes issue with that particular clause in the resolution recognizing that while some aspects of large-scale filling operations, such as dust and noise control will fall to other regulatory vehicles, the conservation authority regulations are an essential part of the control of such activities where they occur within regulated areas; and, advising that in those instances, Conservation Authorities must work collaboratively with municipal and provincial staff to coordinate and apply the most appropriate suite of available legislative and regulatory controls. Resolution #C-400-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Correspondence Item D – 6 from Rob Messervey, Chief Administrative Officer, Kawartha Conservation, with respect to commercial fill, be received for information. “CARRIED” D - 7 John R. O’Toole, MPP, Durham, requesting clarification of the municipality’s position on the eventual elimination of the Bennett Road interchange once a new interchange has been constructed at Lambs Road and questioning the timeframe for the construction of a new Lambs Road interchange; questioning what steps are being taken to bring together stakeholders including local and provincial levels of government to update information and address priorities regarding Highway 401 improvements through Bowmanville along with improvements to arterial and collector roads linking with Highway 401; indicating that in his view, it is important that all aspects of Hwy. 401 improvements be considered together and in the context of municipal and regional plans; and, advising that he has written to the Minister of Transportation regarding the Lambs Road interchange and other future Highway 401 improvements and will keep the Municipality advised of the Minister’s reply. Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - September 19, 2011 Resolution #C-401-11 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the Municipality of Clarington reiterate its position with respect to future Highway 401 interchanges in Bowmanville to the Ministry of Transportation and that a copy of the correspondence be forwarded to John O’Toole, MPP, Durham. “CARRIED” D - 8 Kelly Adams advising that over one hundred residents of Clarington have expressed concern with excessive noise being generated from the Orono Fish and Hunt Club; indicating that the Club seems to have incorrectly construed a 50 or 70 decibel level as their legal allowable level, advising that the Orono Fish and Hunt Club are not exempt from the noise by-law; and, stating that noise pollution is not simply an annoyance and that grandfathering the continuation of a proven health hazard is not good governance. Resolution #C-402-11 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT Kelly Adams be advised of actions taken with respect to Report CLD-024-11. “CARRIED” D - 9 Karen McArthur suggesting that an error has been made in the curfew hours listed regarding the shooting times of the Orono Fish & Hunt Club in the Noise By-law as the times of shooting in the past at the Club were from 10:00 a.m. not 8:00 a.m. as listed in the by-law. Resolution #C-403-11 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Karen McArthur be advised of actions taken with respect to Report CLD-024-11. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - September 19, 2011 D - 11 Glen Morrow, President, Carleton Automotive Towing & Recovery, expressing concern with the proposed transfer of authority of vehicle impoundments from the Ministry of Transportation to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) through RFP OPP-0460; indicating that the RFP has been tendered without consultation with municipal representatives or the local tow service providers and has been designed for the administrative convenience of the OPP, not for effective service delivery, creates a monopoly over the delivery of impound services in 56 zones across the province; indicating that many local towers will eventually be forced out of business, people will have to travel greater distances to reclaim their vehicles to a facility that may not be within the zone creating further hardship and expense; and, urging Council to adopt a resolution to oppose the RFP and its changes until such time as adequate consultation with the industry and elected municipal representatives has taken place. Resolution #C-404-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Correspondence Item D - 11 from Glen Morrow, President, Carleton Automotive Towing & Recovery, with respect to the impacts of the Request for Proposal regarding vehicle impoundments on the local towing industry, be referred to staff. “CARRIED” D - 12 Kem Majid, President and Ellen Logan, Treasurer, Bowmanville Tennis Club (BTC), requesting renewal of the current lease between the Club and the Municipality, scheduled to expire on December 31, 2011; indicating that the current lease has a four year term compared to the former 20 year lease with the Lions Club of Bowmanville and that the shorter term was acceptable to the BTC on the understanding that renewals would occur in due course; advising that the BTC has been part of the greenspace and playground facilities at 26 Beech Avenue since approximately 1946 and the tennis facilities are accessible to all families and residents of the Municipality who become members of the Club by paying a small annual fee; indicating that fees collected are sufficient to pay all BTC operational and maintenance expenses for the year, including rent and property taxes to the Municipality and to build reserve funds to resurface the courts every five to seven years; and, advising that the BTC wishes to continue providing Clarington residents with an enjoyable tennis experience and urging Council to consider their request positively and provide the necessary renewal instructions to staff as urgently as possible, but before expiry of the current lease. Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - September 19, 2011 Resolution #C-405-11 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the request from Kem Majid and the Bowmanville Tennis Club be received for information at this time; THAT a decision be rendered after discussion and a meeting has been held between the Clarington Older Adult Association Board and Department Head staff from Community Services, Engineering Services, Corporate Services, Operations, the Fire Chief, Mayor and Council Liaison at which time all lease arrangements and documentation from 1998 until present be discussed and a recommendation come forward with respect to parking, the tennis courts and the future of the COAA at its current location, and future planning for the organization; and THAT this be done sooner rather than later and that the information come forward at th the October 17 General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting. “CARRIED” D - 13 Gary Jeffery, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, advising Council that on August 25, 2011, the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee adopted the following resolution pertaining to the Clarington Official Plan review: “Whereas the Municipality of Clarington is in the process of reviewing the Official Plan; AND WHEREAS part of the mandate of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is to advise Council with regard to: a) implementation of municipal agricultural goals, objectives and policies; b) alternative solutions, approaches, plans or studies dealing with agriculture and related rural issues which are within the responsibilities and financial capabilities of the Municipality of Clarington; and c) monitor and report on changes within the agricultural industry including agricultural land inventory; AND WHEREAS agriculture is the #1 industry in Clarington; AND WHEREAS agriculture is necessary for food security; AND WHEREAS some of Canada’s best agricultural land is in Clarington, more particularly immediately adjacent to the current urban boundaries and in the “whitebelt” areas; Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - September 19, 2011 AND WHEREAS there are not stringent tests for the expansion of urban settlement area boundaries with regard to prime agricultural lands and soil capability; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council instruct Planning Staff to include additional policies in the Growth Management and Agricultural Sections of the Official Plan to ensure that: a) growth be provided through intensification, and redevelopment; and within the existing urban boundaries; b) agricultural soil capability be included as an additional criteria for determining where future growth happens (e.g. avoid Classes 1, 2 and 3 soils, in this order of priority) ; c) impacts from settlement areas on agricultural operations be mitigated; and THAT all types, sizes and intensities of agricultural uses and normal farm practices be promoted and protected in accordance with Provincial standards. ” Resolution #C-406-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the resolution from the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, with respect to the Clarington Official Plan review, be referred to the Director of Planning Services for consideration with respect to the review. “CARRIED” D - 14 Lou DeVuono, Founder & Executive Director, Heroes Highway Ride and Rally Association, providing background information on the Heroes Highway Ride, an event which began in 2009 with 134 motorcycles to an event with over 2500 bikes taking part in the ride from Trenton to Oshawa in 2010; indicating that an estimated 8000 people attended the event in 2010 and approximately $30,000 was raised for various military charities; forecasting the 2012 ride will attract 5000-6000 motorcyclists; and, requesting investigation into the possibility of returning the event to Clarington. Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - September 19, 2011 Resolution #C-407-11 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Lou DeVuono, Founder & Executive Director, Heroes Highway Ride and Rally Association, be thanked for his presentation with respect to the Heroes Highway Ride and Rally; and, THAT information regarding the 2012 Heroes Highway Ride and Rally be forwarded to staff for a report on the cost of hosting the event and to liaise with the three Business Improvement Areas with respect to the event. “CARRIED” D - 15 Ashley Mancuso, Council and Committee Services Coordinator, Town of Halton Hills, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, advising that on July 11, 2011, the Town of Halton Hills adopted the following resolution pertaining to creation of new “Hospital Development Charges Act”: “WHEREAS the provision of capital and operating funds for hospitals for the communities of Ontario is a Provincial responsibility; AND WHEREAS the amount of provincial tax dollars available for capital and operating costs related to hospitals be they existing hospitals, new hospitals, hospital renovations, hospital expansions is very limited considering all of the other Provincial priorities; AND WHEREAS to meet the gap in funding, municipalities are being approached by hospitals to provide municipal tax dollars particularly toward capital construction for new hospitals, hospital renovations, hospital expansions, etc.; AND WHEREAS municipalities themselves have limited tax dollars available for their priorities; AND WHEREAS one source of revenue that is not being “tapped” for the building of new hospitals, hospital renovations and hospital expansions, particularly to meet new growth in communities throughout Ontario are “development charges”; AND WHEREAS a significant component of the need for new hospitals, hospital renovations and hospital expansions is the new growth in communities served by the hospitals; AND WHEREAS imposing “development charges” would be a reasonable approach to raising additional funding for new hospitals, hospital renovations, and hospital expansions; Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - September 19, 2011 AND WHEREAS “development charges” could be imposed by amending the existing Development Charges Act or by creating a new “Hospital Development Charges Act” similar to the “Education Development Charges Act”; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. THAT the Town Council for the Town of Halton Hills request the Province of Ontario, through the Premier and the Minister of Health, to seriously consider imposing “development charges” on new growth in the Province with the purpose of raising additional funds beyond Provincial taxes and fundraising for the construction of new hospitals, hospital renovations or hospital expansions. 2. THAT the imposition of “development charges” be either by way of amendment to the existing Development Charges Act or be by way of a separate “Hospital Development Charges Act” with the funds to be collected by the municipality or municipalities that are served by the benefitting hospitals and to be placed into Special Provincial Development Charges Reserves for the benefitting hospitals. 3. THAT with the adoption of “development charges” legislation that municipalities no longer be called upon to provide capital funding for hospitals due to the need of those municipalities to use their own funds for municipal infrastructure. 4. THAT a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Health for Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Region of Halton and each of the area municipalities within the Region of Halton for their endorsement and support, and to the GTA Countryside Mayors Alliance.” Resolution #C-408-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the resolution from the Town of Halton Hills, with respect to creation of a new “Hospital Development Charges Act” be received for information. “CARRIED” D - 16 Jim Abernethy providing background information on the “Support Our Troops” Banner Program; questioning why it has taken one year to make the necessary arrangements to install a banner in front of the Sullivan residence in Courtice as requested in early September, 2010; and, requesting Council to ensure that the banner is installed as soon as possible. Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - September 19, 2011 Resolution #C-409-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT $2,500 from the 2011 Operating Budget be used to pay for the installation and hardware of “Support Our Troops” Banners; THAT preference be given first to those currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, then to Veterans and finally to the public at large; THAT the cost of the banner be borne by the resident; and THAT the Mayor’s Office be requested to provide the banner for Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan and that it be installed. “CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING” (See following motions) Resolution #C-410-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-409-11 be amended to direct that the Sullivan’s current banner be installed. “CARRIED” Resolution #C-411-11 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-409-11 be amended to direct that the Caswell family be provided with a banner and that it be installed in front of their home. “CARRIED” Resolution #C-409-11 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - September 19, 2011 D - 17 Michael and Linda Sullivan writing further to their meeting of September 9, 2011, with Mayor Foster, Councillor Neal, Councillor Novak and the Director of Operations regarding the installation of a “Support Our Troops Banner” outside their residence and further to discussions at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of September 12, 2011, clarifying their position that regardless of how the Municipality chooses to recognize those Clarington residents who have served in Afghanistan, they did not think that Council’s decision would nullify their position to have the banner erected as promised; expressing concern that a kind gesture of recognizing a soldier from Clarington who has served his country, has now turned into a political issue; and, requesting that the banner be erected forthwith. Resolution #C-412-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Michael and Linda Sullivan be advised of actions taken with respect to Correspondence Item D - 16. “CARRIED” D - 18 Margaret Maskell indicating that the current “Support the Troops” Banner Program was set up to recognize individuals serving in a very visible and public basis; stating that she does not understand the need to create a different program as the current program has been readily accepted across the nation and there is current Council policy in place; and, expressing concern that any single individual should be recognized any more than another serving in the Armed Forces as we should all be united as one in support of our troops. Resolution #C-413-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Margaret Maskell be advised of actions taken with respect to Correspondence Item D - 16. “CARRIED” Resolution #C-414-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Council recess for ten minutes. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 20 - September 19, 2011 The meeting reconvened at 8:51 p.m. COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report September 12, 2011. Resolution #C-415-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of September 12, 2011 be approved, with the exception of Items #8, #17, #18, #25, #27 and #28. “CARRIED” Item #8 Resolution #C-416-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT Report PSD-072-11 be received; THAT the Director of Planning be authorized to amend the conditions of Draft Approval for applications 18T-87083, 18T-89007, 18T-90043, and 18T-95030 to have a six year expiry date from the date of Council’s decision; and THAT the interested parties and delegations regarding each application dealt with in Report PSD-072-11 be advised of Council’s decision with respect to the application. “MOTION LOST” Resolution #C-417-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PSD-072-11 be received; THAT the Director of Planning be authorized to amend the conditions of Draft Approval for applications 18T-87083, 18T-89007, 18T-90043, and 18T-95030 to have a three year expiry date from the date of Council’s decision; and THAT the interested parties and delegations regarding each application dealt with in Report PSD-072-11 be advised of Council’s decision with respect to the application. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - September 19, 2011 Item #17 Resolution #C-418-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT Item #17 of Report #1 be withdrawn from the Agenda. “CARRIED” Item #18 Resolution #C-419-11 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT a representative of Emergency and Fire Services Union 3139 be included in the development of the NextGen – Next Generation Common Communication Platform project. “MOTION WITHDRAWN” (See following motion) Resolution #C-420-11 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the Region of Durham be requested to include representatives from Emergency and Fire Services Unions as part of the development team of the NextGen – Next Generation Common Communication Platform project. “CARRIED” Resolution #C-421-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT Report ESD-013-11 be received for information; THAT staff continue to support the NextGen - Next Generation Common Communication Platform project; THAT Council authorize the Clerk and Mayor to sign an agreement committing Clarington to the Next Generation Common Communication Platform project; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report ESD-013-11 be advised of Council’s decision. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 22 - September 19, 2011 Item #25 Resolution #C-422-11 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the Mayor’s Office and staff prepare for publication in the Orono Times and Metroland newspaper, the actions taken by this Council regarding the Energy From Waste Facility (EFW); THAT the following items be included in the publication of Council’s actions regarding EFW: Resolutions #GPA-527-10, #C-033-11, #C-035-11, #C-064-11, #C-065-11, #C-066-11, #C-067-11, #GPA-093-11, #C-128-11, #C-122-11, #GPA-249-11, #GPA-250-11, #GPA-251-11, #C-175-11, #C-150-11, #C-318-11, #C-368-11, and a synopsis of the July 26, 2011, Special Meeting of Durham Regional Council regarding the amendment to the Co-owner’s agreement and the Co-owner’s agreement, including the vote; and THAT the funds to be taken from the budget set aside for the last edition of the Clarington.net. “CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING” (See following motions) Resolution #C-423-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-422-11 be amended to replace the words “the Orono Times and Metroland newspaper” in the first paragraph with the words “the last edition of Clarington.net”. “CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE:” Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Pecuniary Interest Councillor Traill √ Councillor Woo √ Councillor Hooper √ Councillor Neal √ Councillor Novak √ Councillor Partner √ Mayor Foster √ Council Meeting Minutes - 23 - September 19, 2011 Resolution #C-424-11 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to the matter more than once. “CARRIED” Resolution C-422-11 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Pecuniary Interest Councillor Traill √ Councillor Woo √ Councillor Hooper √ Councillor Neal √ Councillor Novak √ Councillor Partner √ Mayor Foster √ Item #27 Resolution #C-425-11 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter concerning litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. “CARRIED” The meeting resumed in open session at 10:14 p.m. The Mayor advised that one item was discussed in “closed” session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed. Resolution #C-426-11 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Resolution #CPGA-018-11 be ratified. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 24 - September 19, 2011 Councillor Neal stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item #28 of Report #1 as his wife is a supporter of the Lobby group and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Item #28 Resolution #C-427-11 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Confidential Report LGL-009-11 be received; and THAT the Municipal Solicitor be authorized to file a Notice of Appearance to maintain a watching brief and preserve litigation options. “CARRIED” Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. STAFF REPORT(S) There were no Staff Reports considered under this Section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no Unfinished Business considered under this Section of the Agenda. OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Hooper advised that Miranda Hirshko has been recognized by the Province of Ontario and suggested she be invited to the next televised Council meeting to be honoured by the Municipality. Councillor Woo questioned whether Swallow Acoustic Consultants Ltd. would be using RCMP shooting range documents as a guide when conducting sound monitoring in the areas affected by the shooting range. The Municipal Clerk stated that she could not confirm until after meeting with the engineer on September 20, 2011. Councillor Neal left the meeting. Council Meeting Minutes - 25 - September 19, 2011 BY-LAWS Resolution #C-428-11 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2011-084 to 2011-089 2011-084 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Stephen Selby) 2011-085 Being a by-law to amend By-aw 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By- law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Arnot Wotten) 2011-086 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.81 to the Clarington Official Plan (Newcastle (King) Developments Inc.) 2011-087 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Newcastle (King) Developments Inc.) 2011-088 Being a by-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2094 from Part Lot Control 2011-089 Being a by-law to appoint an individual as a Parking Enforcement Officer for Private Property (Paul Long) (120, 124, 128, 132 and 136 Aspen Springs Drive); and THAT the said by-laws be approved. “CARRIED” PROCEDURAL NOTICE(S) OF MOTION There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. Council Meeting Minutes - 26 - September 19, 2011 CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-429-11 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2011-090, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 19t" day of September, 2011; and THAT the said by-law be approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-430-11 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:20 p.m. "CARRIED" //kqr MAYOR MU I AL LERK