HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-030-11 Clarington REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: September 26, 2011 Resolution#: t/ By-law#: Report#: COD-030-11 File#: Subject: Use of Corporate Logo by Members of Council RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-030-11 be received; and 2. THAT the attached policy defining the use of the Corporate Logo by Members of Council be approved. Submitted by: Reviewed by: 4. arie Marano, H.B.Sc., AMCT Franklin Wu, Director of Corporate Services/ Chief Administrative Officer Human Resources MAMAc/gi CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT # COD-030-11 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND The municipal (corporate) logo and initial branding initiative was adopted by Council in the historic report ADMIN-1-90. Subsequently there have been a number of reports and policies developed which refer to the logo: a. Report COD-14-02 identified the permitted use of the logo through sponsorship agreements with community organizations that met the municipally defined criteria. That report is still in effect and has not been incorporated into this report or policy as it relates to a separate opportunity where the corporate logo is used as a promotion of the Municipality in events that are sponsored by the Municipality. b. Policy H34 Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes was approved by Council in 2010 and references websites or domain names that are funded by the Municipality. A copy of that policy is attached for reference. The corporate logo (as text and as an image) is a registered trademark of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. The registration process, via the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, was completed in March 2006. As a registered trademark, use of the logo is at the discretion of the Municipality of Clarington and use without (written) consent could result in legal action. It should be noted that the cut lines/slogans (eg. Leading the Way) can be added or deleted without affecting the integrity of the municipal logo. The significance of the logo and its protection is to enhance Clarington's visual identity and to connect with positive perceptions of the "Municipality" through its consistent presentation. These connections promote the development of positive local recognition for the Clarington brand relative to the services, facilities and programs made available to our residents, businesses and visitors. This is an identified objective (Connecting Clarington: Objective #2) of the recently adopted Strategic Plan 2011-2014. Given the growth in popularity and popularity of websites and social media (blogs, facebook, twitter) it is appropriate time to incorporate its Members of Council. The attached policy is updated to include use of the logo on websites and in social media communications to ensure that the Municipality is aware of where and how the Municipality's image is referenced or where there could be an implied associated. The consistent message associated with the Municipality's logo will ensure the brand of the Municipality is maintained and upheld. The policy sets out a restriction for use of the logo or any Municipally related material as of January 1 in an election year. 2. CONCURRENCE — Not Applicable CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT # COD-030-11 PAGE 3 CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability X Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Jennifer Cooke, Manager of Communications & Tourism Attachments: Attachment 1- Use of Corporate Logo Policy by Members of Council Attachment 2- Corporate Policy H34, Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Clarington ATTACHMENT #1 USE OF CORPORATE LOGO BY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL POLICY OBJECTIVE The purpose of this policy is to outline when the Municipality's logo can be used by Members of Council. POLICY STATEMENT The Municipality of Clarington's logo is registered and protected under the Trademarks Act of Canada. The Municipality's logo may only be used by those with written permission, otherwise use is prohibited. The approved use of the municipal logo does not provide authority or rights to the user to portray their words or comments as representative of the municipal corporation. Corporate messages will continue to be the responsibility of the Mayor's Office and/or the Communications & Tourism Office. Members of Council are permitted to submit a request to use the Municipality of Clarington corporate logo for applications listed below and in a manner which is consistent with the requirements of the Corporate Visual Identity Program. For any other use, or for uses that are not consistent with the Corporate Identity Program, Members shall seek the prior approval of Council, such approval to be subject to such terms and conditions as Council may impose. • Advertisements; ® Newsletters; ® Web pages; or • General information/educational material. The elements of the Corporate Visual Identity Program (municipal logo, banners, and flags) may not be used for any non-municipal business or interest, including for the purpose of election signs or other electioneering material. This includes the display of campaign related signs in windows or on premises. SCOPE This policy applies to all Members of Council. The policy is effective upon ratification by Council, however the logo or any related material shall not be available for use as of January 1St in an election year. BACKGROUND This policy ensures that the Administration is aware of and approves the use of the logo or other Municipal image information in materials in which Members of Council wish to include the Municipality's corporate logo. It will ensure that consistency and equity is applied to all requests by Members of Council wanting to use the Municipality's logo and most importantly it will ensure the brand of the Municipality is maintained and constant. IMPLICATIONS(Financial, Human Resources) None CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Clarftwn ATTACHMENT #1 IMPLEMENTATION The implementation plan for this policy includes the following steps: 1. The Mem ber of Council wishing to use the Municipality's logo must submit a request to the Manager Communications and Tourism; 2. The Manager Communications and Tourism is to approve or reject logo request based on the following criteria: a) Is for a genuine Municipality of Clarington business activity; b) Is consistent with the Municipality's brand; c) The material on which the logo will appear is considered appropriate; d) Is in compliance with the objectives of the Strategic Plan: i. Connecting Clarington — Objective #2 3. If approved, the logo will be forwarded to Member of Council electronically; and 4. Member of Council is to provide a copy/Location of information in which the Municipality's logo is used to Manager Communications and Tourism. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Manager of Communications and Tourism (or his/her designate) is responsible for the implementation, monitoring and enforcement of this policy. DISPUTE RESOLUTION All disputes in regard to this policy will be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached, the matter will be submitted to Council for a decision. WHO NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS POLICY? The Office of the Mayor, Members of Council, Chief Administrative Officer, Directors and Managers as well as the Communications and Tourism team need to know the details of this policy. EVALUATION AND REVIEW PROVISIONS This policy will be evaluated and its effectiveness measured by the following key performance indicators: • Number of requests made by Members of Council to use the Municipality's logo; • Number of these requests approved; • Number of these requests rejected; DEFINITIONS There are no definitions for this policy. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 ATTACHMENT#2 Leading the Way Administrative and Corporate Policies H34 - USE OF CORPORATE RESOURCES FOR ELECTION PURPOSES Section: H Date Approved: January 27, 2010 Category: Operations Last Revised: Subsection: H34 Approved by: Council Application: All Employees 1. Purpose: To clarify that Candidates are required to follow the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and that: • No Candidate shall use the facilities, equipment, supplies, services, staff or other resources of the municipality (including Councillor newsletters and Councillor budgets) for any election campaign or campaign related activities. • No Candidate shall undertake campaign-related activities on Municipal property, except as otherwise provided for in section 2(g) of Policy H18—Political Activities. • No Candidate shall use the services of persons during hours in which those persons receive any compensation from the Municipality of Clarington. 2. Policy: a) Corporate resources and funding may not be used for any election-related purposes; b) Staff may not undertake political activities (as defined in Policy H18) or as they relate to support of a position on any by-law or question being placed on a ballot, in the workplace; c) Candidates may not use any municipal or any municipally-provided facilities for any election-related purposes, which includes displaying of any campaign related signs in the window or on the premises, as well as displaying any election-related material in the office; Page 1 of 3 —All Employees: H34 d) In any material printed or distributed by the Municipality of Clarington, Members of Council are not permitted to: i. Illustrate that an individual (either a Member of Council or any other individual) is a candidate registered in any election; ii. Identify where they will be running for office; or iii. Profile or make reference to candidates in any election. e) Members of Council are responsible to ensure that the content of any communications material,printed, hosted or distributed by the Municipality of Clarington, is not election-related; f) Web sites or domain names that are funded by the Municipality may not include any election-related campaign material; g) The Municipality of Clarington's voicemail system may not be used to record election-related messages; h) The Municipality of Clarington's computer system (hardware, software and network) may not be used to record or distribute election-related messages; i) The following may not be printed or distributed on any election materials or included in any election campaign related website: i. reference to any of the Municipality of Clarington's email addresses, telephone numbers or facility addresses or municipally-funded facility addresses; or ii. the Municipality of Clarington's logo, crest, coat of aims, slogan, etc.; Exception: a link to the Municipality's election website is permitted for the purpose of providing information about the election/ j) Photographs produced for and owned by the Municipality of Clarington may not be used for any election purpose; and k) The Municipal Clerk, or designate, shall be responsible for enforcement of this Policy. Limitation: Nothing in this Policy shall prohibit Members of Council from performing their duties as sitting Members or interfere with their representing the interests of our residents. Implementation: This policy shall become effective immediately upon adoption by Municipal Council. Page 2 of 3 —All Employees: H34 3. Appendices: None Page 3 of 3 —All Employees: H34