HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-17Clar*wo F1 u ' D o F PE ®❑®❑❑❑ 7lP ❑ 1101111030 / FfD\MR ❑ ( , 31 ID I I R P DfiZ [EDF D LD CLI RMP W ❑ M nI T 3 a in 110 E;. D EF- a, L IF- SR G F F L GIE 16 \fil I It FF u ■ RR e II„ ►„ FUTI■■FTI■■■■ WITIFI■ - DW L - O; EGG GWW in GD11AK LO nSDa • n LDG L GLE Ea G GD DN RR j IS LR MM DSS M LDWIP ► [TRW L M VW 11 M: a FOG SIR AK En GX[R A 0 - E E,, AK K, EMFEFD LIS n M90 r 3 UW En 1EXG • DAR L Il ■ - ■ - QM WE En • DM En ►UP \At MD ■ L MK 110 ■ E Wil ( O FV\R LF❑ R FLO RP P LEDER -- I R P DAR 13 DF D 1 , 3 ❑ ' F P E T❑MT❑rill 3D ❑❑ 5 LR IR 1� KDP ❑ R SR G F ❑❑ ' KDP 10 LFLSDW ❑ R SR G F ❑I❑ 7 R KLS[R [6 R W DNTS ROVR [R [5 SSR W-6 LP FR T R W ❑ 5 ROM 15 T DCt P F I FL T L P W:� F P E ❑❑❑i]❑❑❑ ❑❑ 3 R L RDE" G DO] R P 1M GM L❑ F❑ R SR G F ❑LD❑ DDD D15 LR ❑ R DER ❑ \KR WWF D UR -3 ® Tr FPE LEI❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ [-]Ell-] -u■ R DO,, 1D Ur• [ 0 mn m■■i■■■■ ■ ❑❑ OLF® R ❑R SRG F 3D T Township of Southgate Administration Office 185667 Grey County Road 9, RR 1 Souh�O Dundalk, ON NOC 1130 December 16, 2021 To whom it may concern: Phone: 519-923-2110 Toll Free: 1-888-560-6607 Fax: 519-923-9262 Web: www.southgate.ca Re: Resolution of Support — Simcoe County Resolution re: Annual Emergency Exercise Requirement Please be advised that at the December 15, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council, the following motion was carried: No. 2021-765 Moved By Councillor Dobreen Seconded By Deputy Mayor Milne Whereas Ontario Regulation 380/04: Standards under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act sets the municipal standards for emergency management programs in Ontario and requires municipalities to conduct an annual exercise with their Emergency Control Group in order to evaluate the municipality's emergency response plan and procedures, O. Reg. 380/04, s. 12 (6); Whereas Emergency Management Ontario previously granted municipalities exemption for the annual exercise requirement when the municipality experienced an actual emergency with documented proof of the municipality actively engaging their emergency management procedures and plan in response to the emergency; Whereas on August 5, 2021 the Chief, Emergency Management Ontario issued a memo to Community Emergency Management Coordinators stating that effective immediately, the Chief, EMO would no longer be issuing exemptions to the O. Reg. 380/04 requirement to conduct an annual exercise; Whereas municipalities experience significant costs and burden to staff resources when faced with the response to an actual emergency and activation of their Emergency Control Group and/or Emergency Operations Centre; Whereas a municipality's response to an actual emergency is more effective than an exercise in evaluating its emergency response plan and procedures as mandated by O. Reg. 380/04; Whereas planning, conducting and evaluating an emergency exercise requires 3 T 11 significant time and effort for the Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Municipal Emergency Control Group that is duplicated when the municipality experiences a real emergency; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Corporation of the Township of Southgate hereby requests the Province of Ontario to amend Ontario Regulation 380/04 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to provide an exemption to the annual exercise requirement for municipalities that have activated their Emergency Control Group and/or Emergency Response Plan in response to an actual emergency that year in recognition of the significant resources used to respond to the emergency and the effectiveness of such response in evaluating the municipality's emergency response plan and procedures; and That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Sylvia Jones, Solicitor General, Grey -Bruce MPP Bill Walker, and all other municipalities in Ontario. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (519) 923-2110. Sincerely, Lindsey Green, Clerk Township of Southgate cc: Premier of Ontario Honourable Doug Ford Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Honourable Steve Clark Solicitor General Honourable Sylvia Jones Grey Bruce MPP Bill Walker All Municipalities in Ontario Carried 3 T 21 Ganaraska. CONSERVATION December 8, 2021 Ms. June Gallagher Municipal Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 Dear Ms. Gallagher: Re: Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Transition Plan Gariallraska Region Conservation Authority 2216 County Road 28 Port Hope, ON L I A 3V8 Phone: 905-885-8173 Fax: 905-885-9824 www.grca.on.ca MEMBER OF CONSERVATION ONTARIO In early October 2021, the province of Ontario released three new regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act. These regulations are intended to implement some of the amendments made to the Act over the last few years. It is my understanding that the province has communicated information about these new regulations directly to municipalities. One of these regulations, Ontario Regulation 687/21, Transition Plans and Agreements for Programs and Services Under Section 21.1.2 of the Act requires each Conservation Authority to develop a Transition Plan which outlines timelines for developing and completing program and service agreements with watershed municipalities. The transition process requires the Conservation Authority to circulate a transition plan by December 31, 2021 to all watershed municipalities as well as the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. Further required is the preparation of a program and service inventory by February 28, 2022, with completed agreements prior to the transition date of January 1, 2024. Attached is the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority's (GRCA) Transition Plan which was approved by the Board of Directors at its November 25, 2021 meeting. Staff is currently working on the required program and service inventory and is expected to present the inventory to the Board of Directors at the February 17, 2022 Annual General meeting. The agenda and accompanying reports will be available for viewing on the GRCA's website a week prior to the meeting. The GRCA appreciates its partnership with all watershed municipalities and looks forward to working with you on the agreements. This letter has been sent to the Mayor, Chief Administrative Office and Clerk of all watershed municipalities. If you have any questions or wish to discuss any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Linda J. Laliberte, CPA, CGA CAO/Secretary-Treasurer Encl. 3 10 GRCA Transition Plan 2021 Page 2 Phase II Municipal Agreements All municipal agreements for non -mandated services are to be in place by January 1, 2024. GRCA will negotiate with their municipal partners to develop agreements for non- mandated but important watershed wide programs and services. The negotiations will be undertaken upon the circulation of the inventory in February 2022. In addition, GRCA have begun consultation with neighbouring Conservation Authorities to ensure we are coordinating programs and services to meet the needs of our shared municipal partners. GRCA will meet the required quarterly MECP reporting requirements as outlined below: Timeline Summary Chart DELIVERABLE DUE DATE TIMELINE Develop Transition Plan Dec. 31, 2021 Oct. 20, 2021 to Nov. 25, 2021 Transition Plan To Board of Directors for approval Nov. 25, 2021 Distribute Transition Plan to MECP and municipalities and post on website Dec. 31, 2021 Develop Programs and Services Inventory with Board approval By Feb. 17, 2022 Circulate Inventory to municipalities and MECP Feb. 28, 2022 Negotiations of cost apportioning agreement with municipalities March 2022 to Sept. 30, 2023 Consultation with neighbouring CA Aug. 15, 2021 to Nov. 1, 2023 Execute municipal agreements January 1, 2024 August/September 2023 Quarterly Reporting to MECP July 1, 2022 Oct. 1, 2022 Jan. 1, 2023 April 1, 2023 July 1, 2023 Oct. 1, 2023 Request for extension of transition date Oct. 1, 2023 (if required) Final Report Jan. 31, 2024 Notes: The due dates are based on the current regulations. Timelines may be influenced by the issuance of new related regulations. 3 7 GRCA Transition Plan 2021 Phase II Municipal Agreements All municipal agreements 2024. Page 2 for non -mandated services are to be in place by January 1, GRCA will negotiate with their municipal partners to develop agreements for non- mandated but important watershed wide programs and services. The negotiations will be undertaken upon the circulation of the inventory in February 2022. In addition, GRCA have begun consultation with neighbouring Conservation Authorities to ensure we are coordinating programs and services to meet the needs of our shared municipal partners. GRCA will meet the required quarterly MECP reporting requirements as outlined below: Timeline Summary Chart DELIVERABLE DUE DATE TIMELINE Develop Transition Plan Dec. 31, 2021 Oct. 20, 2021 to Nov. 25, 2021 Transition Plan To Board of Directors for approval Nov. 25, 2021 Distribute Transition Plan to MECP and municipalities and post on website Dec. 31, 2021 Develop Programs and Services Inventory with Board approval By Feb. 17, 2022 Circulate Inventory to municipalities and MECP Feb. 28, 2022 Negotiations of cost apportioning agreement with municipalities March 2022 to Sept. 30, 2023 Consultation with neighbouring CA Aug. 15, 2021 to Nov. 1, 2023 Execute municipal agreements January 1, 2024 AugusYSeptember 2023 Quarterly Reporting to MECP July 1, 2022 Oct. 1, 2022 Jan. 1, 2023 April 1, 2023 July 1, 2023 Oct. 1, 2023 Request for extension of transition date Oct. 1, 2023 (if required) Final Report Jan. 31, 2024 Notes: The due dates are based on the current regulations. Timelines may be influenced by the issuance of new related regulations. 3 [E] NIIZ�� KAWARTHA CONSERVATION Discover• Protect• Restore December 10, 2021 The Mayor and Members of Council The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L3C 3A6 RE: Kawartha Conservation Transition Plan Dear Mayor Foster and Members of Council: We are pleased to provide our Transition Plan supported by our Board of Directors, and approved by Resolution #116/21: RESOLUTION #11621 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLVED, THAT, the draft Transition Plan be approved, AND, Cathy Moore Ron Hooper THAT, the Transition Plan be distributed to participating municipalities, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, made publicly available, and conform to criteria as prescribed in the regulations. CARRIED Recently proclaimed provisions in the Conservation Authorities Act (CA Act) and accompanying regulations require that conservation authorities enter into a Memorandum of Understanding or agreement with participating municipalities to fund certain programs or services that are not deemed to be mandatory core services. The Transition Plan document provided outlines the process and timelines proposed in the development and execution of MOU's/Agreements with our participating municipalities and has been prepared in consultation with adjacent Conservation Authorities, as well as early discussions with some municipalities. The Transition Plan has also been shared with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and made publicly available on our website. If you have any questions, or if we can provide further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 215. KAWARTHA CONSERVATION 277 Kenrei Road, Lindsay, ON K9V 4R1 705.328.2271 Fax 705.328.2286 Kawa rthaConservation.com Our Watershed Partners: �~ City of Kawartha Lakes • Region of Durham • Township of Scugog • Municipality of Clafii gton - T�ffship of Brock • Municipality of Trent Lakes • Township of Cavan Monaghan Conservation ONTARIO KAWARTHA CONSERVATION Discover• Protect• Restore Yours truly, Mark Majchrowski Chief Administrative Officer Encls cc: A. Allison, Chief Administrative Officer J. Gallagher, Clerk R. Windle, Director of Planning and Development R. Hooper, Director, Kawartha Conservation KAWARTHA CONSERVATION 277 Kenrei Road, Lindsay, ON K9V 4R1 705.328.2271 Fax 705.328.2286 Kawa rthaConservati on.com Our Watershed Partners: �~ City of Kawartha Lakes • Region of Durham • Township of Scugog • Municipality of Clafii gton - T�ship of Brock • Municipality of Trent Lakes • Township of Cavan Monaghan Conservation ONTARIO ��� _ � - res'► _-ter= �4 KAWA RT H A CONSERVATION Discover • Protect • Restore 3 �❑ Transition Plan Introduction The Conservation Authorities Act requires Conservation Authorities to prepare Transition Plans outlining steps and timelines for the preparation of an Inventory of Program and Services and for the development and execution of funding agreements between Kawartha Conservation and participating municipalities. Funding agreements are to be struck for programs and services that are not deemed to be provincially mandatory core services outlined in the Conservation Authorities Act and associated regulations as outlined in Regulation 687/21 "Transition Plans and Agreements for Programs and Services" established under Section 21.1.2 of the Act. This transition plan is relevant for participating municipalities that share geography with our watershed jurisdiction: City of Kawartha Lakes, Region of Durham (and its lower tier municipalities: Township of Brock, Municipality of Clarington, Township of Scugog), Municipality of Trent Lakes, and the Township of Cavan Monaghan. Timelines and Deliverables Inventory of Interim Reporting Transition Final Transition Plan Programs & MOU/ Agreements Services (6 quarterly Report Dec 31 2021 Jan 1 2024 Feb 28, 2022 intervals) Jan 31, 2024 Transition Plan This Transition Plan is required to be completed by December 31, 2021, and distributed to member municipalities, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and made publicly available. Inventory of Programs and Services An inventory of program and services is to be prepared and circulated to participating municipalities by February 28, 2022. The inventory of programs and services will be classified as mandatory, performed on behalf of a municipality, or determined for consideration of funding to municipalities. These categories are further identified in Section 21 of the Conservation Authorities Act. 3 1]❑ The inventory will include an estimate of the annual cost of the service, sources of funding and the percentage attributed to each funding source, and may be refined as agreements are worked on, until January 1, 2024. Municipal Agreements Agreements will be required to be in place by January 1, 2024, with participating municipalities for non -mandatory programs and services where municipal funds are required. An option to extend this timeline from the Ministry can be applied for no later than October 1, 2023, with supplied rationale. Interim and Final Reporting Interim reporting will be required to be submitted to the MECP on a quarterly basis starting July 1, 2022, outlining progress on the development of municipal agreements and any changes in the inventory of programs and services. A final report is due to the MECP January 31, 2024, confirming that agreements are in place, and forwarding the final inventory of programs and services. Workplan The following workplan lays out steps to be taken and associated timelines to develop and enter into funding agreements with the partner municipalities for: x non -mandatory programs and services at the request of a municipality with municipal funding through a MOU, and, x programs and services determined to be advisable by the conservation authority, where municipal funding is needed. Transition Plan Open dialogue with participating municipalities about the regulatory requirements and seek feedback on engagement and negotiations Obtain Board approval of the Transition Plan Discussions with municipalities Staff report with proposed Transition Plan Submit Transition Plan to the Minister, distribute Approved Transition Plan to participating municipalities and post on website (per subsection 3 of the regulation) Program & Service Inventory Collaboration on Program & Service Inventory with I Scoping of program and service neighbouring conservation authorities and inventory interested municipal partners (consistency) 3 1]❑ Nov -Dec, 2021 Nov 25, 2021 Dec 31, 2021 Nov 2021— Feb 2022 Development of Program & Service Inventory Draft Program & Service Inventory Nov 2021— Feb 2022 including identification of category classification, with municipalities funding sources and average annual cost Obtain initial Board direction on scope of non- Staff report Jan 27, 2022 mandatory programs & services and funding sources Included in mandatory reporting to See mandatory Obtain Board approval of the Program & Service Staff report with proposed Feb 24, 2022 Inventory Program & Service Inventory Submit Inventory to the Ministry, circulate to Approved Program & Service Feb. 28, 2022 participating municipalities and post on website Inventory (per subsection 5 (1) of the regulation) Executed cost apportioning Sep - Dec, 2023 Adjust Program & Service Inventory as may be Record changes and include in See mandatory requested based on municipality reviews of the mandatory interim reporting to the reporting dates inventory Ministry as may be required (per See mandatory with participating municipalities subsection 5 (3) (a) of the reporting dates (Jan regulation) 31, 2024) Provide final Program & Service Inventory to the Final Program & Service Inventory See mandatory Ministry as part of the Final Report reporting dates (Jan 31, 2024) MOUS & Agreements Ongoing discussions with participating Outreach and feedback sessions Mar 2022- Aug 2023 municipalities regarding timing, form and content with municipalities of MOUS/agreements Collaboration with conservation authorities Jan 2022 — Dec 2023 (consistency) Maintain a record of the progress of negotiations of Included in mandatory reporting to See mandatory cost apportioning agreements Ministry (per subsection 7. (3) (c) reporting dates of the regulation) Board endorsement of draft funding Staff report Jul/Sep, 2023 MOU/agreement Complete negotiations of cost apportioning Executed cost apportioning Sep - Dec, 2023 agreements (per subsection 2 (1) of the regulation) agreements Transition date Jan 1, 2024 Maintain a record of cost apportioning agreements Record of cost apportioning See mandatory with participating municipalities agreements with participating reporting dates (Jan municipalities 31, 2024) E❑ Mandatory Reporting Progress Report #1 Per subsection 7 (3) of the Jul 1, 2022 regulation Progress Report #2 Per subsection 7 (3) of the Oct 1, 2022 regulation Progress Report #3 Per subsection 7 (3) of the Jan 1, 2023 regulation Progress Report #4 Per subsection 7 (3) of the Apr 1, 2023 regulation Progress Report #5 Per subsection 7 (3) of the Jul 1, 2023 regulation Progress Report #6 Per subsection 7 (3) of the Oct 1, 2023 regulation Final Report Per subsection 9 of the regulation Jan 31, 2024 Notes: x The Board will receive for information all progress reports and the final report. x Negotiation of cost apportioning agreements to be substantially completed by July/August 2023 to permit the preparation of the 2024 budget. x The lower tier municipalities in the Regional Municipality of Durham within our watershed (Township of Brock, Municipality of Clarington, Township of Scugog will be kept informed throughout the process, in addition to the County of Peterborough (a non -CA member). x Non -CA members of the Kawartha-Haliburton Source Protection Area will also be kept informed (Haliburton County, Township of Algonquin Highlands, Municipality of Dysart et al, Municipality of Highlands East, Township of Minden Hills, and the Township of Uxbridge). x Inventory of Programs & Services and development of cost apportioning agreements may be impacted by the future release of regulations by the Ministry(ies). 3 �❑