HomeMy WebLinkAbout1513• - THE CORPORATION OF THE TO'J-NSffiP OF CLARKS BY-LAw N0. I.S/3 ,) A By-law of the Municipal Council of the Township of Clarke, Province of Ontario, for the administration of Abandoned Cemeteriea taken over by this Municipality in accordance with The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960. WHEREAS it is deemed ezpedient and necessary that a By-law be passed for the establishment of a Municipal Cemetery Board to administer and operate the following Abandoned Cemeteries Dame of iemetery Location Size Christian Church Cemetery Lmt 28, Con. 5 1 sore mere or less Lawrenge~s Back Church Cemetery Lot 34, Con. 7 1/3 sore more or less MoNeile & Neely Cemetery Lot 31, Con. ~ 1/8 sore more or less Nay ~ Staples Cemetery Lot 31, Con. 8 1/8 sore more or less Lawrenoe~s Cemetery Lot 21, Con. y 1 sore more or less White Churoh Cemetery Lot 13, Gon. 4 1 sore more or less MaNeil Property Cemetery Lot 15, Con. 3 1/8 acre more or less Bethel Cemetery Lot 28, Con. 3 1/4 sore more or less Brown Family Cemetery Lot 21, Con. 2 1/4 sore more or less Gifford Cemetery Lot 15, Con. 2 1/8 core more or less Smith Cemetery Lot 3, Con. 4 1/4 sore more or less Elliott Cemetery Lot 9, Con. 8 1/4 sore more or less Therefore the Municipal Counoil of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows; (1) That the management and Dare of the said cemeteries be planed in the hands of a board, which shall be known as "The Cemetery Board of the Township of Clarke" and shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed by the Counoil by resolution to hold office for three years or until his successor is appointed with the ezception of the first appointed. members of the Board of whom 2 shall be appointed for a period of 3 calendar years, 2 for a period of 2 calendar years and 1 for a period of 1 calendar year. (2) Any ratepayer who is a resident of the Munigi~ality, and of the age of twenty-one years, may be appointed a member of the board. t3) In case of vacancy in the said Board by removal, resignation or death or any other pause whatsoever, of any of the appointed Members of the Board during their term of office, the ~dunioipal Counoil will appoint a person to fill the vacancy thereby created. (4) The Board shall have and may exercise within the Municipality all the powers and perform all the duties of a Municipal Counoil with respect to the said Abandoned Cemeteriea. (5) It shall be the duty of the Cemetery Board and they shall have powers (a) To appoint a Chairman and a Secretary Treasurer of the Board,. and the Board is authorized to pay the 3scretary Treasurer such salary for his services as the Board shall deem dust and right. (b) To fix the time and pleas of meeting of the Board and the mode of galling and conducting such meetings. (c) To fee that a true and correct account is kept of the proceedings of the meetings. .............. ~Y • ~~ ~ ~ f ~ ! ` - 2 - (d) To carry out and ®ncPorce all By-laws, rules and regulations relating to the Cemeteries which may hereafter be passed. (®) To submit all accounts, books, vouchers and other documents to be audited by the Municipal Auditor at the same time and tinder the same conditions which apply to other Municipal Audits. (f) To submit to the Council of the said Corporation a statement of the financial dealings of the said Board for the past twelve months up to and inclu- ding the 31st day of December of the same year. (g) To transfer all monies heretofore and hereafter received for the perpetual care of lots or of the cemeteries to the Municipal Treasurer/ a trus~C company/ the Public Trustee, to be invested in Trustee securities as set out in Sections 27 and 28 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 4~. Nothing in this By-law or Amendments thereto shall be a contra- vention of The Cemeteries Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 4'] and Amendments thereto. (6) That By-Law No. 1403 and By-Law No. 1417 be and are hereby repealed. Read a first and second time this ,3 day of ~ ~. 1966. ~2_ er< ~- ~O ~d_/ 1G~®rTc Read a third time and finally passed this 3 day of ~3^-Q~ ®eve. S E A L a , ~~ C'le~r . 1966. Ilk -Law N 151" A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Cla ke for the administration of Abandoned Cem ,ctcrjes taken over by t'tlis 1,1unicl -palitv in accordance with The Cemeteries Act , Read a fi--st and second tinc- 3 'D ,,aad a third time and passed - 3 r,Tay 1(-r-(-. T E Ilson, '1 '7 Page 9 - COuncil Meeting May 3, 1966, oontinueA: 19. That By-Law No. 1191, No. 1426, No. 1427, No. 1428, No. 1429, . No. 1434, No. 14.3.5-, 4nd No. 1436 be and are hereby repealed. 20. This by-law oomes into effeot on the day it is passed by Counoil. By-Law No. 1513: A By-Law of .the ;Munioipal Council of the Township of Clarke, Provinoe of Ont&rio, for the administration of Abandoned Cemeteries taken over by thi s Muni Q,ipali ty .in aooordanoe wi.th the Cemeteries Aot, R.S.0.1960. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and necessary that ~ Sy-Law be passed for the establishment of a MUnioipal Cemetery Board to administer and operate the following Abandoned Cemeteries: Name of Cemetery Looation Size Christian Churoh Cemetery Lot 2B, Con. 5 l-aore more or less Lawrenoe's Baok Churoh Cemetery Lot 34, Con. 7 1/3" " n .. MoNeile &: Neely Cemetery Lot 31, Con. 7 1/8" " .. " Nay &: Staples Cemetery Lot 31, Con. 8 1/8" " .. " Lawrence's Cemetery Lot 21, Con. 5 1 tt " " " White Churoh Cemetery Lot 13, Con. 4 1 .. " .. .. McNeil Property Cemetery Lot 1;, Con. 3 1/8" " .. .. Bethel Cemetery ,. ~ot 28, Con. 3 1/4" " " It Brown Family Cemetery Lot 21, Con. 2 l/4" " fI " Gifford:Cemetery Lot 1;, Con. 2 1/8" .. .. " Smith Cemetery Lot 3, Con. 4 1/4" " fI " Elliott Cemetery Lot 9, Con. a 1/4 ~ " " It Therefore the Municipal Council Qf.the Corporation of the Townshi~ of Clarke enaots as follows: ' , (1) That the management and care of the said oemeteries be plaoed in the hands of a board, whioh shall be known as "The Cemetery Board of the Township of Clarke" and flhall oonsist of seven members who shall be appointed by the Counoil by resolution to hold.offioe for three years or until his successor is appointe~ with the exception of the first appointed members of the Board of whom 2 shall be appointed for a period of 3 oalendar years, 2 for a period of 2 oalenda~ years and lfor a period.of 1 oalendar y'ear. (2) Any ratepayer who is a resident of .the MUnioipality, and of the age of twenty-one years, may be appointed a member of the board. . (3) In case of vaoanoy in the said Board by removal, resig- nation or death or any other.oause .hatsoever, qf any of the appointed Members of the Board during their term of office, the MUnioipal Counoil will appoint a person to fill t~e v.acanoy, thereby oreated. , (4) The Board shall have and may exeroise within the Munioipali ty all the powers and perform all thE\ dutie.s qf a . Munioipal Counoil with respeot to the saidA.bandoned Cemeterie~. (;) It shall be the duty of th~ Cemeter~ Board and they shall have power: (a) ( (b) (0) (d) To appoint a Chairman and a Secretary Treasurer of the Board, and the Board is authorized to pay the Seoretary Trea~urer suoq salary for his serv.ica a~ the B~ard shall deem ju~t and r~gh~. To fix the time and plao~ of meeting of the Board and the mode of oalling and oonduoting suoh meetings. To see that a true and oorrect aooount is kept of the proceedings of the meetings. To carry out and enforoe all By-laws, rules and regulations relating to the Cemeteries whioh may hereafter be passed. To submit all aocounts, books; vouohers and other documents to be audited by the Municipal Auditor at th~ same titq.e and under the same oonditions whioh apply to other Munioipal Audits. To submit to the .Counoil of the said Corporation . a statement of the finanoial dealings of tne said Board for the past twelve months up to arid fnolu- d~ng the 3~stday of Deoember of the same year. . To transfer all monies heretofore and hereafter received for the perpetual care of lots or of thd oeITJ,eteries ~o the Muniolpai Treasurer/ a trust oompany/ the Publio Trustee, to be invested in (e) (f) (g) Page 10 - Counoil Meeting May 3, 1966, continue,d: Tru.ste8: seQur1tie~ as s.et OM. t in Sections 2:7 and. 28 of The Cemeteries Aot, R.S.O. 19ho Chapt~r. 47. Nothing in this By-law or Amendments thereto shall be a ~ontra- vention of the CemetEfries Aot R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 47 an.d Amendments thereto. . (6) That By-Law No. 1403 and By~Law. No. 1417 be and are hereby repealed. Resolution No. 99: Moved by O.H.Falls, seoonded by L.Lowery: This CounoiL herab~ adjourn to meet again on June 7, 1966, at 10 a.m. in the Council Ohamber at Orono in regular meeting or otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. - Carried. L . ~' . ~. , ..... 1.-. ......../ Olerk. ~/W~ Rie. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNOIL OF (THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE May 17, 1966, at 3 p.m. Oounoil Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault Councillor R. G. Chater Oounoillor O. H. Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery~ Clerk H. E. Millson Speoial meeting of Counoil was oalled by Reeve ~w W. Stone to oonsider the following business: '!he following oorrespondenoe was read out by the Reeve: l.Mr. Horace R. Best, Building Inspeotor, re proposed new Post Offioe in Orono. - Referred to the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. 2. Lake Ontario Regional Library Co-Operative re invitation to attend a meeting to be held in the Cobourg Publio Library Audi- torium on June 1, 1966, at 8.1.5 p.m. - The Clerk was instruoted to inform the said ReEional Library Co-Operative that Messrs. ~. W. Stone, L. A. Perrault and Lloyd Lowery were delegated on 'behalf of Oouncil to attend the said meeting. . 3. .Department of Highways of Ontario re approval of By-Law No. 1.50.5. - Filed. +. Department of Highways of Ontario re Fair Wage Policy on MUnioipal contracts. - Filed. .5. The Hydro-Eleotric Power Commission of Ontario re Advance Payments of Grants in Lieu of Taxes. - Filed. 6. Department of Highways of Ontario re notioe of Advanoe Payments of Subsidy. - Filed. 7. W. K. Lycett, Solicitor for Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Irwin, re proposed Irwin Subdivision. - The Clerk was instruoted to reply , to Mr. Lyoett stating that Council are prepared to consider taking over the road allowance as requested as soon as a registered plan of subdivision has been approved by The Commu- nity Planning Branch of the Department of MUnicipal Affairs and further that this Counoil has approved of the said Appli- oation of Subdivision. 8. Zimmerman, Heywood, Winters & Chambers, Barristers & Solioitors, re proposed franchise agreement between this Muni- o1palit, and The C.onsumers' Gas Company. - Filed. 9. Department of Htghways of Ontario re approval of By-Law No. l.508. - Tabled and a photostatic oopy to be referred to Reeve ~. W. Stone. 10. Department of Highways of Ontario re approval of Contraot 6,woS Wilmott Creek Culvert Construotion. - Filed. 11. Mr. 'I. ~. Caldwell, Secretary, Orono Hortioultural Society, re appointment of Mrs. T. Fairbrother as a representative on the Township of Clarke Centennial Committee. - Filed. .