3Y-LA-,,,i 68 - IZ-
a by—law to authorize the sale
of land.
The Council of the Corporation of the Village
of Newcastle enacts that —
The land hereinaft
ALL ALP SINMAR that certDin pjzoY or tract of land and premises situate, lying
a& heinn in the Village of Fewcastle, County of Durham, Picvince of Ontario, and j{
being composed of jart of Lot Twenty—nine (29) in the First Concession of the
7ownship of Clarke, now w —
ithin the limits of the said Village of Newcastle, con
n taining by Measurement 1.503 acres, bq the same more or less, the boundaries of l!
the sail parcel being more particularly described as follows;
Beginning at an iron bar planted at the point of intersection of the Southerly
limit of King's Highway Number 471 idth the Westerly limit of said Lot 29, said
iron bar distant Souther ly in the last—mentioned limit tw y—s
entix hundred and
'seventy—three and forty—eight one—hundredths feet (2673.48') cm a course of
South 13 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East from the North—Pesterly angle of
said Lot 29;
Thence North 73 degrees 57 minutes Esst along the Southerly limit of King's
Higinvay Number 4PI a distance of one hundred and seventy—eight and fifty—eight
one—hundredths feet (178.58') to an iron Var marking the point of commencement
of the lands to be herein described;
Ti R-ICE !,,orth 73 degree's 57 minutes East continuing along the Southerly limit of
King's Highway Number 401 a distance of one hundred and twenty—eight and sixty
three one — hundredths feet (12S.62') to �n iron bar;
1,Lll:,,,CF- South IS degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds
i and eighteen and eighteen one— hundredths feet
in the Northerly limit of a roaQ
K THENCE South K degrees 35 minutes West along
distance of one hundred and thirty and 4fty-
THiENCI-H ?:orth IS degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds
and forty—three one—hundredths feet (500.43')
November 15, 1963.
East a distance of five hundred
(513A8') to an iron bar planted
the Northerly limit of a road a
seven one—hundredths feet (130.57Q;,
West a distance of live hundred
more or less to the POINT OF
10 -
14. D. Brcv,:n,
Ontario Land Surveyor.
-.L A', 68 - /Z
a by—ia�,,,r to authorize the sale
of land.
The Council of the Corporation of the Village
of Newcastle enacts that —
The land hereinafter -Particularly described.,,
SIN"fli-AR tract of land an6 premiscs situate, lying
_n thc�' ',4'illage Of 1'�?wcastln' Clo-unty of Durham, PiGvinca of Ont-ario, and
com oose.6 rt-
If c,4- Tvvent-1—nin-�;, ( 29) in the 7 first Ccr-cession of the
t 1-1,,
07 wl ti) 3 n the 1; m-, S c' t- e said, Village of 1, e, con-
'--y admeasurement 1.50' acres, the same more or less, tne �,Cundaries of
be sold to Ceresdale Fertilizers Linited
for the sum of _,Five hundred and twenty five
L (5525.)
and that the -Reeve and the Clerk are hereby authorized
to execute such documents as -may be necessary therefor,
and to attach the Corporate Beal thereto.
Elead a first, second and third time and finally passed
this da-%.,- of ...............
tee' e