HomeMy WebLinkAbout69-6THE CORPORATIO' OF THE VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE BY=.LAW 69-6 being a by-law to authorize construction of capital works, imDrovements to electrical distribution system, street lighting and purchase of equipment, in the amount of _iFHERLAS the Commissioners of the Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Newcastle have requested the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle to -provide funds for improving the facilities of the Hydro- Electric department of the Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Newcastle and it is necessary to authorize the proposed works which constitute construction of buildings, improvement and extension of electrical distribution system and street lighting, the purchase of equipment including a truck, and purchase of water meters for rental purposes; AND 'VIIIHEEtEAS the Ontario 1,1unicipal Board having entered an order #65195-068 dated June 7, 1968, authorized the passing of all requisite by-laws required to authorize the said works; THEREPOPLE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle enacts: that the Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Newcastle may proceed with the construction of buildings, improvement and extension of electrical distribution system and street lighting, the purchase of equipment including a truck, and purchase of water meters for rental purposes. LLD a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this J'YL -.day o1 ...1969. ............ 1 Clerk =- treasurer * ' * * ' * * ' ......... / D b1 ONTARIO G 5195-68 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the VillagG of Newcastle for approval of: (b) the borrowing by the applicant of the sum of 30,000-00 there- for B E F 0 R E : F. G. BLAICE Member UPON THE APPLICATION of The Corporation of the THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legislation here inbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, tI)at the said application be and the same is hereby granted, an I "DEU G 5195-68 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legism powers vested in the Board, that the said By-law 69-5 be SECRETARY E N T E E D .Secretary, Ont ario mijnicipa! and THE CORPORATI01:4 OF THE VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW 69-6 being a by-law to authorize construction of capital works, improvements to electrical distribution system, street lighting and purchase of equipment, in the amount of '�_'.>46,000. HERE the Commissioners of the Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Newcastle have requested the Council of the Cor-ooration of the Village of Newcastle to -provide funds for improving the facilities of the Hydro- Electric department of the Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Newcastle and it is necessary to authorize the proposed works which constitute construction of buildings, improvement and extension of electrical distribution system and street lighting, the purchase of equipment including a -Y'-,,ruck, and purchase of water meters for rental purposes; AND _,'FHEHEAS the Ontario Municipal Board having entered an order #G5195-068 dated June 7, 1968, authorized the passing of all requisite by-laws required to authorize the said works; THEREPOIRE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of ff,'ewcastle enacts: that the Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Newcastle may proceed with the construction of buildings, improvement and extension of electrical distribution system and street lighting the purchase of equipment including a truck, and purchase of water meters for rental purposes. HEAD a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this A day of ...1969. e efv '�i, e,'-Treasurer. , V b (b) the borrowing by the applicant of the sum of $3O,000.00 there- for B E F0 I-PON THE APPLICATION of The Corporation of the Village of Newcastle for approval of the undertaking by The Public Utilities Commission of the Villagi of Newcastle THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of tho legislation hereinbefore referred to., and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that the sai application be and the same is hereby granted,, mi '" �" I I "� I., � ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HUMM that any by-law authorizing the said undertaki is passed by a three-f6urths vote of all membel • the Council of the said Corporation, 2. that the said Corporation may borrow the whole or any part of the said sum of $46 pending receipt of"subsidies and the sale of deben- tures, or of moneys to be received from any other •] SECRETARY ENTERED 0, B. No, � . ........ Folio No� ... Q-2 .... 3 --'- .... 3ecretary, Ontario municipat Board SCHEDULE "A" to the order of The Ontario Municipal Board made on the 7th day of June 1968 Buildings $ 5j000.00 Distribution system: lines, overhead l3s000.00 lines, underground 700.00 transformers 2,800.00 meters 2.9100.00 Street lighting is,700-00 Utility equipmento, office 500-00 truck l5v000-00 tools 400.00 Water heaters 4,800.00 Estimated Cost....... $46.,000.00 To Debenture ......... $30$000.00.