HomeMy WebLinkAboutFSD-053-21Claringu►n Staff Report f this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Audit and Accountability Committee Date of Meeting: November 30, 2021 Report Number: FSD-053-21 Submitted By: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO By-law Number: File Number: [If applicable, enter File Number] Resolution#: Report Subject: Capital Budget Update as at October 31, 2021 Recommendation: 1. That Report FSD-053-21 be received for information. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-053-21 Report Overview To provide an update of capital projects as of the October 31, 2021. 1. Background 1.1 The Municipality of Clarington is responsible for repairing, rehabilitation, and replacing over $778 million dollars' worth of tangible capital assets. Page 2 1.2 The Municipality's capital investment from the approved 2021 budget was approximately $24.9 million, which includes $8 million directly from the tax levy, $4.8 million from development charge reserve funds, $11.3 million from reserve funds (Federal Gas Tax and Ontario Community Infrastructure Funding) and reserves. The 2021 capital budget is predominantly infrastructure -based, with over $14.8 million invested in bridges, roads, sidewalks, stormwater management, and traffic signals. 2. Summary of Capital Projects Summary of YTD 2021 Activity 2.1 The 2021 budget added 82 new capital projects, which includes 25 that are annually funded fand reoccurring projects. 2.2 The following table is a high-level summary of the status of capital projects. The attachment to this report provides more detail per asset category. Buildings $ 11,483,966 $ 3,538,540 $ 7,945,426 Environmental 3,187,805 760,883 2,426,922 Fleet 4,352,355 3,375,164 977,191 Administrative 6,549,627 3,589,347 2,960,280 Parking 547,417 267,379 280,039 Parks 10,419,493 4,925,594 5,493,900 Roads 50,889,474 30,365,174 20,524,300 Roadside 8,390,828 6,278,408 2,112,420 $ 95,820,965 $ 53,100,488 $ 42,720,477 Municipality of ClaringtonReport FSD-053-21 Cancelled or Completed Projects in 2021 2.3 There were 173 capital projects active at the beginning of 2021, spanning all asset categories and departments. Twelve of those projects were either completed and added to our Tangible Capital Asset database or were cancelled within the year. 2.4 This table highlights the project(s) that were cancelled during the year with applicable reasoning for the decision. RW No activity for 3 years. Parks — Tooley Mills Signage 2018 Closed as per budget policy Page 3 2.5 The following table outlines those projects that are at risk of being closed in 2022, as per the Budget Policy which states; 'Any funds budgeted for a capital project that are unexpended at the beginning of the third year following the year in which the project received approval, shall be automatically returned to the appropriate reserve fund. The only exception is if there exists an approved commitment for further expenditures in relation to the capital project in the form of a signed purchase order, contract, or other legal agreement the provisions of which contemplate further mandatory or discretionary expenditures' Budget Project Year Roads — Hancock Rd Box Culvert 2019 $ BudgetProject 90,000 Roads — Trulls Rd (S of Yorkville Dr to Bloor St) 2019 20,000 Roads — Wilmot Creek Whistle Cessation 2019 150,000 Roads — Capital Works Fill Management 2019 10,000 Roads — Queen St Extension 2019 20,000 Roads — Trulls Rd — Rural Upgrade 2019 15,000 Roads — Prestonvale Rd 2019 15,000 Roads — Lambs Rd 2019 20.000 Municipality of ClaringtonReport FSD-053-21 Page 4 2.6 The following table represents the completed projects accomplished so far in 2021. Legislative Services - Replace Heat Required additional funds to Seal/Binding Machine 2021 complete Streetlights - RR57 (Conc Rd 3 to Urban Limit) 2018 Unexpended funds of $2,055 Intersection Improvements - Longworth Ave @ Green Rd 2017 Unexpended funds of $59,883 Mill St - Active Transportation Improvements 2016 Unexpended funds of $8,824 Sidewalk - Paving of existing limestone trail (Waverly Rd to West Beach) 2018 Unexpended funds of $109,677 Sidewalk - RR57 (Conc Rd 3 to Urban Limit) 2018 Unexpended funds of $25,167 Parks - Baxter Park - Rubberized Surface Replacement 2021 Unexpended funds of $6,756 Bldg. & Property Maintenance - Newcastle Required additional funds to Community Hall 2019 complete Bldg. & Property Maintenance - Orono Town Hall - Accessibility Upgrades 2019 Installed an elevator Bldg. & Property Maintenance - Library Refurbishment 2018 Bowmanville branch improvements SCA - Replace Ice Resurfacer 2021 Unexpended funds of $1,560 Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report FSD-053-21 Annually Funded Capital Projects 2.7 The annual capital budget consistently includes 25 projects that receive funding for a broader scope of various projects. 2.8 The following table lists all the annually funded projects with both the 2021 budget allotment and the unexpended capital funds (UECF) as at 10/31/2021. Computer- Hardware $ 545,413 $ 211,594 $ 333,819 Computer - Software 2,222,295 1,667,581 554,714 Bunker Gear/HazMat Suits/Boots 188,415 130,652 57,763 SCBA Equipment 49,190 36,786 12,404 EMS - Equipment 90,000 75,047 14,953 St. Light installation - Various 238,649 26,343 212,306 Parks -Park Furniture/Equipment 227,168 169,672 57,496 Parking Lot Rehabilitation - Various Locations 457,010 182,104 274,906 Pavement rehabilitation program 4,435,089 3,610,442 824,647 Roads - Structures Rehab - Bridge Improvements 6,146,010 5,408,544 737,467 Roads - Roadside Protection Program 277,269 - 277,269 Roads - Retaining Walls - various 527,500 39,013 488,487 Roads - Rural Road resurfacing 4,124,203 2,997,023 1,127,180 Sidewalk Replacement 302,136 (14,014) 316,149 Erosion Control -Various Protection Works 762,281 720,581 41,700 SWM - Stormwater Pond Cleanout 525,523 40,302 485,222 Fleet -Replacement of Fleet - Roads 1,504,609 1,472,709 31,899 Fleet -New Fleet - Roads 655,066 594,943 60,123 Fleet -Fleet Replacement - Parks 490,000 408,356 81,644 ADMIN - Annual Building Studies 152,878 102,526 50,352 Bldgs. & Property - Roof Replacements 267,921 17,551 250,370 CCC - Building Expense 715,100 37,496 677,604 CCC - Equipment 77,365 65,501 11,864 RRC - Building Expense 376,352 76,641 299,711 Land Acquisition $ 3,429,315 $ 1,462,611 $ 1,966,704 Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-053-21 2.9 Additional notes of the annually funded projects are as follows: Page 6 a) Parking Lot — no activity pertaining to 2021 budget allotment for Bowmanville boat launch parking lot ($215,000) b) Roads — Roadside Protection — no activity pertaining to the 2021 budget allotment ($ 150,000) c) CCC — Building Expense — the 2020 Budget approved $561,000 for roof replacement that is still in design phase. Additional Funding Required 2.10 During 2021, seven capital projects required additional funding. The additional funding could be a scope of work change or in most cases the actual costs are higher than anticipated when developing the initial budget. 2.11 The following table outlines the applicable projects and the funding source for the additional funding requirements. Bowmanville Ave DC Roads and Memo to Council - Sept.20.21 This is a Streetlighting (Hwy#2 to $ 148,000 related cost sharing agreement with the Region. 150m N of Stevens Rd) Legislative Services - 75 Municipal Capital Heat/Seal Machine Works RF Legislative Services - 22,443 Animal Services RF Replace Animal Services Van Municipal Capital Rhonda Park 14,500 Works RF & DC Park Dev Municipal Capital Fleet - Roads 7,088 Works RF & DC Ops Newcastle Community Hall 7,075 Municipal Capital Works RF Glenabbey Parkette 25,777 Municipal Capital Upgrades Works RF Additional funds required to complete purchase of machine Report FND-043-20 was approved for additional funding Additional funds required in order to award contract Additional funds required in order to purchase mini excavator Additional funds required in order to complete envelope repairs Additional funds required to complete playground installation - used the excess funds from the Westside Park. Total Additional Funds $ 224,959 Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-053-21 3. Concurrence Not Applicable. 4. Conclusion Page 7 It is respectfully recommended that the October 31, 2021 Capital Update be received for information. Staff Contact: Erika Watson, Asset Management and Development Financing Manager, 905- 623-3379 ext. 2607, ewatson@clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Capital Projects 2021 and prior Interested Parties: There are no interested parties to be notified of Council's decision. Attachment 1: 2021 Year End Capital Update Includes details per asset category • Buildings • Environmental • Fleet • Parking • Parks and Related • Roads and Bridges • Roadside Municipality of Clarington - 2021 Mid Year Capital UpdateAsset Category: Buildings and Related As of 1013112021 Mun Admin Centre 2017 $1,347,018 Newcastle Community Hall - 2018 280,000 2019 Library Refurbishment 2018 1,479,542 Bowmanville Museum (Silver St) 2018 121,500 Haydon Community Hall - 2019 12,500 addition for storage Orono Town Hall - Accessibility 2019 497,007 Upgrades Visual Arts Centre 2020 25,000 Operations Depot Improvements 2020 65,000 Safety Bollards/Planters 2020 9,000 SBC - South Bowmanville Centre 2020 4,200,000 Inclusive Charging Stations 2021 SCA - Replace Ice Resurfacer 2021 95,000 Accessibility Improvements - 2021 245,000 Orono Library Building Improvements -Various 2021 353,150 Interior Improvements- Various 2021 614,050 DSC - Equipment 2021 21,000 DHRC - Equipment 2021 11,700 DHRC - Bldg. Expense 2021 47,000 ASC - Equipment 2021 24,600 RRC - Roof Replacement 2021 100,000 ADMIN -Annual Building Studies Annually 98,878 54,000 Roof Replacements Annually 157,461 110,460 CCC - Bldg. Expense Annually 655,100 60,000 CCC - Equipment Annually 65,665 11,700 RRC - Bldg. Expense Annually 179,652 196,700 $ 1,347,018 $932,612 $21,493 $106,893 $ 1,060,998 280,000 108,420 178,655 287,075 1,479,542 692,709 1,653 694,362 121,500 14,495 81,987 19,256 115,737 12,500 2,407 2,407 497,007 369,256 120,117 489,373 25,000 65,000 10,990 5,495 16,485 9,000 4,200,000 52,884 52,884 32,462 10,976 43,438 95,000 93,440 93,440 245,000 0 30,324 30,324 353,150 200,267 41,685 241,952 297,375 911,425 110,015 15,781 125,795 21,000 14,674 4,975 19,649 11,700 4,053 4,053 47,000 0 - (6,600) 18,000 11,112 11,112 100,000 0 - 152,878 28,155 74,371 102,526 267,921 6,106 11,445 17,551 715,100 13,050 24,446 37,496 77,365 33,358 32,143 65,501 376,352 76,641 76,641 $ 9,193,322 $ 1,944,360 $ 343,659 $ 11,481,341 $ 2,130,889 $ 1,027,236 $ 377,790 $ 3,535,915 Municipality of Clarington — 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: Environmental and Related As of 1013112021 Erosion Control - Brookhill Tributary Nick 2020 $250,000 Point Remedial Works SWM - Swm Pond Technology Park 2020 1,600,000 SWM - Orono Creek Blockage Cleanout 2021 $ 250,000 1,600,000 50,000 50,000 Erosion Control -Various Erosion Protection Annually 562,281 200,000 Works SWM - Clarington Stormwater Pond Annually 400,523 125,000 Cleanout 762,281 525,523 495,939 224,642 720,581 37,566 2,735 40,302 $ 2,812,805 $ 375,000 $ 3,187,805 - $ 533,505 $ 227,377 $ 760,883 Municipality of Clarington — 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: Fleet As of 1013112021 Fleet Replacement - Animal Services 2020 $ 57,443 $ 57,443 $ 49,793 $ 49,793 Fleet Replacement - MLE Truck 2021 50,000 50,000 - - EMS - Vehicle Replacement 2021 17,988 895,000 912,988 849,363 849,363 Fleet - New fleet for Building Inspectors 2021 390,000 390,000 - - ' I oil Fleet -Replacement of Fleet - Roads Annually 664,609 840,000 1,504,609 150,153 1,322,556 1,472,709 Fleet -New Fleet - Roads Annually 535,066 120,000 655,066 594,943 594,943 Fleet -Fleet Replacement - Parks Annually 180,000 310,000 490,000 143,333 265,023 408,356 $ 1,455,106 $ 2,605,000 $ 4,060,106 $ - $ 938,222 $ 2,436,942 $ 3,375,164 Municipality of Clarington - 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: General Administrative Related As of 1013112021 fIR LA Educational Tools - 2020 (Inflatable 2020 $ 20,000 $0 $ - Safety House) $20,000 Admin. - Replace Heat/Seal/Binding 2021 5,000 5,000 5,075 5,075 Machine Computer - Hardware Annually 344,013 201,400 545,413 179,263 32,331 211,594 Computer - Software Annually 1,626,915 595,380 2,222,295 259,998 1,407,583 1,6675581 Bunker Gear/HazMat Suits/Boots Annually 84,915 103,500 188,415 77,350 53,302 130,652 SCBA Equipment - upgrade Annually 9,190 40,000 49,190 36,786 36,786 EMS - Equipment Annually 18,000 72,000 90,000 46,152 28,895 75,047 Land Acquisition Annually 2,718,582 710,733 3,429,315 1,462,611 1,462,611 $ 4,821,614 $ 1,728,013 $ 6,549,627 $ - $ 2,067,235 $ 1,522,112 $ 3,589,347 Municipality of Clarington — 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: Parking and Related As of 1013112021 Municipality of Clarington - 2021 Mid -Year Capital UpdateAsset Category: Parks and Related As of 1013112021 Bowmanville Valley Creek Bridge 2017 1,044,00$ $ 1,044,003 $228 209 $720,665 95,128 $ 1,044,003 Farewell Creek Park trail - Phase 1, Phase 2 2017 2,075,748 2,075,748 659,880 355,664 841,687 1,857,231 Bowmanville Cemetery Expansion 2017 1,360,000 50,000 1,410,000 13,605 33,555 71,001 118,161 Toyota Trail 2019 870,600 870,600 47,686 11,368 811,546 870,600 Newcastle Community Park - Phase 1 (2019) 2019 1,575,000 1,575,000 31,151 106,691 248,210 386,052 Parks -Various Park Upgrades 2019 180,968 180,968 129,612 875 130,487 Rhonda Park 2020 54,500 54,500 38,819 15,681 54,500 Wilmot Creek Conservation Viewing Dock 2021 31,500 31,500 - Soper Creek Baseball Diamond Upgrades 2021 384,400 384,400 - North Bowmanville Dog Park 2021 230,000 230,000 - Penfound Park Upgrades 2021 92,000 92,000 57,425 57,425 Orono Gazebo Refurbishment 2021 23,000 23,000 - oil Newtonville Estates Parkette 2021 250,000 250,000 - 1 1 1 Westside Park Upgrades 2021 103,000 (25,777) 77,223 66,636 66,636 Northglen East neighbourhood Park (Middle 2021 650,000 - Rd)Northglen 650,000 Phase 8 - Parkette 2021 250,000 250,000 6,425 8,381 14,806 Baxter Park - Rubberized Surface 2021 22,000 15,244 Replacement 22,000 15,244 Tennis Court Upgrades (Stuart & Guildwood) 2021 300,000 300,000 - Upgrades to Glenabbey Parkette 2021 100,000 25,777 125,777 125,777 125,777 Stuart Park - Pickleball Courts 2021 200,000 200,000 - of oil Courtice Secondary School Courts 2021 50,000 509000 - Misc. Outdoor Recreation 2021 125,000 125,000 15,000 15,000 Park Furniture/Equipment Annually 97,168 130,000 227,168 57,427 112,245 169,672 Newcastle Lions Trail (ICIP funding) Non Budget 144,829 144,829 - - $ 7,257,987 $ 2,990,900 $ 144,829 $10,393,716 $ 1,110,143 $ 1,346,733 $ 2,468,718 $ 4,925,594 Municipality of Clarington - 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: Roads and Bridges As of 1013112021 Orchard View Blvd. 2012 $31 779 $ 31,779 $31 779 $ 31,779 Grady Dr Environmental Assessment 2013 231,500 231,500 151,497 28,531 49,735 229,763 Concession Rd 3 2013 2,265,455 2,265,455 2,148,927 2,986 103,023 2,254,936 Brookhill Rd Oversizing 2014 310,000 310,000 - 398 398 Scugog St/Middle Rd (Bons Ave to Conc Rd 3) 2015 1,201,000 1,201,000 939,186 - 176,331 1,115,518 Green Rd (Harvey Jones to Ross Wright) 2015 145,870 450,000 595,870 60,870 - 60,870 Longworth Ave. Extension EA (Green Rd to Holt 2016 281,000 281,000 245,660 280,959 Rd) 10,970 24,329 Mill St - Active Transportation 2016 759,324 759,324 750,501 - 750,501 Middle Rd 2016 2,577,401 2,577,401 2,262,860 186,060 2,448,920 North Scugog Crt Reconst. - 2011 2016 722,927 722,927 722,927 (67,178) 655,749 Port Darlington Subdivision 2016 1,453,757 1,453,757 1,312,830 125,792 1,438,622 Lambs Rd Interchange 2016 330,000 330,000 16,679 239,716 256,395 Lambs Lane 2016 926,875 926,875 760,996 760,996 Church St 2017 393,451 393,451 346,709 9,238 355,946 Prospect St & Lambs Lane - 2014 area design 2017 1,335,912 1,335,912 1,181,213 (2,551) 81,464 1,260,127 Baseline Rd. (Lambs to Bennett) 2017 2,505,000 193,000 2,698,000 1,823,983 (24,190) 343,160 2,142,953 George Reynolds Dr. Connecting Link - 2017 & 2017 2,490,417 2,490,417 115,199 165,756 2019 3,256 47,300 Alexander Blvd and Liberty PI Reconstruction 2017 545,000 545,000 509,540 - 7,800 517,340 King St Cycling Facility 2017 275,000 275,000 19,442 3,775 23,217 Longworth Ave & Green Rd Intersection 2017 59,853 650,000 709,853 - 14,787 14,787 Darlington Blvd (Hwy#2 to South Limit) 2018 100,000 1,472,000 1,572,000 1,007 16,200 17,207 Trulls Rd - Shoulder Improvements (Mitchell's 2018 205,886 205,886 - 12,541 Corner) 12,541 Lake Rd Extension - (Bennett Rd to 310m West) 2018 813,996 813,996 34,910 5,945 736,140 776,995 Lambs Rd (Baseline to 275m N of Baseline) 2018 790,000 65,000 855,000 733,244 4,642 56,756 794,642 Lambert St (King to Church) 2018 30,000 30,000 2,211 6,632 8,843 Lambs Rd (Hwy #2 to Concession St E) 2018 2,200,000 2,200,000 28,353 30,406 58,759 Municipality of Clarington - 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: Roads and Bridges As of 1013112021 Parkway Ave 2019 285,000 285,000 18,801 266,199 285,000 Nash Rd (Future Clarington Blvd) 2019 30,000 30,000 5,273 - 5,273 North St (George St to Grady Dr) 2019 400,000 400,000 40,260 6,302 353,438 400,000 Baseline Rd (Mearns to Lambs Rd) 2019 170,000 170,000 8,638 - 8,638 Baseline Rd Structure ( W of Green Rd) 2019 35,000 35,000 6,618 19,480 26,098 Hancock rd Box Culvert 2019 90,000 90,000 - - - Trulls Rd (S of Yorkville Dr to Bloor St) 2019 20,000 209000 - - George St (North St to Reg d 17) 2019 37,000 37,000 14,047 19,041 33,088 Brown St (Victoria St to Queen St) 2019 91,000 40,000 131,000 38,735 21,910 30,222 90,867 Nash Rd Reab & Bicycle Facilities (Solina Rd to 2019 450,000 450,000 337,059 345,287 Hancock Rd) 8,228 Wilmot Creek Whistle Cesation 2019 150,000 150,000 - - Capital Works Fill Management 2019 10,000 10,000 Queen St Extenstion 2019 20,000 209000 - Trulls Rd - Rural Upgrade 2019 15,000 15,000 - Prestonvale Rd 2019 15,000 15,000 - Lambs Rd 2019 20,000 20,000 - - Baseline Rd (Trulls Rd to Courtice Rd)_ 2019 2,500,000 2,500,000 121,218 17,371 12,025 150,614 Longworth Ave - Oversizing 2020 162,000 162,000 - - Port Darlington 2020 60,000 60,000 - - Old Scugog Rd (Edmonson Ave to N Limit of 2020 1,050,000 1,100,000 21,702 Hampton) 50,000 18,123 3,473 106 Roads - Rudell Dr 2020 1,245,000 152455000 - - Haines St 2020 125,000 125,000 - Millstream Lane Rehab (King Ln to Old Scugog Rd) 2020 375,000 375,000 6,090 6,090 George St 2020 25,000 25,000 - Kendal Drainage 2020 50,000 509000 3,786 - 3,786 High St & Odell St Reconstruction 2021 45,000 45,000 9,479 9,479 Municipality of Clarington — 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: Roads and Bridges As of 1013112021 Flett St Reconstruction (Parkway Cr to Southway 2021 470,000 470,000 470,000 470,000 Dr) Bondhead Jetty 2021 75,000 75,000 - Whistle Cessation @ Cobledick Rd & Bennett Rd 2021 1,194,000 1,194,000 - Bloor St Multi -use Path (Prestonvale Rd to E 0m 2021 240st),000 240,000 14,015 14,015 Accessible on -street parking spot - Newcastle 2021 10,000 10,000 - Mill St Ditching 2021 14,000 14,000 - 14,000 14,000 Pavement rehabilitation program Annually 2,435,089 2,000,000 4,435,089 736,418 2,874,024 3,610,442 Structures Rehab - Bridge Improvem. Annually 4,446,010 1,700,000 6,146,010 1,532,526 3,876,017 5,408,544 Roadside Protection Program Annually 127,269 150,000 277,269 - Retaining Walls - various Annually 317,500 210,000 527,500 39,013 39,013 Rural Road resurfacing Annually 224,203 3,900,000 4,124,203 2,997,023 2,997,023 $ 36,961,474 $ 13,928,000 $ 50,889,474 $ 14,496,263 $ 5,689,975 $ 10,187,238 $ 30,373,476 Municipality of Clarington - 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: Roadside As of 1013112021 Sidewalk - Rudell Rd (Region project) 2015 $43,000 $ 43,000 $ - Sidewalk - Liberty St. Sidewalk - 2011 2016 98,000 98,000 81,763 (7,130) 74,633 Intersection Improvements -King St at Scugog St 2016 100,000 100,000 98,395 (6,954) 8,527 99,968 Sidewalk - North St, Newcastle 2017 85,000 85,000 6,571 1,386 77,043 85,000 Sidewalk - Waverly Rd 2017 145,000 145,000 5,647 - 5,647 Intersection Improvements -Scugog St at Wellington St 2017 170,935 170,935 121,085 61,513 182,598 Intersection Improvements -Longworth Ave and Green Rd 2017 10,147 10,147 10,147 - 10,147 St. Light installation - LED Conversion 2018 3,393,204 3,393,204 3,311,132 (115,516) 191,713 3,387,329 St. Light installation - RR57 (Hwy#2 to 150m N of Stevens Rd) 2018 100,000 100,000 218 248,010 248,228 St. Light installation - RR57 (Conc Rd 3 to Urban Limit) 2018 340,000 340,000 30,352 307,593 337,945 Sidewalk - RR34 (Nash to N Urban Limit) 2018 25,000 25,000 8,304 - 8,304 Sidewalk - Trail - Waterfront (Waverley Rd to West Beach Rd) 2018 386,289 386,289 382,323 3,966 386,289 Sidewalk - RR57 (Conc Rd 3 to Urban Limit) 2018 250,000 250,000 1,470 223,363 224,833 Sidewalk - Multi -use Trail RR57 (Aspen Springs to Hwy#2) region project 2018 255,000 255,000 - - Traffic Signal -King & Roenigk 2018 120,000 120,000 22,858 22,088 53,933 98,879 St. Light installation - Baseline Rd & Lambs Rd 2019 200,000 200,000 141,522 1,059 57,419 200,000 Sidewalk - King Lane, Hampton 2019 294,914 294,914 294,914 (28,816) 34,177 300,276 Traffic Signal - Accessible Signal Upgrade - Clarington Blvd & Stevens Rd 2019 85,000 85,000 46,226 14,732 8,971 69,929 Sidewalk - Pedestrian Crossovers 2020 151,554 151,554 52,646 69,580 28,030 150,256 Sidewalk - Hwy #2 (Clar.Blvd-RR57 - South Side) 2020 135,000 135,000 - - - Sidewalk - Bloor St (Townline to 415m E) Developer installing SW 2020 30,000 30,000 - - - Sidewalk - RR17 (Mill St to CPR) East Side 2020 310,000 310,000 13,335 2,624 144,860 160,819 Sidewalk - Trulls Rd (Avondale to Hwy2 (East side)) Developer 2020 30,000 30,000 - - - Sidewalk - Active Transportation Masterplan 2020 70,000 70,000 - Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Countdown Indicators 2020 126,000 126,000 - Traffic Signal - King & Roenigk - Accessible Upgrades 2020 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Traffic Signal - King & Temperance - Accessible Upgrades 2020 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 Municipality of Clarington — 2021 Mid -Year Capital Update Asset Category: Roadside As of 1013112021 Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Countdown Indicators 2021 160,000 160,000 - Traffic Signal - Accessible upgrade (King St & Bowmanville Mall) 2021 130,000 130,000 - Traffic Signal - Accessible upgrade (King St & Simpson Ave) 2021 110,000 110,000 - 1 oil Traffic Signal - Semi -permanent Radar Message Boards 2021 40,000 40,000 - 1 oil Traffic Signal - Portable Speed Cushions 2021 13,000 13,000 - oil Streetscape - Hwy#3 ( east of Trulls Rd) 2021 60,000 60,000 - - I p i l St. Light installation - Various Annually 138,649 100,000 238,649 23,997 2,346 26,343 1 Sidewalk Replacement Annually 177,136 125,000 302,136 14,014 14,014 $ 7.504.828 $ 738.000 $ 8.242.828 $ 4.628.689 $ 559.689 $ 1.090.030 $ 6.278.408