HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-25Clarftwn Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee Thursday, November 25, 2021, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Via Microsoft Teams If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext 2131 Present: Meera McDonald Lyndsay Riddoch Rachel Traore Sajida Kadri Rajeshwari Saharan Yasmin Shafi Councillor Ron Hooper Dione Valentine Also Present: Erica Mittag — Community Development Coordinator Regrets: Laila Shafi The meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. 1. Land Acknowledgement Statement Meera McDonald read the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 2. Declarations of Interest • No declarations 3. Review and Approval of Agenda Moved by Lyndsay Riddoch, seconded by Sajida Kadri. That the agenda of the November 25, 2021 meeting be approved. Carried 4. Review and approval of previous meeting minutes Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Lyndsay Riddoch. That the minutes of the October 28, 2021 meeting be approved. Carried 5. Council Updates Page 11 Councillor Hooper Updates: • Downtown Core Dec 3, 2021 is normally Tree Lighting Ceremony, brief ceremony, standing room only, follow H&S protocols and social distancing. • Tuesday, November 30 — Zone Clarington report prepared and discussion, more information at Clarington.net • Winter Rec Leisure — December 8 registration, classes begin January 8, 2022. • Durham Health Covid Vaccine clinic for pediatric Pfizer vaccine for ages five to eleven years. • Orono Community Liaison Plan is looking for 2 volunteers. Sarah Allin, Planner, can provide additional information if you are interested in participating. • Clarington Economic Development Strategy Survey at Clarington.net 6. Community Updates Updates from Erica Mittag: • Gender pronouns and inclusive language is rolling out in January. PFLAG is hosting three training sessions, as well as a fireside chat with TransFocus Consulting, Kai Scott. Lunch and learns on Inclusive Language Manual scheduled with staff from March to October 2022 to launch each chapter at a time. • Municipal Anti Hate Symposium taking place on December 10, 2021. Invites went out to Municipalities and can host up to 1000 Municipality staff, senior leadership and elected officials are invited. • Durham Region Anti -Racism Task Force has been appointed and yesterday Task Force members Press Release on members announced. No representation from Clarington, will have member of Anti -Black Subcommittee to be present and confirm details for a future meeting to address questions around the Task Force and how members were selected. 7. Feedback on the Anti -Racism Strategy • Is there any feedback from Advisory Committee before we take it back to the staff for review? • If no additional feedback or concerns raised, it will go to staff to be included in Anti -Racism Policy. It would then come back to the Advisory Committee once final. • Erica expressed thank you for those who took the time to put the strategy together and efforts on providing input. 8. Review Final Draft of Anti -Racism Policy • Hand in hand with the Anti -Racism Strategy is the Anti- Racism Policy that came about as Resolution of Council in the Spring. Conversations proposed as a result of our discussions around symbols of hate. • Stronger language around racism, gender -based discrimination and micro - aggressions is included to enhance the existing language. Page 12 • Inclusive Spaces Anti- Racism Policy to be applied to Municipal buildings and facilities and encompasses behaviours and experience for those within those spaces and a zero tolerance with consequences for those performing actions. A shared responsibility to support and report proper behaviour in our spaces. Speaks to facility user groups along with people who may attend programs, events, spectators and will include wording in rental contracts to include this language. It provides protocol for staff to follow if concern is brought forward and provides examples of behaviours that would be considered as racism. This would also go to senior leadership team for approval, then forward to Council for approval as a Policy. Part of the recommendation would include some training for staff on Racism and what is looks like, how to address it and avoid it. Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities would tie into this policy and this coalition. • Input has been gathered from Advisory Committee, Staff, specifically Community Services staff who would be implementing the Policy, and Human Resources. • Members discussed that the Diversity Advisory to complete a final review and feedback and present in December's meeting, then it will be brought forward to a January meeting to Senior Leadership. • Update on Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities — no cost to become a member, just getting additional information on commitment to values and commitments next week and can bring forward for next meeting. 9. Upcoming Events Black History Month Plans — Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee has a small working group formed with representation from the Clarington Public Library — looking at activities including o Film Screening and discussion o Reading lists on books and materials by Black authors by different age groups. o Author talk, Library has reached out and waiting to hear back o Highlight Black businesses in Clarington. o Proclamation or Statement by Mayor and Council o Reading Challenge such as a Book Club, throughout the year as opposed to a month in February, sharing relevant and popular Podcasts. • Working group will meet prior to next subcommittee on December 8. Once they meet, will come back to Advisory Committee for additional feedback and recommendations. • If anyone from this committee wants to be part of it they can let Erica or Meera know. • Information was shared about having a speaker during Black History Month which may tie into the subject of the film screening. National Indigenous Peoples Day ( June 21) Canada Day (July 1) — Part of the approaches we will be consulting with our Indigenous partners and how we respectfully recognize and if anyone would be interested in the planning to help inform those discussions. Would like to incorporate Multicultural approach to the Canada Day Event. Welcome input, feedback and Page 13 points of view to share. Please let Erica know if you would like to participate in the planning committee. • Councillor Hooper asked how we would promote or encourage recognizing other cultural events and holidays. 10.Other Business Councillor Hooper attended two Flag Raising Ceremonies this month. One for Transgender Awareness and another for Domestic Abuse Against Women, which included the Durham Region Police. Had the opportunity to meet with Inspector Stephanie Finateri, he would recommend inviting her as a guest at one of our upcoming meetings to introduce herself and her mandate. Land Acknowledgement Statement would like recommendations on including some thinking associated and moment of reflection as opposed to just reading the statement. Councillor Hooper will follow up with Kawartha Conservation group as to whether we can use some of their information. Diversity Advisory Committee Meeting is scheduled over the winter break and would take place on December 23, 2021. Recommendation was made to meet a week prior if the group was available to meet December 16. The majority of committee is available to meet on December 16 and will plan to reschedule the next meeting to that date. Erica to send updated meeting invite to the Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Motion to Adjourn meeting moved by Meera McDonald, seconded by Lyndsay Riddoch. Next meeting: Thursday, December 16, 2021, 7:00 p.m. Virtually — via Microsoft Teams Page 14