HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-29• Cbrington If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 General Government Committee Minutes Date: November 29, 2021 Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: Council Members (in Chambers or MS Teams) I Members of the Public (MS Teams) Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor M. Zwart Regrets: Councillor C. Traill Staff Present: J. Newman, L. Patenaude, G. Acorn, S. Brake, R. Maciver, T. Pinn, M. Perini Other Staff Present: R. Cowan, B. Radomski, L. Reck, B. Hesson 1. Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Councillor Zwart joined the meeting at 10:25 a.m. Councillor Neal joined the meeting at 11.31 a.m. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Jones led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 4. Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 1 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 5. Presentations/Delegations 5.1 Presentation of Jon Hambides, Pomax Consulting, Regarding Report ESD- 004-21 Master Fire Plan Jon Hambides, Pomax Consulting, was present regarding the Master Fire Plan. Mr. Hambides explained and displayed graphs regarding fire frequency across Canada, fires in Ontario, and Clarington structure and building fires and noted that they have declined. He explained the recommendation of adding an organizational structure that prevents the frequency of fires from increasing and to increase the number of Firefighters per station. Mr. Hambides provided an overview of the organizational chart of Clarington Emergency and Fire Services and recommended that Clarington hire five more Staff in that department. He outlined the duties of a Platoon Chief and explained that the Platoon Chiefs can help with attending emergencies rather than the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief always being on -call. Mr. Hambides stated that they recommend hiring a business manager to track the operation, cost efficiencies and the efforts of the department and a Manager of Analytics and Risk to review the effectiveness and efficiency of the Department. Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG-509-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation for an additional 5 minutes. Carried Mr. Hambides stated that the recommended new positions are the most important for effectiveness and efficiency to keep future costs down. He recommended that a vehicle maintenance program and supporting software be established, that the administrative process be closely evaluated by the deputies, that volunteer Firefighters be qualified at the basic NFPA 1001 Level, and that full-time Staff be selected from an unrestricted area. Mr. Hambides provided a comparison to other municipalities based on population and budget for the Fire Department. He explained that the plan is to move Clarington's Emergency and Fire Services further towards prevention, education and reducing the incidence of fire and accidents. Mr. Hambides added that it will be ineffectual to accomplish the plan within the existing organizational design. He thanked Committee for their time and answered questions from Members. Councillor Zwart joined the meeting at 10:25 a.m. 2 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 5.2 Rick McEachern, Regarding Report PWD-030-21 Arborist Review of Red Oak Tree at 21 Beech Avenue Rick McEachern was present regarding Report PWD-030-21 Arborist Review of Red Oak Tree at 21 Beech Avenue. Mr. McEachern explained that the tree is 288 years old, is a symbol of history in the town and has been around for 12 generations of First Nations and Bowmanville Pioneers. He stated that other symbols of Bowmanville's history have been destroyed and encourages Council to save this tree. Mr. McEachern suggested, in addition to preserving the tree, that Council authorize having The Red Oak Tree on 21 Beech Avenue, designated as a site of historic significance under the Ontario Heritage Act. He concluded by thanking Committee for their time and answered questions from Members. Alter the Agenda Resolution # GG-510-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Agenda be altered to consider Item 6.2, Report PWD-030-21, at this time. Carried 6. Reports/Correspondence Related to Presentations/Delegations 6.2 PWD-030-21 Arborist Review of Red Oak Tree at 21 Beech Avenue Resolution # GG-511-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report PWD-030-21 and any related communication items, be received; That Council provide Staff with approval to carry out the tree preservation plans provided in the review completed by Del Cressman for the red oak tree at 21 Beech Avenue; That the recommended tree preservation plan be funded from the Self -Insured Losses Reserve at an estimated year -one cost of $12,000-1 That the matter of designating the tree under the Ontario Heritage Act, be referred to the Clarington Heritage Committee for discussion; and That all interested parties listed in Report PWD-030-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 3 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 Recess Resolution # GG-512-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Committee recess for 5 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 10:59 a.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 6.1 ESD-004-21 Master Fire Plan Resolution # GG-513-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report ESD-004-21 be received for information. Carried 7. Communications Resolution # GG-514-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Communication Items 7.1 and 7.2, be received for information. Carried 7.1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Hall Board dated May 19, 2021, July 21, 2021, August 18, 2021, September 15, 2021, and October 20, 2021 Resolution # GG-515-21 That Communication Item 7.1, Minutes of the Tyrone Community Hall Board dated May 19, 2021, July 21, 2021, August 18, 2021, September 15, 2021, and October 20, 2021, be received for information. 7.2 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated October 19, 2021 and November 16, 2021 Resolution # GG-516-21 That Communication Item 7.2, Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated October 19, 2021, and November 16, 2021, be received for information. 12 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 8. Staff Reports, Staff Memos and New Business Consideration 8.1 Public Works Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. 8.1.1 PWD-031-21 Playground Inventory and Upgrade Recommendations Resolution # GG-517-21 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report PWD-031-21 and any related communication items, be received; That Council accept the playground inventory and approve the upgrades and replacements to be implemented over the next five years as listed in Table 1; and That all interested parties listed in Report PWD-031-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 8.1.2 PWD-032-21 Cost for Snow Clearing on Trails Resolution # GG-518-21 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report PWD-032-21 and any related communication items, be received; That Council support the on -going clearing of snow from the 7.8 kilometers of recreational trails that were maintained during the winter of 2020-2021; That the Waterfront Trail along Lakebreeze Drive from Toronto Street (#6 within the report) be cleared of snow for the winter of 2020-2021; and That all interested parties listed in Report PWD-032-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 8.1.3 PWD-033-21 Waterfront Trail - Hydro One Lease Agreement Renewal Resolution # GG-519-21 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report PWD-033-21 and any related communication items, be received; That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute license agreement renewals with Hydro One and the Canadian National Railway Company for the purposes of the Waterfront Trail in the locations described in Report PWD-033-21, and such future renewals as required for the continued existence of the waterfront trail; and 5 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 That all interested parties listed in Report PWD-033-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 8.1.4 PWD-034-21 Sidewalk Snow Clearing on Concession 3 from Scugog Street to Liberty Street Councillor Neal joined the meeting at 11:31 a.m. Resolution # GG-520-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Mayor Foster That Report PWD-034-21 and any related communication items, be received; That the additional 49 sidewalk locations be added to the current sidewalk snow clearing contract; That all interested parties listed in Report PWD-034-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 8.1.5 Memo from Stephen Brake, Director of Public Works, Regarding Streetlight Relocation at 23 Harry Lee Cres (Lot 12) Resolution # GG-521-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Neal That Staff maintain the status quo for the streetlight at 23 Harry Lee Crescent (Lot 12). Carried 8.1.6 Memo from Stephen Brake, Director of Public Works, Regarding Recent Train Whistle Cessation Projects within Markham and York Region Update Resolution # GG-522-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Neal That Communication Item 8.1.6, Memo from Stephen Brake, Director of Public Works, Regarding Recent Train Whistle Cessation Projects within Markham and York Region Update, be referred to the January 10, 2022, General Government Committee meeting. Carried later in the meeting, see following motion. n General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 Resolution # GG-523-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG-522-21 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG-522-21 was then put to a vote and carried. 8.1.7 New Business - Former Bowmanville Zoo Lands (Mayor Foster) Resolution # GG-524-21 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Anderson Whereas the Municipality of Clarington has recently acquired the lands of the former Bowmanville Zoo for future parkland and recreational development purposes; And whereas the proposed adjacent Timber Trails residential development site will introduce new recreational amenities to the area that include a full-sized soccer field, basketball court, lookout area, walking trails, gazebo and a large playground feature; And whereas in June of 2020, Council approved the Clarington Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment (ORNA) for the Municipality that recommends an implementation plan to construct new facilities or upgrade existing amenities to accommodate outdoor recreational demands that are anticipated due to forecasted population growth over the next 15 years; Now therefore be it resolved: That Council direct Staff of the Public Works Department to undertake the preparation of a comprehensive Parks Master Plan for the Bowmanville Zoo lands that will include design concepts and cost estimates for any new recommended recreational facilities or amenities, including investigation into a possible skating trail as previously requested by Council; and That the Staff of the Public Works Department who will be preparing the Master Plan, in consultation with various stakeholders, be required to submit a report to Council on the matter prior to the end of October, 2022; and That all interested parties be notified of Council's decision. Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Zwart Absent (1): Councillor Traill Carried on a recorded vote (6 to 0) 7 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 8.2 Community Services Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. 8.2.1 CSD-008-21 Going Green: Future Direction of the Recreation and Leisure Guide Resolution # GG-525-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report CSD-008-21 and any related communication items, be received; That the Recreation and Leisure Guide no longer be produced; That the necessary changes be made to the 2022 operating budget; and That Council direct Staff to continue to develop targeted and sessionally updated Marketing Campaigns to promote registration in municipal programs and activities. Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, and Councillor Zwart No (1): Councillor Neal Absent (1): Councillor Traill Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 1) Later in the meeting, see following motion. The Committee recessed for their one hour scheduled break in accordance with the Procedural By- law. The meeting reconvened at 1.00 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. The foregoing Resolution #GG-525-21 was then carried on a recorded vote. 8.3 Legislative Services Councillor Jones chaired this portion of the meeting. 8.3.1 LGS-031-21 Appointment to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee Resolution #GG-526-21 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report LGS-031-21, and any related communication items, be received; That the resignations of Jocelyn Whalen, Maggie Luczak, and Carrie -Anne Atkins be received with thanks; n. General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 That the Committee consider the applications for three appointments to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee in accordance with the Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy; and That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-031-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee That Carmen Aiello, Leah Bourgeois, and Kristin Brent, be appointed to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2021, or until a successor is appointed. Resolution # GG-527-21 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report LGS-031-21, and any related communication items, be received; That the resignations of Jocelyn Whalen, Maggie Luczak, and Carrie -Anne Atkins be received with thanks; That Carmen Aiello, Leah Bourgeois, and Kristen Brent be appointed to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2021, or until a successor is appointed; and That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-031-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 9 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 8.3.2 Memo from June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk, Regarding Appointment of Department Liaisons and Deputy Mayor Resolution # GG-528-21 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Members of Council designated as Department Liaisons, remain status quo until the end of the term of Council. Department Council Liaison Planning & Development Services Councillor Anderson Public Works Councillor Hooper Community Services Councillor Traill Legislative Services Councillor Jones Financial Services Councillor Neal Office of the CAO Mayor Foster Emergency Services Councillor Zwart Carried 8.4 Financial Services Councillor Neal chaired this portion of the meeting. 8.4.1 FSD-051-21 Elexicon Promissory Note Resolution # GG-529-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Mayor Foster That Report FSD-051-21 and any related communication items, be received; That the Staff be directed to provide Elexicon Corporation with the appropriate documents to waive the right to demand payment of the on -demand promissory note until January 1, 2022; That the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer and the Chief Administrative Officer, be directed to waive the right to demand payment of the on -demand promissory note annually until otherwise directed by Council; and That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-051-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 10 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 8.4.2 FSD-052-21 Sole Source Award to Tablet Command for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Mobile Data Terminals Resolution # GG-530-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report FSD-052-21 and any related communication items, be received; That authority be granted to the Purchasing Manager to negotiate and enter into a sole source agreement with Tablet Command for the supply, delivery, and installation of mobile data terminals (MDT) for a total amount not to exceed the upset limit of $35,000 excluding tax and on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Emergency and Fire Services/Fire Chief and in a form satisfactory to the Municipal Solicitor; That the estimated funding of $35,000 which includes the cost of the MDT and other costs such as iPads and computer accessories be drawn from the Community Emergency Management Reserve Fund; and That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-052-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 8.4.3 New Business - Veterans Square (Mayor Foster) Resolution # GG-531-21 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Hooper Whereas the Municipality of Clarington wishes to recognize and honour the contributions of our local veterans; and Whereas the cenotaph located at the Municipal Administration Centre in Bowmanville hosts many civic events and the Remembrance Day ceremonies; Now therefore be it resolved: That the Municipality of Clarington names the cenotaph and civic square outside of the Municipal Administrative Centre, located at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, to "Veteran's Square"; and That Staff be directed to include, for budget consideration, the renovation of Veteran's Square into an outdoor civic centre suitable for public gatherings, public events, and remembrance events. Carried 11 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 8.5 CAO Office Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. 8.5.1 Memo from Andy Allison, CAO, Regarding Community Funding Support Resolution # GG-532-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Item 8.5.1, Memo from Andy Allison, CAO, Regarding Community Funding Support, be received for information. Carried 9. Unfinished Business 9.1 Anaerobic Digestor Environmental Assessment - (Motion from Councillor Neal) - Referred from the November 1, 2021, Council Meeting Resolution # GG-533-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Item 9.1, Regarding Anaerobic Digestor Environmental Assessment be deferred to the January 10, 2021, General Government Committee meeting. Carried 10. Questions to Department Heads/Request for Staff Report(s) Members of Council asked questions to the Department Heads. 11. Confidential Items Closed Session Resolution # GG-534-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing matters that deal with: • labour relations or employee negotiations; and • personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. Carried 12 General Government Committee Minutes November 29, 2021 Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 2:10 p.m. Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed to provide direction to Staff, however the same motion was moved in open session, as it was determined not to be confidential. Resolution # GG-535-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Chief Administrative Officer prepare a contract template as part of the recruitment process for the next Chief Administrative Officer, and report back at the December 13, 2021, Council meeting. Carried 12. Adjournment Resolution # GG-536-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the meeting adjourn at 2:13 p.m. Carried 13