HomeMy WebLinkAbout802A by-law concerning nursing homes, services and keepers - • -- -- ��� ��� .,�rgn•m, �v a." v&iTAP &A %%-d6 �iN� +uV�i3 ai. Q W•i.�:ulisii 11 {iii tlUil Llia +l _UX&V ,recommendations of the local medical of fiver of. health are carried out (d) there . , adequ' ate . protection froa radiaators i or other heats � heating equipment; (e) the water supplies are adequate. for .' all normal. needs. including -those of fire protection; ; (f) ., j there are at least two separate and unobstructed means of a ress.s to the outside from floors with sleeping aoCoModation; (g) no matches, other than esaf et matches are available to the 's Y • taff or residents or used by then in or around the nursing hoiae; (h) an , insp eetion of the building is made each night to en sure 'that there le no danger of fire; (i) adequate supervision Is provided at all times for the securit y of the residents. and the nursing home; _ (j) oxygen is not used or stored in the nursing home In a ressure vessel 1; 401 (k) bed accommodation for residents is in rooms with a minimum of (1) .'60.0 cubic feet of air spsoe and ?5 s feet floor square of f space for each resident sixteen years of age and over, and y ( 400 oubic feet of air space and 50 square feet of floor space fog each resident under sixteen . years of age., with the beds so placed that no bed overlaps a window or radiator or ` is placed in a doorway, and no bed at any point is nearer to ' any other than 2 $ feet and that each room used for bed accommodation has t least one window that opens directly to ' the outside air, is a uiv- q lent in size to not less than 100 of the floor space of the room and Is oapable of being opened or closed at all times; (1) no lobby, hallway, olmset, bathroom o ellar p stairway r • . rwoy o kitchen is sued for bed accommodation at any time; _ k (a) toilet and bathingfkallitles are readily aoc:esseible to all residents J�• with at nininum, of one wash basin and one flush toilet for erne �, every .= ve r* eLdentu and one bathtub or shower for eve twelve r ou every identsl t a : 'a -axx%x i_a, ,.5 nv'.'F. ..'?" - - - x. rSAN e . .,, .. »bh' ', - 6 Y %?'a•� Z �� -tip r f; i y, (f adequate arrangements are made so that a phy oician is available at ex all tines„ to provide medical care and attention, emergency or other- 1 wise, ' ae may be .required from tine to time , by any resident;. b , No person shall, within the limits of , the - Corporation of the Village —of Newcastle, operate a nursing home unless or until he has obtained a license therefor . under this By -Law . . ?. 'A fee of 45.00 shall. be paid by the proprietor for the. license issued ` 1 N to him+ s, Yxaoh license shall, +. . ` atin . and the license, ahsll not (a) issued in respect of a specified 3oQo : be used by the proprietor for a location other than the one apeQified therein; 1+ (b) be issued io respect of • a apecified number of persons and the proprieto shall not permit a number of P er s n s ., o greater than that specified in the license to ,b oared for or lodged for hire at the location iYi respect • of which the license is issued; and Y ape whether the license is issued for the purp ,oe of providing (c3 p sheltered care or nurs services. � 9. Every applicant for a lic=ense or renewal .of ,a license to operate a' nureing home ,shall submit a. written application in which, he sha3 .l state, - s (a) the name and address of the applicant; (b) , the -loeation� of the premises for which the, license in sought; _ t (o) the number of roolae used , for ajleep accommodation by the residents and the number of beds in each; A td) the maximan number of residents which the applicant proposes to` aacaLmodate at one time; (e)! the numoer of buthtubis or showers; wash basins and flush toilets available for -use by the residents; and such other information as the Local Board of , Health„ or ' the municipality mat require,. �2 J sa . =1►0. l soh application for ,aliaenee or renewal of a license, sha]a be cs roan led <, < (a), a oertificate .o! an offioer-_nvithorised to • ins P eot buildings under Th e s Aot certifying that the premises have been .inspected l y him wit . t ee months of the date of application and that they are reasonably safe from fire hazard; and b) ail oertificate of the local medical officer of , health oertifying that the premises have been inspected by him within three months of the i date of applLoation and that, in his opinion, they are in reasonable compliance with the requirements, of this By -Law.. 5 11. Ths ' proprietor shall keep or cause to be kept a register of the persons resident in the nurs, home which shall set Iforthi d x` r y, • 1 7 1 N s � . z i 1 • -0 ys�{ 1 ; HlNwwk iiwt � ypMA �µU iirYy,t+r AASO 41 n+M+�rae«r �•.,. tW111tA ►i reuu�us .4 f' 1 r 9 � �Y } r - _ _`. ,} ,�nr:^ Ji •.a»c. .. :. •`i is P" ,. ,. �- ... ^. 3^�. iF MS .x+ s;=2a'�iS 9.