HomeMy WebLinkAbout727A by-law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000 upon debentures for the purposes of expanding the facilities of the Hydro Electric Commission a s ":Y'- } ..» ......... a -... t. <. Y. , �... v .d -.. .. : � .... -. k . -. .., m .:ax ..- �. ._ .., .tt ,- t .. .Y x '., •i =.s: - s.�`.: ry :d'e,. ..5,+. .y- t...... ,. .. .. . �5 _ i. ,35, t l._ � :- ._. �- �- e vE c. Fr °Y•r. +,:, e^ ^rfi. + -"^'.1 Y sl,:s: t .�,,:w.. ! T ij � - � � __ �.. x -' �. All tb+e► dobb�►i t�tr+�s sb�a�.l l bar ar tie s� date opal l bo iseatd, at one tioe and within eix months Inner the day eft 1 - wbieti this. byeal ow i s p si+d„ as bear any date in 1939 � r �. *ball be made paye.ble to ewusl i nstaluent s durLng during the ported y er ' ten yeer* a!'ter the date thorest' g and tbo respective, .rest ant s er P, r i ne I Pai and I nt o re s,t payable I n each of such ye ariB t� -- .: a.. shall be the ►unts dosi 'hated in ichedule "A" bersto anne"d,' i•. q ..1.4 `;'x:'7:"11 l.`n+^. low 101 11111 ... 3. The debethtw*s shall be payable am to both 'Pr' i cl a�ad JuSerest in i ,awt tl money of Canadle and way be i oyable at Vw Bank air Cem*ree in imastle q c►tario •oar' at the prinslpa otiriQo of the "id bank in the CLty of Toronto* 1i y � ��g, .+,�,.: : d The said d*ben t es *hall be sealed 'wi t h the , n d� >r. ...:... »...,.. w. -. ,.. .., p,i..... -. - ........_.. e., r,- .» >- .- ««— ,.�:»»- r�. n. »ri .•1 --` ^rfi. + -"^'.1 Y sl,:s: t .�,,:w.. ! T ij � - � � __ �.. x -' e y 1 - -- .: a.. ......... • ,.. ..,.. ,�.. r' i•. q ..1.4 `;'x:'7:"11 l.`n+^. low 101 11111 ... � ��g, .+,�,.: d� �s �' �� `"'� ".� liF k. >S, e. xa ,#n ,.�� {� y #'L"�s. WORM to • > iy tool bet no groat*r rate OWIS b*'Iovlodb any Y~ �' � . ter such par ma" *has Is r►nuir*d to pity tbo Instalmmt oftw 4"" t Ing thereto any money r*G*Iv"'bv Um Trossuror for fte j IV 14, ........................ A, r. t7 Tau= si _, .�...w�,....,, :'. .a.�,�- �.���, .�,..>�._.�.n..;� n�.,, u�. �, �a��- �e.,,,�.x- �,t««u:a���,�t., ,�,��,`., .�_s��.��,F«�...n• ,3 �t ,., �:�u �>.�� -� � .,. ..,�.,.�..,�..r � - a,«.�..,,a .u... .. � ,�,..,E,.,x .. �.>. �, �a,, �,> �,✓ �,., k, ��e. �$ a. .�.a�,e3- ,.5a,.�.��;,- .:,r.,�ae �aa.:� rs� „r 4wA&g f„ w a l MAM S M -WW i q.WA 1 ' 91Ws AWOr r rP sari 44PWAALibm %Or „ r-A&MMOWW A9 a f elm 5i IL39OW ► ► # Sol= !ice no is elm f