HomeMy WebLinkAbout719A by-law to regulate the size, strength, character, location and use of buildings and structures;Y A by -1 regulate the i Ze�, �stren nth, charac er, location, and use of buildings and structures within til e village of N ewcattle , THERE - ORE the corporation ofrr the Village o0 Newcastle enacts as follows; 3., The C+puncil shall appoint a Building, ,Inspector to carry out • B' i ldin ire s ector i s h' ereb the provisions of this by-law and the g p y empowered to receive all applications for the construction of buildings ' or additions thereto and the plan s thereof shall be x submitted with each application. .r , � $12*00 fo r a gal. be t �e sum o f h �eri�'l _ t s !t r ...,..- r..i •. y.. t y 'Q?._ M ":. , :, ri o I f,` A, tY :',y ), -) i,lk r A 1 ? F ,..:.. .: -. .A o_v.. :.,. .. wi .,• .A!^rr. �. : .., d`d ;t.i�„ . , i ,:..r �. r).. �. ,. 'Jl .,w' C•' .. . . garages, alterations and additions an tale r - sum of #'or all g , r buildings. All fees shall ride payable to the Building other majo ., - .Ins-aector upon the issue. , of each permi t. a 3 A build ing permit shall-be obtained from, the Building . Inspect- - 1 or by the owner or his autb on zed a,;ent for the excavation, alter - . s anon reconstruct.on, ', 'r pairs to ar�y removal or wrecking. of or re building or part of any Y�uildin which it is broposed to construct, • r alteration to a building. No such work shal3. and ,for any addition o g � be commenced until, the, building permit is prominently di, splayed m 1 -on the site of the work. 40 Any �e sfln convicted for a breach of the nrovi•sions of this a the discretion of the convicting By -Law shall forfeit and nay t a istrate a penalty note exceeding the sum of $ -for each g � offence, exc usive of costs. 50 ry �T0 ter That lx . evc -law relating to 'buildn ations for said Village be and hereby be repealed, xt All dwellirigs shall have a foundation at least � inc�les tili.ck r „' 1 mr and level . The basement and to a depth of at ;least 3 feet below o walls must be constructed of cement. or. cement blocks or stone and concrete t: ,, The d re�.l ng and accessory buildings thereto shall - not be t`r build on any Tot closer than 20 feet from the street line. in 'tile ease of a lot( s J between existing buildings the set -back line of „ the new building shall not be greater than that of the existing buildings. -I. $, The accessory building including the garage shall not be constructed 66 obstruct the "view from dwellings built -ad joining.. the rear of such corner �of I � � A, a� fi r�•, r ' , #,' rat• 7AI�. I i' SU, °� +:�!. ' r s 4' r +tip. •S , ,. n ,; tf ,, { r �.., - ,:: t '. ,. ,.. fry. L1�� !}. �, '.� l.i..:. _ y. r ' �{ I , A r -o-' .# r r ae, Ar,,. ,,, lj�, a�_ a. r f ,t „r�.'f':i• F, .� ,. 5: §Y� �sfl�.... .✓ #r.A, . �.; { 3:” 1. d. .4:. +ill. I:d f2 r f I. f• j� � ,�! , � rr. }r t" # hrn ,`:'rya,fi { i �I, S } 4 y r` ' 100 side Yard shall be provided on each side ` of the rain biuilding, 'With a ninim_ w .. width of' 4. feet on each side', plus .2 feet : on each side for• each additional store ' above the _f irst , 11. A dwe' link; f or one or :yore � families •' hall bave aground f loos #area of not less than 900 square Feet and each family unit contained therein shall not have, less �O square feet of floror soac�e. / y .• t ... .s,., cr :�: ,r. .. !A . Sal, _a,x' .'..'._:: !ay. ,.y,,. :w.:..:, .... -�* ".'e ,K.'., �•" ..u;.: ,.. a,c ... a+ aD,G,[,Y.+y r. `r^- «:� `�h:. ■r. .. {may y r yj 1j� ..:.... ,. /' ^� �i I 'k 1 ,4r7svE`n.�. _. _c.r,.t- ,..._. .�',t ..,r., ,r: 1,t.,rs•�.�. rJr'.. ,. .45:.,..5 � ,. .,rr. .� .1. .in, ,Y.,•'. : , ,.. ..., .. • „ i 'tt.�lr. t.,. 1111: /..I.. 1,,.1 ..•».... .. IP ,V ..,r .... ..! r. 1 ,. .,.J is .wi.: ,f {..li..t.ni ;.. r _...:: ,.. ✓,. ..;, ., ai., rl ,:,. ,.,, i t. r,i. c. (. �. ,, I t. . r.. .. ,,... ...,. .__ ,r t.5 .,}rr,R r,. <it`+J;}1.y'�'. t,i �kf � r •l..t�:,. � - - .¢:r „J, 1 t .. 1 M.. ,.'.,_ r,._. ,.. _, ..,.., .,... . .. .._.... r..d< i�: <trt.Li,41r ice icy t S '. 12. No accessory building shall be . -'ocated within three feet of .the buildir!P; which it Ais accessory'l or within, six feet of any required window li s kiting a ha t�itable” room nor exceed one story in heiht or 15 feet above round level, F 13 ; , The minimum- lot frontage shall be 50 feet and the dep )''total area of the lot shall be no less than 8700 square feet, 11+, oBlIOXIOUS USES - Nothing in this by- -lavr shall be construed to erm3t the . use of land or the erection or use of a building; or stru- cture fo r any purpose: „ (a) V-4t -created or is likely to become a nuisance or offensive, (1) by tile creation of noise or tibration (or) (2) by reason, of t1�e emission -) f --as, fumes, dust or ob jest ' onalBe odours (or) (3) by reason of - the unsightly stora a of . goods wares rner- chandise , salva e, refusenat per or other such matcria - ^ ` ].�, TTOVIN 0. BUILD III, w 1lo ,-)crson shall -move any building from.:_ t its existing location to a new site within the provisions of this by-law, N Any building or structure • which is t& be moved shall be re- located in accordance with this by -law. 160 That no ��unici 1 Services shall be sup. lied or connected untilsuch time as th Building Inspector has approved the fulfillment of the said Building By -law. No cellar or garage shall be used for human habitation. r ar• / , r f' 4 `il r t : d r, i. t r i P i j� .r �r r 4 r1F � t Y' 1 � 1. .. .. , .:.' ✓. „ .: :.: �: F, f .. ,.>., : .J r. '.: �. ,,�..' fir r `\ 't' tilt <;C.: N t.P. .` s`�..wf' +' #�� �_ tQ!' !'ryl '•- •y�'. � i. _ � ,r, r t:a� �� �ti �� „o- ;�';: ,, Y" 4 ,t l��.l tt , J M-3 y : . €a 7 1 � �'t Ir : 1 . iti }.`;'�1'�• 'i{ ,i rc i S ##S I e I t }ii;i. 14,7 ��: Y'- — 5 ni y „p`. R •Sh`�,p`r � '�F1 Fri � eu r 3S - t i it f x P ti: w� � yyss 1 AU M"� ,r .,:P;.r��4F'r'•.r � .. ., • ,'+,..- :w>ti+rr�..rxads..r+l4ENN� =.,�. y..,.,..Y....R, _ k VOUM I& 4 i ' 1 A period- ,nf twenty -four months from the date of the pre liminary' building permit sh all 'be the maximum time ' alluved for com- nletion of exterior of building and landscaping. Landscaping must conform in =character with the neighbouring buildings and lotd, The grade levels must be established and grading completed before e final approval has ,been given. Ai ®i J r