HomeMy WebLinkAbout715•A by-law to license, regulation and govern nursing homes and the keepers of nursing homes -,.Paragraph 127 of s section l of Section 388 of The Municipal Acct R. S.0. 1950 ch. 243, authorized to pass by -laws for licensing, regulating Lind governing any class or classes., ( y of lodging houses and_ for 'revoking any such license; .-AND WHERE.LS the Pledical officer of Health iS, by sections 82 and 8.3, of Tb}e Public Health Act authorized to make inspections of premises used for the accomodation of abed -. .V . c 7 i,p l \, • .. ..t ..r tr , • F r, f.: ., . ... �., r, .f. l.. {. .. -r , . a lit 1 V. . '9. rr.ae r 1 • .,.. .. r_ r. ,,...� ±. r ,i,.. ,,. .�u7.. ,. .,_. r�.. ) 1.... . is rn .. :.1. :r., ) r ir .- n ....... ... � ., ..�_ ... rf. 3i.. - -. 1. ��jY•x��.. �,^ � ... . .,(r. c. .,. .. ,�. ,, y ..i.r.:. ..,,... .�. it •, .. r (b) "Council" means the Municipal, , Co . ci.' ot' the Village of Newcastle., , n + (c) rCorpor;ition 'mea.ns the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle 7 "M Medical officer of Health" means 'the Medical Officer of Health of the Village of Jgewcastl�y , µ\ (0) "License" means a license, and „Licensee„ aeons t a licensee,, both under this By, -law ur��.es�rr othe�rw�.e� 5 7 '¢ NIAM 4 �y 4- t- F A r .h to ,Sdafit � .r t .. + i t � ar, v . � . „ d k i >. ..c. • .:.ti .. ,err -.. a�ti,n t, •:,,. l ,_,ti , r . n _ __ _ _ i..r. .�. .. {. , -. r. 4. , rr «,. -r i .N+; _5rk,.•c. os.. rr .�. au t 1. .1 r }' 8 _ r n � .. ..... .... ,.. . .. ., r . .. ,..t ,:A r5Y .t. ,)•.: 4.. yt. 1.t9k — X11 �:�.�.� p�f 161M -- y ..:; u �- •.r{.. _..,:.. v.d:. a..,.W;_{�j� e,; r. „� :. b,,.wr. �. .:.�..,.: w�r� V � � +M. C .,4. detr.. -�- ll�e -'�Mr_ .w .1...:.' _1 r:. i. ._.,,.p....., .,..ar•- .�:.:y ,.L ' -: t;?A 1......::.wiu..� .wr:l: -, ,a �. r.: .r. il;: a.....w•'� ..r 1, r x service for meals � the - supervision of .medica-tion and 1 411111 other s�.milar types„ of personal �ssi,stance. No pert on shall within the Village of Newcastle � 4- t- F A p p�f 161M I&U 0 LUG [J.UMV iHLO 1 4.a p► iUe�c�a .�.aa�► r+a� v w,a. vj r�s�c+��a.nz x T IM Y 1R is N z us r. it^ zf q 1 r. PS i+ ' ce p ea rnrne ely a.n d in wr�.ting area secure at % t .... `�, [ i �..., ( w his permission for any proposed or developed condition (2) fihe: Leper . of a nursing home shall before erg `lo.- ent or 5.1, ; 2s 9. or arrangement not specified in the application. thereftzr, o �t.in from the �edicdl Offices of h�ulth a ,report certifyiig tnt e;d�:h prospectiv.E or rem�:niri6 employees rQsdent i� fre;e from tuberculosis in any I= , ;,coi3J1llun.icaa b1e oP ' potentially corrimunic ble form. 15. (1) The licensee shall provide sleeping acco4iodation for 1 f3) The kep-per 'of, a nursing; home sha;; iLliuediately report By -lc::Ltiv to the - Medical Officer Leer of Health rany employee or resident a who may be suffering or '.�hom ay be ssp.ected to . rww ,'� suffering fromr�y co�runircale disease, and shall do a the Medical facer of He may direct �,�. Health d re erexice _�- _ _ ._._.,...,...,,.._,. - .. ...... . .. , , v , 7 u 7,, 1, &....r,r,,.,,_)r.,fi; 1 .. r•i ` » e _ „��` 1. - ,• .__. S�..i _.f..i_A� .cif t 4 1t.�.13r,. .,. i .1 n .. t r ,... .. r. , -� :.- ,. r.,x .,.•... :s. -. �. i• .. -.. ..., ,., ._ ,' � ':�. n .._1 S `�. '• z, _,. ? 1. M.� w «, -4.:. �.(. ..,:., ..f ...F. `.0 ;n 1 1 f'." ��•. -1 �y a a . t ,, , . _. ,. �. , , : . ..� n. CK,,...,,1, . _i;�..,,.f, ucw�.i..,,,� .!{xi..:.,,.�., ,ui°.Rli ..`i . ,:ft�.�.G',�• a� , �. i � �i....0 '.., , .., 5 ,..,f... .sfiu{,„ ,,,,., ...4,1, ».,,Ark '. ,,, 1 .�.. _ .✓ ,tom +Y,Ti- `S( .. ,,,. ?4 Yi'l�._._i r.. ... •.. ' ce p ea rnrne ely a.n d in wr�.ting area secure at c conurlunica���.e disease, including diagnosed or suspected ( active tuberculosis. w his permission for any proposed or developed condition (2) fihe: Leper . of a nursing home shall before erg `lo.- ent or admission and before the >r1sa of, �Marchr aa :nudl 2s 9. or arrangement not specified in the application. thereftzr, o �t.in from the �edicdl Offices of h�ulth a ,report certifyiig tnt e;d�:h prospectiv.E or rem�:niri6 employees rQsdent i� fre;e from tuberculosis in any I= , ;,coi3J1llun.icaa b1e oP ' potentially corrimunic ble form. 15. (1) The licensee shall provide sleeping acco4iodation for 1 f3) The kep-per 'of, a nursing; home sha;; iLliuediately report to the - Medical Officer Leer of Health rany employee or resident a who may be suffering or '.�hom ay be ssp.ected to . rww ,'� suffering fromr�y co�runircale disease, and shall do a the Medical facer of He may direct �,�. Health d re erexice _�- _ _ ._._.,...,...,,.._,. - .. ...... . .. , , v , 7 u 7,, 1, &....r,r,,.,,_)r.,fi; 1 .. r•i ` » e _ „��` 1. - ,• .__. S�..i _.f..i_A� .cif t 4 1t.�.13r,. .,. i .1 n .. t r ,... .. r. , -� :.- ,. r.,x .,.•... :s. -. �. i• .. -.. ..., ,., ._ ,' � ':�. n .._1 S `�. '• z, _,. ? 1. M.� w «, -4.:. �.(. ..,:., ..f ...F. `.0 ;n 1 1 f'." ��•. -1 �y a a . t ,, , . _. ,. �. , , : . ..� n. CK,,...,,1, . _i;�..,,.f, ucw�.i..,,,� .!{xi..:.,,.�., ,ui°.Rli ..`i . ,:ft�.�.G',�• a� , �. i � �i....0 '.., , .., 5 ,..,f... .sfiu{,„ ,,,,., ...4,1, ».,,Ark '. ,,, 1 .�.. _ .✓ ,tom +Y,Ti- `S( .. ,,,. ?4 Yi'l�._._i r.. ... •.. .,L. ..r, t �^?...., ........ ._.t..s;_- ...:.. >L..� ___ _.. .._ _ .. ., _. >._.. ... .. ......._ -.- •.D � _ _ _ .... _... .. there ' (b),.600 cubic feet of air space and, seventy -five square_ 13. The licensee shall no`t..: a dmit or retain as a resident feet-of floor space for each person sixteen years a maternyit case or an . y y .� , y person -who . rewires 'treatment' a= n for, alcoholism, drug addictionY rental illness. or of age and over; disease, or any person 'who requirea',aetive medical or' sur g ical care or treatment of a;kind usually provided and each room so used shall contain at least one 'in a hospital. No licensee shall keep a nursing '`home, ,in a. different Window -opening directly to . the outside air.,-and the , location than that s•et out in ,the t he li'canse or accornoddte . t a_ greater number of residents- than the number °P ermitted • � n � . .. � � in the iicense • and a licensee shall(­ 'n.,o.t. if y the Medical the floor area of the room 'and shall be' capable of bip'ing, , Offs r f H lth i di ;. ' ce p ea rnrne ely a.n d in wr�.ting area secure at w his permission for any proposed or developed condition 2s 9. or arrangement not specified in the application. 15. (1) The licensee shall provide sleeping acco4iodation for - , r , a residents in rooins with a minimum of cubic , feet of air space and fifty square feet of floor space for each person under sixteen years of ag ' (b),.600 cubic feet of air space and, seventy -five square_ feet-of floor space for each person sixteen years a= of age and over; and each room so used shall contain at least one Window -opening directly to . the outside air.,-and the , size of the window shall not be less than 10 per cent of the floor area of the room 'and shall be' capable of bip'ing, , opened or closed at all times. G CC xt, tiff+ � :ƒ }ƒ }/ . :� .w �ƒ // \/ � \/ � � � � y. ! . .. . *■ � �} . � � � �� � � � :ƒ }ƒ }/ . :� .w �ƒ // \/ � \/ � � � � y. ! . .. . *■ � �} . � � � Lo%;;;.L N--%A 4.0%.# C;L CL to _L =11 LP t: JTu A,; 4= V Lo U11 LF I i t, P V e 5 Cription or order 'of the attending physician., and, by 21 The-license'e' shall at all times (a). maintain int in the building oi vh in respect i c h the license is issued in a"Clean 'safe and " sani,tary manner; (b) ,.ke,ep the cellar of the. building well drained 'and P 91 -ventilated; (c keep •the building weather"proof and. free from dampness; (d) keep all parts. of the building and prenises free 'gar'bage from ''rubbish; the s as inflammable mater. ials and other debrise (e� eliminate fire•hazards Including the provision and maintenance of .(i) protection fromvadiatbts,or other-heating. equipmen t; -01,1) water supplies- adequate for all , -normal nee including those of fire protection,,- and, 1) at least two se par ate-means of egress to the outside from floors with sleeping accomodation..' (f) meet all requirements with respect to the operation of eating establishments under the Public Health Act., includin g the provision and maintenance of adequate equipment for the preparation and protection of food, and ensure that the dietary requirements of each patient are met; (g)Keep the building free from vermin, Insects "Al I _ .. ^dfe ur Pill j f Iran