HomeMy WebLinkAbout705A by-law concerning the allowance of a discount on taxes paid in advanceWHEREAS it is deemed ' advi seable to. make f such an allowance in order to encourage early payment of taxes "NOW: THEREFORE THIS- . DO HERFB - Y ENACT AS FOLLOWS. _. t. ... Nr. �: .;,... .., .. ! 'Dr fAt,N�rS;i{i - a�..en� �+�' taxes �ut� and payable oh he •� . �l a - ' If mre 30. June a discount of 2 � .:-u , rvm. .�,,.,..,..,:.r..ti..,,.,..a.... .. ,.. -. .. .,;._ -_. n „K.... id., r r ..:. -,:,Y S:.,.. .fi =i'±. ,;r,: N.,.. r.. _�.N�.,, .,..4, ,. „"€.` t l:t -z a,:._ .c.3 _s .•#•e a�si;`.^"'�- �.»:. .�4 t .;,d ,r a. 11 u , rf BY -LAW HUMBER D OF + , THE, CORPOEal N 'OF THE 31jI&IMIE OE MEW AsTLE A .BY LAW, concerning the Allowance of a Discount on � :'. '., .:► ` r .. ....., .. Taxes• Paid in Advance. -. -. ;tv» , Gii�r. -. ��... r � .i „`_" ,.,:, ,1 d t 4 fe , .h 1, 44 .q, ,ad + fir:. r t ,t 1 . t,• A,tI. Y, r i •.� • it if, 3 � • WHEREAS the-ASSESSMENT ACT R . S , 0 . 19 5 fl . Chap . 21 and amend 1 ment's thereto authorizes Municipal Councils to 'permit a discount for prepayment of taxes • and , ,: � � � •� �. r .. , � . � - .. WHEREAS it is deemed ' advi seable to. make f such an allowance in order to encourage early payment of taxes "NOW: THEREFORE THIS- . DO HERFB - Y ENACT AS FOLLOWS. _. t. ... Nr. �: .;,... .., .. ! 'Dr fAt,N�rS;i{i - a�..en� �+�' taxes �ut� and payable oh he •� . �l a - ' If mre 30. June a discount of 2 � VM1fAQ + , ! � :'. '., .:► ` r .. ....., .. ' -. -. ;tv» , Gii�r. -. ��... r � .i „`_" ,.,:, ,1 d t 4 fe , .h 1, 44 .q, ,ad + fir:. r t ,t 1 . t,• A,tI. Y, r i •.� • it if, 3 � • 1 if VM1fAQ