HomeMy WebLinkAbout683A by-law for the regulation of traffic Awr ��v+�i.wrria �rv.� �t v ar�� �s wr w�+�� w �eva�M► ��r r ��s++►� �.. • Ilk r, fi, I e � .,. w ....r A n • t . aa, r�• •�'.,„ r w � -:u ,.: r �..t 1 wtd. d :1. i �:ruar..::., : a. s. .t A •. � ., , .. .. .:• .. .. .. .: ... be : .Y( 1.. ,:.. ,,. .: f , •, f. r � w.t � �" ..tl,*. 7L...,. - _ - .. .. .r._... f.. �l. tar >.. •. . • r. r � .,:or , .��...r, .. ., 4 .. , ;, ,p. 3._ l f 'f i, r r . �r,of.f•tt., .�.. h4 .'.�I. E... �4 _..,__.. _. VEw'•YV' wW.i•Y iVlr®!s •Yr' .r. ..'� 'WY_ � -aYi1 � tQ� No'gnd Taxi SAds • a The driver of any bits or taxi cab shall, not park or stand - upon and street in ay- boldness district at sixty . place anther then at a bus stop or tax# stand respeativae3y *xcept that this provision shall not prevent the driver of any such vehicle from temporarily stopp In *C(Sordsmas with other stopp g or parkIng regulartions at any place for the purpose : of and die actually engaged in loading; and loading + passengers, e person shall stop a stand or park' any vehsale other tha�i o. bus in a bus stop or a taxi cab in a tsxl cab stand wbon smy such stop or stand has been Officially designated and appropri tel.y signed s except that the driver of a passengor veh#wcl a wy temporarily stop therein for the purpose of and .le actually engaged in loading or ml aadlM passe era � asmote%stopping does not interfere with sny• bins or tad ` tab waltlng to enter such roue. r X* person shell stop or stand a vehicle in the following 1 t location as d esIgnated by the Village conned as bus stops amd /or taxi. cab stems as per the aforemmtIoned paragraph ; -- �' f► the north side of KIng street west from M111 Street for a d1stance of apnroxivately 150 test as dosIgnated by an opparove . sign, Bas t;tope On the ont Site of King Street east from JKi1l Street for o dIsUnce of zipproxi tely 150 root as designated by, 8 1 # approved sl 5 rr Buz p i os the _* ,gi si e o ill Street s ih from Ding Btrset f+or a distance Of 0p )r0X1- }a teiy 60 feet an designated by an ' approved Taxi Stand. I". on MiDec&L"d gt"Ittse IM f . properly worded and approv� d signs a � n I spl y no person shnI3. park a vehicle on the Nssteil ; '* y "a " °- r Eton meted except at an G ._: -� °: : *eferonm to the ea e oi' 1 .: tba r • _, portla►►xt of • t�h+e vsh leg K be n+ ..; �, � ► the roadway,, 9 i 1 Kin Church 9p` 1. th *# h 1 5' r v i �� ��,� l r .3 �: .. � ,. �. Y .: _rr +. .. .. ... ..-..1 . -' i�z .. x£�, 0. �� »ei ».. � °* v„.N`(.' � .. wA 3c k ,.1 .._ .. .. .c.. .. ,.... ,. ?r�,r P'it.�.... _..., .a. .._. ,.... .. r: ..... s _.. {...v �.. _z _. -, .. _s.. ... .t. _r. .c :1.. .a t. .l. .!h.. r. ;,.. a? :�_. ... �+ "v t�..i r'�:.. i�*d. .__ .A .. � z, _a t ... n... .. ,.M z . °Y'x�u. r.... .w n r °. _ .. t. ^5 rya � ..,: w: .., .�.. 'R''. ,. �..... c- W.wuwiru,wwu � � ' i .F t 1 �. �. � ! r. � '. ..._., ... ,� _� H. � '<_ 't K�'A� 1 +ataiyw i.NnNo rM`1Nr arWBRU:. . -d.y W.tadin�y �. ugil li � A,aiaM � Mt�ia«h rte.... ....rM.e.9 ♦y. y:., .. ., .. ,».,,,- »- .... �. ;w... _....... . . • ".'� 44r�fi�AYN6bdf/' ��p.. alYal!3�M11..�u4i#l7 ..v..... ...,..... ,_. /MMNINMMawy m 'NM?w�M�'FM�P�MIIM�MIY"�� * +.r�r •,i r"..... ".. M � I � �,, a. , � a 'w � A � , at: r b� �� � ''�it� � 1 +' s' �r ,;;�P �� R �.�..< 4. ,:.... � ...:. ,:� .,. ��.