HomeMy WebLinkAbout682A by-law to authorize the borrowing of $45,000 upon debentures for public school purposes some other person authorized by by -law ' to sign the- sam+s, and by the Treasur re The said interest aoupon8 shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may, be ��eY►. atmeed, lithographed or engraved. f cai in the year 1956 and the in sash , 6�. Qommen ' R' year la �rhioh an inelsahaent of princjpe,1 of the sold debt and yep, interest beoo:ne due,, the Corporation shell levy and raise the - sp eoifio sum shown for the respeotive year in the fourth oolumn of the said sohedul* * 8uoh sum shall be levied and raised by a s eoial rate eaffioient therefor over and above all other p Mateo upon all the rateable property in the moaniolpality p assessed to public sa'bool supportereo 1 r:t {r •t jr � i F L 60 The said debentures may contain a clause ` providing : for the regietratio "n thereof pursuant to section 336 of The Muni:oipal Act. ?. Pending the sale of the said debentures the Read .'of 1 the :Connoil and the Treasurer may raise for the purpose afore= said by way of loan on. such debentures, any sum or sums. of t:. money not, exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such debentures for ouch loan. Be The 0orporation shall have the right at its option, A to redeem the said debentures either in who�.e or in part on F any date prior, to maturity at the planes where and in the r said, .debentures are ex�re$ „ 7 3.n Which the _... o,,, -;,:. ..... ....... .,..,.......,..._,., -,„ ...... .. .,....... Ripon payment of . the principal amount thereof .together with the —°-- ,..., :. , . ,,.,;x •s,!.7ae,,a 2 t„t;eR . c qtr . rr v.: ctt,, 't..zo-. x,,'s .s. „ ,, !, ,,... , ,.. a . .. ,:. . , , ;::... , Merest accrued to the date f redemption ,aai upon gv.ic = o. k. �.+ d A w A-P ae 3 A i r,+ evi+ 4 Ain +A 7+gs A Am etrn Ihq' W AA vaunt i to i VISP �WK - AW IM ., turn ma y date. t CAD a first and eeoon d im • t%ie ri 1 17 day of may 195d • , r / ��l. i �1 � r S / 1 S ! ➢ Y; Mork* SM r 4 1 rig 'Alw ri 0 ig Ji AI tti 4Y%'T, ATY j i, to ii tr i