HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-14Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, October 14, 2021 Members Present: Eric Bowman Don Rickard Henry Zekveld Brenda Metcalf Jordan McKay John Cartwright Richard Rekker Tom Barrie Ben Eastman Jennifer Knox Ryan Cullen Regrets: Councillor Zwart Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid - Planning & Development Services Guests: None Observers: Stacey Jibb, Planning & Economic Development, Region of Durham; Carolyn Puterbough, OMAFRA Due to COVID 19 restrictions and to ensure social distancing, participation in the meeting was electronic (using Microsoft Teams) and by conference call. Eric welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions of Committee members. Declarations of Interest None Adoption of Agenda 021-020 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Richard Rekker That the Agenda for October 14, 2021 be adopted. Carried Approval of Minutes 021-021 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Henry Zekveld That the minutes of the August 26, 2021 meeting be approved. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 14, 2021 Presentation None Delegations None Business Arising from Minutes On -farm Diversified Uses Sub -Committee: Sub -committee members now confirmed. Invitations to participate have been extended to Minister David Piccini and MPP Lindsey Park. Options for Meeting #1 in early November will be circulated by Staff. Meeting #1 will focus on zoning for on -farm diversified uses, including a review of draft zoning by- law regulations and emerging approaches from other municipalities. Corresaondence. Council Items and Referrals FOI Request #20-02 Notice of Decision: Staff updated the Committee on Freedom of Information Request #20-02, received by OMAFRA, which requested a copy of one record relating to AACC proceedings. The document submitted by the Municipality was reviewed and deemed as not applicable. The matter as it relates to the Municipality of Clarington / AACC, is now closed. Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Tom Barrie provided a verbal update from the October 12 DAAC meeting. The Food Hub Project continues to be developed. The 2021 Farm Tour was very well received, with approximately 125 viewings during the live stream (full results report to follow). Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: Richard Rekker provided an update from the September 21 DRFA meeting in his email to all prior to the meeting. No further discussion by the Committee. Durham Farm Connections: The Celebrate Agricultural Gala takes place virtually on October 28 and will include keynote speak Jessica Phoenix, Canadian Equestrian Olympian, followed by the 2020 and 2021 awards ceremony. Free event. Online auction hosted by Gary Hill Auctions October 25 — November 1. Clarington Board of Trade: Discussions are on -going between CBOT and the Municipality relating to the transition of select economic development responsibilities. COVID-19 rapid test kits continue to be available to Clarington businesses. Learn more at www.cbot.ca/raoidscreenina. New Business OMAFRA's 2021 Agri -Food Forum: The 2021 Municipal Agriculture Economic Development & Planning Forum takes place virtually November 3 and 4, 2021. This Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 14, 2021 year's theme is Innovation and Resilience in the Agri -Food Sector. Municipal Staff will be in attendance. Agenda and registration information available at yo rkl i n k. ca/ag rifoodfo ru m . Proposed Greenbelt Urban River Valley Extension in Clarington: Municipal Affairs and Housing has announced its intention to add to the Greenbelt wetlands connected to the Bowmanville Creek, Soper Creek and Wilmot Creek in Clarington. Proposed lands based on preliminary information are all located within Urban Areas and publicly owned. Proposal details and public consultation is to be conducted by MMAH this fall (review period yet to be announced by the Province). THEE Farmer's Parade of Lights: The parade will return in 2021, in a self -driving format. Floats will be in farmer's field across Clarington's rural area and lite up for viewing between December 1 — 5 from 6 pm to 9 pm each evening. The organizing committee is connecting with Clarington Tourism for support to promote this year's event. Definition of a Farm: Staff introduced criteria recently released by Brant County being used to define what a farm is. This criteria forms part of their evaluation process for on - farm diversified uses proposals. The criteria include: Do they have a farm business registration number? Are they currently taxed as a farm or as a residential lot? Do they gross $7k / year from the farming operation? Do they have an Ontario Federation Association (OFA) # or affiliate? Is the property primarily being used for farming? Feedback included that there may be duplication between criteria. Farm businesses that gross more than $7,000 in farm income annually are required by law to register their business with Agricorp. Registered farm businesses are required to join a farm association, such as Ontario Federation of Agriculture or an affiliate. Roadway Obstructions: A general comment was made respecting tall grass at some intersections in the rural area causing a visual hinderance and tree limbs overhanging roadways and interfering with farm equipment. Staff will convey the concern to Public Works. The public can contact Public Works at operations ccDclarington.net or 905-263- 2291 to report specific locations of concern. DAAC Virtual Farm Tour 2021: The 2021 farm tour video is posted at www.durham.ca/DAACFarmTour. Committee members were invited to stay, following the meeting, for a collective viewing of the video. Next Meeting Thursday, November 11, 2021 @ 7:30 pm (Virtual Meeting) Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 14, 2021