HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-20Tyrone Community Centre Minutes of Meetina — October 20. 2021. 7:30Dm Attendees: Danielle Carroll Kyle Young Dave Taylor Corinna Traill Marlene Raby Joy Vaneyk Larry Quinney Greg Carroll Brian Glaspell Marlene Craig Cecile Bowers Dianne Woodley Regrets: Paul Rowan Lindsay Luckhardt Justin Vachon Alvina Hare Danielle McCarthy 1. Motion to accept agenda. Moved by Kyle. 2nd by Larry. Carried. 2. Chair Report: Danielle Carroll Danielle and Corinna Traill provided an update from the Council Meeting of October 18, 2021. Council agreed to support Proof of Vaccination checks and this coming winter's snow removal for community halls operated by Volunteer Boards. Danielle will work with municipal staff & provide direction on the process. Fundraising material will be arriving soon. We will be selling wrapping paper and cards online. 3. Maintenance / Janitor: Kyle Young & Larry Quinney Rodents and racoons appear to be getting into the ceiling. Larry has replaced stained ceiling tiles. Window (without shield) has rotting wood that needs replacing. Dave will repair light in bar fridge. Danielle will initiate Work Orders and discuss with Municipality. Larry will strip and wax floors during first two weeks of November. 4. Booking Report: Joy Vaneyk We have had 5 bookings since opening in September. No issues. Two bookings scheduled for November and 4 in December. 5. Treasurer Report — Brian Glaspell. Balance on hand is approximately $35,000 Municipality. Page 1 We received $10,000 COVID grant from the Old Business: Majority of board members agreed to pursue discussions for A/C installation. Danielle to discuss with Rob and confirm cost. New Business: Question regarding Internet. Oakridge Internet has been providing free internet to the Community Centre, will the new provider (Rural Wave) continue to offer free internet to the community centre? Corinna understood it will continue. Joy to confirm. Motion to Adjourn at 8:30pm, Dave Taylor, 2nd Greg Carroll Next Meeting: Wednesday November 17, 2021 at 7:30pm. Page 2