HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-057-21Clarington Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: November 15, 2021 Report Number: PDS-057-21 Submitted By: Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services File Number: ZBA2021-0010 Resolution#: PD-227-21 Report Subject: An application for Zoning By-law amendment to permit the creation of a new lot for one single detached dwelling at 3301 Trulls Road in Courtice Purpose of Report: The purpose of this report is to provide information to the public and Council. It does not constitute, imply or request any degree of approval. Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-057-21 and any related correspondence be received for information only; 2. That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the ZBA2021-0010 application; and 3. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-057-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-057-21 Report Overview Page 2 The Municipality is seeking the public's input for an application by Stonefield Homes Inc. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property addressed as 3301 Trulls Road in Courtice from "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" to an urban residential zone to facilitate the creation of a new lot for one single detached dwelling. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner: Tim Cole 1.2 Applicant/Agent: Ken Hoy of Stonefield Homes Inc. 1.3 Proposal: Proposal to change the zoning from "Agricultural (A)" and Environmental Protection (EP)" to an Urban Residential Zone to allow for the creation of a new lot for one single detached dwelling at 3301 Trulls Road in Courtice. 1.4 Area: 1.5 Location: 1.6 Roll Number: 1.7 Within Built Boundary: 2. Background 2,630.55 square metres 3301 Trulls Road, east of Trulls Road, north of George Reynolds Drive in Courtice (see Figure 1) 18-17-010-090-24400 Yes 2.1 On May 18, 2021, Ken Hoy on behalf of the owner Tim Cole, submitted an application for rezoning to permit the above proposal. The required documents, plans and studies were submitted following a letter from Staff noting an incomplete application on July 7, 2021. The application was deemed to be complete on September 23, 2021. 2.2 The following studies were submitted by the applicant and will be discussed in a future report: • A signed record of the Pre -Consultation minutes; • Zoning By-law Amendment application form and Site Screening Questionnaire; • SitePlan/Grading Plan with building envelope(s) and driveway locations; • Site Survey from DFP Surveyors; Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PDS-057-21 • Noise Impact Study; and • Scoped Environmental Impact Study Figure 1 — Lands subject to rezoning application 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The subject property consists of one single detached dwelling, a swimming pool in the rear yard and an accessory structure in the north-east corner of the proposed parcel. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-057-21 Figure 2 — Existing dwelling on the property Figure 3 — Area of proposed severance and new dwelling Page 4 Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-057-21 3.2 The subject property and surrounding land uses are residential with existing single detached dwellings. Figure 4 — Street view of abutting corner detached dwelling abutting south of the subject property Figure 5 — Abutting single detached dwellings north of the subject property Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-057-21 Figure 6 — Detached bungalows north-west of the subject property Figure 7 — Single detached dwellings south-west of the subject property Page 6 Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-057-21 3.3 The land uses on abutting properties include: North — Urban Residential South — Urban Residential East — Environmental Protection West — Urban Residential 4. Provincial Policy The Provincial Policy Statement Page 7 4.1 The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) promotes residential intensification within a settlement area that utilizes existing services. The Provincial Growth Plan 4.2 The Provincial Growth Plan generally encourages intensification within settlement areas that makes efficient use of the land and existing services while maintaining neighbourhood character. 5. Official Plans Durham Regional Official Plan The subject property is designated Living Areas in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The policies of the Plan generally promote infill and intensification. Clarington Official Plan 5.1 The subject property is designated Urban Residential — Low Density in the Clarington Official Plan. 6. Zoning By-law 6.1 The subject property is currently zoned "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" in Zoning By-law 84-63. The "A" Zone is a typical zone category for older lots within urban areas that have not yet been developed. The "EP" Zone regulates the rear portion of the property where there are minimal natural features and where the existing dwelling and accessory structures exist. The proposed use on the property is one additional single detached dwelling. An appropropriate zone that permits a single detached dwelling is the "Urban Residential Type One (R1)" Zone. Municipality of Clarington Page 8 Report PDS-057-21 6.2 The "R1" Zone requires a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres for a single detached dwelling interior lot, and a minimum lot area of 460 square metres. The proposed severed lot has a lot frontage of approximately 17 metres, and an approximate lot area of 969 square metres — which would comply with the "R1" Zone requirements for lot area and frontage. The proposed retained lot with the existing single detached dwelling would also comply with the "R1" Zone requirements for lot area and frontage. 7. Public Notice and Submissions 7.1 Public Notice was mailed to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and Public Notice Signage was installed on the property fronting Trulls Road by October 15, 2021. 7.2 At the time of drafting this report, no public inquiries were received regarding the application. 8. Agency Comments Regional Municipality of Durham 8.1 The Region of Durham has reviewed the application and offered comments with respect to conformity to Provincial Policy, the Regional Official Plan (ROP) and delegated Provincial Review Responsibilities and servicing. 8.2 The proposal appears to be consistent with the direction of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and the Growth Plan. The proposal to intensify the existing area will contribute to intensification, which conforms to the policies of the ROP. 8.3 The Region of Durham has reviewed the Scoped Environmental Impact Study (EIS), prepared by GHD, and will rely on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) to review the EIS and confirm it's conclusions for the site. The Region also reviewed the Noise Impact Study, prepared by YCA Engineering Limited, dated March 30, 2021, and requires the applicant to implement the mitigation measures in a development agreement with the Municipality of Clarington, to the satisfaction of the Region. 8.4 A Regional Site Screening Questionnaire (SSQ) that was submitted requires signature from the applicant(s). The Declarations page of the SSQ must also be completed with the necessary signatures. 8.5 Regarding servicing, the Region will require frontage charges and other charges related to the installation of sanitary sewer service connections. At the time of the related Land Division application and Building Permit issuance, the Region will require other charges applicable. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-057-21 Page 9 8.6 The Region of Durham has no concerns with the proposed rezoning of the subject site, pending the implementation of the mitigation measures stated in the Noise Study, the signing of the SSQ, and the review of the EIS prior to the passing of the zoning by-law amendment. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) 8.7 CLOCA has reviewed the application including the Scoped Environmental Imact Study (EIS). CLOCA's Environmental Engineering staff is concerned with the proposed building and driveway potentially impacting the water quality of runoff, and increasing imperviousness on the property. Staff require additional detailed drawings and updates regarding the Low Impact Development (LID) measures such as pervious pavers, bioswales or rain gardens. Erosion and sediment control measures must also be indicated on the revised plans and be implemented during construction until the property is fully stabilized. 9. Departmental Comments Public Works Department 9.1 The Clarington Public Works Department has reviewed the application and have no objection to the proposed rezoning of the subject property, and offered comments applicable to the future Land Division Application. Emergency and Fire Services Department 9.2 The Clarington Emergency and Fire Services Department has reviewed the application and found no fire safety concerns on the submitted drawings. Building Division of Planning and Development Services Department 9.3 The Building Division of the Planning and Development Services Department has reviewed the application and has no comments. 10. Discussion 10.1 The existing dwelling and southern driveway on the subject property would remain. The existing northern driveway would partially be reused to provide access to the proposed dwelling. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-057-21 Figure 8 — Existing and proposed dwelling on the subject property Page 10 10.2 The current site plan drawings show that all accessory structures including the rear yard deck abutting the existing dwelling, the rear yard pool, and the frame shed in the northeast corner of the property, would remain. No trees on the property are proposed to be removed. The northern portion of the property would become the new single detached dwelling lot. There are no existing natural features on the proposed lot. 10.3 Both the retained and proposed lots and the existing and proposed building and structures, appear to be in compliance with the "R1" Zone regulations — except for the garage projections. If the re -zoning is approved and upon receipt of revised drawings, Staff would ensure the proposed single detached dwelling abides by the recommendations from the studies and commenting agencies through the land division process. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-057-21 11. Concurrence Not Applicable. 12. Conclusion Page 11 The purpose of this report is to provide background information on the proposal submitted by Stonefield Homes Inc. for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act. Staff will continue processing the application including the preparation of a subsequent report upon resolution of the identified issues and comments received. Staff Contact: Aibelle Babista, Planner I, 905-623-3379 extension 2425 or ababista(a)-clarington.net . Attachments: Not Applicable Interested Parties: The following interested parties will be notified of Council's decision: Tim Cole Ken Hoy