HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-028-11 Clarftwn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: September 12, 2011 Resolution#: `1� By-law#: Report#: COD-028-11 File#: Subject: CL2011-27, ASPHALT RESURFACING, VARIOUS LOCATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-028-11 be received; 2. THAT Coco Paving Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of$422,743.92 (net of H.S.T. Rebate), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2011-27, be awarded the contract for Asphalt Resurfacing, Various Locations, as required by the Engineering Department; 3. THAT the additional funds in the amount of $17,000.00 required to complete the Old Scugog Road resurfacing project be transferred from the 2011 Pavement Rehabilitation Account to the Old Scugog Road Account; 4. THAT the additional funds for Nash Road and Concession Road 3 be funded from the unexpended funds from the Mearns Avenue project; 5. THAT the funds required in the amount of$478,000.00 (i.e., which includes $422,743.92 for tendering and a ten percent contingency amount and materials testing and the Municipality's Net HST amount) be drawn from the following Engineering Department Capital Budget Accounts 110-32-330-83214-7401 - Nash Rd $100,000 110-32-330-83316-7401 - Old Scugog Rd. $52,000 110-32-330-83319-7401 - Conc. Rd. 3 $101,000 110-32-330-83208-7401 - Mearns Ave. $225,000 Total $478,000 REPORT NO.: COD-028-11 PAGE 2 6. THAT the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreement. Submitted bv: � ,zwlt_� Reviewed by: -Marie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Franklin Wu, Direct G of Corpora Se ' es Chief Administrative Officer Nancy Tay r, B ., C. ., Director of Finance/Treasurer MM/JDB/km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: COD-028-11 PAGE 3 BACKGROUND 1.1 Tender specifications were provided by the Engineering Department for the Asphalt Resurfacing, Various Locations. 1.2 Tender CL2011-27 Asphalt Resurfacing, Various Locations was advertised in the Daily Commercial News and electronically on the Municipality's website and the Ontario Public Buyer's Association website. Subsequently, tenders were received, reviewed and tabulated as per the memo from the Engineering Department, Attachment 1 attached. 1.3 Attached for information is a copy of the Standard Drawings and Key Maps (Attachment 2) indicating locations of the project. 2.0 ANALYSIS 2.1 A total of two (2) submissions were received in response to the tender call. All submissions were deemed compliant. 2.2 After further review and analysis of the compliant bids by the Engineering Department and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Coco Paving Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario be recommended for the contract for the Asphalt Resurfacing, Various Locations. A copy of the recommendation memo from the Department of Engineering is attached as Schedule "A". 2.3 The low bidder has provided similar services to the Municipality of Clarington in the past and the level of service has been satisfactory. 2.4 Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications, etc. should be referred to the Director of Engineering. 3.0 FINANCIAL 3.1 The total project cost is $478,000.00 (i.e., which includes $422,743.92 for tendering and a ten percent contingency amount and materials testing and the Municipality's net HST). REPORT NO.: COD-028-11 PAGE 4 3.2 Funding for this project will be drawn from the following accounts: DC Related Tax levy Project Related Project Total Total Project Value $426,000 $52,000 $478,000 Budget Amount Nash Rd 110-32-330-83214-7401 $95,000 $95,000 Old Scugog Rd.110-32-330-83316-7401 $35,000 $35,000 Conc. Rd. 3 110-32-330-83319-7401 $91,000 $91,000 Mearns Ave. 110-32-330-83208-7401 $270,000 $270,000 Total Budget Amount $456,000 $35,000 $491,000 Estimated Unexpended Funds $30,000 $0 $30,000 Additional Funds Required: 2011 Pavement Rehabilitation $17,000 $17,000 Account 110-32-330-83212-7401 3.3 The total project costs for the Nash Road and Concession Road 3 portions of this project exceed the budgeted amounts; however, this shortfall is offset by the Mearns Avenue component that is under budget. The additional funds of $17,000.00 for the Old Scugog Rd. portion of the project are available in the 2011 Pavement Rehabilitations account 110-32-330-83212-7401. 4.0 COMMENT 4.1 Public tenders were invited resulting in the submission of complaint bids with the low bid being acceptable. Therefore it is recommended that the contract be awarded to the low compliant bidder, Coco Paving, Bowmanville. 5.0 CONCURRENCE 5.1 This report has been reviewed by Ron Albright, Manager Infrastructure and Capital Project Manager, Engineering Department, who concurs with the recommendations. 5.2 Queries with respect department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Engineering. 6.0 CONCLUSION 6.1 To award the contract to Coco Paving Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario for Contract CL2011-27 Asphalt Surfacing, Various Locations. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable Staff Contact: Jerry D. Barber, C.P.P.O., Purchasing Manager REPORT NO.: COD-028-11 PAGE 5 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Memo from Engineering Services Attachment 2 - Key Maps List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Not Applicable Attachment 1 Lending the Way MEMO TO: Jerry Barber, Purchasing Manager FROM: Ron Albright, Manager, Infrastructure and Design DATE: September 6, 2011 RE: SURFACE ASPHALT CONTRACT, CL2011-27 Tenders for the above project were opened at the Municipal Offices on Thursday September 1, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. A summary of the bids as received from Purchasing is provided in the table below. BIDDER TOTAL BID TOTAL BID (excluding HST T(Including n et HST Coco Paving Incorporated $415,432.31 $422,743.92 Oshawa, ON Miller Paving Limited $540,128.79 $549,635.05 Whitby, ON The scope of the project deals with placing the surface lift of asphalt on recently constructed roads that have been left at base asphalt for the past few years to allow for any minor settlement which typically occurs with most road construction involving the installation of underground infrastructure within the roadway. The total project costs based on Coco Paving's low bid are shown on the attached Cost Apportionment. The estimated total project cost is $478,000.00 which includes a 10% contingency amount, materials testing and the Municipality of Clarington's net HST amount. It should be noted that the contract preparation, tendering and contract administration for this project will all be completed with Municipal Staff. The Engineering Services Department has reviewed the reference check provided by your department and concurs with your recommendation to award Contract CL2011-27 to Coco Paving Incorporated in the amount of$415,432.31 (exclusive of H.S.T.)which amounts to $422,743.92 including our net HST commitment. Due to past experiences on similar projects, a contingency amount of approximately 10% is carried forward. The Engineering Department advises-the following total project Attachment 1 cost breakdown for the above referenced project with the various sections of the project broken into Development Charge (DC) related or Tax Levy Related to account for the different funding sources: DC Related Tax Levy Total Project Related Project Total Project Value $426,000 $52,000 $478,000 Budget Amount Nash Road 110-32-330-83214-7401 $95,000 $95,000 Old Scugog Road 110-32-330-83316-7401 $351000 $35,000 Concession Road 3 110-32-330-83319-7401 $91,000 $91,000 Mearns Avenue 110-32-330-83208-7401 $270,000 $270,000 Total Budget Amount $456,000 $351000 $491,000 Estimated Unexpended Budget $30,000 $0 $30,000 Additional Funding Required $0 $17,000 $17,000 As there is a funding shortfall in-the Tax Levy related portion of the tender it is recommended that $17,000.00 from the Tax Levy portion of unexpended funds from the 2011 Pavement Rehabilitation Account (110-32-330-83212-7401) be reallocated to cover this shortfall. The variance in the pricing from the budget amount can be attributed to the limited quantity of asphalt for this section as well as the narrow nature of the road which will make traffic control more difficult for the contractor than our standard width roads in the urban area. We recommend the report to Council move forward based on the above funding allocations and as further detailed on the attached cost apportionment. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Regards, - FAIbright, .R AEng. Manager, InfrastructuYnd pit al Works RA/ra Attachment Cc: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance A.S. Cannella, Director of Engineering Services Attachment 1 0 N m w � 10 'O 'O E w E E v v w w 0 a M O O T O co O O O O h O U0 Cl! 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