HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-023-11 Clarington REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: September 12, 2011 Resolution#: By-law#: Report#: CLD-023-11 File#: Subject: ONTARIO WILDLIFE DAMAGE COMPENSATION PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-023-11 be received; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CLD-023-11 be forwarded to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for information. Submitted by: Reviewed by: att' . Barr' ranklin Wu Municipa Clerk Chief Administrative Officer l CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: CLD-023-11 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND On July 4, 2011, the Municipality was advised that, effective July 1, 2011, the Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee Protection Act was replaced with the Livestock Protection from Dogs Act and the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program which was created by Order in Council. The previous Act provided for compensation to be paid to owners of livestock who were injured or killed by dogs and/or wolves. Appendix A attached hereto outlines the amounts of compensation payable for the various types of livestock under that legislation. 2. LIVESTOCK PROTECTION FROM DOGS ACT The new Act has removed reference to predation and compensation due to predation, however the requirement for the municipality to compensate for damage to livestock caused by dogs continues. For the purposes of the Act, the definition of livestock has not changed, however, the maximum values have changed. Appendix B provides a listing of the types of livestock and the maximum values. Claims paid out for dog attacks are not reimbursed by the Province, however, if the Municipality is able to determine the owner of the dog, they can get reimbursement of the claim amount from the owner. Given that the Municipality of Clarington experiences very few dog attacks, it is not anticipated that this amendment will have much effect on the Municipality. 3. WILDLIFE DAMAGE COMPENSATION PROGRAM The Wildlife Damage Compensation Program which was created by Order in Council specifies more species of livestock that are eligible for compensation, more types of predators to be compensated for, new maximums for all species and incorporates revised reporting and claim forms. Appendix C provides a listing of the types of livestock and the maximum values allowed. Given the increases in the compensation allowed, the new program may have significant impact on the amounts paid to livestock owners. Our valuers, however, do not anticipate many owners receiving the maximum amount of compensation allowed for registered animals as these animals are usually kept indoors and are therefore not prone to wildlife attacks. The municipality is reimbursed by the Province for any claims paid out for damage caused by wolves. The program also expands the wildlife species for which compensation will be provided. The previous Act only covered damage caused by dogs or wolves and left it to the municipality's discretion whether it would cover any other wild animals other than wolves. Clarington opted not to pay for damage caused by other animals. The new program covers damage caused by coyote, wolf, bear, fox, fisher, cougar, lynx, bobcat, raven, eagle, hawk, crow, turkey vulture, weasel, raccoon, mink and elk. REPORT NO.: CLD-023-11 PAGE 3 The process of evaluating a claim has not changed from the previous legislation, however, specific timelines have been included for the process to be completed. The livestock owner is to contact the municipality or the livestock valuer within 48 hours of discovery of the loss, the valuer is to make a complete investigation within 3 days of notification, the valuer completes and serves the report within 10 days of notification, and the Municipality compensates the livestock owner upon receipt of valuer's report. One major change introduced with the program is that the Municipality can now apply for reimbursement from the Province in the amount of$30 per claim processed. Under the previous legislation, there was no reimbursement provided. Based on the number of claims processed in 2010, the Municipality would have realized $4,260 in reimbursement fees had the program been in place. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs offered a webinar training session which has been provided to staff and our valuers to introduce the new program. 4. CONCLUSION This report is submitted to Committee for information purposes to advise of the new program. It is recommended that a copy of the report be forwarded to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for information purposes also. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Agricultural Advisory Committee Appendix A to Report CLD-022-11 Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee Protection Act Compensation Amounts Livestock Maximum Amount Sheep/Goat/Swine $200 Cattle $1,000 Horse $500 Poultry $1,000/ ear Rabbit $20 per animal, maximum $1,000/ ear Fur Bearing Animal $100 Bees $35 Hive Equipment $75 Appendix B to Report CLD-022-11 Protection of Livestock and Poultry from Dogs Act Compensation Amounts Livestock Max. Poultry Max. Amount Amount Cattle (Registered) $8,000 Chicken (For Egg Production) $30 Cattle (Non-Registered) $2,500 Chicken (Parent Breeder for Egg $60 Production) Sheep (Registered) $1,200 Chicken (Grandparent Breeder for Egg $120 Production) Sheep (Non- $300 Chicken (Parent Breeder for Meat $60 Registered) Production) Goat (Registered) $1,000 Chicken (Grandparent Breeder for Meat $100 Production) Goat (Non-Registered) $600 Chicken (Primary breeder foundation $1,200 Stock) Swine (Registered) $5,000 Chicken (All Other) $20 Swine (Non-Registered) $2,000 Turkey (For Meat Production) $70 Horse $8,000 Turkey (Parent Breeder) $250 Rabbit (Breeders for $40 Turkey (Grandparent Breeder) $700 Meat Production) Rabbit (All other) $30 Turkey (Primary Breeder Foundation $1,050 Stock) Mink $150 Duck (For Meat Production) $28 Fox $1,500 Duck (For Egg Production) $60 Raccoon $75 Duck (Parent Breeder) $85 Fisher $250 Duck (Grandparent Breeder) $250 Martin $250 Goose (For Meat Production) $40 Lynx $2,000 Goose (Parent Breeder) $100 Goose (Grandparent Breeder) $300 Bobwhite, Northern $500 Grouse, Ruffled $500 Grouse, Sharp-tailed $500 Grouse, Spruce $500 Partridge, Gray (Hungarian) $500 Pheasant, Ring-necked $500 Ptarmigan, Rock $500 Ptarmigan, Willow $500 Turkey, Wild $500 Appendix C to Report CLD-022-11 Wildlife Damage Compensation Program Amounts Livestock Max. Poultry Max. Amount Amount Cattle (Registered) $8,000 Chicken (For Egg Production) $30 Cattle (Non-Registered) $2,500 Chicken (Parent Breeder for Egg $60 Production) Bison bull, 1 year and $4,000 Chicken (Grandparent Breeder for Egg $120 older Production) Bison, all other $2,500 Chicken (Parent Breeder for Meat $60 Production) Sheep (Registered) $1,200 Chicken (Grandparent Breeder for Meat $100 Production) Sheep (Non- $300 Chicken (Primary Breeder Foundation $1,200 Registered) Stock) Goat (Registered) $1,000 Chicken (All Other) $20 Goat (Non-Registered) $600 Turkey (For Meat Production) $20 Swine (Registered) $5,000 Turkey (Parent Breeder) $70 Swine (Non-Registered) $2,000 Turkey (Grandparent Breeder) $250 Horse $8,000 Turkey (Primary Breeder Foundation $1,050 Stock) Rabbit (Breeders For $40 Duck (For Meat Production) $28 Meat Production) Rabbit (All others) $30 Duck (For Egg Production) $60 Elk Bull, 1 year and $8,000 Duck (Parent Breeder) $85 older Elk, all other $4,000 Duck (Grandparent Breeder) $250 Deer Buck, 1 year and $8,000 Goose (For Meat Production) $40 older Deer, all other $4,000 Goose (Parent Breeder) $100 Alpaca $8,000 Goose (Grandparent Breeder) $300 Llama $8,000 Bobwhite, Northern $500 Ostrich $3,000 Grouse, Ruffled $500 Emu $500 Grouse, Sharp-tailed $500 Rhea $1,500 Grouse, Spruce $500 Donkey $5,000 Partridge, Gray (Hungarian) $500 Mule $5,000 Pheasant, Ring-necked $500 Mink $150 Ptarmigan, Rock $500 Fox $1,500 Ptarmigan, Willow $500 Raccoon $75 Turkey, Wild $500 Fisher $250 Martin $250 Lynx $2,000