Via Microsoft Teams
Attendance: Brian Reid, Leo Blindenbach, Tom Hossie, Megan Vandenbrink,
Kate Potter, Rod McArthur, Ken Mercer ( staff ), Corinna Traill
Regrets: Patrick Bothwell, Carrie -Anne Atkins
Additions to the Agenda — additional wildflower seed packages available - Leo
Acceptance of the Agenda:
Moved by Kate Potter, seconded by Megan Vandenbrink that the agenda, with
addition, be accepted. Carried.
Minutes of meeting of September 14, 2021: moved by Leo Blindenbach,
seconded by Rod McArthur that the minutes of the SWNAMAC meeting of
September 14th be approved. Carried
Status Reports/Updates:
Monarch Tagging — Tom et al — Tom advised that a total of 456 monarchs were
tagged during this year's tagging program. Migration continued into October,
probably due to the warm weather. We are pleased with the overall number
given that we were unable to hold this event in the same manner as we have
done pre Covid.
Butternut Tree Planting — Ken advised that there were no developments to this
South Lookout — The tender has closed and bids are being reviewed. It is
unclear if the project will be undertaken this fall. If not, it will be given high
priority for an early start in the spring.
Storm Drainage pond — status report - Ken . No new developments to report.
The matter is now being addressed with the developer by representatives of
the municipality.
Ash Tree Removal — Ken advised that some removal in the Lion's Memorial
Forest is likely to be undertaken later this fall after freeze up
Fall mowing of wildflower areas: after some discussion, it was agreed that
mowing of the area along the waterfront in the Port would be done after freeze
up. The new wildflower meadow on the Cobbledick side will be undertaken in
the spring. Tom has reviewed information from the organization who provided
the seed to us and this is the preferred course of action.
Fall Cleanup November 6th — Leo - It was agreed that teams will participate on
both the Toronto Street and Cobbledick sides of the SWNA. The Cobblestone
beach on the Toronto Street side and the beach beneath the bluffs on the
Cobbledick side were mentioned as areas which should be covered. Ken will
provide bags and gloves. Kate will prepare a flyer for placement and distribution
in social media. Most members of the committee appear to be available to
assist. Further communications will take place via email since this event will
take place prior to our next meeting.
Ken may be able to provide contact information for a local fishing group that
could be approached about assisting with cleanup along the actual banks of the
creek which are difficult to access without waders etc. The Ontario Federation
of Anglers and Hunters may be another possibility. Kate has a contact with
Membership — Brian advised that we will have three vacancies by the end of
December when Carrie -Anne Atkins' resignation takes effect. Ken has spoken
with the Clerk's office. An advertisement will be placed in the local paper
shortly. We are also able as a committee to "advertise "that we are looking for
members through our own channels. However, anyone interested must apply
online to the municipality. Discussion took place concerning the possibility of
input into the selection process. Councillor Traill will investigate tis on our
behalf. It was noted that our committee us a very active one, with physical
activity often involved. Persons with the appropriate academic backgrounds
and/or experience with environmental/nature matters would be ideal.
Discussion also took place about when and how many persons should be added
to the committee at one time. No decision was reached but we do appear to
have the authority to bring new members on board individually or all at once.
Councillor Traill will also investigate this matter on our behalf.
Other Business: Leo advised that he still has large quantities of wildflowers seed
packages available. He has been working with some school teachers who will be
making " seed bombs " during the winter for placement in the meadow garden
next spring. He asked anyone who knows of others who might be interested in
doing something similar to contact him.
Councillor Traill raised the following issue for input. There is an undeveloped
area at the extreme west end of the Wilmot Creek Retirement Community.
Some residents consider it unsightly and have asked if the area can be mowed
by the municipality, or alternatively if a strip of it along the outer edge could be
removed. The area in question is not within the confines of the SWNA but it is
valuable monarch habitat. The general consensus of the committee is that as
much of this habitat as possible should be preserved. Brian noted that many
municipalities across Canada are working with private sector partners and other
organizations to preserve habitat in marginal areas such as this and that some
are even incorporating requirements into their planning and development
documents requiring such.
On a different matter, Councillor Traill was asked if a decision has been made
concerning the plowing of SWNA trails this winter. Discussion has taken place
and costing prepared but no decision has been made at this point.
Round Table:
Kate — the family's new puppy s has given a Pawsitive endorsement to the
nature area! Kate noted that water levels appear to have risen recently with the
heavy rainfall we have received.
Megan — noticed lots of fishing line and related paraphernalia on the
cobblestone beach. She also advised that when she received and reviewed a
recent edition of discover Clarington, various park areas etc. were listed with
locations marked, but SWNA was not even mentioned! Councillor Traill will look
into this oversight.
Tom — frequently takes his young family to the SWNA and they are very happy
to be helping with cleanup etc. He noted that he had observed snakes and
salamanders still out and about recently. Another friend of the Nature Area had
sent photos of a barred owl to him..
Rod — noted how fortunate we are to have this little " gem " right in our own
backyard. Rod asked Ken about garbage pickup during the winter months. Ken
responded that some barrels would likely be removed since they could not be
accessed by municipal vehicles during the winter.
Brian — happy to see how many people are using the nature area on a regular
basis and noted that there is so much variety of things to see
Leo - echoed those sentiments about how enjoyable it is to have this area
available to the community but also noted that SWNA still seems to be a well
kept secret
Next Meeting: November 9t", 7:00 p.m.
Adjournment: moved by Leo Blindenbach, seconded by Kate Potter that the
meeting be adjourned. Carried.