HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-053-21Clarington Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Joint Committees Date of Meeting: October 25, 2021 Report Number: PDS-053-21 Submitted By: Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services File Number: S-C-2021-0004 and ZBA2021-0014 Resolution#: JC-038-21 Report Subject: Applications by Beach Road Villas Inc., Golf Vista Homes Corporation and Panterra Inc. for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 131 residential units in Newcastle Purpose of Report: The purpose of this report is to provide information to the public and Council. It does not constitute, imply or request any degree of approval. Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-053-21 be received for information only; 2. That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law applications; and 3. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-053-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 Report Overview Page 2 The Municipality is seeking the public's input on applications for a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Beach Road Villas Inc., Golf Vista Homes Corporation and Panterra Inc. to permit 131 residential units consisting of 57 single detached dwellings, 48 semi-detached dwellings and 26 townhouse dwellings. The subdivision would include new local roads and be accessed from North Street, Newcastle. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner/Applicant 1.2 Proposal: 1.3 Area: 1.4 Location: 1.5 Roll Number 1.6 Within Built Boundary: 2. Background Beach Road Villas Inc., Golf Vista Homes Corporation Incoporated Draft Plan of Subdivision The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision would permit 131 residential units consisting of 57 single detached dwellings, 48 semi-detached dwellings and 26 townhouse dwellings. The subdivision would be accessed from a new local road from North Street. Zoning By-law Amendment To rezone the lands from "Agricultural Exception (A-1)", "Agricultural Exception (A-60)", and "Environmental Protection (EP)" to appropriate zones that would permit single detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwelling units with the proposed lot sizes and provisions. 11.17 hectares (27.6 acres) North Street, Newcastle Village 181703013011300 Yes 2.1 On July 12, 2021, the Beach Road Villas Inc., Golf Vista Homes Corporation and Panterra Inc. submitted applications for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment for lands at 668A, 668B, 694 and 704 North Street as seen on Figure 1. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 '- • �__ *- R. - Liiwl V ff l $: r� 1. Subject Property Page 3 Figure 1: Lands subject to Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning Applications. Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-053-21 2.2 The proposal is for a total of 131 residential units comprising 57 single detached dwellings on a minimum 11.6 m frontages; 48 semi-detached units on 15.0 m frontages, each unit would have a 7.5 m minimum frontage; and 26 street townhouse units with a minimum 6.0 m frontage. The plan of subdivision proposes a single access point to the development connecting to North Street. The proposal also includes 5.31 hectares of Open Space or Environmentally Protected Area. t- -,21 x f `' 46 45 44 4320 42 41 4p 39 38 37 36 48 l y 17 A 30 - 31 32 33 34 35 49 6 29 50 is 28 25 29 23 7 SI 19 27 52 6 13 3 l2 ..,.'jd 54 ll 5556 SSo Unils IO j: s] 9 � e 8 p 7 LO I9QI r �n Open Space 61 41 4�UI 5 9 3 2 11 62 63 C Additional Lands 6 65 66 67 r Owned by Applicant 7 7s 79 BP ei 76 75 -Y F � I: 70 71 Jim �d Single Detached Dwellings 0 Semi-detached Dwellings 0 Street Townhouses .. - f 0 Roadways g 9 Figure 2: Proposed Plan of Subdivision. 2.3 A portion of the subject lands are traversed by the Foster Creek and its associated valley system which makes up part of Natural Heritage System. These lands have been included in the proposed Open Space block. The lands west of the Foster Creek and its associated valley are beyond the Newcastle Village Urban Area boundary and are identified as Additional Lands Owned by Applicant on Figure 2. The development has limited frontage on North Street and is directly behind ten existing residential properties Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 Page 5 fronting on North Street and Regional Road 17, as the road name changes in this general vicinity. 2.4 The lands are within the North Newcastle Neighbourhood. In 2012, a Neighbourhood Design Plan was approved, based on the previous policies of the Clarington Official Plan for the southern two thirds of the neighbourhood between North Street and Arthur Street. This area is depicted in blue on Figure 3 below. Figure 3: North Newcastle Village Secondary Plan Area Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report PDS-053-21 2.5 Based on a request from a Landowners Group, Council authorized staff to commence a Secondary Plan process for the remainder of the lands south of Concession Road 3. In 2019, a Public Meeting was held for a Secondary Plan area as shown in red on the same figure. The subject lands are part of the additional study area shown in yellow, that are being considered as part of the Secondary Plan process. A key component of the North Newcastle Secondary Plan is the alignment for the intersection of North Street /Regional Road 17 with Concession Road 3. The Environmental Assessment is currently underway as part of the Secondary Planning process. 2.6 The applicant has submitted following reports and studies in support of the applications: • Planning Justification Report • Functional Servicing Report • Storm Water Management Report • Noise Study • Site Screening Questionnaire • Environmental Impact Study • Energy Conservation and Sustainability Plan • Archaeological Assessment 2.7 These have been circulated to the appropriate review agencies and/or departments and will be discussed in a subsequent report. 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 Foster Creek and associated valley bisects the subject lands. The lands to the west of the Foster Creek generally drain easterly towards the creek, while the lands east of the creek slope westerly, draining away from North Street and towards the creek. The area proposed for residential development currently includes three existing residences and the balance is being used for agricultural crops. The lands have limited frontage on North Street. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Docville and existing residential dwellings on private services South - Existing residential dwellings on private services, CP Rail line and the Foster Creek Neighbourhood East - North Street and two Draft Approved Plans of Subdivision by Brookfield Homes and DG Group West - Highway 35/115, agricultural land and rural residential on Bellwood Drive Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 4. Provincial Policy Provincial Policy Statement Page 7 4.1 The Provincial Policy Statement identifies settlement areas as the focus of growth. Land use patterns shall be based on densities and a mix of land uses that efficiently use land, resources and infrastructure. 4.2 Opportunities for redevelopment and intensification are to be promoted where it can be accommodated. Municipalities must provide a variety of housing types and densities, efficiently utilizing existing infrastructure and public transit facilities. Provincial Growth Plan 4.3 The proposed development is within the defined Built Boundary and within the Newcastle Village Urban Boundary. 4.4 Growth is to be accommodated in the built up areas through intensification and efficient use of existing services and infrastructure. A minimum of 40 percent of all residential development occurring annually within each upper tier municipality will be within the built up area. 4.5 The development of complete communities is encouraged by promoting a diverse mix of land uses, a mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open space and easy access to local stores and services. 5. Official Plans Durham Regional Official Plan 5.1 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands Living Areas. Living Areas permit the development of communities incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socio-economic factors. 5.2 Living Areas shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas. 5.3 The Region of Durham Official Plan identifies Key Natural Heritage and Hydrologic Features to the west of the subject lands. Development or site alteration is not permitted in Key Natural Heritage and Hydrologic Features, including any associated vegetation protection zone, as determined through an Environmental Impact Study. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 Clarington Official Plan Page 8 5.4 The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject property between North Street and the west side of the Foster Creek as "Urban Residential" and "Environmental Protection Area". The lands west of the Foster Creek valley are outside of the Newcastle Urban Area and designated "Prime Agricultural Area". 5.5 The "Environmental Protection Area" designation recognizes the most significant components of the Municipality's natural environment. As such, these areas and their ecological functions are to be preserved and protected from the effects of human activity. Development proposals adjacent to natural heritage features require an Environmental Impact Study to be submitted to detail the limits of the feature and its buffer. 5.6 The primary land use in the "Urban Residential" designation is for housing with a minimum density of 16 units per net hactare and a maximum of three storeys. 5.7 North Street and Regional Road 17 in front of this property are designated a Type B Arterial Road, with specific policies regarding right-of-way widths, and intersection spacing. 5.8 The Clarington Trails Schedule (Map K) identifies a potential Regional Trail following the Foster Creek valley from the CP rail line in the south northerly to Highway 407. 6. Zoning By-law 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands "Agricultural Exception (A-1)", Agricultural Exception (A-60)" as well as "Environmental Protection (EP)." The proposed development is not permitted based on the existing zoning and the EP zone does not reflect the extent of the natural heritage features as identified in the Provincial, Regional, or Clarington policies. A rezoning is required to permit the proposed uses. 7. Public Notice and Submissions 7.1 Public notice was mailed to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject lands on September 24, 2021 and a Public Meeting Sign installed fronting onto North Street on September 29, 2021. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Applicant Beach Road Villas Inc., Golf Vista Homes Corporation and Panterra Inc. Site Location 684, 688, 694 and 704 North Street in Newcastle 0 Proposal: A plan of subdivision with a total of 131 residential units consisting of 57 single detached dwelling units, 48 semi-detached dwelling units and 26 townhouse dwelling units. The subdivision includes a number of new focal roads and open space blocks, Files! Zoning Bylaw Amendment ZOA2021-0014 & Subdivision S-C-2021- 0004 fr 26 Townhouse Dwelling Units 48 Semi-detached Dwelling Units 57 Single Detached units lifti, NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Ou• praedures Fave changed as we�ntinue }o atlapt to thenitin09pa I di i�,As man dated by Public HeallM1,q In pdyslcxl distancing t meetingwillrake place In a naelectronlctnrmak using an eIll ne device or relepM1one. If you x6.sh m speak a1 the public meetng, ➢lease pae- mgisterand ypu vAlf lIe pmvlded with iud " instmctb— Yw Wn pr�r¢ai5tta by mmplet"i, the na form at rryyw.pla_ngptoo naHtleleoa1W - e1 conmct the Clerk's Oeparlmenl et sm 6233379 ek[ 2109 or ee rks@cla� by Fri October. 22 2021 at 3. 30 p. m 111.1—your writtenw inen. to th. watt... by her 1p 4o rempi..n. street. BowmenNlte, ON, L1C 3AG py FIND OUT MORE Contact the Planner Brandon Weiler Planning Services Department 4 905-623-3379 ext.2424 II! bweiler@clarington.net (� www.clarington-net Page 9 Figure 4: Public meeting sign posted on subject lands fronting onto North Street. 7.2 Staff received comments from the landowner to the south who owns 686 North Street regarding an existing access easement over a portion of 684 North Street. The proposed draft plan does not maintain that easement or allow for access to the property. This is discussed further in Section 11 of this report. 7.3 No other comments were received at the time of the finalization of this staff report. 8. Agency Comments Regional Municipality of Durham 8.1 Comments from Durham Region Planning and Works Departments have not been received at the time of finalizing this report but will be included in a subsequent report. 8.2 Durham Region Transit indicated they had no comments regarding the applications. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Page 10 8.3 Comments from the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority have not been received at the time of finalizing this report but will be included in a subsequent report. Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board 8.4 Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board have no objections to the applications but have indicated that students being generated from this subdivision may be required to attend a holding school as Newcastle Public School is currently experiencing accommodation preasures. Ministry of Transportation 8.5 Comments from the Ministry of Transporation have not been received at the time of finalizing this report but will be included in a subsequent report. � 11 17-M 8.6 Enbridge, the French School Board, and Canada Post have no concerns with the applications. 9. Departmental Comments Public Works Department 9.1 The Public Works Department has no objections, in principle, to the applications. 9.2 Public Works has identified a number of concerns that the applicant must address including road widths and turning circles where roads end, on -street parking requirements, grading issues and stormwater management issues including directing water to a stormwater pond that will be external to the site. Emergency and Fire Services 9.3 Emergency and Fire Services recommend a second access to the development from North Street/Regional Road 17. 10. Discussion 10.1 The North Newcastle Secondary Plan process is currently underway for the lands to the lands east and north of the subject lands. The development of the subject lands are not dependant on the study being completed, but the subject plan must allow for integration options and flexibility with the future development on the east side of North Street. Staff Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 Page 11 required the applicant to submit a block plan showing how the plan and remnant blocks of the Secondary Plan boundary can integrate with the surrounding lands in the future (See Figure 5). The Block Plan in blue, shows how the surrounding lands could redevelop over time and compliment the draft approved subdivisions on the east side of North Street. N � 1 r i' NORTH VILLAGE SECONDARY PLAN AREA I i i �� I� 11111\� �11111®1111= 11111 111'11 ;_ =n IIIIIIIIIIIIIgIII= �_ =_ 111111111� _��=11111111111111� __ �. �IIIIIIIIIIIII� 1111N1 INI1� � 11NNNH =■I� =:1-� 111111111111111■11111111� '�, � �:�k = 11111111111111 111111111� = �� ; ■�■r :=IIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111./ NJNHWI �IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII ' - PitOPO:ED SW POND Draft Approved . i SWM Pond AN � pAc/FrC-LWAI y _ _1 Block Plan Study Area _ _- Figure 5: Block Master Plan submitted by the Applicant. Municipality of Clarington Page 12 Report PDS-053-21 10.2 The applicant has proposed a future stormwater pond on lands to the south abutting the CP Rail corridor. These lands are external to the draft plan and not owned by the applicant. During detailed design for the draft approved subdivision on the east side of North Street it became apparent that the proposed stormwater pond location may not be feasible due to existing soil conditions. As such the Owner/Applicant is suggesting that the stormwater pond on the west side could serve the proposed draft plan on the subject lands and the previously draft approved plan on the east side. The background work for the stormwater pond alternative, including pond design for the west side of North Street, are still in the early stages of discussion and review with the applicants and the land owners on the east side of North Street. The proposed development will need to consider the final stormwater pond solution once determined. 10.3 The applications propose to develop an area between North Street and the Foster Creek valley. As part of the proposal, studies and reports were submitted to support re -aligning the regulatory flood -line through a proposed cut and fill program while maintaining and protecting the natural heritage features. The applicants have submitted an Environmental Impact Study and Functional Servicing Report that staff and conservation authority staff are currently reviewing. The results of these studies will determine what changes to the existing grade and impacts to the flood plain could occur which may impact the lot and street design on the west side. 10.4 686 North Street has an access easement over a portion of the subject lands at 684 North Street. The access easement is along the south property limits of 684 North Street, where the existing driveway is located to provide access to North Street. The applicant recognized the existing easement in their application but the proposed plan does not indicate the existing easement or provide for an alternative access to the lands. The applicant will be required to revise the plan to either maintain the existing access easement to 686 North Street or propose an alternative solution. 10.5 The proposed subdivision has a single access to North Street. This is not ideal, and generally not supported from a site circulation, maintenance and safety prespective. In instances where multiple accesses are not possible the number of units may be limited. The applicant will be required to work with staff and the Region to explore alternative access points. 10.6 The purpose of the Public Meeting is to provide an opportunity for further public input. These public comments will be compiled, discussed with the applicant and addressed in a subsequent staff recommendation report. 11. Concurrence Not Applicable. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-053-21 12. Conclusion Page 13 12.1 The purpose of this report is to provide background information on the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Beach Road Villas Inc., Golf Vista Homes Corporation and Panterra Inc. for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act. Staff will continue processing the applications including the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all agency and department comments and the resolution of identified issues. Staff Contact: Brandon Weiler, Planner, (905) 623-3379 ext. 2424 or bweiler@clarington.net. Attachments: Not Applicable List of Interested Parties available from Department.