HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-14Newcastle BIA MINUTES October 14, 2021 www. vi l lao,eof n ewcastle. ca Attendance: Janeen Calder, Tracey Yates, Marni Lewis, Jane Black, Councillor Marg Zwart, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Valentine Lovekin Regrets: Greg Lewis, Adam Jeronimo, Helen Vatandoust, Granville Anderson 1. Meeting called to order at 9:OOa.m. 2. Approval of August Minutes Motion by: Theresa Vanhaverbeke Seconded by: Tracey Yates 3. Business Arising from Minutes: We decided against getting a BIA visa from the Municipality. Marni has paid for the annual web hosting renewal and was reimbursed for it. 4. President's Report - Does the BIA need a vaccine policy? It was agreed that the BIA will follow all mandated guidelines and standards set out by the Provincial and Regional Health Departments. 5. Treasurer's Report: The current bank balance is $72,930.39. When budgeting for 2022 we will set aside money for BIA promotion. 6. Council Report: There is an item in the Municipality's 2022 budget for Newcastle's Street scape Plan. 2 trees were planted/replaced in the downtown core The accessible parking spot will be in front of the Cenotaph for 2022. 7. Committee Reports: Safetv Et Decor: The Veterans banner were installed and were a different size than our Village of Newcastle banners so it took a little longer to install. Advertising: Top Instagram posts: Newcastle Home Decor repost Thanksgiving Newcastle Physio repost We Made it repost Good Morning Newcastle Sunrise Baked at Sift Top Facebook posts: Happy Thanksgiving Farmers Market post Go Train repost Blush Bridal repost Newcastle Dairy closing Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting - Council voted down the financial support for the lighting. They did confirm they would maintain the lights once hung. A motion to spend $6500.00 to purchase the lights from the Christmas Decor company that quoted them through the MOC. Motioned by: Theresa Vanhaverbeke Seconded by: Tracey Yates Janeen will reach out to set up a time to get the lights installed. b) Breakfast with Santa- not going ahead. c) Santa Parade - the committee would like to bring Santa and his sleigh to the Town Hall lighting to set up in the patio for families to walk by and see him. Just waiting for confirmation from the Hall Board. d) Harvest Festival - n/a e) Newcastle Story Walk - The Library has coordinated this family activity promoting reading and physical activity in the BIA. We have 16 businesses participating. The Virtual Mayor's event is October 21 at 8:30am We are planning an in person Christmas Party, stay tuned for details. Rapid Testing kits are still available for businesses with less that 150 employees, please go to cbot.ca/rapidscreenina- for more information. 9. Chamber News: n/a 10. CIP: n/a 11. New Business: The BIA is selling the light pole Christmas wreaths for $25. They will be available to members first and then to the general public. Marni and Jane will coordinate. 12. Next meeting, Thursday, November 11 th, 9:OOam C Town Hall 13. Motion to adjourn meeting by Janeen Calder seconded by Marni Lewis